



http://www.sina.com.cn2009年10月22日 12:55   中国日报网英语点津


  1、Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things youjust should do because they seem virtuous; these behaviors ultimatelyallow you to get more enjoyment out of life. You'll have no regrets whenyou're able to accomplish what's important to you because of your savvyways. These are 11 golden rules that I try to live by:

  2、Live within your means - In order to be truly independent, it'simperative to live within your means. Your freedom is limited by owingmoney to anyone, whether it's a credit card company or a family member,so set yourself up for an unrestricted life by saving for the things youwant and spending with a plan。

  3、Work hard - Your job and the salary you command are your biggestassets in building wealth. Do your best at work and take the steps tomake yourself indispensable to set yourself up for the highest level ofsuccess。

  4、Research before you act - Whether you're comparing travel packageand a la carte prices for a vacation or looking up a company to see ifit's legitimate, research is almost always worth your time。

  5、Avoid buyer's remorse - Feeling guilty just doesn't sit well.Avoid buyer's remorse by asking yourself these questions before making apurchase: Do I love it? How often would I wear or use it? Can I affordit? Could I find it cheaper somewhere else?

  6、Avoid saver's remorse - There is such a thing as being toothrifty for your own good. What's the point of squirreling away so muchcash if you can't splurge occasionally on yourself and others? Includean amount of discretionary money into your budget to spend on thingsthat you might not desperately need, but would make you smile。

  7、Strive for happiness - Finding a job that makes you happy most ofthe time is possible, and it's worth taking risks to discover whatfulfills you. If for one reason or another you're stuck in a positionthat isn't ideal, at least strive to end your day with something thatdoes make you happy。

  8、Go for quality, not quantity - Stuffing your closet with itemsthat will fall apart in three months is a silly way to spend your hardearned cash. Buy a smaller quantity of things that are made to last, andyou'll be the owner of higher quality items that look and feel likethey're worth your money。

  9、Face your weaknesses head-on - We're not perfect, but admittingthat you have weaknesses and doing your best to improve will allow youto continue growing. Invest time in yourself to be the most well-roundedperson you can be。

  10、Save for the predictable and the unexpected - We're all going toface retirement someday, and the best time to save for it is now. Thegolden years are inevitable. On the other hand, we also need to beprepared for the unexpected, like job loss or a medical emergency, sothat we can remain in control of our finances even when other thingsaren't going our way。

  11、Negotiate - Doors aren't closed until you hear the word no.Negotiating things like salary and benefits can get you ahead of thegame, and all you need is the confidence to ask。

  12、Set goals on top of goals - Cap the feeling that you're goingthrough the motions by revising your goals when you've accomplished yourold ones. Whether it's saving for a vacation to a place you've alwayswanted to visit or considering the next step in your career, there'salways something to keep you moving and motivated。

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