

Capt. Khoo
Candidate: Sanjeev Thakur
1st attempt: 1hr 15min

  1. Take bearing of a target from the window of his building using the azimuth circle ( prism bearing). Be careful about the arrow up and down?
  2. Handing over and taking over as 2nd mate.
  3. How will you take over radar?
  4. Efficiency of radar and blind sector and shadow sector and the cause of it? Draw
  5. How to do chart correction?
  6. How to do ASD correction?
  7. Passage Planning
  8. Watch keeping in port, during bunkering and action in case of oil spill during bunkering?
  9. Validity of all certificates: The safety certificates.
  10. Preparation to be done before LSA and FFA survey.
  11. Requirement for L/B, L/J and MOB marker. Write down. Very specific about the length of lines, timings and will cross question about it.
  12. Requirement for pumping out machinery space oil.
  13. Requirement for oil record book.
  14. Difference between SOPEP and SMPEP.
  15. How many special area and what 's the new special area in annex I ?
  16. Importance of Cargo Plan.
  17. Intact Stability
  18. Anchoring procedure and whats anchor cock a bill ?
  19. How the survey is conducted onboard to check the certificates issued by classification society?
  20. Principle of barometer . What is the significance of it and why you knock before reading is taken?
  21. What is load density? From where you find the load density? Who keeps the load density on board?
  22. Heading 000 Encounters east cardinal buoy Your action?
  23. All the characteristics of safe water mark?
  24. How you pass special mark/ can shaped special mark? (tell with respect to General direction of buoy age)
  25. Various lights, shapes and ROR.

2nd attempt: 25mins

  1. Requirement of magnetic compass as per solas?
  2. Requirement of Radar and Arpar as per solas?
  3. Drill mentioned in which chapter, what has to be done in it and when it it done? Time intervals.
  4. What is MSDS?
  5. What is snap back zone? various situation with diagram . Which is the safe place to stand for the person holding the stopper? show in the diagram. See this link :Snap Back Zones
  6. Emergency : Action in case of collision
  7. What are trading certificates and statutory certificates?
  8. Length of the rope connecting the MOB buoy to the MOB marker. Why , Significance
  9. How many types barometer are there?
  10. What is a compartment?
  11. What is conventional direction of buoy?
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