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原文标题:Intel and Qualcomm are steadily gearing up for 5G

We're still years away from a finalized 5G standard, and it'll be even longer before we get compatible devices in our hands, but we're seeing plenty of companies readying themselves for speedier networks. In particular, Qualcomm and Intel are hoping to play essential roles in the 5G ecosystem, which is poised to be at least ten times faster than existing networks and offer features like near-instant latency. While 5G started to seem more real at last year's show, now the companies are focused on refining their new hardware to be ready for the rollout of new networks in a few years.


Intel already debuted a 5G modem at CES, after making it clear last year that it was betting big on the standard. At MWC, Intel is unveiling its first gigabit LTE modem -- the XMM 7560 -- which will go head-to-head with Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X20 modem. Both devices will take advantage of upcoming LTE network upgrades ahead of full-fledged 5G rollouts. The XMM 7560 is Intel's first modem built on its 14nm process, and it supports upload speeds up to 225Mbps. It makes sense to invest in improving existing standards support, since LTE won't be going anywhere for a while. Carriers could conceivably light up 5G capabilities around their evolving LTE setups, instead of replacing them outright.

英特尔已经在CES上推出了一个5G调制解调器,它去年曾经明确表示在标准上投注很大。在MWC上,英特尔会发布第一个千兆LTE调制解调器——XMM 7560,它将与高通新的Snapdragon X20调制解调器展开白刃战。在完全成熟的5G部署之前,这两个设备将利用即将到来的LTE网络升级。XMM 7560是英特尔第一款基于14nm处理器的调制解调器,它能够支持最高225Mbps的上传速度。 投资改善对现有标准的支持是有意义的,因为LTE不会驻足不前。运营商非常清楚,围绕演进的LTE逐渐点亮5G功能,而不是直接替换掉它们。

Additionally, Intel also announced its third-generation 5G trial platform, which lets carriers and other companies test out an end-to-end 5G network with speeds up to 10Gbps. It's not the sort of thing that a consumer will ever see, but it's helpful for carriers to test out new network technology in controlled environments. Intel says the new trial platform will be available in the second half of this year, and it'll compatible with the 3GPP NR specification (which will be the driving force behind 5G) by the fourth quarter.

此外,英特尔还宣布推出第三代5G试用平台,使运营商和其他公司能够测试速度高达10Gbps的端到端5G网络。 这不是消费者能够看到的那种东西,但它有助于运营商在控制环境中测试新的网络技术。英特尔表示,新的试用平台将于今年下半年推出,并将在第四季度与3GPP NR规格(这将成为5G的推动力)兼容。

Qualcomm, meanwhile, is touting its first 3GPP NR connection with its prototype hardware (above). The company currently has its prototype working between 3.3GHz and 5GHz frequencies, which is meant to show off the possibilities of sub-6GHz 5G capabilities (basically, much faster speeds and lower latency than 4G). Qualcomm says it'll be closely tracking the 3GPP's evolving specification over the next year, which will be key to being ready for the finalized 5G standard. Again, that's not relevant to consumers today, but it's going to be a useful tool for testing the upcoming specification.

与此同时,高通正在用其原型硬件(上图)来传送其第一个3GPP NR连接。该公司目前的原型机在3.3GHz和5GHz频率之间工作,这意味着展示亚6GHz的5G能力的可能性(基本上,速度更快,延迟低于4G)。高通表示,它将密切跟踪3GPP未来一年的演进规范,这也是最终完成5G标准的关键。再次强调一下,以上与今天的消费者并不相关,但它将成为一个有用的工具,用于测试即将到来的规范。

There's no doubt that Intel, Qualcomm and practically every other company with a toe in the world of networking will start hyping up 5G soon. What's more important is recognizing which companies are actually helping to make the dream of 5G a reality.





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