

太原万科南站新中心 · Star Park / ZAP Associates – mooool木藕设计网

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ZAP Associates:星空公园是一个城市快乐公园,也是ZAP携手万科的一次实验之作……这是一次对于城市公园空间的全新尝试与探索,在这里我们将全龄活动与24小时游玩方式相结合,打造了一处以星空主题的快乐公园。

ZAP Associates: Star Park is an urban pleasure park, and an experiment of ZAP and Vanke…..This is a new attempt and exploration of urban park space, where we combine all-age activities with a 24-hour play mode to create a pleasure park with a starry sky theme.


▼星空公园项目视频  Project video


快乐公园是一个全新的范畴,ZAP所认为的快乐公园应该是一种比较独特的形态,大尺度的快乐公园有迪斯尼、Discovery Park 等,而中小型的快乐公园则有口袋公园或儿童主题公园。在这里星空快乐公园不同于传统的口袋公园或主题公园;而是ZAP对于城市公园空间的一次设计尝试,是ZAP携手万科的一次范例之作。

太原市高铁南站对街有个以星际主题的STAR PARK星空快乐公园, 其具备独特的地理位置优势兼优质的交通环线和社区交互特征。星空快乐公园是一个典型的城市公园之作,其有很高的公众参与度,可控的成本,毗邻商业和社区,同时也具有较好的管理应对。

Joy Park is a brand new category, and ZAP believes that Joy Park should be a unique form, such as Disney, Discovery Park, etc. Such as a large scale, and pocket parks or children theme parks on a small to medium scale. Here, Star Joy Park is different typology from the traditional pocket park or theme park; this is a design experiment of ZAP for urban park design, a show-case work for ZAP and Vanke.

The STAR PARK is an intergalactic themed park across the street from the South High Speed Rail Station in Taiyuan, with a unique location and high level of traffic circulation and community interaction. STAR PARK is a typical urban park with great public participation, controlled cost, proximity to business and community, and good management response.


▼整合多样功能的星空公园 Site characteristics adjacent to Taiyuan South Station



Star Joy Park is an integrated complex park that caters to family-oriented needs and also focuses on the needs of multiple age groups including seniors, children and home-bound people. Star Joy Park has these combined characteristics, while also providing marketability and potential economic development. Complementing and interdependent with the contemporary and sophisticated star-rated hotel-style entrance, it is both an urban playground of freedom with adventure discovery.


星空公园的“设计四要素” The “Four Design Elements” of Star Park

1. 在这里星空公园是一个快乐公园,她应该拥有一个强烈的主题贯穿其中;其中包括独特、具有强烈带入感和场景风貌的景观特色。ZAP反对任何不带有主题特征的快乐公园。快乐公园主题的选择也是千差万别,既要符合城市的发展目标和地区的风格特征,也要具有强烈的时代发展需求。

The Star Park here is a pleasure park, and she should have a strong theme running through it; this includes unique, landscape features with a strong sense of immersion and scenic style. zap opposes any pleasure park that does not carry a thematic identity. The selection of a Joy Park theme also varies widely, and should be consistent with the development goals of the city and the stylistic characteristics of the area, as well as having a strong contemporary development.

2. 这里的星空快乐公园有大型的IP主题特征的游具来支撑。快乐公园虽然考虑综合年龄层次,但是具有标识主题特征的大游具将会具有强烈的辨识性。

The Star Joy Park here is supported by large amusement equipment with IP theme features. Although the Joy Park considers comprehensive age levels, large amusement equipment with logo-themed features will be very identifiable.

3. 星空快乐公园应该考虑3小时-6小时不同的时间范畴。ZAP主张快乐公园应该是一个综合游玩生态圈,满足多样人群的需求,提供给儿童、低幼以及家庭的互动游戏的场所。

ZAP advocates that the park should be a comprehensive play ecosystem that meets the needs of a variety of people and provides interactive games for children, young kids and families.

4. 星空快乐公园最重要的、也最根本的是希望在这里营建一个热闹快乐的地方,一个让人会反复游览,平时和家人周末首选游玩的场所。

The most important and fundamental element of the Star Joy Park is the goal of creating a lively and Joy place, a place that people will visit repeatedly, and a place where they and their families prefer to play on weekends.


▼完整而饱和的星空主题公园 A complete and fully saturated Star theme park



ZAP’s landscape architects used a variety of “open space terrains”, swings, sand, and climbing devices integrated with seating boundaries to create a variety of different shapes and colors of presentation.


强烈的设计主题:星际畅想 About Interstellar Park Fantasy

ZAP从2020年初开始着手STAR PARK太原南站新中心项目,从场地的初识中就希望从快乐公园的主题定位与活力塑造的角度下塑造场地本身的标签魅力。STAR PARK星空公园位于太原南站西南侧,临近太榆路,离万科新都荟居住组团步行10分钟之内,距离印象城商圈和太原南站骑行均在5分钟范围内,交通便捷,地理位置优越。毗邻城市核心界面交接处,位于商圈与交通枢纽的过度衔接处,周边多为居住用地。

ZAP has been working on the STAR PARK Taiyuan South Station new center project since early 2020, and from the first acquaintance of the site, we hope to shape the site’s own label charm from the perspective of Joy park theme positioning and vitality shaping. star park is located at the southwest side of Taiyuan South Station, near Taiyu Road, within 10 minutes’ walk from Vanke Xindu Aura residential group, and within 5 minutes’ walk from Impression City shopping district and Taiyuan South Station is within 5 minutes’ ride, with convenient transportation and excellent geographical location. It is adjacent to the intersection of urban core interface, located at the excessive articulation of business district and transportation hub, and the surrounding area is mostly residential area.


▼场地紧邻城市绿地,周边有商业和住宅区 The site is adjacent to an urban park and surrounded by retail and residential neighborhoods



Star Joy Park is designed with the theme of “Interstellar”, hoping to bring a unique small but exquisite urban paradise to Taiyuan citizens. The park is located on the street side of the city and its function overlaps with that of a street pocket park, but due to its unique characteristics of location and crowd service. Taiyuan Star Joy Park emphasizes its thematic principles, its unique intergalactic theme and the diversity of the people it serves.


▼科幻星际旅行 Science Fiction of Space Travel



Mankind began to explore the starry sky, hoping to find extraterrestrial life and development, and move forward with curiosity and unknown.


▼星际与恒星组成的不同场地结合 Interstellar and stellar composition of different places combined



The design of Star Joy Park hopes to effectively connect the flow of people and functions in the surrounding area while integrating the theme concept of “interstellar amusement park” into it, forming Taiyuan’s first parent-child type park: roaming the universe, interstellar travel experience / shuttle in the “interstellar universe” Experience technology and the future. This is the integration of interactive technology type of activity facilities, in the play between the experience of interstellar travel / future imagination / speed aurora and other activities space of the universe park.




You are a miracle, so creating a miracle is very close to you. Right here, can you see it?


▼星空公园平面图 Star Park Illustrative Plan


STAR PARK 星空快乐公园的起始源自于“星际”这个主题的萌发,如同宇宙的形成,景观空间的爆炸将宇宙爆炸中的“星光广场”、“时光舞台”、“星际乐园”、“星际生命启蒙花园”等聚集于南站新中心。

STAR PARK started from the sprouting of the theme of “interstellar”, just like the formation of the universe, the explosion of the landscape space brings the “Starlight Square”, “Time Stage The explosion of landscape space brings together “Starlight Plaza”, “Time Stage”, “Star Paradise” and “Star Life Enlightenment Garden” in the new center of South Station.


▼“星光广场”、“时光舞台”、“星际乐园”、“星际生命启蒙花园”等聚集于一体 “Starlight Plaza”, “Time Stage”, “Starland”, “Star Life Enlightenment Garden”, etc. gathered.



The strong theme of Star Joy Park is the first impression that comes to attract people to arrive and stand out among many park forms as a cultural business card feature. A striking theme will be consistent with the park’s ethos and have a very significant communication power. A strongly themed park will also form a local urban spiritual link with product operations or with government cultural ties, creating a public gathering point with urban influence.


主题IP游具:星空乐园 Theme IP Play Equipment: Starland


Interstellar planets, planets that do not orbit any star, are free in the galaxy or the universe.


▼星空乐园鸟瞰飞碟宇宙飞行器 Aerial view of the flying saucer cosmic craft in Starland



In the process of exploration of the universe, will be rich in space structure and design highlights to accommodate the playfulness of each; interstellar space capsule exploration and discovery, presenting the wisdom to grow up playing with the system, helping children learn to discover and learn in practice.


▼星际乐园场地组合分区 Aerial view of site combination zone



The central park of the Starry Sky Joy Park is mainly composed of five major sections: ① cosmic flying machine; ② interstellar shelter; ③ stellar spectrum; ④ joyful bumper ball; ⑤ gliding cosmic field.


▼宇宙飞行器作为主要的大型IP标识 Star Park Spacecraft Spacecraft as the main large IP marker

▼宇宙飞行器为主题塔观赏与活动集中区域 Star Spacecraft as the theme tower viewing and activity concentration area

▼宇宙飞行器与星际庇护所组合一个完整的游憩空间 Spacecraft and interstellar shelters combine for a comprehensive recreation space

▼星际庇护所是一个科普与学习的场所,也有众多恒星元素户外展示 The Star Shelter is a place for science and learning, and also has many stellar elements on display outdoors

▼爬呀爬….快到终点了 Climbing and climbing …. Almost to the end


轻松的塑造微地形 Easy shaping of micro-terrain


Star Joy Park hopes to form a good spatial experience through simple terrain creation, but also to combine with plants to form micro-climate conditions, forming a higher terrain that can allow internal circulation wind to amplify. By artificially simulating geographic forms as well as undulating and staggering rhythms having undulating and changing characteristics of the terrain, interesting landscape elements and spatial distribution are formed.

▼星际乐园地形感受 Grading of Star park

▼乐园平面放大 Aerial view of Star park

▼乐园中心地形放大 Grading enlargement of Star park



The creation of micro terrain improves the spatial experience. Most of the areas in the park are even 1.5 meters high and 0.3 meters low. These terrain offer the whole site a very interesting space experience.


▼星际乐园地形感受 Grading of Star park

▼环形山地陷坑 Ring-shaped mountain trap

▼典型的空间地形感受 Typical space topography experience


魔幻与迷失中徜徉:恒星迷宫 Wandering in the Magic and the Disorientation: Stellar Labyrinth

▼恒星光谱迷宫与秋千碰碰球组合空间 Stellar spectrum maze and swing bumper ball combination

▼动图示意 Diagram

▼恒星光谱迷宫与哈哈镜广场 Stellar Spectral Maze and Haha Mirror Square

▼恒星光谱迷宫细节 Stellar Spectral Maze details

▼三棱镜细节设计 Trigonometry details

▼三棱镜在地形中的可以365度旋转 The trigonometric prism in the terrain can be rotated 365 degrees

▼三棱镜迷宫空间,你中有我,我中有你 Trigonometric labyrinth space, you have me, I have you……

▼秋千碰碰球 Swing bumper ball



The labyrinth of mirrors and the spectral wall echo each other. The relationship between science and light observation tells us the elements of light in the universe and the historical activities of planets.


▼五彩斑斓的迷宫挡墙 Colorful maze of barrier

▼光的故事光谱墙,讲述了光的折射与反射的发生和结束 The Spectrum Wall, the story of light, tells how the refraction and reflection of light occurs and ends…

▼现场的施工与调试, 致敬ZAP在冬天下辛勤工作的现场设计师 Construction and installation on-site, honoring ZAP’s hard-working on-site architects under the cold winter

▼完整的光故事与光谱墙 The Spectrum Wall, the full story of light


游玩与互动:一个光年舞台 Play and Interaction: A Star Park Amphitheater


Light-year is 9,460,730,472,580,800 meters, which is the unit of time and speed of light. The concept of light years is the deconstruction of space and the reconstruction of form. The design of this “time corridor” is built in a dimension beyond human visual reading, like a foreign object flying in from another dimension of space-time, and cosmic time flows in the speed of the corridor.


▼光年舞台:一个观众观看与参与的空间….这里是户外剧场,参观表演的活动场所 Star Amphitheater: A space for audience viewing and participation… This is an outdoor amphitheater, an event space for visiting performances



▼光年舞台可以穿越 Star Amphitheater can walk-pass

▼光年舞台由高差错落的地形组合而成各种活动空间 Star Amphitheater with the combination of high and low terrain into a variety of activity space

▼光年舞台廊架结构 Star Amphitheater structure


The cloud theater terraces scattered on the grass slope will provide the best place for people to performance and rest. The top height is about 2m, so children can freely shuttle between the pergola, and the light and shadow are strongly felt in different width changes.


▼光年舞台前场空间慢慢展开 Star Amphitheater Space in front of the field slowly unfolds



The stage looks bright and the nebula twinkles when the lights are lit. The open space provides sufficient space for future activities and performances.


▼舞台中心区域表演与各种活动场所 Star Amphitheater central area performance and various event venues

▼人鱼贯而入,感受内部时光穿梭的影像 People enter through the structure, feel the internal time travel images


联通起来:星轨桥 Star Track Bridge


Suddenly, a meteor dragged a long tail in the distant horizon, drawing a beautiful arc.


The bridge connects the space well, linking Starland and Lightyear Stage Theater. This space is also a top-down corridor, which also connects the space in a multi-layered way.


▼星轨桥与星际乐园穿插转换 Star Bridge and Interstellar Land interspersed with conversion

▼桥的入口和围墙融为一体 The entrance of the bridge is integrated with the fence

▼星轨桥图层分布 Star Bridge layers

▼星轨桥三维展示 Star Bridge 3D view



The Star Rail Bridge is an important linear space linking the ebb and flow of the site and the change of space. The entire bridge consists of a combination of white railings.


▼星轨桥起止贯穿不同空间的穿插 Star rail bridge starts and ends through different spaces interspersed.

▼星轨桥施工过程图纸 Star rail bridge CD drawings

▼星轨桥的建设过程,依照每片单体钢护栏组合 The construction process of the star rail bridge, in accordance with the combination of each single piece of steel guardrail

▼白色多层栏杆形成了不同的韵律感受 The white multi-layered railing creates a different rhythmic feeling

▼暮色中静逸而纯美的白色曲线 The quiet and pure body of white curve in the twilight

▼跑步、散步和平衡车活动 Jogging, strolling and balance cycle activities

▼白色的桥体构成完整的空间,抬高并将场地托起 The white bridge forms a complete space, elevating and lifting the site


感言 Ending


Star Joy Park is a tribute to the future, an experimental work of ZAP and Vanke. As the first star-themed park in Taiyuan, “Starry Sky Joy Park” is the first intergalactic theme park in Taiyuan: roaming the universe, interstellar travel experience / shuttle in the “intergalactic universe” to experience technology and the future. It is a cosmic park that integrates interactive technology type activity facilities to experience interstellar travel / future imagination / speed aurora and other activities between the play space.


▼如火如荼的2020年一张张照片记录着点点滴滴 The year 2020 in full swing a photo record

▼如今的星空快乐公园 Now



Based on the “hope for a bright future and tribute to the endless universe”, we hope to make the Star Joy Park a paradise, the project from the initial tension to the final accumulation of gradually show the growth, from the beginning to the process along the way, the program of repeated deliberation, site construction and design of close integration, countless times of deliberation and consideration. The growth of the project is accompanied by the tension and touching moments in parallel, the process is arduous but the design results shine everywhere with the team’s love and enthusiasm for design.




项目名称:太原万科南站新中心 · STAR PARK
业主团队:马津 刘建军 昝世明 潘哲 原婕
摄影团队:94.7 Studio

Project Name: Taiyuan Vanke Star Park
Project Location: Shanxi Province, China
Client: Taiyuan Vanke
Client Team: Jin Ma, Jianjun Liu, Shiming Zan, Jie Yuan
Design Year: 2020
Built Year: 2020
Landscape Architect: ZAP ASSOCIATES
Photographer: 94.7 Studio


更多 Read more about: ZAP Associates


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