

视频| Yuan Longping: A Pioneer for All the People(适合六年级以上)

video by VolcanoVivian

On May 22, 2021, the whole nation were saddened by the news that Dr. Yuan Longping passed away.

Doctor Yuan Longping
1930 -- 2021

That afternoon, it was rainy in Changsha, Hunan Province. As the hearse went slowly through the streets and around Dr. Yuan's former office building, people chorused "Grandpa Yuan, rest in peace" over and over again. Some ran along, trying to see him off for a longer time. Tears ran down their cheeks with the rain.

Two university students mourned Dr. Yuan with flowers.

The doctor said Dr. Yuan fell ill after he tripped over at the experimental base in Sanya, Hainan Province on March 10th this year.

Contributions of Dr. Yuan Longping

Dr. Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice.

As a result of his research, the Chinese people are no longer worried about getting starved. 

For his contributions, Dr. Yuan is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese.

His great work also helped the world produce more and more rice. 

On one of the Madagascan bank notes  there is a picture of hybrid rice because they want to show thanks to Dr. Yuan Longping.

His main office is in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. 

At first, he was a teacher for 18 years in an agricultural school.

Then he decided to do research about hybrid rice. He went through a lot of difficulties. From 1964 to 1969, he did more than 3000 experiments, but all failed.

In the morning, he went to his office on foot.

He often went to his experimental fields in different places of China.

He had been awarded with a lot of honours, titles and prizes. An asteroid was named after him (the photo in the middle).

There is an exhibition building about his work on hybrid rice.

In one of the English text books in China, there was a passage about Dr. Yuan Longping with the title "A Pioneer for All People".

Dr. Yuan Longping himself is good at English. Actually, he spoke English when he was interviewed by CGTN and foreign journalists. Here are two video clips, one of which is from a film he acted in:

In 2008, part of the Olympic Torch Relay, held in Hunan Province, started from Dr. Yuan Longping. 

He liked swimming and played sports with his neighbours.

One of his hobbies was playing the violin.

He also wrote lyrics for a song to show his dream and express his love for his mother.

Dr. Yuan Longping wakind and easy-goingHe was just like our neighbour and friend. He encouraged the young people and loved children. 

One day when he was 90 years old, he gave a 30-minute speech at an international meeting. After the meeting, he was so tired that he had to refuse the journalists politely.  Then, he heard that some kids wanted to have a photo taken with him. He asked, "Where are they?", and stood up to meet them. His staff workers stopped him because of his health and invited the children in for the photo-taking. 

Dr. Yuan Longping is a great scientist with a humble mind and a warm heart.

(compiled by Linglish)

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