

欧亨利短篇小说选第三期 | 悦读读书








作者: 欧亨利





A service of love and a sacrifice of art.

If you have already enjoyed this wonderful reading experience, no way will you miss this core sentence which is “When one loves one’s art no service seems too hard.” 

One interesting thing is you can only understand what this really means until you finish the “incomplete” sentence at the last line. So pay enough attention on this one.

I am always chattering and blablaba like an aged old widow who has nothing to do but educate any surrounding breathing human being to taste each word of O. Henry’s. 

Though I really do not want to involve me into debate of different ideas or philosophies, I really want to express my feeling about this whole article which is against the mainstream.

Art is a “pun” in this one, art is lonely and needs to pay, pity is with this huge effort can a man gain seldom wealth. It seems like a paradox and the mainstream maybe has the feeling no clever for the art people.

Love is, let me say, an ambiguous concept. It drives you crazy, it makes you sacrifice. And in the end maybe you can only get betrayal after full heart participating. 

The mainstream will not define the full-heart pursuit of art or love a wise choice. But anyway, there are idiots do know the value of those unpractical things. If you have the experience of finishing a master piece or holding your beloved’s hand, everything vivifies.

Be enthusiastic, be curious, be thirsty. Stay hungry and foolish like a little kid and chase something not so mainstream. Experience a life with “art and love” and everything will be different.




A Service of Love tells me a moving story about a pair of poor young husband and wife. The couples both gave up their pursuits of art to fulfill the other side. Although they were poor, Dlia and Joe both worked in the landury to support their lovers.  

The lower class can search their happiness. The story makes me recollect  The Gift of Magi. The two stories both show the great side of humanity.



I cannot stop thinking what the sentence means, "when one loves one's Art no service seems too hard". 

Strangely, I do not think the story end as happily as the gift of the Magi, in which the couple love each and did not stop their love after the misfortune, while does Delia love Joe still? I can hardly believe.

As Zack had said, art is a pun in this one.Judging by appearance, art simply means their artistic pursuits, painting and music. 

Thus "no service seems too hard" implies they would devoted themselves to their beloved careers no matter what, and which is exactly what they did, leaving hometown and struggling in the big city New York. 

If Thinking deeper, we can consider the word art as metaphor standing for the Joe and Delias' ideal lover. The couple gets attracted to and loves each other because of their devotions to their pursuits. 

But when they both gave up their dreams, are they the same person they loved before? That is exactly what Delia means, "when one loves one's art no service seems too hard", which is only set up on the ground of "just 'when one loves'". 

What would happen when one do not love ? O,Henry did not say, but it not hard to guess. They all changed, how about their love to each other? 



There are many choices in life , including the love ,family love and so on . All choices about love, the final result is based on the emotional basis. 

As Joe and Delia are forced by the cruel life, they have to give up their hobbies and art for the most loved ones. 

They found a seemingly unsatisfactory job in order to sustain their life .Though they dwell in a small flat,they never complain. As mentioned many times in this article,“When one loves one's Art no service seems too hard”. 

The happiness that they feel is the only true happiness. 

Such a deep love is what we lack today. Now we will be hampered by the benefits . It is undeniable that it is impossible not to be influenced by foreign objects in the current society .

But true love can contain the shortcomings with each other . Believe that no matter how bad the conditions are, someone will love you. 

And no matter how good the conditions are, there will be people who don't love you. So cherish the person who is good to you and loves you.



When one loves, no service seems too hard. Another touching love story of typical O Henry style. 

Married in 1887, then experienced the death of his darling wife in 1897, although (or because) during much of that period he had been fleeing or got engaged in legal affairs,

 O Henry kept a romantic imagination for love and marriage life. Look at the lovely young couples in his story, poor but selfless, depressed by the harsh reality of life, yet still embracing the of brighter side of it. 

Maybe Joe and Delia finally have to give up their art dream, and fall into dreary daily life, and their love will be worn out.

But this brings no harm to the theme of this story, which is about the eternal love of human kind, passed from one generation to the next.

  1. 欧亨利短篇小说选共读 01

  2. 欧亨利短篇小说选共读 02


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