

彭轶| 余洲渭PEP 5A U3 What would you like? Story time教学赏析






PEP 5AU3 What would you like? Story time

桐乡市乌镇植材小学  彭轶

突如其来的小疫情,打破了平静的生活。11月4日开始,我和孩子们都开始居家了。停课不停学,居家这段时间,我搜索了一些优秀教师的上课视频进行了线上观摩学习。这次和老师们分享的是2020“白马湖之秋”浙江省名师新课堂教学研训活动中杭州市嘉绿苑小学余洲渭老师执教的PEP Book 5 Unit 3 What would you like? C Story time的课堂教学实录和自己的一些感想。



Enjoy a video: A song “What would you like?’’


T: What do you see in the video?
Ss: Sandwiches, ice cream, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza…
Look and say
T: Are they healthy or not healthy?
Ss: Not healthy.
T: Yes. Most of them are not healthy. Now, Let’s play a game. T say “healthy”, you say “not healthy”.
T: healthy.   Ss: Not healthy.

(利用歌曲进行热身活动是我们老师的常规操作,视频里的歌曲我自己在上本单元的内容时也用过。我只是让学生听后回答了What’s the song about?而余老师对后面的问题进行了追问, What do you see in the video? Are they healthy or not healthy? 很好地利用了歌曲帮助学生复习了本单元的食物词汇及healthy的用法。)

Opposite game

T: I like carrots.    Ss:  I don’t like carrots.
   It’s sweet.           It’s not sweet.
   They are delicious.   They are not delicious.
   It’s fresh.            It’s not fresh.



Look and say

T shows lots of pictures about food: tomatoes,eggs,beef,beef and potatoes, green beans,onions,potatoes, vegetable salad, chicken, bread, hamburger.
T: Do you like hamburgers?

(利用更多的食物图片复现以前学过的单词,用hamburger引出Zoom and Zip.)

Zoom says: I Love hamburgers.
T: Zoom is a big eater. He likes hamburgers very much. Ouch! Is he happy?
Ss: He is sad. 

Think and say

T: Maybe Zip will go and say : Try some healthy food. Try some__________.
S1: Try some fresh food.
S2: Try some delicious food
T: Maybe try some carrots.
S3: Try some potatoes.
T4: Try some tomatoes.


T: Zip has an idea. She says : Follow me. Let’s go. Today we will have a story about Zoom and Zip. About the story, do you have any questions? T shows “where”, “what”, “why”. What questions do you have?
S1: Where are they?
S2: What is about the story?
S3: What do they like?
S4: What time is the story? ( When does the story happen?)
S5: I see a lot of vegetables. What would they like to eat?



T: Now, Let’s enjoy some pictures from the story.
T: Where do they go?  Ss: They go to the farm. T: Yes. They are at the farm. 
T: What do you see at the farm? Ss: I see some cows/so many potatoes/some vegetables.
T: Animals and vegetables 
T: What can they do at the farm?
Ss: They can eat salad/drink milk/play with the animals.
T: Do they have the salad? First, they have to… 
Ss: They have to make the salad. 


Watch the video 

Look and say

T: Look at Zoom. Zoom says, I’m hungry. Listen,What would Zoom like?
Do they have salad on the farm?
Ss: No.
T: What do they have on the farm?
Ss: They have vegetables.
T: What vegetables do they have?
Ss: They have carrots/onions/tomatoes.(Read after the T.)
Listen and imitate


Pair work

The _____ are so ______. They are______, too.
Act out the small dialogue.


Think and say

T: They have so many vegetables. What are they going to do?
How to make the salad?
Ss:First wash the vegetables.
Then cut the vegetables.
Mix them. 

(激活学生已有的生活经验和已学知识,让学生自己说出Make the salad的步骤。)

Watch the video

Think and order

T: I have 3 pictures. Which is the number1/2/3? What do they do?
1. Clean the vegetables.
2. Cut the vegetables.
3. Put the salad on the table.

Let’s act

T: What do you see? What’s that?
Ss: A knife. 
T: What does Zoom say? If You are Zoom, what do you say?
Ss: Be careful.
Read after the T with actions.

Think and say

T: The salad is done. Bling,bling… It looks_________.
S1: It looks_____. Ss: It’s healthy, too


Listen and imitate 

T: We’ll make the salad. 
Choose 2 Ss make a demo. 
Practice in pairs for 1 minute.
2 pairs act.


Think and say

Ss: Here’s some fresh milk.
Ss: Dinner at the farm is wonderful/nice/good/happy/great/fun…


Let’s dub

Think and say

T: Zoom says “Dinner at the farm is great!” Why?
S1: Because the salad is healthy. 
S2:It’s good time to stay at the farm.
S3:The vegetables are fresh.
S4:The salad looks nice.
T: What can they do at the farm?
Ss: We can get the fresh food, make nice food and eat great food.
T: Now It’s time to think a title. Let’s make a title.
Ss: A happy day at the farm/A nice salad/ At the farm/A happy day…
T: What zoom says maybe is a good one. T shows “Dinner at the farm is great.”
Ss read the title.


(问题的设计直接指向学生思维的方式与层次。在课堂中,有层次的问题能激发全体学生的积极参与,渐进式的问题能培养思维的逻辑性,开放性的问题能促进学生的高级思维。Why?Think about the title这些提问启发了学生深刻思考,唤醒了学生语言知识的储备,提高了其表达能力。)

Think and say

T shows “Here’s some_______.”
Ss guess.
Ss: Fresh cabbage, ice cream, beef, fresh vegetables.
T: Tomato soup, green bean carrots, beef sandwiches…

Let’s act 

T shows something new and makes a dialogue with S1.T puts the key sentences on the Bd.
(2 minutes)
T: I’m hungry. I want some hamburgers, hot dogs… Who is hungry too?
S1: I’m hungry.
S2: What would you like to eat?
S1: I’d like a vegetable hamburger.
S2: No problem. I have salad, carrots, onions and bread.
S1: Wash the vegetables.
S2: Be careful
S1: I will be careful.
S2: This is your vegetable hamburger.
S1: It looks great.
S2: It’s healthy too.
T: Here 's some milk.
S1: The milk is very fresh.
T: Yes. It’s very fresh, just from the cow.



T: We go to the farm today. We know how to make something. There are three steps. Ss read together. Look, Zoom is very happy. He made a phone call to his friends “Come to Zip’s farm. … Dinner at the farm is great.”
S1: Come to Zip’s farm. We have many vegetables. We have apple juice, orange juice and pears. You can make fresh salad at the farm. Dinner at the farm is great.

Let’s enjoy 







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