

趣味英语:给我30天 戒掉塑料袋译文

趣味英语:给我30天 戒掉塑料袋译文

http://www.sina.com.cn2008年06月04日 16:13   《新东方英语》


  30-Day Plastic Bag Diet


  ◎ from www.bagonaut.com

  译 / 珍宝猪

  Please do not worry—this is not a fad1) diet to lose weight!Plastic bags have no nutritious value! This diet is about kicking thehabit of excessively2) relying on plastic bags.

  Plastic shopping bags are among the most widespread consumer itemson Earth. Their light weight, low cost, and water resistance3) make themso convenient for carrying groceries, clothing, and other dailypurchases that it's hard to imagine life without them. Weighing just afew grams and averaging a few millimeters in thickness, plastic bagsmight seem thoroughly harmless—were it not for the sheer4) numberproduced. Factories around the world churned out5) trillions of6) themevery year.

  Compared with paper bags, producing plastic ones uses less energyand water and leaves less air pollution and solid waste. Plastic bagsalso take up less space in a landfill. But many of these bags never makeit to landfills; instead, they go airborne after they arethrown—getting caught in fences, trees, gutters, waterways, even thethroats of birds. To avoid these impacts, the best alternative is toreuse your own durable cloth bags.

  It’s okay to have a few plastic bags and to reuse plastic bags asmuch as possible. The goal is to simply use less of them. If you canreduce your usage down to only several plastic bags per year, thenconsider yourself a successful bagonaut7). Go 30 days applying thefollowing steps, which will make it easy for you and in no time you willbe doing it automatically!

  Step 1: Round up !

  The very first thing you want to do is to collect all of yourplastic bags. You may want to keep a few for special occasions whenplastic is helpful—all plastic bags are not bad—just using too many ofthem can be! Take the rest in for recycling.

  Step 2: Choose Reusable Bag!

  Purchase some good, reusable bags. A Single person needs about 2-3.A family will need more. You can buy a beginner bag and see if you likeit first. There are a variety of bags available: canvas9), mesh10),nylon, hemp11), etc. What you want is a bag that works for you.

  Make sure it is durable and easy to use. Tote12) bags are notrecommended as they are generally too small and the material may not besuitable for heavy items. Avoid back packs, as well. Canvas bags canshrink even if washed in cold water. Bags with small pockets are goodfor receipts or shopping lists.

  One good thing about reusable bags is that most have straps and canbe easily thrown over your shoulder. Even when doing a lot of shoppingat a mall you can carry your reusable bags over the shoulder rather thencarrying them in your hands.

  Step Three: Mission to Bag

  Once you have your bags you will find that most fold neatly andeasily in your closet or a kitchen cabinet. When shopping, give your bagto the cashier first before presenting the items. Everyone saves moneywhen you reuse bags.

  Step Four: Practice and Persistence

  The key is action. Keep a few bags by the door, so you willremember to take them when you go out. Whether you go to thesupermarket, drugstore, clothes shopping, or a convenience store,challenge yourself to have a reusable bag with you. If you get caughtshopping without a reusable bag then shop old school—use your hands!

  Step five: What Else?

  Avoid using plastic bags as trash can liners. This is the numberone excuse by people who say they recycle by using them as trash bags.Instead, buy trash bags that are designed to be biodegradable13). Leaveyour smaller trash cans or wastepaper baskets unlined and dump you trashdirectly into your large garbage cans or dumpster. If you have a largehome and several waste paper baskets, then dump all of them into theoutside can periodically14).

  Once you have kicked the habit, consider giving a friend a reusablebag as a gift. Take the time to explain why you shop with reusablebags. You may find that when people understand the dangers ofexcessively using plastic, and what it is doing to our environment, theymay go on the 30 day plastic bag diet themselves!


















  一旦你有了自己的袋子,你会发现它们大多能方便整齐地叠放在你的衣柜或厨柜里。 购物时,先把你的袋子交给收银员,然后再摆出你购买的商品。重复使用袋子可以让每一个人都省下钱来。







  1.fad [fAd] n. (一时的)狂热;(穿着、行为等方面)一时的风尚

  2.excessively [Ik5sesIvlI] adv. 过多地,过分地

  3.water-resistance: 防水;resistance [ri5zistEns] n. 抵抗性,抵抗力

  4.sheer [FiE] adj. 绝对的;彻底的

  5.churn out: 粗制滥造出;churn [tFE:n] v. 剧烈搅动

  6.trillions of: 大量,无数;trillion [5triljEn] num. 万亿,兆

  7.bagonaut: 环保袋达人;号召摆脱塑料袋、使用环保袋以保护地球环境的人(或行为、现象):这是一个新兴词汇,它源于EganSanders(伊根?桑德斯)和他的BIGBAG1。EganSanders是一位环保袋倡导者,他连续14年坚持不使用塑料袋。2007年9月,EganSanders把自己装在世界上最大的帆布袋BIGBAG1中整整24个小时,以呼吁人们关注全球变暖和白色污染,此举顿时轰动美国,媒体争先报道,许多人更是在他的带动下加入到使用环保袋的行列中。

  8.round up: (对人或物品的) 搜集,集拢

  9.canvas [5kAnvEs] n. 帆布

  10.mesh [meF] n. 网眼织物;网状物

  11.hemp [hemp] n. 麻类植物(纤维)

  12.tote [tEut] n. 手提

  13.biodegradable [7baiEudi5^reidEbl] adj. 能进行生物降解的

  14.periodically [9pIErI`CdIkLlI] adv. 周期性地;定期地

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