


 ——赏析桐乡市优质课一等奖沈秀华老师执教的Bobby’s Robot

  最近,笔者有幸聆听了桐乡市优质课一等奖沈秀华老师执教的英语诗歌《Bobby’s Robot》一课。沈老师上课颇有激情,课堂设计也很新颖。另外,沈老师自己流利的口语以及优美的态势语,吸引了学生,课堂感染力也相当棒。听后笔者深受启发,特采撷几个片段与同仁们共赏。


T: Look at the TV, let’s read the words.

Ss: Do homework, play basketball, wash the clothes…


  课前阅读动词词组,不仅集中学生的注意力,还活跃了课堂气氛。沈老师通过呈现学生已学的动词词组,为下一环节What can you do?/What can’t you do? 作了较好的铺垫。


T:It’s a happy day. I’m in Chong De. Your school is so beautiful. Do you like your school?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: Are you good too?

Ss: Yes, I am.

T: What can you do?

S1: I can do Kungfu.

T: Can you do it?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: What can you do?

S2: I can play basketball.

T: What can he do?

Ss: He can play basketball.

T: What can’t you do?

S1: I can’t play football.

T: What can’t you do?

S2: I can’t dance.

T: What can’t you do?

S3: I can’t wash the clothes.

T: Who wash the clothes for you?

S3: My mother.

T: What can’t she do?

S4: She can’t wash the clothes.

T: What can you do?

S5: I can sweep the floor.

T: What can’t you do?

S6: I can’t wash the clothes.

T: Do you like your teachers? What can she do? What can’t she do?

S7: She can sing, but she can’t dance.

T: Can she fly?

Ss: No, she can’t.

T: Who can fly?

Ss: The bird can fly.

T: What can your Chinese teacher do?

Ss: She can read.

T: What can’t she do?

Ss: She can’t fly.

T:Look at the picture. What can they do?

S1: They can do Kungfu.

T: Can you do Taiji?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: Can you ask me?

Ss: Can you do Taiji?

T: No, I can’t.


T: What can they do?

S2: They can play ping-pong.

T: Can you play ping-pong?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: What can you play?

S2: I can play football.


  沈老师通过“对话式”进入课堂,有效地拉近了与学生的距离,亲切自然。沈老师与学生互相认识之后,她以What can you do?这一主要问句来让学生复习所学的知识并引导学生正确输出I can_____. 复习是英语语言学习的有效方法之一,通过复习,使学生的英语知识更加扎实和牢固。另外,What can you do? 这一问句及其答句为其否定形式What can’t you/she/he作准备。而且can’t一词是本课的认知重点及难点,在这一环节中,沈老师在对话中较好地操练了can’t句型,并且引导学生输出Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 此外,沈老师通过一连串的教学追问,能够让学生真实地与沈老师交谈,并且能够主动思考。新课程提倡英语学习需要语言的不断输入与复现,巩固语言知识。沈老师在追问中激发学生思考,还有效复习了以前的知识。最后,沈老师课堂教学方式多样,符合学生的认知特点。沈老师从师生问答到反向的生师问答,例如Can you do Taiji? Can you ask me? 师生互动,给予学生在课堂上充分展示的机会,也符合新课程提倡的以“学生为主体”的理念。 



T: What can he do?

S1: He can play with the ball.

T: What can he do?

S2: He can play with this ball. [ 教授with]

T: What can you play with?

S1/2: I can play with my toy car/teddy bear…

T: Do you have your dog?

S2: Yes, I do.

T: What colour is it?

S2: It’s black and white.

T: What can it do?

S2: It can eat food.


T: Look at the fruit. What can they do?

S1: They can make juice.

T: What kind of juice?

S1: They can make orange juice.

T: I can’t make orange juice, but I can make coffee. [教coffee]

  Can you make some coffee?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: What can you make?

S2: I can make some apple juice.


  沈老师采用bottom-up的教学模式引入新知,符合五年级学生的心理认知特点。沈老师通过一个男孩子玩皮球引入新词play with并提问学生What can you play with? 课堂提问,留给学生空白,给予他们更多的思考,挖掘学生的潜力。其次,人称转换是英语语言学习的一大难点及重点。为了解决这一难点,沈老师精心构思了What can he play with?到What can you play with? 借着学生回答I can play with my dog. 沈老师立马追问What can it do?人称转换自然,活化课堂生成。另外,沈老师呈现orange juice的图片引导学生说They can make orange juice,借此,沈老师以自己为例引入I can’t make orange juice. I can make some coffee. 并教授coffee一词。


【课件呈现Robot A/B/C/D/E】

T:There’s a robot. It can make some tea. Look at the five robot. Which robot do you like?

S1: I like Robot A. It can run.

S2: I like Robot B. It can sing.

S3: I like Robot C. It can sweep the floor.

S4: I like Robot D. It can empty the trashbin.

T: Look at Robot E. What can it do?

S5: It can climb up the tree. [教climb up]

T: The robot is so strong. It can climb up the tall tree .Can you climb up the tall tree?

S6: No, I can’t.

T: What can you climb up?

S7: I can climb up the desk.


  本课主人公之一是Robot, 在这一环节,沈老师先呈现Robot A/B/C/D/E,并要求学生说说自己喜欢哪个Robot以及它能干什么,学生积极动脑,输出丰富。其次,沈老师通过Robot E 提问学生What can it do?并引导学生有意识地输出It can climb up the trees. 教授climb up词组,而且沈老师以自己为例 I can climb up the desk, 让学生进一步理解climb up 一词。英语学习需要贴近实际,贴近学生生活,便于学生对新知识的更好理解。新课程提倡课堂要给学生留有思考的空间以及培养学生自己选择的能力,抒发自己的感情。

  五、情境Bobby’s Robot 


T: I have a friend, Bobby. Let’s say hello to Bobby.

Ss: Hello, Bobby.

T: Bobby has a friend, Robot. Let’s say hello to Robot.

Ss: Hello, Robot.

T: What colour is it?

Ss: It’s black and white.

T: What’s it like?

Ss: It’s tall and strong.

T: This Robot is very super, but it’s broken. It has no arms, it can’t _________.

S1: It has no arms, it can’t play football.

S2: It has no arms, it can’t draw pictures.

S3: It has no arms, it can’t play basketball.

S4: It has no arms, it can’t clean the room.

S5: It has no arms, it can’t play ping-pong.

T: So it feels sad. [板书feel,并教授]

T: It has no legs, it can’t run. It feels sad.

Ss: It has no legs, it can’t run. It feels sad.

T: But now?

S1: It has no head, it can’t sing. It feels very very sad.

T: Can you help it? [课件呈现It can’t do anything. But Bobby can fix it.]

T: Now six-fix

Ss: Fix.

T: Bobby say “I can fix the head”. What can you fix?

S1: I can fix the legs.

S2: I can fix the arms.

S3:I can fix the body.

S4: I can fix the hands.

T: Oh, the Robot is OK now. Is it sad?

S1: No, the Robot is happy.

T: What’s Bobby doing?

S1: He is playing with the ball.

T: Let’s look. What happened? Where is the ball?

S2: It’s on the tall wall. 

T: ball---tall

Ss: Tall.

T: What can you do?

S1: I can climb the tall wall.

T: Can you climb the tall wall?

S2: No, I can’t.

T: Who’s coming?

Ss: The Robot is coming.

T: What can it do?

S3: It can climb up the tall wall and get the ball.

S4: It can climb up the tall wall, but Bobby can’t.

S5: It can climb up the tall wall, but Bobby can’t.

T: Look at the boys, they like to play with the ball. Can Robot? Can Bobby?

S1: It can play with the ball, but Bobby can’t.

T: Let’s guess. What can Robot do?

S1: It can draw.

T: What can it draw?

S2: It can draw flowers.

S3: It can draw trees.

S4: It can draw cars.

T: Look, what can it draw?

S5: It can draw pretty girls.

T: Which one is Robot draw?

S6: A.

T: Yes. It can draw pretty girls, but Bobby can’t.


  沈老师引出本课的两位主人公Bobby和Robot,首先引导学生与Robot亲切地问好,拉近了学生与Robot的距离。其次,沈老师引导学生描述Robot的颜色和外形,告知学生This Robot is very super.并创设情境But now Robot is broken.顺其自然,引出It has no arms, it can’t ___.学生的输出很丰富,培养学生的发散性思维。接着,同样的方法引出It has no legs/head, it can’t _____.来提醒学生The Robot feels sad. It can’t do anything. But Bobby can fix it. 从Robot不能做事到Bobby帮助Robot, 渗透了人与人之间的关怀精神。后来,Robot被修好了,它很开心。而Bobby去玩球了,可是他的球掉到了墙上,他自己不能取下球。正在这时,Robot出现了,沈老师引导学生猜猜What can Robot do?并呈现Robot can climb the wall, but Bobby can’t. 和It can draw pretty girls, but Bobby can’t. 情境Robot和Bobby蕴含了深刻的人文教育,沈老师鼓励学生在生活中要互帮互助,与朋友和谐相处。这也是《英语课程标准》(2011年版)提倡的工具性与人文性统一的理念。


T: Bobby’s Robot is very super. Let’s enjoy a poem.

T/Ss: Bobby’s Robot

Bobby likes his robot a lot.

It can do what Bobby can not.

It can climb up the walls.

It can play with the balls.

It can draw pretty girls,

who have some pretty curls.

It can make some coffee,

and make him feel happy.

What can Bobby do to help it?

He can’t do anything but fix it.

T: Let’s write a poem. 

  Bobby’s dog/mother/…

Bobby likes _______a lot.

_____ can _________________.

_____ can _________________.

______can _________________.

______can _________________.



( 浙江省桐乡市实验小学教育集团春晖小学   杨敏 汤惠芬)   


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