








Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been the director of a school and a camp before she retired, but she needed to keep busy. She was even willing to work without pay. That was the reason she found a volunteer job with an agency. The agency that she chose to work for was a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she talked with other retired people like herself. By talking, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not being used. Old people also had problems——mostly problems with communication.

Mrs. Douglas found a new purpose for herself. Through the years, from time to time she had written stories about people for national magazines. Now there was a new subject: old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus,” which focused on getting old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being misunderstood.
Anna Douglas uses her thinking ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands the reasons why problems begin. She understands old people and young people, too. For example, one of her readers said that his grandchildren left the house as soon as he came to visit. Mrs. Douglas suggested some ways for him to increase understanding with his grandchildren. She told him to listen to young peoples music and to watch the most popular television shows.
“It’s important to know something about your grandchildren’s world,” says Mrs.
Douglas. “That means questioning and listening——and listening is not what old sters do best,” she continues, “Say good things to them and about them. Never criticize your grandchildren or any other youngsters, teenagers, or young adults.
Never tell them that they are wrong. Don’t give them your opinion. They have been taught that they should have respect for old people. The old should have respect for the young as well.”

1. Anna Douglas understands the problems of old people ____.

A. because she likes their music

B. because she has grandchildren

C. because she watches their television programs

D. because she is old herself

2. Anna Douglas’ newspaper column____.

A. is about how to find jobs for old people

B. spreads ideas for youngsters

C. discusses the problems of old people

D. contains mostly funny stories

3. What advice did Mrs. Douglas NOT give to the reader whose grandchildren didnt want to see him?

A. Listen to popular music.

B. Tell more interesting stories.

C. Try to understand the grandchildren.

D. Watch more popular TV shows.

4. The main point of Mrs. Douglas’ advice is____.

A. old people should understand and respect the young

B. old people have a lot to learn from the young

C. poor hearing often causes old people to misunderstand the young

D. old people should show respect for the young even when they criticize them



Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep 1 .She was even willing to work without pay.She then offered her 2 with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people.Every day she 3 other old folks like her.By talking with them,she 4 two things.Old people had abilities that were not 5 . But old people also had some 6 .She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she 7 to write stories about people for national magazines.There was now a new 8 : Old people like herself.She began to write a newspaper column called“Sixty Plus”, which was about 9 old .She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being 10 .

Anna Douglas uses her 11 ability to see the truth behind a problem.She understands 12 problems begin.For example,one of her 13 said that his grandchildren 14 the houses as soon as he came to visit.Mrs Douglas 15 some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know 16 about your grandchildren's world,”says Mrs Douglas.“That means questioning and listening,and 17 is not what old people do best.Say good things to them and about them,”she continues.“Never try to 18 your grandchildren or other young people.Never 19 your opinion.Don't tell them what they should do. 20 ,they have been taught they should have respect for old people.The old should respect them as well.”

1.A.free B.rich C.powerful D.busy

2.A.service B.money C.students D.books

3.A.observed B.met C.comforted D.answered

4.A.recognized B.followed C.enjoyed D.demanded

5.A.studied B.agreed C.gave D.used

6.A.mistakes B.problems C.questions D.characters

7.A.had B.ought C.was D.used

8.A.subject B.life C.way D.plan

9.A.getting B.respecting C.employing D.supporting

10.A.unknown B.refused C.misunderstood D.discouraged

11.A.thinking B.working C.writing D.leading

12.A.that B.when C.why D.whether

13.A.visitors B.readers C.listeners D.friends

14.A.got B.entered C.left D.passed

15.A.invented B.chose C.suggested D.imagined

16.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

17.A.listening B.speaking C.pleasing D.advising

18.A.praise B.scold C.trouble D.encourage

19.A.speak out B.give up C.get back D.stick to

20.A.Commonly B.Surprisingly C.Happily D.Naturally


Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard (无意中听到) our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”

21. From the passage, we understand that ____________.

A. the author did not understand the importance of giving until he was in late thirties

B. the author was like most people who were mostly receivers rather than givers

C. the author received the same education as most people during his childhood

D. the author liked most people as they looked upon life as a process of getting

22. According to the author,______________.

A. giving means you will have less money

B. the excitement of giving can bring you money

C. you don’t have to be rich in order to give

D. when you give away money, you will be rich

23. The author would make the suggestion to the storekeeper ______________.

A. in writing B. in person

C. in the window display D. about the neighborhood

24. When the author needed a post-office box, _______________.

A. he had to put his name on a waiting list

B. he wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation

C. many people had applied for post-office boxes before him

D. he asked the postmaster to make one for him

25. In reply to the postmaster’s question, the author said _____________.

A. it was the special delivery

B. it was the post-office box

C. it was the note of appreciation he wrote

D. it was he who wrote him a letter a year ago

Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting.It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important ___61___: giving-away makes life so much more exciting.You need not worry if you ___62___ money.

This is how I ___63___ with giving-away.If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store ___64___ to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the ___65___.If an accident takes place, the ___66___ of which I think the local police could use, I ___67___ him up and tell him about it, though I am not in ___68___ here.One discovery I made about this world is to give ___69___ getting something back, though the ___70___ often comes in an unexpected form.

One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important ___71___ letter to my home, though it was ___72___ to me at my office.I wrote the postmaster a note of ___73___.More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was ___74___.I was told at the window that there were ___75___ boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long ___76___ list.As I was about to ___77___, the postmaster appeared in the ___78___.“Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said it was.“Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office ___79___ we make one for you.You don’t know what a letter like that means to us.We usually get ___80___ but complaints.”

61.A.decision B.research C.speech D.discovery

62.A.earn B.lack C.spend D.steal

63.A.experienced B.connected C.combined D.agreed

64.A.happens B.flashes C.sticks D.leads

65.A.postmaster B.headmaster C.storekeeper D.policeman

66.A.story B.damage C.challenge D.material

67.A.call B.hold C.break D.pick

68.A.need B.trouble C.common D.charge

69.A.within B.without C.for D.before

70.A.process B.goal C.return D.concern

71.A.curious B.immediate C.special D.heavy

72.A.realized B.addressed C.forgotten D.brought

73.A.invitation B.apology C.instruction D.appreciation

74.A.dealing B.providing C.operating D.starting

75.A.enough B.some C.no D.more

76.A.admitting B.relating C.examining D.waiting

77.A.leave B.shout C.guess D.conduct

78.A.window B.doorway C.library D.yard

79.A.incase B.now that C.even if D.as if

80.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

答案:61---65 DBABC 66---70 AADBC 71---75 CBDDC 76---80 DABCC



By the time she got the box open, Nancy was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. Eagerly she removed the cotton surrounding the small object inside the box, and held it up to the light. It glittered and sparkled (闪闪发光)—made alive by the bright sunlight pouring through the window.

  Nancy turned the object slowly in her hands, first this way and then that way. It continued to sparkle and shine as if it had a light of its own. She cried out in delight. Her diamond engagement ring had been found and returned to her, just as the woman on the phone had promised.

  For two weeks, Nancy almost collapsed after losing the ring on the subway. She had placed ads in the newspapers and on the radio, offering a reward for the return of the ring. And, she had almost given up hope when the phone call came.

  A kind, elderly female voice informed her that she had found the ring between seat cushions (坐垫). She had called, she said, to make sure of the exact address and had promised to return the ring by insured mail the next day. And then she had added sweetly: “There's no need to send a reward either. I lost my engagement ring once when I was young, and some kind, unknown person returned it to me the next day. I feel I'm only paying back an old debt of thanks.”

  Nancy had thanked the finder profusely and asked her name, but the other woman had said that it wasn't important. And, now, here was the ring once again in her hand. She put it back on her finger and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  31.The word “object” in the first and second paragraphs refers to the________.

  A. box     B. ring     C. cotton     D. sunlight

  32.After she lost the ring, Nancy did all the following EXCEPT________.

  A. She placed ads on the radio.

  B. She placed ads in the newspapers.

  C. She offered a reward for its finder.

  D. She called the kind, elderly woman.

  33.The elderly woman told Nancy that she found the ring________.

  A. in a box            B. in the cotton

  C. on the subway         D. in the insured mail

  34.The woman refused to accept Nancy's offer of reward because________.

  A. the reward was not important to her

  B. an unknown finder gave the ring to her

  C. she did not consider it a sincere offer

  D. she had had the same experience before

  35.Nancy breathed a huge sigh of relief because________.

  A. she had finally paid off her debt of thanks

  B. she had finally got the engagement ring back

  C. the woman had refused her offer of reward

  D. the woman had promised to send her the ring

By the time she got the box open,Nancy was so excited that she could hardly 16 herself. Eagerly she 17 the cotton surrounding the small object inside the box,and 18

it up to the light.It glittered and sparkled(闪耀)——made alive by the bright sunlight 19

through the large picture window.

Nancy 20 the object slowly in her hands,first this way and then that Nay.It continued to sparkle and shine 21 it had a light of its own.She let out a little squeal(尖叫)of 22 .Her diamond engagement ring had been found and returned to her, just as the woman on the phone had 23

For two weeks,Nancy had 24 gone mad after 25 the ring on the subway.She had placed ads in the newspapers and over the radio 26 a reward for the return of the ring.And she had almost 27 hope when the telephone call 28

A kind,elderly female voice 29 her that she had found the ring wedged(挤塞)in a seat cushion.She had called,she said,to 30 the exact address and had promised to return the ring by insured mail the next day.And then she added sweetly:

“There is no need to send a 31 either.I lost my engagement ring once when I was young,and 32 kind,unknown person returned it to me the next day.I feel I’m only 33 an old debt of gratitude.”

Nancy had thanked the finder again and again and asked her name,but the other woman had said that it wasn’t 34 .And now, here was the ring once again in her hand.She slipped it once again on her finger and 35 a huge sigh of relief.

16.A.contain B.resist C.refuse D.trust

17.A.moved B.removed C.covered D.tore

18.A.took B.brought C.held D.sent

19.A.running B.going C.sinking D.pouring

20.A.turned B.threw C.played D.weighted

21.A.even if B.as if C.because D.as

22.A.surprise B.sadness C.delight D.anger

23.A.permitted B.explained C.allowed D.promised

24.A.almost B.nearly C.hardly D.already

25.A.missing B.losing C.giving away. D.giving up

26.A.supplying B.providing C.offering D.proposing

27.A.lost B.given up C.given in to D.forgotten

28.A.rang B.came C.gone D.received

29.A.reminded B.declared C.announced D.informed

30.A.hunt for B.workout C.find out D.search for

3 1.A.reward B.prize C.scholarship D.award

32.A.certain B.some C.any D.the

33.A.paying back B.paying off C.paying D.paying for

34.A.difficult B.important C.useful D.careful

35.A.breathed B.caught C.held D.took

答案:16-20 ABCDA 21-25 BCDAB 26-30 CBBDC 31-35 ABBBA


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