

(2012-10-08 23:34:40)
湖南省长沙市长郡中学 陈春华
高考真题 命题角度 复习要点解题技巧
1.1 “时态”考题真题回顾
( 2011) 22. ---Joan, what ______ in your hand?
---Look! It’s a birthday gift for my grandma.
A. had you held     B. are you holding       C. do you hold       D. will you hold
( 2011) 27. In 1492, Columbus ______ on one of the Bahama Islands, but he mistook it for an island off India.
A. lands           B. landed                C. has landed        D. had landed
( 2011) 30. It is the most instructive lecture that I ______ since I came to this school.
A. attended        B. had attended          C. am attending      D. have attended
( 2010 ) 27. I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone ______it. Was it you?
A. has done        B. had done              C. would do         D. will do
( 2010) 31. I walked slowly through the market, where people ______ all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.
A. sell            B. were selling           C. had sold       D. have sold
( 2010) 34. I'm tired out. I        all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.
A. shopped        B. have shopped      C. had shopped       D. have been shopping
( 2009 )35.— The food here is nice enough.
— My friend ______ me a right place.
A. introduces       B. introduced            C. had introduced    D. was introducing
( 2008)32. I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother _______ on the phone all the time!
A. was talking     B. has been talking        C. has talked       D. talked
( 2007真题 )31. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she ________ English for a year.
A. studies           B. studied            C. is studying         D. has been studying
(答案依次为:BBDBB  DBAD)
1.2  “时态”考题的热点
2、 “时态”考点的命题角度剖析
近几年的“时态”考题形式灵活多样,多体现在上下文语境中,且融多个考点于一题, 这样无疑增加了试题的难度。但尽管如此,我们还是不难发现其常命题的几个角度:
例1:( 2010上海真题 )Every few years, the coal workers _____ their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.
A. are having       B. have             C. have had           D. had hadBTF新课程英语教育
【解析】B。句意阐述的是煤矿公认的现状,再根据表示频度的时间状语every few years可判断本句应为一般现在时。BTF新课程英语教育
例2:( 2011真题 ) In 1492, Columbus _______ on one of the Bahama Islands, but he mistook it for an island off India.
A. lands            B. landed           C. has landed         D. had landed
【解析】B。根据句意和题中具体的过去时间in 1492,所以排除A和C。另外根据题目没有明确说明"登陆"是发生在"误解"之前的动作,排除D;过去时态讲述1492年发生的一件事件。
例3:( 2010上海真题 )The church tower which _____ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.
A. has restored     B. has been restored   C. is restoring      D. is being
【解析】D。restore意为“修复”,但此题的答题依据却不是soon,而是 “The work is almost finished”表明工程还未完成,因此为“正在修复中”,故选择D。BTF新课程英语教育
例4:( 2010湖南题 )I'm tired out. I        all afternoon and I don't seem to have finished anything.
A. shopped           B. have shopped          C. had shopped         D. have been shopping
例5:( 2011湖南真题 ) ---Joan, what _______ in your hand?
---Look! It’s a birthday gift for my grandma.
A. had you held         B. are you holding     C. do you hold         D. will you hold
例6:( 2010浙江真题 ) If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you ______ fresh watermelon in the fall.
A. eat                 B. would eat            C. have eaten         D. will be eating
【解析】 D。根据句意以及条件句中谓语动词plant的形式,可判断这是真实的条件从句。If从句中通常用一般现在时表将来,故主句中应该使用将来时。此句意为:如果你在春天种下西瓜种子,你就会在秋天吃到新鲜的西瓜。将来进行时态,可用于表示将来势必的结果。故D符合语境。
例7:( 2011湖南真题 ) It is the most instructive lecture that I _______ since I came to this school.
A. attended        B. had attended       C. am attending      D. have attended
【解析】D。根据英语时态的运用规则,在句型“This (That, It) is (was) +形容词最高级+ n +定语从句”中,如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词通常用现在完成时。
例8:(2011北京卷真题)——Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.
——I wish they         always late.
A. weren’t         B. hadn’t been        C. wouldn’t be      D. wouldn’t have been
例9:(2010北京真题)It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they _____ for me.
A. had done      B. did                    C. would do        D. were doing
【解析】:A。全句用的是一般过去时。“was able to fully appreciate”已经是过去,而他们对我的帮助则是过去的过去,故用过去完成时。
例10:( 2010湖南真题 ) I walked slowly through the market, where people _____ all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.
A. sell             B. were selling            C. had sold          D. have sold
【解析】B。本题考查过去进行时陈述原因的用法。句中where引导的非限制性定于从句,其实是补充说明“I walked slowly through the market”的原因。
例11:(2010湖南真题)24. This coastal area        a national wildlife reserve last year.
A. was named            B. named               C. is named           D. names
【解析】A。根据主语“area”与name之间的被动关系排除B、D两项。又根据句中的last year判断用一般过去时,故选A项。
例12:(2011湖南真题)In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _______ by science.
A. are making          B. are made             C. will make        D. will be made
【解析】D。根据时间状语"in the near future"可可知谓语动词要用将来时态。又因短语"make progress"中make与progress互为动宾关系,故此题应该用将来时的被动语态。
例13:(2010全国Ⅱ真题)Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ________evening dress.
A. wear                B. wears                 C. has worn        D. have worn
【解析】:B。此处考查定语从句的谓语形式。根据句意确定the only one of …. 中的one为先行词,而非后面的复数women,谓语动词应该用单数,故排除A,D。另外,从“is”可以看出该句讲述的是一种习惯,因此要用一般现在时,故选A。
a. 表示现在习惯性的动作或存在状态。
He always listens to VOA for half an hour after supper.
b. 表示客观事实或普遍真理。
Sound travels faster through water than it does through air.
c. 表示主语的特征、能力和状态。
This silk feels soft.          I love pop music.
d. 表示按计划、安排、时刻表将要发生的动作。常见的动词有: come, go, stay, leave, begin, start。
Our first class begins at 7:00.
e. 在时间、条件、让步状语从句中表示将来动作。
When you come next time, bring me some magazines.
If time permits, we shall go to the zoo tomorrow.
am / is / are doing
a. 表示说话的此刻正在进行的动作。
Listen! Little Betty is singing a Chinese song in her room.
b. 表示现在时间段中正在进行的动作。
I don't really work here; I am just helping out until Mr. Li comes back..
c. 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。常见的动词有arrive, begin, come, do, drive, fly, go, leave, stay 等。这种用法比较生动,给人以一种期待感。
Jane and Betty are flying to Paris in a few days.
d. 与constantly, always, forever等频度副词连用,表示一种重复的动作,带有“厌恶”、“赞叹”等感情色彩。
I dislike her; she's always complaining.
He is forever thinking of doing more for his motherland.
e. 强调动作的重复
The train is arriving late almost every day this summer.
They are jumping with joy.
f. “am, is, are + being + 形容词”结构表示一时性或故意如此。
The girl is being naughty.  这孩子有点儿淘气。
You are not being polite.  你可有点儿不礼貌了。
have / has done
have / has done
a. 表结果 (着眼于过去的动作对现在产生的结果或影响)。
Air pollution has taken the lives of many people.
( Air pollution is very serious now.)
b. 表示经历(强调过去某一时刻到说话时这段时间中的经历)。
She has never spent a holiday at the seaside.
c. 表示延续 (表示一个动作或状态从过去某时开始,持续到现在,可能还
He's loved playing football for a long time.
1) 当句中有时间段状语,谓语动词又是短暂动作或位置转移的动词,如:see, hear, open, break, go, come, arrive, leave等,不能用现在完成时态。但可以用于否定结构中,表示“未完成”,
I haven't seen a film for weeks.     (对!)
I have opened the windon for a week. ( 错!)
a. It is the first/ last/ second …time that …have / has done..
b. It is the best/ worst/ most(形容词的最高级) +n. + that …have / has done
It is the second time that you have lied..
He is the funnest man I have ever met.
① 现在完成时表示的是过去的动作对现在的影响,而一般过去时则只是指曾经发生的某事。
Who opened the window?    (着眼开窗这一事实。)
Who has opened the window? (着眼开窗的结果,即现在窗户还开着。)
② 两者都可表示过去开始并延续了一段时间的动作,现在完成时表示该动
He has lived in London for ten years. (现在仍住在伦敦)
He lived in London for ten years. (他曾住伦敦达10年之久。
have / has been doing
a. 表示动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到现在。常和all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, recently等状语以及since和for引导的状语连用。
I have been preparing for an English speech contest recently.
This is what I have been expecting since my early childhood.
b. 表示动作刚刚结束
Here you are! We have been waiting for you for nearly two hours.
He is dead drunk. He's been drinking with his friends.
c. 表示一个近期内时断时续、重复发生的动作
You've been asking the same question several times.
d. 表达较重的感情色彩
What have you been doing to my new toy (你把我的新玩具弄成啥样了?)
Too much has been happening today.
Look!What have you been doing?
What have you done?
a. 表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态
The engine stopped because the fuel ran out.
b. 表示过去经常反复的动作或存在的状态
I sent h an e-mail home once a week at college.
c. 表示过去连续发生的一系列动作
They got up early in the morning, did morning exercises and then read English aloud in the open air.
d. 在时间、条件状语从句中表示过去将要发生的动作
They wouldn’t leave the spot until the policemen arrived.
e. 用于虚拟语气中。表示现在或将来时间的动作或状态
How I wish I were as young as you.
I would rather he didn't do anything for the time being.
I would lend you a hand, but I myself was terribly busy at the moment.
It is (high) time that you spent more time on your pronunciation.
was/ were asking
a. 表示在过去某一时刻正在发生的动作或该动作与过去的另一动作同时发生
I was having supper at 7:00 yesterday evening.
You were working in the post office when I came to see you last time.
b. 表示过去一段时间内正在进行的动作
We were talking about the project the whole afternoon.
What were you doing from 3:00 to 5:00 yesterday afternoon.
c. 表示按计划、安排过去将要发生的事
He told me that he was leaving for Shanghai soon.
d. 表示故事发生的背景
It was snowing heavily as we made our way to the foot of the mountin.
e. 表示一个新动作刚刚开始,颇有点儿像镜头转换。
An hour later, he was sitting before the computer, playing games again.
f. 表示说话人过去对主语行为的赞美、批评、厌恶等,常与频度副词always, constantly等连用。
She was always thinking of her reseach at that time.
In the past he was constantly making trouble.
e. 用来陈述原因或用作借口
She went to the doctor yesterday. She was having a lot of trouble with her heart.
I haven't finished my homework because I was helping Liu Tao with his math all day yesterday.
had done
a. .表示在过去的时间或动作之前已经完成了的动作。
句中常用by引导的时间状语或以 before, until, when, than等词引导的内含一般过去时的时间状语从句。
By 6:00 yesterday afternoon we had finished all the tasks.
They made much less progress than we had expected.
Up to that time all had gone well.
She had gained weight since she came here.
c. 用于主句为是过去时的间接引语或宾语从句中。
He told us that he had visited the museum three times.
Later he found out that Jack had lied to him about the accident.
d. 用于表愿望,打算一类的词,如;hope, expect, mean, intend, want, think, suppose等,表过去未曾实现的愿望或意图。
I had hoped to see more of Paris. (我本希望在巴黎多看看。)
I had meant to help you, but I was too busy at the moment.
e. 固定句式中使用had done
a. It was the first/ last/ second… time + that … had done
b. Hardly/Scarely/Barely had … done … when … did;
c. No sooner had … done … than … did..
Hardly had I arrived at the station when the rain poured down.
No sooner had I arrived at the station than the rain poured down.
f. 表示一种未实现的愿望或想法,主要用在if引导的和过去事实相反的条件句以及wish, as if, would rather等引导的从句中。
If she had worked hard, she would have succeeded.
How I wish I had followed your advice!
will / shall do
a. 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态
There'll be no physics classes tomorrow.
They will go to the cinema this Wednesday afternoon.
在口语中,常用will / shall + be doing结构来代替will / shall + 动词原形,以表示生动。
I'll be seeing a friend off at the airport.
b. 表示将要反复发生的动作
Don’t worry. I will come to see you every Sunday.
The students will have five Chinese classes per week this term.
* “be going to + 动词原形”与“will / shall + 动词原形”的区别
1.be going to通常表示很快就要发生的事; will/shall既可表示不久的将来,也可表示长远的将来或不确定的将来。
She is going to get fatter.   她长胖了些。(有长胖的迹象)
She will get fatter.  她会胖的。(认为最终会长胖的)
be going to则表示事先有计划的意图,是经过考虑的。
—  William phoned while you were out.
—  Ok. I'll phone him back. (临时决定)
—  Matthew phoned while you were out.
—  Yes, I know. I'm going to phone him back. (早有安排)
3. 表示有迹象即将要发生什么事用be going to。
Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain.
will / shall be doing
a. 表示在将来某一时间正在进行的动作
Don't phone me between 8:00 and 10:00. We'll be having classes then.
b. 在口语中代替will/shall do
I hope you will be coming on time.
c. 表示原因、结果或猜测
Please come tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning I'll be having a meeting.
Stop the child or he will be falling over.
d. 用在问句中,表示委婉礼貌
Will you be drinking something else?
c. 表示稍后一点儿的安排
My duties will end in August and I will be returning to Shanghai.
would/should do
a. 表示在过去的时间讨论将要发生的事。
They wanted to know when I would be able to finish the research.
b. 用于间接引语中
Jack said hewould arrange a third party.
c. 用来表示非真实的动作或状态
If I had a chance to study abroad, I would study at YorkUniversity.
I wish he would go with me to the cinema tonight.
2)答题时遵循“理解句意优先,读懂语言和具体情景,仔细捕捉提示信息, 灵活答题”的原则,加强对近五年各地高考时态真题的训练。
1 《2010年高考湖南卷试卷分析》 湖南教育考试院编  湖南教育出版社
2 《维克多新课标高中英语语法》主编:江节明  新蕾出版社
3  2010《3年高考2年模拟》 主编:鄢新平  首都师范大学出版社
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