

Capt: Sanga

Capt: Sanga

Candidate:Mr. Tarun Bahuguna
1st Attempt: 1hr 30mins
Result: Pass

1. How will u take over as a second mate?
2. When taking over the bridge equipments what will check?
He wants to listen abt the familiarisation of the equipments and abt the operational manuals.
3. How will u know that ur publications are up-to date?
4. Plan a passage from Singapore to Australia.
5. When plotting ur courses what all things will u bear in mind?
6. How to correct charts?
7. How will u take over a watch at port?
8. At port how will u determine that ur ship is stable at all times?
He gave an example of two ships A & B. Ship A loads 50 containers under deck and 50 on deck
Ship B loads 90 containers u/d and 10 containers o/d.Tell which one is stable.You will have to tell him abt the shift
of COG nad explain everything. He is very particular abt it.
9. When loading containers o/d from where will u determine how many containers to load on a particular hatch
and if the lashing is proper or not?
10. What is a hydrometer?
11. Why do u use a hydrometer?
12. If u are in fresh water loading cargo, can u load above the summer load line?
13. If yes, why n how much.
14. What is IAMSAR?
15. Tell abt the search patterns of IAMSAR. When they are used?
16. One example when u can use sector search.
17. What is COSWP?
18. Bosun is going fwd. You ask him what he is doing. He says that he is going into the fore-peak tank.
What will u do?
19. What do you understand by working aloft and what are the precautions related with it?
20. How will u go abt preparing for a LSA survey?
21. What are the lifeboat and liferaft requirements for a cargo ship?
22. What are the requirements for free fall lifeboats?
23. EPIRB and its maintanence.
24. How many types of fixed fire fighting systems u had onboard ur ship?
25. How do u operate a fixed CO2 system?
26. Maintanence of fixed CO2 system.
27. Disposal of garbage.
28. What all trading certificates do u have onboard?
29. Your ship met with a collision.What will u do?
30. Now after the collision water is coming inside ur ship.What is happening to your ship?
31. How will u stop the ingress of water?
32. What do u undetstand by a water tight door?
33. Where did u find the water tight doors on ur ship?
34. When can u determine if a risk of collision exists?
35. Can there be a risk of collision even if the compass bearing of a vsl is changing? Why?
36. You are keeping watch on bridge, suddenly u experience restricted visibility. What will u do?
37. Rule 8, 10, 19
38. IALA
39. If u see a new buoy(new danger) that is not on the chart or ASD or anywhere, how will u know abt the danger of the buoy?
He wants to hear that the buoy will be duplicated if the danger is grave.
40.Lastly he just showed me some lights.
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