


考研英语阅读理解 20170927



Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have no emotional skin. Even the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering. Borderlines are the patients psychologists fear most. As many as 75% hurt themselves, and approximately 10% commit suicide. Borderline patients seem to have no internal governor; they are capable of deep love and profound rage almost simultaneously. They are powerfully connected to the people close to them and terrified by the possibility of losing them—yet attack those people so unexpectedly that they often ensure the very abandonment they fear. When they want to hold, they claw instead.

No one knows exactly what causes BPD, but the familiar nature-nurture combination of genetic and environmental misfortune is the likely culprit. University of Washington psychologist Marsha Linehan, one of the world\'s leading experts on BPD, has found that some borderline individuals come from homes where they were abused, and some from normal families under the stress of an economic or health-care crisis and failed to provide kids with adequate validation and emotional coaching. "The child does not learn how to understand, label, regulate or tolerate emotional responses, and instead learns to oscillate between emotional inhibition and extreme emotional lability," Linehan and her colleagues write in a paper.

And yet diagnosis of the condition appears to be on the rise. There are several explanations. A parsimonious explanation is that because of advances in treating common mood problems like short-term depression, more health-care resources are available to identify difficult disorders like BPD. Another explanation is hopeful: BPD treatment has improved dramatically in the past few years. Therapeutic advances have changed the landscape. Researchers have conducted at least 17 randomized trials of various psychotherapies for borderline illness, and most have shown encouraging results.

Still, the rise in borderline diagnoses may illustrate something about our particular historical moment. Culturally speaking, every age has its signature crack-up illness. In the 1950s, an era of postwar trauma, nuclear fear, it was anxiety. During the 60s and 70s, it was an age of suspicion and Watergate. In the 90s, after serotonin-manipulating drugs were released and so many patients were listening to Prozac, thousands of news stories suggested, incorrectly, that the problem of chronic depression had been finally solved. Whether driven by scary headlines, popular movies or just pharmacological faddishness, the decade and the disorder do tend to find each other.

So, is borderline the illness of our age? When so many of us are clawing to keep homes and paychecks, might we have become more sensitized to other kinds of desperation? In a world so uncertain, maybe it\'s natural to lose one\'s emotional skin. It\'s too soon to tell if that\'s the case, but BPD does have at least one thing in common with the recession. As Dr. Allen Frances, a former chair of the Duke psychiatry department, has written, "Everyone talks about [BPD] , but it usually seems that no one knows quite what to do about it."

1. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 1?

     [A] A gentle touch on a BPD patient will bring him great pain.

     [B] 10% of the people who commit suicide are BPD patients.

     [C] BPD patients cannot regulate their own emotions.

     [D] BPD patients are always abandoned by their families.

2. Linehan and her colleagues may believe that______.

[A] children need to be taught to control their emotions

[B] some children are born with genes of BPD

[C] it\'s hard for children to keep a stable emotional state

[D] most of the BPD patients are from poor families

3. The number of people diagnosed with BPD increases because______.

      [A] some difficult mood problems are classified as BPD

      [B] the increased medical experience makes BPD identification easier

      [C] the improved BPD treatment encourages more people to go to hospital

      [D] more and more psychiatrists devote themselves to BPD study

4. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that______.

[A] people have suffered from mental illnesses for a long time

[B] people have experienced various kinds of hardships

[C] people of the same age tend to have the same illness

[D] every age is featured by a particular mental disease

5. It is implied in the last paragraph that______.

[A] the BPD in our age is related to heavy living pressures

[B] BPD is a natural consequence of social development

[C] people are insensitive to the problem of BPD

[D] people feel disappointed with the medical development


1. 根据第一段的内容可知,以下哪一项是正确的?


[B]自杀人群中有 10%的人是边缘型人格障碍患者。



[试题类型]  具体信息题。


根据题干关键词 Paragraph 1 定位至文章第一段。该段第五句指出,边缘型人格障碍患者似乎不能自我控制(seem to have no internal governor),他们几乎可以同时陷入炽烈的爱(capable of deep love)与疯狂的愤怒之中(and profound rage almost simultaneously)。由此可知,边缘型人格障碍患者不能很好地控制自己的情绪,喜怒无常,容易有极端情绪,选项 [C]与原文相符,故为正确答案。


该段第一句指出,边缘型人格障碍患者没有“情感外壳”(have no emotional skin)。紧接着第二句进一步指出,即使是最轻微的情感触动或情感活动都可能给其带来巨大的痛苦(the slightest touch or movement can create immense suffering)。从“情感外壳”可看出,此处作者使用了隐喻,因此 touch 是指情感上的触动,suffering则指精神上的痛苦,而不是指身体上的触碰和生理上的疼痛,故选项 [A] 与原文不符,可以排除。该段第三、四句指出,边缘型人格障碍的患者是心理学家最担心的病人,其中约有 10%的患者会自杀,此处是说有 10%的边缘型人格障碍患者会自杀,而不是所有自杀的人当中有 10%的人是边缘型人格障碍患者,故选项 [B] 可以排除。该段倒数第二句指出边缘型人格障碍患者极度依赖与之亲近的人,害怕失去他们,但由于总是出人意料地伤害这些亲近的人,他们往往却落得自己害怕的下场,即被遗弃。此处是指边缘型人格障碍患者常被亲近的人(people close to them)抛弃,并没有说他们总是被家人(their families)抛弃,故选项 [D] 可以排除。

2. 莱恩汉和她的同事们可能认为______。





[试题类型]  观点态度题。


根据题干关键词 Linehan and her colleagues 可定位至文章第二段。该段第二句指出,Linehan 发现有些边缘型人格障碍患者遭受过家庭虐待,而有些来自于遭受经济或健康危机的正常家庭,这些家庭没有给孩子足够的指正与情感疏导(failed to provide kids with adequate validation and emotional coaching)。紧接着第三句作者引用Linehan 和她同事们的话指出,这些孩子因此没有学会如何理解、判断、控制或忍受情绪反应(The child does not learn how to understand, label, regulate or tolerate emotional responses),相反,他们在情绪抑制与极度情绪化之间摇摆不定(oscillate between emotional inhibition and extreme emotional lability)。由此可知,一些家庭中的孩子由于没有学会如何控制自己的情绪,因此患上了边缘型人格障碍,也就是说,Linehan 和她的同事们认为,要教会孩子控制自己的情绪,选项 [A] 与原文相符,故为正确答案


该段第一句指出,没有人知道导致边缘型人格障碍的确切原因,但是常见的先天因素与后天环境因素的结合可能是罪魁祸首,但文中没有指出莱恩汉和她的同事认为有些孩子天生就有边缘型人格障碍的基因,故选项 [B] 可以排除。该段第二、三句指出,一些来自正常家庭的边缘型人格障碍患者没有得到足够的指正与情感疏导,这样的孩子没有学会如何理解、判断、控制或忍受情绪反应,而是在压抑情绪与极度情绪化之间摇摆不定,原文中的“the child”是指情感没有得到恰当指导而患上边缘型人格障碍的孩子,并不是指所有的孩子都很难保持稳定的情绪,故选项 [C] 可以排除。该段第二句指出,边缘型人格障碍患者有些遭受过家庭虐待,有些来自经历过经济或医疗保健危机的家庭,文中并未指出大多数边缘型人格障碍患者都来自贫困家庭,故选项 [D] 与原文不符,可以排除。

3. 被诊断患有边缘型人格障碍的人数增加的原因是______。





[试题类型]  具体信息题。


本题主要考查确诊患边缘型人格障碍的人数增加的原因,故可定位至第三段。该段前两句首先指出,确诊患边缘型人格障碍的人数增加有几种解释(several explanations),紧接着第三句指出了最简单的解释,即对一般精神问题(如短期抑郁)的治疗不断进步为复杂精神问题(如边缘型人格障碍)的确诊提供了更多的医学资源(more health-care resources are available to identify difficult disorders like BPD)。由此可知,随着精神类疾病治疗经验的不断增长,复杂的边缘型人格障碍比以前更易确诊,因而确诊患这种疾病的人数增加了,故选项 [B] 正确。


该段第三句指出,对一般精神问题(如短期抑郁)治疗的不断进步为确诊复杂的精神问题(如边缘型人格障碍)提供了更多的医疗保健资源,但文中并没有提到在医学领域,一些复杂的精神类疾病被归为边缘型人格障碍,选项 [A] 与原文表述不符,故可以排除。第四至六句指出,在过去的几年里,对边缘型人格障碍的治疗有了长足的进步,研究者们也已经进行了至少 17 种治疗边缘型人格障碍心理疗法的随机试验,且大多数的试验已经取得了可喜的成绩,作者只是说明了治疗边缘型人格障碍的进步,但并不能表明愿意到医院接受精神疾病检查和治疗的人数会增加,也没有说明越来越多的精神病专家都参与到边缘型人格障碍的研究中来,故选项 [C] 和 [D] 可以排除。

4. 从第四段中可推知______。





[试题类型]  推理引申题。


根据题干关键词 Paragraph 4 可定位至文章第四段。该段第一、二句首先指出边缘型人格障碍临床诊断的增加也表明了我们所处的特殊历史时期的一些特点(the rise in borderline diagnoses may illustrate something about our particular historical moment),每个时代都有其独特的精神疾病(its signature crack-up illness)。接着作者举例说明了这一观点:20 世纪 50 年代,战后创伤与核武器带给人焦虑( postwar trauma, nuclear fear, it was anxiety),60年代~70 年代的多疑和水门事件(suspicion and Watergate),90 年代控制血清素的药物问世(serotonin-manipulating drugs were released)和百忧解(Prozac)的盛行,最后作者做出总结:每个时期总是有与其相对应的疾病(the decade and the disorder do tend to find each other)。综上可知,整个第四段都在说明“每个年代都有其特殊的精神疾病”这一论点,故选项 [D]  为正确答案。


第四段首先提出“每个时代都有其独特的精神疾病”这一观点,接着用几个时代及其相对应的疾病为例说明这一观点。因此,选项 [A] 中的“精神疾病的痛苦”和选项 [B] 中的“各种各样的苦难”都不是该段主要说明的问题,故选项 [A] 、 [B] 均可排除。该段提出每个年代都有其特殊的精神疾病,即这些疾病是具有历史特征的,并不能推断出某一个时期的人都会患有同一种疾病,选项 [C] 过于绝对,故可以排除。

5. 最后一段暗示______。





[试题类型]  推理引申题。


根据题干关键词 the last paragraph 定位至最后一段。该段第一句首先提出问题:边缘型人格障碍是属于我们这个时代的疾病吗?紧接着第二、三句加以解释:我们这个时代的许多人都在为养家糊口、支付开销而打拼(clawing to keep homes and paychecks),我们还会对各种绝望变得更敏感吗?而在如此不确定的年代,失去情感外壳是很自然的(natural to lose one\'s emotional skin)。言外之意,社会的不稳定给人们的生活带来沉重的压力,在这样的情况下,患边缘型人格障碍的可能性更大了,选项 [A]  的表述与原文相符,故为正确答案。


该段前三句暗示社会的不稳定以及人们生活的重压导致人们患上边缘型人格障碍的可能性很大,但文中只是说“社会的不稳定”会造成边缘型人格障碍,并没有说社会发展必然会造成人格障碍,故选项 [B] 可以排除。该段第二句是指生活的压力使得人们对其他方面的绝望不会更敏感,并不是说人们对边缘型人格障碍的问题不敏感,故选项 [C] 与原文不符,可以排除。该段最后一句引用 Dr. Allen Frances 的话指出,每个人都在谈论边缘型人格障碍,但是似乎没有人知道如何解决,这是说由于生活压力所迫,人们对精神方面的压力无可奈何,而并不是说人们对医学发展感到失望,选项 [D] 是对原文的错误理解,故可以排除。


*borderline personality disorder  边缘型人格障碍:该病是精神科常见的人格障碍,主要以情绪、人际关系、自我形象、行为的不稳定,以及多种冲动行为为特征,是一种复杂且严重的精神障碍。

claw /klɔː / v. 用爪子抓;费力地夺回:She tried to claw at his face. 她想抓他的脸。

*culprit /\'kʌlprɪt/ n. 导致问题的原因

*oscillate /\'ɒsɪleɪt/ v. (感情、行为、想法等)波动;动摇;犹豫

inhibition /ˌɪnhɪ\'bɪʃn/ n.  抑制;阻止:Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity. 有些药会对正常的身体功能产生抑制作用。

*lability /lə\'bɪləti/ n.  不稳定性;易变性

*parsimonious /ˌpa:sɪ\'məʊnɪəs/ adj. 极度节俭的;小气的

*therapeutic /ˌθerə\'pjuː tɪk/ adj. 治疗的;治疗学的

randomized /\'rændəmaɪzd/ adj. 随机的;不规则的:randomized block design 随机分组设计 signature /\'sɪgnətʃə(r)/ n. 识别标志;鲜明特色(文中意为“标志性的”)

crack-up  (因疲劳、紧张等)精神崩溃,身体垮掉:He had a complete mental crack-up.  他精神彻底崩溃了。

*trauma /\'trɔː mə/ n. (精神上的)创伤 *pharmacological /ˌfa:məkə\'lɒdʒɪkl/ adj. 药理学的 *faddishness /\'fædɪʃnəs/ n. 风行一时;一时流行

psychiatry /saɪ\'kaɪətri/ n. 精神病学;精神病治疗:clinical psychiatry  临床精神病学


患有边缘型人格障碍的人没有情感外壳。即使是最轻微的情感触动或情感活动都可能给其带来巨大的痛苦。边缘型人格障碍患者是心理学家最担心的病人。多达 75%的患者会伤害自己,大约 10%的患者会自杀。边缘型人格障碍患者似乎不能自我控制,他们几乎可以同时陷入炽烈的爱与疯狂的愤怒之中。他们极度依赖亲近的人,而且害怕失去他们,但由于总是出人意料地伤害这些亲近的人,他们往往落得自己害怕的结局——被遗弃。当他们想要留住一个东西的时候,却总是抓得太紧。


然而这种疾病在临床诊断中的数量似乎是呈上升趋势的。对于这一现象有几种解释。最简单的解释是:对一般情绪问题(如短期抑郁)治疗的不断进步,为确诊复杂的精神障碍(如边缘型人格障碍)提供了更多的医疗保健资源。另外一种更乐观的解释是:在过去几年里,对边缘型人格障碍的治疗有了长足的进步。这些治疗学的进步已经改善了原有状况。研究者们已经进行了至少 17 种治疗边缘型人格障碍心理疗法的随机试验,其中大多数试验取得了可喜的成绩。

除此以外,边缘型人格障碍在临床诊断中数量的上升或许也阐释了我们这个特殊历史时期的一些特点。就文化而言,每个时代都有其独特的精神疾病。20 世纪 50 年代,战后创伤以及核武器使人焦虑。20 世纪 60 年代~70 年代是多疑和水门事件的时代;20 世纪 90 年代,控制血清素的药物问世之后,许多患者都相信百忧解(一种治疗精神抑郁的药物),成千上万的新闻故事也错误地表明慢性抑郁症最终可以治愈。无论是受恐怖的头条新闻、流行电影或仅仅是一时兴起的药物的影响,每个时期总是有与其相对应的精神疾病。



It has been a tough summer for Muncie, a small city of Indiana. Unemployment dipped briefly below 9% this spring, but floated back up to 10% in June and July. The car-parts makers that were once Muncie\'s life blood have largely given up on it; but creating skilled manufacturing jobs at a new locomotive factory is turning out to be a hard slog.

Since the sociologists Robert and Helen Lynd named it "Middletown" in 1929, Muncie has been regarded as representative of the American experience. In the more diverse 21st century American economy, that is no longer exactly the case, but Muncie\'s experience of declining manufacturing employment is similar to that of many small cities. So when Indiana\'s governor, Mitch Daniels, came to town and announced last October that 650 new jobs would be created assembling locomotives for Progress Rail, and a largely abandoned factory rehabilitated, local press and politicians reacted with enthusiasm.

That feeling is wearing off. Fewer than a quarter of the promised jobs have materialised and not a single engine has rolled off the production line. According to a Progress Rail spokeswoman, the company currently employs 150 people in Muncie and has abandoned the 650 target, expecting to reach only 250 employees by the end of 2012. The spokeswoman blamed the sluggish hiring on the weak economy, but the path to creating even one job has been a twisted one.

Progress Rail decided on building locomotives in America in April 2010. It then started negotiations with the Muncie-Delaware County Chamber of Commerce. Muncie\'s greatest asset in sealing the deal was the building itself. Originally used to make transformers for Westinghouse and then ABB, the factory had been used to store ketchup and as a Halloween house since the latter company left town in 1998. The 740,000 square-foot building has a 1,960 foot long main assembly floor, with a railway line running through the door—handy if you are making locomotives.

Recruitment ads appeared shortly after Christmas 2010. Work One, a state employment agency, removed unsuitable applicants. The jobs drew hundreds of hopefuls, but a Work One director, notes that there is a big gap between flipping burgers and working at a modern manufacturer. The local branch of a community college, agreed to create a three-week welding course to teach the specialised techniques Progress Rail uses. So specialised, in fact, that the head welding teacher at the college said he had never heard of them, and so difficult that only experienced welders could attempt them. Between January and April this year, according to the Work One director just 30 welders took the course; the company was looking to hire 70.

If Muncie and similar cities are banking on manufacturing to restore their fortunes, they have a slow road ahead.

1.The unemployment rate of Muncie in the first half of the year______.

[A] had been rising steadily

[B] dropped by 9% temporarily

[C] declined then rebounded to 10%

[D] reached the highest point

2.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that______.

[A]Muncie has started its fast development since 1929

[B]The growth of Muncie has represented the American development since 1929

[C]Muncie\'s declining manufacturing employment is a reflection of the national tendency

[D]the decision to creat jobs was applauded by Muncie people

3.According to Paragraph 3, Progress Rail______.

[A] hired few workers because of the gloomy economy

[B] failed to meet the target of creating 650 new jobs

[C] is a company mainly producing engines

[D] planned to create 250 new jobs in 2012

4.The difficulty Progress Rail faces in its recruitment in Muncie is______.

[A] the incompetence of Work One

[B] the lack of qualified workers

[C] the high requirements of Progress Rail

[D] the underdevelopment of the local education

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A]Off-track in Middletown

[B] The Origin of "Middletown"

[C]Ways out for Middletown

[D]The Decline of Middletown


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