

Fruit Flower Arrangement

Fruit Flower Arrangement

A fruit flower arrangement looks so beautiful with a clever combination of fresh flowers and fresh fruits.

Fresh fruits that you can use are green grapes, red grapes, lemons, strawberries, red apples, green apples and oranges. Other fruits include pomegranates, citrus, blueberries and cranberries.

You need to cleverly mix and match the flowers with the fruits that you choose. Match the colors of the fruits with the flowers as well as the container. Top it off with a matching ribbon if you like. If you want to use several fruits in one arrangement, use fruits with the same color, or do not put in too many types of fruits in one arrangement, unless you're making a fruit basket.

The fruits and the flowers provide a different texture which already can be established. When choosing your flowers, add in more different textures and contrasting colors to make your fruit arrangement look so vibrant and natural.

Featuring Green Grapes

This fruit flower arrangement is very elegant with color combinatons of yellow, purple and green. I wanted to use green muscats, hanging from the arrangement so I chose a rather tall container. I chose yellow roses, purple lisianthus and draceana leaves to complement the green from the muscats.

The stems from the muscats are quite soft, so as enforcement, I taped the stem with a wooden stick so that they are easier to be inserted. If you don't have wooden sticks, you could also use the leftover stems from the lisianthus.

Apart from the green grapes hanging from below the arrangement, I wanted to have continuity from top to bottom, so I also added a few stems of the grapes in the arrangement itself.

The roses and the lisianthus are already round and have fluffy petals, so to create contrast, I folded the draceana leaves and used them around the arrangement. With the different textures and bright colors of the flower combinations, this looks great and can be used as wedding centerpieces, too.

Featuring Red Strawberries

This next fruit flower arrangement uses fresh strawberries with asters and red hypericum berries. It is a round arrangement in a red ceramic container, decorated with a matching red polka dot ribbon. The strawberries were inserted using wooden sticks. And when you insert them, make sure the tips of the strawberries are at a higher level than the flowers for dimension. It is a sweet arrangement, can be used to decorate your kitchen.

Featuring Green Apples

In this fruit flower arrangement, I used the green and blue combination. I chose green dendrobiums and green apples for the green and blue hydrangeas for the blue. For the lines, I used all green beargrass leaves. I also used blue rattan balls for accent. I didn't want to use just green and blue as the primary colors, because when you look at green, it can be considered a neutral color because foliage is green, so I also added white roses into the arrangement.

How to make

In a round platter, place a round wet foam about 10cm in diameter. I covered the foam with moss to cover the foam by spraying adhesive on its surface. When the foam is covered, I added green apples all around the foam. The apples were inserted with short wooden sticks to hold the apples in place. I then begin inserting green dendrobiums in the middle. They are inserted vertically so that they meet at a point on top. Then, around the orchids, I inserted blue hydrangeas to cover the exposed foam. Then, add in roses in groups around the arrangement. Lastly, add the blue rattan balls randomly.

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