


一.    用适当的介词填空。

1.    I usually go to school _____at_____seven o’clock _____in_____ the morning.

2.    Tom always watches TV ___at_______ night.

3.    Look! Some birds are ___in_______ that tall tree.

4.    Where are the apples? – They are _____on_____ the apple trees.

5.    My cat is _____under_____ the chair. (…...下面)

6.    Some milk is ___in_______ that bowl.

7.    --Where is my dog?    -- Your dog is ____in__the garden.

8.    --Where are the cigarettes?  -- They are _____in____ the case.

9.    --What’s the time?   -- It’s half ___past_______ seven.

10.  – What’s the time ?   --It’s two ___to_______ two. (未到)

二. 用适当的冠词填空

1. I have _____a_____ book.   ____The______ book is old.

2. He has ____an______ old bag. ____The______ bag is very old.

3. Look! __The________ sun is in the sky.

4. --Give me ___the_______ key.     – Here you are.

5. This is ___an_______ egg. It is ____a______ big egg.


1. This is a book.  (改成复数形式)

   These are books.

2. Those are oranges. (改成单数形式)

   That is an orange.

3. I am a small boy. (改成否定句)

   I am not a small boy.

4. He doesn’t like apples. (改成肯定句)

   He likes apples.

5. These are English books. (改成否定句)

   These are not English books.

6. They usually go to school at seven o’clock. (改成单数形式)

   He usually goes to school at seven o'clock.

7. They are workers. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

   Are they workers? Yes, they are.

8. My mother usually washes clothes in the afternoon. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

   Does your mother usually wash clothes in the afternoon?

   Yes, she does.

9. The pupils are in the classroom.  (就划线部分提问)

   Where are the pupils?

10. He is a worker.  (就划线部分提问)

   What is he?

11. She is my sister. (就划线部分提问)

    Who is she?

12. I like the red apple. (就划线部分提问)

    Which apple do you like?

13. It is eight thirty five.   (就划线部分提问)

    What time is it?

14. He is ten years old (就划线部分提问)

    How old is he?

15. I am twelve (就划线部分提问)

    How old are you?

16. I am fine. (就划线部分提问)

    How are you?

17. This dog is white. (就划线部分提问

    What color is this dog?

18. She wants a big ball. (改成复数形式)

    They want big balls.

19. I don’t like ice-cream. (改成肯定句)

    I like ice-cream.

20. My teacher is Miss Gao. (就划线部分提问)

    Who is your teacher?

21. Bob likes butter very much. (就划线部分提问)

    What does Bob like very much.

22. Betty wants some bread.  (改成否定句)

    Betty does not want any bread.

23. He is old . (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

    Is he old?  Yes, he is.

24. My aunt reads newspapers every day.  (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

    Does your aunt read newspapers every day?

    No, she does not.

25. These are bananas . (就划线部分提问)

    What are these?

26. He is Ming-Ming  (就划线部分提问)

    Who is he?

27. My uncle is a farmer. (就划线部分提问)

    What is your uncle?

28. It is a kite.  (改成复数形式)

    They are kites.

29. My brother wants the big dog. (就划线部分提问)

    Which dog does your brother want?

30. I usually have lunch at twelve . (就划线部分提问)

    What time do you usually have lunch?

31. Tom usually plays football on the playground. (就划线部分提问)

    What does Tom usually do on the playground?

32. Kitty always has an egg for breakfast.  (就划线部分提问)

     What does Kitty always have for breakfast?

33. He has a nice watch.  (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

    Does he have a nice watch?  No, he does not.

34. Jim sometimes has cakes for supper. (就划线部分提问)

    What does Jim sometimes have for supper?

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