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CBULD:Are you tired of watching the cold publicity photos?No matter how the demonstration area is piled up. Finally the house is still used to live, The yard is used to record life. Let us discover how life finds the meaning of happiness.


▼龙湖·開元别墅区 The Villa Area

▼龙湖·開元洋房区 The Foreign Style Area


设计初心 Design Concept

下班后遛狗散步的放松,孩子们玩耍的欢声笑语,老人家锻炼身体依旧健朗,小伙子游泳健身训练腹肌….. 怡人的小区环境,和谐的邻里关系,是设计师打造“舒适的功能性设计”的温馨画面。

Relaxing with walking dog after work. Children’s laughing. The elderly are still exercising physically. Young man is swimming to train abdominal muscles…… Pleasant community environment. Harmonious neighborhood. It is a warm picture that the designer creates for a “comfortable functional design”.




Longfor Kaiyuan consists of two sections, the villa area and the foreign style house area,surrounded by the two ecological and scenic parks in the north and the south and screening the outside world. A quiet and far-reaching gallery corridor runs through the whole district, bringing homecoming people from the nosiey outside to the warm and comfortable home.


▼平面图 Master Plan


别墅区 The Villa Area


Main entrance has an open image interface, creates a sense of ceremonial homecoming Guest-greeting. Pine stands at the two sides of the reflection pool to welcome people coming home. Stepping into the door, entering a comfortable world.



别墅区-自在苑   The Villa Area – Free spirit garden


Guided by the bushes. A set of lotus leaf sculptures come into our sight. Ripple on the lotus leaf swimming around. Concealing the simplicity and tranquility of Zen.


▼自在苑 Free spirit garden


▼自在苑夜景 Night view of Free spirit garden


▼自在苑小品细节 Detail of Free spirit garden sculpture


别墅区-花鸟居   The Villa Area – Flowers and Birds Garden


Water and moon. The soul of Chinese waterside pavilions gathers here. Wood and stone sit quietly. 360° waterside, platform is the bond between man and nature. Water is moving, curtain is flowing, and wind is breezing. Sitting in the court, enjoying the summer breeze and the moon, watching children playing with the water.


▼花鸟居 Flowers and Birds Garden


▼花鸟居夜景 Night view of Flowers and Birds Garden


▼花鸟居水榭 Chinese waterside pavilion of Flowers and Birds Garden


别墅区-涟漪园   The Villa Area – The Ripple Garden


The ground has curved patterns with a ripple shape. The grace of the lotus leaves comes into our sight. Exquisite cutting craft draws the beauty of the lotus leaf, softs the rigid stone wall. The Light shines like stars leaping above the lotus leaves. Like the firefly among the lotus pond in summer.


▼涟漪园 The Ripple Garden


别墅区-喵喵苑   The Villa Area – Meow Meow


Rocking horse, small bunker, slide, and big tortoise. Guided by the kitty’s claws, sisters and brothers meet here. They are childhood sweethearts.


▼喵喵苑 The Meow Meow Garden


别墅区-木心庭   The Villa Area – Wooden heart Courtyard


The front area of the district is extraordinarily spacious. Walking the dog and meeting the neighbor, plannign next time to walk together. Looking at the lamppost in front of the door casting the yellow light.


▼木心庭  The Wooden Heart Courtyard


别墅区-茶悦荟   The Villa Area – Tea Enjoying Garden


Bamboo woods narrow the lanes with a sense of winding path. The green color of bamboo leads people to move forward. Viewing flowers and enjoying yourself.


▼茶悦荟 The Tea Enjoying Garden


洋房区  The Foreign Style Area


Return to nature, back to the purity. In the noisey city, let’s find a quiet place and listen to the sound of the forest. We will design a better life for the future only.




115 meters long depth of field, views are keep changing when stepping further. Deducting the essence of modern aesthetics.



洋房区-流水书院   The Foreign Style Area – Flowing Water Garden


Step on the path upon water. With the ripples circle away. Start an unexpected encounter.


▼流水书院 Flowing Water Garden


洋房区-森林舞步   The Foreign Style Area – The dance in the Forest

露天电影、野餐聚会、有氧运动… 阳光大草坪是当选的不二之地,这里是青年的室外健身房,也是孩子们玩耍嬉戏的游戏场所。

Outdoor cinema, picnic parties, aerobics… Sunshine Lawn is the best place to be selected. Here is the youth outdoor gym. It is also a playground for children.


▼森林舞步 Sunshine Lawn Garden


洋房区-仲夏夜之梦   The Foreign Style Area – A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Midsummer night, with the cicada singing. Incarnated as a fish and swim in the pool. Drive away heat and tiresomeness. The pool is divided into two section. A shallow water area for children to play in the water. The other is the functional area. The deepest area is 1.6 meters, which can meet the needs of fitness.


▼仲夏夜之梦 Swimming Pool Garden


洋房区-疯狂动物场   The Foreign Style House area – Zootopia

大象、狮子、斑马…… 熟悉的动物又透露着陌生,仔细一瞧,原来是它们穿错衣服啦~ 大象身上穿着斑马的皮肤,斑马却是狮子的肤色。

Elephant, lion, zebra… Familiar animals but very strange, Take a closer look. It turned out that they are wearing the wrong clothes~ Elephant wears zebra skin. Zebra has the skin of a lion.


▼疯狂动物场 Children’s Garden






Project name: LONGFOR · NEW ERA
Project location: Xiyong core area, Shapingba district, Chongqing, China
Year of design: 2017
Year of completion: 2019
Design area: 68957㎡
Project owner: Longfor-Jingming
Landscape design: CBULD
Main creative team: Yong Zhang, Gang Ren, Yubao Feng, Liyu Zhang, Zenglin Zhou, Ruizhi Li, Lihang Yang, Min Liao, Jun Zhang, Xiao Hu, Jichao Dong, Xia Li, Fu Qian
Photography: Prism Images, Yangrong Photography, Cheng Chen(CBULD)


项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project

自在苑小品 — 不锈钢
花鸟居汀步 — 芝麻黑烧面花岗石
花鸟居水榭 — 铝板,热镀锌矩管
洋房区构筑 — 铝板,热镀锌圆管


更多 Read more about: CBULD 蓝调国际


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