

硅谷最新科技快讯 Oct.24


Pinterest is announcing its spin on the increasingly popular stories format today — Story Pins, which combine multiple pages of images, videos, voiceover and overlaid text. For one thing, he noted that they’re not ephemeral, meaning that they don’t disappear after a set period of time, and can still be surfaced via search or other discovery mechanisms.

In addition, the main interaction with a Story Pin is to save it for, rather than a simple like button.


There’s still no clear path back to any sense of ‘business-as-usual’ as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, but United Airlines  is embarking on a new pilot project to see if easy access to COVID-19 testing immediately prior to a flight can help ease freedom of mobility.


Switzerland-based machine learning code review startup DeepCode has been acquired by Snyk, a post-unicorn valuation cybersecurity startup which is focused on helping developers secure their code. The AI startup’s decisive advantage is that it has developed the first AI system that can learn from billions of program codes quickly, enabling AI- based detection of security and reliability code issues”. They combine data- driven machine learning methods with semantic static code analysis methods based on symbolic reasoning.


Zoom’s earliest investors are betting millions on a better Zoom for schools.

5、特斯拉首席执行官Elon Musk透露了Model S Plaid,这是该公司旗舰轿车的最新款,具有令人赞叹的性能和续航里程,包括一次充电即可行驶至少520英里。

Tesla  CEO Elon Musk revealed Tuesday the Model S Plaid, the newest variant to the company’s flagship sedan that boasts some eye-popping performance and range claims, including the ability to travel at least 520 miles on a single charge.


Google  today announced an update to Google Maps that will bring a new COVID-19 layer to the service to help you better understand the number of cases in a given area. 


Over the last four months, the Air Force named more than 50 different vendors that would work on developing the system, the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). The goal of ABMS is to enable the Air Force and Space Force to operate together – connecting sensors, decision makers and weapons through a secure data network enabling rapid decision making and all-domain command and control.

8、欧盟将对撤销苹果在爱尔兰的$ 15B State Aid税收法案的决定提出上诉。这是在全球经济因冠状病毒大流行而收缩的时候,病毒大流行对欧洲国家造成了特别严重的打击,而且一些国家和欧盟一直在努力向因休假计划而失业的个人和企业提供公共援助。

European Commission to appeal decision that reversed Apple’s $15B State Aid tax bill in Ireland. It comes at a time when global economies are contracting due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has hit European countries especially hard, and countries and the EU have been scrambling to provide public assistance to individuals and businesses who have been put out of work through furlough schemes and other efforts. In that context, collecting tax revenues and ensuring fair competition take on particularly acute profiles.

9、许多顶级App制造商联合起来,反对苹果对App Store以及Google对Play Store的控制,这是近几个月以来一直持续的话题。

A number of top app makers have banded together to fight against Apple’s  control of its App Store and, to a lesser extent, Google’s control of the Play Store — a topic of increased regulatory scrutiny in recent months. 


In June, Twitter introduced a test feature on Android to promote “informed discussion” on the platform. The experimental prompt appeared for users who went to retweet an article they hadn’t clicked to open, and suggested they read before they retweet.

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