

Richard Marx:Children of the Night
English song:Children of the Night
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/13 13:58  国际在线
Richard Marx
Children of the Night 暗夜之子
All that I know in my life, 我在大街上流浪的日子里,
I have learned on the street. 学会了生活中的一切。
1)No magic carpet, no genie, 没有飞毯,没有灵魔,
No shoes on my feet 也没有鞋子穿。
Will I wake up from this nightmare? 我会从这个恶梦中醒来吗?
A fear that 2)chills me to the bone 我感到一阵彻骨的寒冷。
Though I may be one of many 虽然很多人跟我有同样的遭遇,
I feel so all alone 但我却感到无尽的孤独。
We are the children of the night 我们是暗夜的孩子,
We won't 3)go down without a fight 不战斗到底我们决不倒下。
Our voice is strong, our future's bright 我们声势浩大,我们前途光明。
And 4)thanks to what we 5)learned from you 感谢从你身上学到的一切,
We've grown into the children of the night 我们已成长为暗夜的孩子。
Left by my father with only this scar on my face 父亲留给我的只是脸上的一道伤疤,
6)Told by my mother that, 我的母亲对我说,
"No, you were just a mistake" 把你生下来是一个错误。
I have tasted my own 7)hunger 我倍尝人间冷暖,
Sold my body to survive 为了生存出卖自己的身体,
Some have paid to scratch the surface 那些人付钱只触及了我的身体
But they can't touch what's inside 却无法触及我的灵魂。
We are the children of the night 我们是暗夜的孩子,
We won't go down without a fight 不战斗到底我们决不倒下。
Our voice is strong, our future's bright 我们声势浩大,我们前途光明。
And thanks to what we learned from you 感谢从你身上学到的一切,
We've grown into the children of the night 我们已成长为暗夜的孩子。
How I 8)long for something better 我多么渴望生活可以更加美好,
Than this life I know too well 而不是像我现在这样生活。
Lord, I know I'm 9)bound for heaven 上帝啊,我知道我死后会上天堂,
Cause I've 10)done my time in hell 因为我已在人间地狱里受尽折磨。
Before he released his first album, Richard Marx sang on commercials and was a backing vocalist for Lionel Richie. It was here that he learned the commercial pop skills that made him an adult contemporary radio star in the late '80s. Marx shot to the top of the charts upon the release of his eponymous debut in 1987. Marx's first hit was the California rocker "Don't Mean Nothing," but his real strength lay with ballads like "Right Here Waiting," which became an adult contemporary staple in the late '80s.
Richard Marx and 1989's Repeat Offender generated a string of three consecutive number one hits in America -- "Hold on to the Nights," "Satisfied," and "Right Here Waiting." With the release of Rush Street in 1991, his commercial fortunes started to slip somewhat as the mainstream shifted away from the slick, well-constructed songs that are his forte. Despite the Top Ten hit single "Now and Forever," 1994's Paid Vacation fell from the charts quickly, and
Marx entered a period of seclusion, returning in the spring of 1997 with Flesh & Bone, an album tailored toward the adult contemporary market. Days in Avalon was quietly issued in fall 2000.
Richard Marx,1963年6月16日出生于美国芝加哥。这位当今摇滚乐坛的白马王子,从艺生涯颇具有传奇色彩:80年代初,他曾录制了几首歌曲,试着寄给乐坛巨星莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie, Say You Say Me 的作曲及演唱者),没想到立即获得常识,并被Richie邀请加盟伴唱。
1987年5月,Richard Marx的第一部个人专辑Richard Marx问世。当时,他正在美国各地举行大规模的巡回演出,专辑也因此一举成功。其中的单曲《持续回归》(Keep Coming Back)首先名列排行榜首。接着,专辑中的另外三首单曲Hold on to the Nights,Don't Mean Nothing,Should've Known Better接踵登上了冠军宝座,Richard Marx因此成为有史以来在同一专辑中有四首单曲排行榜首的第一位摇滚乐歌手。该专辑在全球销出3,000,000多张,并在排行榜上停留一年半的时间。
1989年5月,Richard Marx翻录制作了《重犯》专辑的新版本,发行量仍超过6,000,000张。随后,他的歌曲《安琪丽亚》(Angelia)、《称心如意》(Satisfied)和《此情可待》(Right Here Waiting)也大获成功,其中后二首均达到了排行榜首位,它们使Richard Marx成为摇滚乐坛的超级巨星。
1991年9月9日,Richard Marx举办了音乐会,一天之中,他飞行在纽约(New York)、华盛顿(Washington)、克里弗兰(Kleveland)、芝加哥(Chicago)和洛杉矶(Los Angeles)五大城市间作马拉松式的巡回演出。后来,这天被摇滚乐坛称为“理查德日”而载入史册。Richard Marx的大部分歌曲都是摇滚风格的。他自己表示,摇滚乐才是他的真正兴趣所在。
1. 从歌曲的开头,我们就不难知道这首歌讲的是一个街头流浪儿的故事。这里的magic carpet 就是神话中的“魔毯,飞毯”,可以载着人在天上飞。而genie就是神话故事中阿拉丁神灯里面关着的妖怪,灵魔,传说只要把神灯擦拭三下,就可以释放里面的灵魔,而作为答谢,它会答应你三个要求。但是这些东西在现实中是不存在的,无法解救处于困境中的人们,所以这个流浪街头的小孩,穷得脚上还是没有鞋子穿。
2. chill这个词在这里是一个动词,表示“让某人感到寒冷,使某物冷却”。比如说,This wine is best served chilled. 这种葡萄酒冷藏后味道更好。chill sb to the bone 这个短语表示“让某人感到非常冷,寒冷彻骨”,Come by the fire – you must be chilled to the bone. 到火边来吧,你一定冻坏了。歌词是说残酷的现实让这个流浪儿冷彻心扉。
3. go down 的意思是“跌倒”,可以引申为“失败”,跟fall down 差不多。
4. 这里thanks是一个复数名词,表示“谢意,感谢的表示”,比如我们可以说,My heartfelt thanks to you all. 我谨向各位表示衷心感谢。歌词中出现的thanks to sb/ sth 这个习语表示“由于或因为某人某事,多亏”,Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been canceled. 多亏这糟糕的天气,比赛才取消了。既然有thanks to sb/ sth,我们当然还可以说no thanks to sb/ sth,“并非某人或某事的功劳”,比如说,It's no thanks to you that we arrived on time – your short cuts were not short cuts at all. 我们能够及时到达可不是借你的光,你说的近路一点都不近。
5. learn sth from sb/sth这个词组表示“向某人或某事物学习”,比如说,You have to learn from your mistakes. 你应该从错误中学习。说到这个意思,还有一个习语大家应该知道,就是learn one's lesson,意思是“吸取教训”,比如说,I'll never do that again; I've learned my lesson. 我再也不会那么做了,我已经吸取教训了。
6. 这两句歌词都省略了主语和助动词,应该是I was left by my father with only this scar 和I was told by my mother. 原来这个流浪儿的家庭很不幸,从小就被父母亲虐待和遗弃,才会过上像今天这样噩梦般的生活。
7. hunger是hungry的名词形式,表示“饿,饥饿”,比如说,He died of hunger. 他是饿死的。
8. long for sth 就是“渴望得到某事物”,比如说,She longed for his love. 她渴望得到他的爱。
9. be bound for 这个词组表示“去,准备去”,比如说,We are bound for home. 我们准备回家。Where are you bound for? 你要去哪里?
10. do在这里表示“完成,结束”,在口语中很常用,比如说,I've done my talking. 我的话已经说完了。Did you get your paper done in time? 你的论文按时完成了吗?
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