


​50-----------------------The Audition 选拔赛

Lily is in the hall at school. Zari runs over to her.


Lily! I'm going to an audition for a play after school. Can you please come with me?



Please? I'm too nervous to do it by myself.


You'll be fine.


No, I won't. If I get too nervous, I might faint.


That only happens on TV.


No. It happens at theater auditions.


Please come with me, Lily. I need you.


Ugh… OK.


Thank you!


They go to the audition at the local theater. Their art teacher, Oscar, is sitting at a table.


Oh, Mr. Oscar is directing the play? 奥斯卡先生是导演吗?

That's why I was so nervous. 所以我才那么紧张。

OK, actors, are you ready to begin your audition? 好了,演员们,准备好开始试镜了吗?

Wait, I have to perform with you? 等等,我要和你一起表演吗?

Of course! That's why I needed you to come. Don't worry, we can do this! 当然!所以我才要你来。别担心,我们能行!

Lily suddenly looks very worried. 莉莉突然看起来很担心。

Lily? Are you OK? 莉莉?你还好吗?

I don't feel well. I… I think I'm going to… 我觉得不舒服。我…我想我要…

Lily faints. 莉莉晕倒。

Lily! 莉莉!

Later, Lily wakes up. 过了一会儿,莉莉醒了。

I told you people faint at auditions. 我跟你说过试镜的人都会晕倒。

Ugh, Zari… 啊,扎日……

Thanks for going to the audition with me. And I have good news… 谢谢你陪我去试镜。我有个好消息…

I'm going to be in the play! After you fainted, I wasn't nervous anymore! My audition was great! 我要去演出了!你晕倒之后,我就不紧张了!我的试镜很棒!

And you're going to be in the play too! 而且你也要参加演出!

What? But I fainted. 什么?但我晕倒了。

I know! Because you were so good at lying on the floor, they chose you to be a dead body in the play! 我知道!因为你擅长躺在地板上,所以他们选你演一具死尸!

Oh… 哦……

That's actually pretty cool. 这真的很酷。


Twenty Years 二十年

Bea is making a documentary film. Bea正在拍一部纪录片。

She's interviewing Oscar, the local art teacher. 她在采访奥斯卡,当地的美术老师。

Are you ready for the interview now? 你现在准备好面试了吗?

Yes! One more minute. 是的!再多一分钟。

You know, I canceled all of my appointments today for this. 为了这个,我取消了今天所有的预约。

Thank you! I'm sorry you've been waiting for a while. 谢谢你!很抱歉让你等了这么久。

It's OK. I've been waiting for twenty years to be in a film about art. 没关系。为了出演一部关于艺术的电影,我已经等了二十年了。

Twenty years?! 二十年?

Yes. I've been an artist since I was very young. But no one has ever interviewed me. 是的。我从小就是一名艺术家。但是从来没有人面试过我。

Bea turns on the camera. 碧打开了摄像机。

Three, two… 三,二…

Wait. I just need to move these lights. One moment… 等待。我只要把灯移开。一个时刻……

Did you see my new paintings in the coffee shop? 你看到我在咖啡店的新画了吗?

No, I haven't seen them yet! 不,我还没见过!

Those paintings are my best work. We can talk about them in the interview. 那些画是我最好的作品。我们可以在采访中谈论他们。

I'm sure they are great! 我相信他们是伟大的!

OK, I'm ready now! 好了,我准备好了!

Finally! 终于!

Bea turns on the camera. 碧打开了摄像机。

Three, two… 三,二…

Wait! I forgot the microphone. 等等!我忘了拿麦克风。

Oh yes, I have many things to say. 哦,是的,我有很多话要说。

Bea puts a microphone next to Oscar. Bea在奥斯卡旁边放了一个麦克风。

OK! I'm ready! 好的!我准备好了!

Bea turns on the camera. 碧打开了摄像机。

Three, two, one! 三,二,一!

So, what would you like to know about my art? 关于我的作品,你想知道些什么?

Oh! This interview isn't about your art. It's about an artist you studied with! 哦!这次采访与你的艺术无关。是关于一个和你一起学习的艺术家!

What? I waited all day to talk about another artist?! I need to leave. 什么?我等了一整天就为了谈论另一个艺术家!我得走了。

But you've been waiting twenty years to talk about art! 可你等了二十年才谈艺术!

Oscar stands up and gets ready to leave. 奥斯卡站起来准备离开。

Yes, and I can wait a little longer. 是的,我可以再等一段时间。


Scary Movie 恐怖电影

It's a dark night, and Zari is babysitting Junior. 那是个漆黑的夜晚,扎里在照顾小詹姆斯。

Zari, can we watch The Ghost Doll? 扎里,我们能看《鬼娃娃》吗?

What? No! That's a scary movie! 什么?不!那是部恐怖电影!

Please? I finished my homework, washed the dishes, and I even washed your car! 好吗?我完成了我的作业,洗了碗,我甚至洗了你的车!

I don't have a car. 我没有车。

Oh. Well, I washed someone's car. 哦。我帮别人洗了车。

You are too young to watch scary movies. 你还太小,不能看恐怖电影。

But I love watching scary movies! I always watch them with my dad. 但是我喜欢看恐怖电影!我总是和我爸爸一起看。

Well, The Ghost Doll is too scary. 幽灵娃娃太吓人了。

No, it isn't. I've seen it six times. 不,它不是。我已经看过六次了。

No, you haven't. 不,你没有。

Yes I have! I wasn't scared at all when the doll hid under the bed with the big knife. 是的,我有!当娃娃拿着大刀藏在床底下的时候,我一点也不害怕。

The doll was under the bed? 娃娃在床底下吗?

And I laughed when the man ran away from the doll. He was screaming the whole time! 当那个男人从娃娃身边跑开的时候,我笑了。他一直在尖叫!

The doll chased the man? With a knife? 娃娃在追那个男人?用刀吗?

Yeah. Do you think a doll could really hide under a bed? 是的。你觉得玩偶真的能藏在床底下吗?

I… I don't know. 我…我不知道。

I think a doll could definitely do that. 我想一个娃娃肯定能做到。

My favorite part was when the doll went into the girl's room… 我最喜欢的部分是当娃娃走进女孩的房间……

What? 什么?

The girl looked like you! 那女孩长得像你!

And the doll was really quiet… and then… 娃娃非常安静……然后……

It jumped on the girl's face! 它跳到了女孩的脸上!

No! 不!

Yes! It was so cool! 是的!太酷了!

Please stop talking about this! 请不要再谈这个了!

Why? 为什么?

You'll scare yourself. You won't be able to sleep. 你会吓到自己。你会睡不着的。

The movie is not too scary for me. 这部电影对我来说不太恐怖。

Fine. We can't watch it because the movie is too scary for me. 很好。我们不能看,因为这部电影对我来说太恐怖了。


Aunt Betty 贝蒂阿姨

Eddy knocks on the bathroom door. 艾迪敲浴室的门。

Junior, come out now. We're going to Aunt Betty's house tonight. 朱尼尔,快出来。我们今晚要去贝蒂阿姨家。

I can't go. I'm sick. 我不能去。我病了。

You're not sick. You just don't like Aunt Betty. 你不是生病了。你就是不喜欢贝蒂阿姨。

You're right, I don't like her. She's mean and all of her candy is old. 你说得对,我不喜欢她。她很刻薄,她所有的糖果都是旧的。

But I really am sick. 但我真的病了。

No, you aren't. 不,你不是。

Yes, I am. My stomach hurts. My face hurts. Everything hurts! 是的,我是。我的胃疼。我的脸疼。一切伤害!

I think I'm dying. 我想我要死了。

Aunt Betty will be sad if you don't come with me to visit her. 如果你不跟我一起去看贝蒂阿姨,她会很难过的。

I know, but she will be sadder if I die. 我知道,但如果我死了,她会更难过。

Junior… 初级…

You can go without me. 你可以一个人去。

I'll stay here and watch TV until I feel better. 我要呆在这儿看电视,直到我感觉好些为止。

If you come with me to Aunt Betty's house, we can get ice cream 如果你和我一起去贝蒂阿姨家,我们可以吃冰淇淋

Ice cream? 冰淇淋吗?

I'll buy you the biggest bowl of ice cream at the shop. 我去商店给你买最大的一碗冰淇淋。

Well… OK. 嗯……好吧。

Junior opens the door… and he looks terrible. Junior打开门,他看起来很可怕。

Whoa! Wow! Junior, your face is covered in red spots! 哇!哇!Junior,你脸上长满了红点!

We need to go to the hospital right now! 我们得马上去医院!

The hospital?! You told me we were going to get ice cream! 医院? !你说我们要去吃冰淇淋的!

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Nice Tie 漂亮的领带

Zari is babysitting Junior while his dad is on a date. 扎里在他爸爸约会的时候照看小詹姆斯。

Junior walks into the room. He's wearing a nice shirt and a tie. Junior走进房间。他穿着漂亮的衬衫,系着领带。

Junior, why are you wearing a tie? 小詹姆斯,你为什么打领带?

Sometimes I wear ties. I like to look fancy. 有时我打领带。我喜欢打扮花哨。

Aw, that's great. You look nice! 哦,太好了。你看起来不错!

So… are you inviting a friend here? 你是在邀请朋友来吗?

No, why? 不,为什么?

Well… the last time you babysat me, Lily came over. 上次你照顾我的时候莉莉过来了

Oh, do you want me to invite Lily? 你想让我邀请莉莉吗?

I mean, sure, only if you want to… 我是说,当然,除非你想…

Junior brings a huge plate of cheese and fruit from the kitchen. Junior从厨房拿了一大盘奶酪和水果。

And if she comes over, we have plenty of juice and snacks for her! 如果她来了,我们会为她准备很多果汁和零食!

Wow, Junior! Did you make that by yourself? 哇,年轻!你自己做的吗?

It was easy. 它很容易。

Junior, do you like Lily? Junior,你喜欢Lily吗?

No. She's pretty cool, but… 不。她很酷,但是…

You know, I can ask Lily if she wants to babysit you sometime. 我可以找个时间问问莉莉愿不愿意帮你看孩子。

What? Really? Do you think she'll say yes? 什么?真的吗?你觉得她会同意吗?

If your dad is paying her, then she'll say yes. 如果你爸爸付钱给她,她会同意的。

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. 突然,有人敲门。

Who's that?! 那是谁? !

I think it's Lily! 我想是莉莉!

I think it's Lily! 我想是莉莉!

Did you invite her?! 你邀请她了吗?

She's just bringing me my homework. 她只是把我的作业带来。

Zari walks to the door. Zari走到门口。

Wait! Do I look OK? 等等!我看起来还行吗?

You look great, Junior! 你看起来棒极了,小詹姆斯!

Zari opens the door. 扎里打开了门。

Hi, Lily! 嗨,莉莉!

Hey, friend. 嘿,朋友。

Come in! I'm just hanging out with Junior! 进来!我只是和小詹姆斯在一起!

Hi, Junior. Nice tie. 嗨,小。漂亮的领带。

Thanks, uh… 谢谢,嗯…

I need to go to bed now! 我得去睡觉了!

Junior runs into his bedroom and closes the door. Junior跑进卧室,关上了门。

What's wrong with him? 他怎么了?

Haha… I think you have a fan. 哈哈,我想你有粉丝了。

That's cool. Whoa, this cheese looks great. Can I have some? 那很酷。哇,这奶酪看起来真不错。我能吃一些吗?

Yes, I think that's all for you. 是的,我想这就是你想要的。


Sorry I'm Late 对不起,我迟到了

Eddy arrives at a restaurant. He talks to the waiter. 艾迪来到一家餐馆。他和服务员说话。

Hi, I'm meeting someone here for a date, and I'm late! Have you seen her? 嗨,我要和一个人约会,我迟到了!你见过她吗?

A woman waves to him. 一个女人向他招手。

Hi! I'm Eddy. So sorry I'm late! 这就跟你问声好!我是艾迪。对不起,我迟到了!

That's OK. Let's begin. 没关系。让我们开始吧。

Eddy sits down. He notices the woman is wearing a very nice suit. 艾迪坐下。他注意到那个女人穿着一套非常漂亮的西装。

You look nice. 你看起来不错。

I should have worn a suit too! 我也应该穿西装的!

Yes, and you should have worn a tie. 是啊,你应该打领带的。

Next time, I'll remember that you like ties. 下次,我会记得你喜欢领带。

Let's hurry. I only have twenty minutes. 让我们快点。我只有二十分钟的时间。

Only twenty minutes?! 只有20分钟? !

That should be enough time. 时间应该够了。

You're right. My parents were in love the first minute they saw each other! 你是对的。我父母第一次见面就坠入爱河了!

Interesting. So, tell me about your job. 有趣。跟我说说你的工作吧。

I teach gym at the high school. 我在高中教体育。

You must be good with kids. 你一定和孩子们相处得很好。

I should tell you… I have an eight-year-old son. 我应该告诉你,我有个八岁的儿子。

That's OK! 没关系!

Really? I'm so glad you said that! Maybe I can introduce you to him… 真的吗?我很高兴你这么说!也许我可以把你介绍给他…

I don't think that's necessary. 我认为没有必要。

Tell me about your skills. 告诉我你的技能。

I'm very good at making romantic dinners. 我很擅长做浪漫晚餐。

No, I want to know about your job skills. 不,我想知道你的工作技能。

Do you always talk about work so much on a first date? 第一次约会你总是谈论工作吗?

This isn't a date. It's a job interview. 这不是约会。这是一个工作面试。

Eddy looks at his phone. 艾迪看了看他的手机。

Oh no! This is the wrong appointment. I thought you were my date. You're— 噢,不!这是错误的约会。我以为你是我的约会对象。你- - - - - -

I'm Liz, from the gym downtown. We are hiring a manager to work at night and on weekends. 我是利兹,在市中心的健身房工作。我们正在招聘一名经理在晚上和周末工作。

So, can I have the job? 那么,我能得到这份工作吗?

Definitely not. 绝对不会。

Well, now my nights and weekends are free for dates! 现在我晚上和周末都有空约会了!


The Drummer 鼓手

Lily and Zari are waiting in line outside a theater. 莉莉和扎里在电影院外面排队。

Are you sure we can get into the concert? 你确定我们能进音乐会吗?

Yeah, I met the drummer at a record store. 是的,我在唱片店遇到了鼓手。

I told him that I love his band, so he asked me to come tonight. 我告诉他我喜欢他的乐队,所以他邀请我今晚去。

The drummer invited you?! That is so cool! 鼓手邀请了你?!太酷了!

Yeah. 是的。

And he is so cute! 他太可爱了!

He is? I didn't notice. 他是吗?我没有注意到。

You're lying. 你就是在说谎。

He's a very good drummer. 他是个很好的鼓手。

And he writes a lot of songs for the band. 他为乐队写了很多歌。

You like him! 你喜欢他!

Be quiet, Zari. 保持安静,扎日。

He invited you to his concert, so he probably likes you too! 他邀请你去他的演唱会,所以他可能也喜欢你!

No. Do you think so? 不。你这么认为吗?

Of course! 当然!

A security guard stops them. 一名保安拦住了他们。

A security guard stops them. 一名保安拦住了他们。

You can't go in there! 你不能进去!

It's OK, we're friends with the drummer. 没关系,我们是鼓手的朋友。

You're friends with the drummer? I don't think so. 你和那个鼓手是朋友?我不这么想。

The drummer walks over to Lily and Zari. 鼓手走向莉莉和扎里。

Hi, Lily! 嗨,莉莉!

I told you we knew the drummer. 我说过我们认识那个鼓手。

I'm so glad you're here! 真高兴你能来!

You are? I'm cool. I mean… that's cool. 你是谁?我很酷。我是说,这很酷。

And I'm really glad you brought your friend. 我很高兴你把朋友带来了。

Me too! 我也是!

A lot of fans are coming to the concert tonight. We really need both of you to help sell our T-shirts. 今晚有很多歌迷要来听音乐会。我们真的需要你俩帮我们卖t恤。

Uh… 嗯…

What? 什么?

You invited us to your concert because you want us to sell T-shirts? 你邀请我们去你的演唱会是因为你想让我们卖t恤吗?

Yeah! Thank you so much! 是啊!非常感谢!

My girlfriend is by the T-shirt table. 我女朋友在t恤桌子旁边。

She can tell you what to do. 她可以告诉你该怎么做。

Your girlfriend? 你的女朋友吗?

Yeah! She's the really pretty girl, over there. Tell her I said you can have a free T-shirt! 是啊!她就是那个非常漂亮的女孩,就在那边。告诉她我说你可以得到一件免费的t恤!


Junior's Interview 初级的采访

Junior enters Bea's apartment. He is carrying a briefcase. Junior进入Bea的公寓。他提着一个公文包。

Hello, Bea. I'm here for my interview. 你好,Bea。我是来面试的。

Um… interview? 嗯……面试吗?

Yes. My dad said you're going on a trip. So, I would like to apply for a job watering your plants. 是的。我爸爸说你要去旅行。所以,我想申请一份给你的植物浇水的工作。

Ah! Please, sit down. 啊!请坐下。

Thank you, I will sit down. 谢谢,我先坐下。

He sits down and opens his briefcase. 他坐下来,打开公文包。

Would you like a cookie? 你想要一块饼干吗?

No, thank you. I don't eat during business meetings. 不了,谢谢。我开会时不吃东西。

Good, because they're my roommate's cookies. She's not happy when I eat them. 很好,因为那是我室友的饼干。我吃的时候她不高兴。

Junior gives his résumé to Bea. Junior把他的résumé给了Bea。

Did you write this with a crayon? 你是用蜡笔写的吗?

Yes. Yes, I did. 是的。是的,我做到了。

OK. Why should I give you this job? 好的。我为什么要给你这份工作?

I am very responsible. I like to work hard. 我很负责任。我喜欢努力工作。

Have you watered plants before? 你以前浇过花吗?

No, but I've been watching videos online. 没有,但我一直在网上看视频。

What are your goals for the future? 你未来的目标是什么?

Driving a flying car! 开一辆会飞的车!

But first I'll have my own business. And you're my first customer. 但首先我要有自己的生意。你是我的第一个顾客。

Watering plants is a very big job. 给植物浇水是一项很大的工作。

You only have two plants. And they're dying. 你只有两种植物。他们死亡。

Right. My roommate and I always forget to water them. 正确的。我的室友和我总是忘记给它们浇水。

Bea. Listen. 东亚银行。听。

Yeah? 是吗?

If you give me the job, you can eat all of your roommate's cookies. And then, you can tell her I ate them. 如果你给我这份工作,你可以把你室友的饼干都吃了。然后,你可以告诉她我吃了。

Ooh. Good idea! You can have the job! 哦。好主意!你可以得到这份工作!

They shake hands. 他们握手。

We can talk about my salary later. 我的薪水以后再谈。

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The Art Show 艺术展示

Oscar waits in a long line for an art show downtown. 奥斯卡在市中心排着长队等着看艺术展。

He walks over to the security guard. 他走到保安那里。

I've been waiting in line since seven o'clock! Can I go in now? 我从7点钟就开始排队了!我现在可以进去了吗?

Sir, this is a very famous artist. You need to wait. 先生,这是一位非常著名的艺术家。你需要等待。

Oscar continues to wait. Then, the security guard waves at a man in a leather jacket. He lets the man inside the building. 奥斯卡继续等待。然后,保安向一名身穿皮夹克的男子挥手。他让那人进了楼。

Hey! I was here before that man! 嘿!我比那个人先来的!

Yeah. But he's cool. Look at what he's wearing. 是的。但他很酷。看看他穿的衣服。

Oscar gets an idea. He runs into a store nearby and buys a new jacket. He walks over to the security guard again. 奥斯卡有了一个主意。他跑进附近的一家商店,买了一件新夹克。他又走到保安那里。

Now will you let me in? 现在你会让我进去吗?

The security guard looks at Oscar wearing his new jacket. 保安看着穿着新夹克的奥斯卡。

That's a great jacket. But no, you still can't go in. 那是一件很棒的夹克。但是不行,你还是不能进去。

The security guard lets a man and a woman go into the building. 保安让一男一女进入大楼。

Those people just got here! 那些人刚到!

It's cold. I didn't want them to wait outside for a long time. 它是凉的。我不想让他们在外面等太久。

I'm cold! I've been waiting outside for hours! 我冷!我在外面等了好几个小时了!

But now you have a warm jacket. 但是现在你有了一件暖和的夹克。

Ugh! 啊!

Will you let me inside if I give you… this? 如果我把这个给你,你能让我进去吗?

Oscar tries to give the security guard five dollars. 奥斯卡试图给保安五美元。

Five dollars? Are you joking? 五美元吗?你在开玩笑吗?

Please go back to the end of the line. 请回到队伍的末尾去。

Ugh, fine. 呃,好。

Oscar sees his friend Lucy and waves at her. 奥斯卡看到了他的朋友露西,向她招手。

Hey, Lucy! You're here for the art show too?! I've been waiting in line for hours. 嗨,露西!你也是来参加艺术展的吗!我已经排了几个小时的队了。

You have? 你有吗?

Yeah, but I'm giving up now. Let's go get dinner instead. 是的,但我现在放弃了。我们还是去吃晚饭吧。

Sure. I'm really hungry after looking at all of that art. 确定。看完所有的艺术作品后我真的很饿。

What? You got inside? 什么?你有在吗?

Of course. She's very cool. 当然可以。她很酷。


Is This a Date? 这是一次约会吗?

Junior and Lily are at a museum. Junior和Lily在博物馆里。

This museum is pretty cool… 这个博物馆很酷……

It's a really great museum! And this is a great date! 这真是一个伟大的博物馆!这是个很棒的约会!

What? Junior, this is not a date. 什么?小詹姆斯,这不是约会。

But it's just the two of us. Alone! 但只有我们两个人。独自一人!

That doesn't mean it's a date. 这并不意味着这是一次约会。

We went to the library together on Wednesday, and that wasn't a date. 我们周三一起去了图书馆,那不是约会。

Wait… that wasn't a date either? 等等,那也不是约会?

No, Junior! I'm your babysitter, not your date. 不,初级!我是你的保姆,不是你的约会对象。

Well, I'm confused. What usually happens during a date? 嗯,我困惑。约会时通常会发生什么?

Well, uh… A date happens at a place like… a restaurant. 约会通常发生在餐馆之类的地方。

But we went to a sandwich shop for lunch! 但是我们去了一家三明治店吃午餐!

No, not a sandwich shop. A fancy restaurant. 不,不是三明治店。一个高档餐厅。

But you bought my sandwich… 但你给我买了三明治……

Your dad gave me the money for your sandwich. 你爸爸把买三明治的钱给我了。

It's also the afternoon right now. Dates don't happen during the day. 现在也是下午。约会不会发生在白天。

A week later, Junior sees Lily at the movie theater. 一周后,Junior在电影院见到了Lily。

Hi Lily! You're seeing this movie too? 嗨,莉莉!你也在看这部电影?

Oh, hi, Junior. 哦,嗨,小。

Wow, that's a lot of popcorn for one person! 哇,一个人吃这么多爆米花!

OK, you can sit next to me and eat some of my popcorn. 好吧,你可以坐在我旁边吃我的爆米花。

But no talking. And remember— 但没有说话。记住,

I know, I know. It's not a date! 我知道,我知道。这不是约会!

Anyway, I already have a date tonight. 总之,我今晚已经有约会了。

Zari walks over to Junior and Lily. She has two sodas and a box of candy. Zari走到Junior和Lily身边。她有两瓶汽水和一盒糖果。

Look, Junior! Your dad gave me enough money to buy candy too! 看,初级!你爸爸也给了我足够的钱买糖果!

Thank you, Zari. This is a great date! 谢谢你,扎日。这是一个很棒的约会!

Junior, this is not a date. 小詹姆斯,这不是约会。


Late for the Movie 电影迟到了

Lucy is buying popcorn at the movie theater. She sees a man and a woman. She waves at them. 露西正在电影院买爆米花。她看到一男一女。她向他们挥手。

John? John! Hello! 约翰?约翰!你好!

The man grabs the woman's hand and starts to walk away quickly. 男人抓住女人的手,迅速走开了。

John, wait! It's me, Lucy! 约翰,等等!是我,露西!

Lucy runs over to them. 露西向他们跑去。

Oh, hi, Lucy… It's good to see you but sorry, we need to go sit down. 哦,嗨,露西,很高兴见到你,但很抱歉,我们得坐下来。

Movies never start on time. 电影从不准时开演。

Stay for a minute. 稍等片刻。

Sure! 当然!

Uh… sure. 嗯…当然。

It's been a long time! How have you been? 好久不见了!你过得怎么样?

Uh… fine. And you? 嗯…很好。你呢?

I'm good! I just started boxing, and I love it! 我很好!我刚开始打拳击,我很喜欢!

Lucy turns to the woman and smiles. 露西转向那个女人,笑了。

And you look great! Did you change your hair color? You look so good with blonde hair! 你看起来棒极了!你改变头发颜色了吗?你金发很好看!

No, this is the color my hair has always been. 不,我的头发一直是这个颜色。

Really? And you stopped wearing glasses! It makes you look so much younger. 真的吗?你也不戴眼镜了!让你看起来年轻多了。

I've never worn glasses… 我从来没戴过眼镜……

We really need to leave for that movie… 我们真得去看那部电影了……

Actually, you look a lot younger now! What is your secret? 事实上,你现在看起来年轻多了!你的秘诀是什么?

I'm sorry, but we've never met before. 对不起,我们以前没见过面。

What? Of course we've met. I was a guest at your wedding. 什么?我们当然见过。我是你婚礼的客人。

What wedding? John and I aren't married. 什么婚礼?约翰和我还没有结婚。

That's funny, Sandra. 这是有趣的,桑德拉。

My name is Shirley! Who's Sandra?! 我的名字叫雪莉!桑德拉是谁? !

Oh hey! The movie is starting now! We have to go! 噢嘿!电影开始了!我们得走了!

John? Who is Sandra?! 约翰?桑德拉是谁? !

Lucy starts eating her popcorn. 露西开始吃爆米花。

Oh, wow. John, my friend, I think you're going to miss that movie. 哦,哇。约翰,我的朋友,我想你会错过那部电影的。


The Accident 这次事故

Junior sees Lucy in their neighborhood. 朱尼尔在他们家附近看到了露西。

Hi Lucy! 嗨,露西!

Lucy waves at Junior. She has a bandage on her foot. 露西向朱尼尔挥手。她脚上缠着绷带。

Why do you have a bandage on your foot? 你为什么脚上缠着绷带?

I had an accident yesterday. 我昨天出车祸了。

An accident? What happened? 意外?发生了什么事?

Well, I woke up in the morning and made tea. 嗯,我早上醒来,泡了茶。

And I dropped the pot of hot water. 我把那壶热水弄掉了。

Did you burn your foot? 你的脚烧伤了吗?

No, but the water spilled on the floor and the pot broke. 没有,但是水洒在地上,水壶破了。

Oh. 哦。

After that, I had to buy a new pot, so I got on my motorcycle. 之后,我又买了个新锅,所以我骑上了摩托车。

While I was riding, a cow walked into the road! 当我骑马的时候,一头牛走到了路上!

Oh no! Did you hit the cow? Is that how you hurt your foot? 噢,不!你打奶牛了吗?你的脚就是这样受伤的吗?

No, but I had to stop very quickly. I fell off my motorcycle! 没有,但我不得不很快停下来。我从摩托车上摔下来了!

Oh, so that's how you hurt your foot! 原来你的脚就是这样受伤的!

No. After I fell, my motorcycle wasn't working, so I walked to find help. 不。我摔倒后,我的摩托车坏了,所以我步行去寻求帮助。

And then a huge dog started running towards me. 然后一只大狗开始向我跑过来。

Did the dog bite you? 狗咬你了吗?

No, he was very friendly! 不,他非常友好!

OK… 好吧……

Then a nice man saw me on the road and stopped to help me. 然后一个好心的人在路上看到了我,并停下来帮助我。

He was very handsome, so I asked him to go out with me. 他很英俊,所以我邀请他和我出去。

But how did you hurt your foot?! 但是你的脚是怎么受伤的?!

He stepped on it! I'll never go dancing with him again. 他踩上去了!我再也不跟他跳舞了。

53----------------------------- 53 -----------------------------

Eddy's Meeting 艾迪的会议

Eddy is meeting with his son Junior's teacher. He sits down and looks nervous. 艾迪要去见他儿子Junior的老师。他坐下来,看起来很紧张。

Thank you for coming in. We really need to talk. 谢谢你能来。我们真的需要谈谈。

What did Junior do? Has he been hiding under his desk and eating candy again? Junior做了什么?他是不是又躲在桌子底下吃糖果了?

No, that's not why I called you— 不,这不是我打电话给你的原因

Oh no. Did he bring frogs to class in his backpack again? 哦,不。他又把青蛙装在背包里带去上课了吗?

Well, yes, but that's not why I called you. 是的,但这不是我打电话给你的原因。

Oh. Then, what is the problem? 哦。那么问题是什么呢?

We need to talk about Junior's homework. 我们得谈谈小詹姆斯的作业。

Ah. I understand. 啊。我明白了。

I've been trying to help Junior with his homework more often. 我一直在帮助小詹姆斯做作业。

Well, this week— 嗯,本周-

Actually, this week I helped him with his science project! 事实上,这周我帮他完成了他的科学项目!

Oh, you helped him with his project? 你帮他完成了他的项目?

Yes! I helped him because I know a lot about dinosaurs. 是的!我帮助他是因为我知道很多关于恐龙的事。

You do? 你会怎么做?

Yes. I've seen every dinosaur movie. 是的。我看过每一部恐龙电影。

Ah. Well, Junior's homework is usually very good… 啊。嗯,小詹姆斯的作业通常都很好……

That's great! 太好了!

But his dinosaur project was terrible. 但他的恐龙项目很糟糕。

A lot of the information was wrong. 很多信息都是错误的。

For example, humans did not ride dinosaurs. 例如,人类不骑恐龙。

Oh… right, I knew that. 哦,对,我知道。

Also, dinosaurs could not run faster than cars. 此外,恐龙也不能跑得比汽车快。

Really? 真的吗?

Maybe you should let Junior do the research next time. 也许你下次应该让小詹姆斯做研究。


Hannah's Party 汉娜的派对

Zari is at a party at her friend Hannah's house. Lily arrives at the party. 扎里在她朋友汉娜家参加派对。莉莉到达了派对。

Lily! What are you doing here? You hate parties. 莉莉!你在这里做什么?你讨厌聚会。

I heard that Hannah is moving away. 我听说汉娜要搬走了。

I didn't know that you were friends with Hannah. 我不知道你和汉娜是朋友。

Lily walks through the house looking for Hannah. Zari follows her. 莉莉穿过房子找汉娜。扎日跟随她。

You didn't come to my party last week. 你上周没来参加我的聚会。

I need to see Hannah before she moves away. 我得在汉娜搬走前见她一面。

Lily opens a door and sees two teenagers kissing. 莉莉打开一扇门,看到两个青少年在接吻。

Ew. 电子战。

She closes the door and continues walking. 她关上门,继续往前走。

Wait, is Hannah secretly your best friend? 等等,汉娜私下里是你最好的朋友吗?

They walk past a pool. 他们走过一个游泳池。

A tall boy gets out of the water and comes over to them. 一个高个子男孩从水里出来,向他们走来。

Lily! You're at a party? 莉莉!你在派对上?

Go away. I'm busy. 消失。我很忙。

Lily pushes the boy into the pool. 莉莉把男孩推到游泳池里。

OK. Let's find your best friend Hannah now 好的。我们现在去找你最好的朋友汉娜吧

You can tell her you'll miss her so much. 你可以告诉她你会很想她的。

Lily and Zari see a girl standing in the kitchen. 莉莉和扎里看到一个女孩站在厨房里。

Hey, Jamie. Have you seen Hannah? 嘿,杰米。你看到汉娜了吗?

She's over there. 她在那里。

Come on, Zari. Let's go talk to Hannah. And stop being jealous. 来吧,扎日。我们去和汉娜谈谈。别嫉妒了。

I'm not jealous. It's OK that you like Hannah more than you like me… 我不嫉妒。你喜欢汉娜胜过喜欢我,这没关系……

Zari… 扎日……

They walk over to Hannah. 他们走向汉娜。

Lily! I'm surprised to see you. Don't you hate parties? 莉莉!见到你我很惊讶。你不讨厌聚会吗?

She does hate parties, but she really wanted to see you. 她确实讨厌派对,但她真的很想见你。

Really? 真的吗?

Yes, because Lily's your best friend, right? 是的,因为莉莉是你最好的朋友,对吧?

Uh… no. 嗯…不。

Then why are you here, Lily? 那你来干什么,莉莉

I'm here because Hannah owes me twenty dollars. I wanted to get it before she moved. 我来是因为汉娜欠我20美元。我想在她搬走之前拿到。

Ohhhhh! 啊!

Hannah! You need to give my best friend Lily her money now! 汉娜!你得马上把钱给我最好的朋友莉莉!


I Can Fix It! 我能修好它!

Oscar is standing outside his classroom. He looks upset. Another teacher, Eddy, walks by. 奥斯卡正站在教室外面。他看起来心烦意乱。另一个老师艾迪走过。

Hi, Oscar! Is everything OK? 嗨,奥斯卡!一切都好吗?

No. I called someone to fix the bathroom sink at my house, but he's very late. 不。我打电话叫人来修我家浴室的水槽,但他很晚才来。

You have a problem with your bathroom sink? I can fix it! 你的浴室水槽有问题吗?我能修好它!

No, thanks. I want to call a professional. 不,谢谢。我想找个专业人士。

I fix things in my house all the time! Come on, you'll save money! 我一直在家里修东西!来吧,你会省钱的!

Hmm… I can save some money? 嗯……我可以省点钱?

After school, Oscar and Eddy go to Oscar's house. 放学后,奥斯卡和艾迪去了奥斯卡的家。

Your house is so fancy. 你的房子真漂亮。

It should be in a magazine! 应该登在杂志上!

Thank you. It was in a magazine last year. 谢谢你!去年的杂志上登过。

I love your gold bathroom mirror ! And your towels are so white! 我喜欢你浴室里的金色镜子!你的毛巾也这么白!

Yes, and very expensive. 是的,而且很贵。

Wow, this vase is nice, too! Putting flowers on top of the toilet is a great idea. 哇,这个花瓶也很漂亮!把花放在马桶顶上是个好主意。

Eddy, are you going to fix the sink? 艾迪,你要修水槽吗?

Oh! Yes, of course. 哦!是的,当然。

Eddy walks towards the sink. He accidentally hits the vase. It falls on the floor and breaks. 艾迪走向水池。他不小心撞到了花瓶。它掉在地板上摔碎了。

Oh no! Sorry… 噢,不!对不起……

It's OK. Just fix the sink, please. 没关系。请把水槽修好。

Eddy starts to fix the sink. Water spills on the floor. Eddy grabs a towel. 艾迪开始修理水槽。水溅到地板上。艾迪抓起一条毛巾。

No! Eddy! 不!艾迪!

Don't use my expensive towels! 别用我昂贵的毛巾!

Eddy stands up quickly and hits the mirror. It falls off the wall and breaks. 艾迪迅速站起来打镜子。它从墙上掉下来摔碎了。

Oops. 哦。

My new mirror! 我的新镜子!

OK… I'm finished. Look! I fixed the sink! 好吧…我完了。看!我修好了水槽!

Thanks. But you broke my vase and my mirror. 谢谢。但是你打碎了我的花瓶和镜子。

My towels are dirty. And there's water everywhere! 我的毛巾脏了。到处都是水!

But you didn't have to pay to fix your sink! 但是你修水槽不用付钱啊!


Whale Watching 观赏鲸鱼

Eddy and his son, Junior, are whale watching on a boat. Junior is playing a video game on his phone. 艾迪和他的儿子朱尼尔正在船上看鲸鱼。Junior正在用手机玩电子游戏。

Isn't this terrific, Junior? I can't wait until we see a whale! 这是不是很棒,小詹姆斯?我都等不及看到鲸鱼了!

I can't wait to get to the next level of my game! 我等不及要进入游戏的下一关了!

Junior, why aren't you paying attention? 小詹姆斯,你为什么不专心听讲?

A whale could jump out of the water at any time! 鲸鱼随时都可能跳出水面!

Junior looks at the ocean, then he looks back at his game. Junior看着大海,然后他回头看他的比赛。

I don't see any whales. 我没看到鲸鱼。

You have to be patient and watch the water! 你必须要有耐心,看着水!

But I'm almost on level fifty in my game now! 但现在我的游戏已经接近50级了!

I can't believe you don't care about this. 真不敢相信你不在乎这些。

A woman walks over to Eddy. 一个女人走向埃迪。

My daughter isn't paying attention either. 我女儿也没注意。

She points at her daughter, who is texting on her phone. 她指着正在用手机发短信的女儿。

I don't understand. When I was a kid, I loved whale watching. 我不明白你的意思。当我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢看鲸鱼。

I loved whale watching too! 我也喜欢看鲸鱼!

My name's Eddy. And you are…? 我的名字叫艾迪。你是……?

Well hello, Eddy. I'm Sofia. 你好,艾迪。我是索菲亚。

Nice to meet you, Sofia. 很高兴认识你,索菲亚。

It's great to meet another parent who understands. 能见到另一位理解我的家长真是太好了。

Yes, kids never pay attention to important things! 是的,孩子们从来不注意重要的事情!

Behind Eddy, a giant whale jumps out of the water. Junior screams. 在埃迪身后,一条巨大的鲸鱼跃出水面。初级的尖叫声。

Oh, wow! Dad, look! 哦,哇!爸爸,看!

Junior, I don't want to hear about your video game right now. 小詹姆斯,我现在不想听你玩电子游戏。

Another whale jumps out of the water behind them. 另一只鲸鱼从他们身后的水里跳出来。

Mom! You missed it! 妈妈!你错过了它!

What?! 什么? !

You missed the whales! 你错过了鲸鱼!

No! 不!

Adults never pay attention to important things! 成年人从不注意重要的事情!

54---------------------- 54 ----------------------

Call a Doctor! 叫医生!

Eddy is jogging in the neighborhood. Suddenly, he falls and hurts his ankle. 艾迪正在附近慢跑。突然,他摔倒了,伤了脚踝。

Ow! 噢!

A man in a white lab coat walks quickly past him. 一个穿白大褂的人很快从他身边走过。

Hey! Doctor! Doctor! 嘿!医生!医生!

Who, me? 谁,我吗?

Yes, can you help me? 是的,你能帮我吗?

I'm actually late, I need to go to work. 我要迟到了,我得去上班。

But my ankle hurts a lot. Please help me! 但是我的脚踝很疼。请帮助我!

Well… OK. 嗯……好吧。

I'll just take off your shoe… 我把你的鞋脱了…

Wow! This looks bad! 哇!这看起来坏!

Oh no. What's wrong? 哦,不。怎么了?

You really need to cut your toenails! 你真的需要剪脚趾甲了!

But let me have a look at your ankle. Hm. I'm going to try to move it. 但让我看看你的脚踝。嗯。我要试着移动它。

What? No—Ow! 什么?No-Ow !

OK, that was a bad idea. Did it hurt? 好吧,这是个坏主意。疼吗?

Yes! 是的!

Oops. Hmm. Maybe I can make a bandage. 哦。嗯。也许我可以做个绷带。

He tears a piece of Eddy's shirt. 他扯掉了艾迪衬衫的一块。

Hey! My shirt! 嘿!我的衬衫!

I need it to make a bandage. I'm going to put it around your ankle. 我要用它来做绷带。我要把它套在你的脚踝上。

Ow! That's too tight! 噢!那是太紧!

If you're going to complain about everything, I'm not going to help you. 如果你对什么都抱怨,那我就不帮你了。

What? Don't doctors have to help people when they're hurt? 什么?医生不应该在病人受伤时帮助他们吗?

I don't know, I'm not a doctor. 我不知道,我又不是医生。

You said you were a doctor. 你说你是个医生。

No, I didn't. I'm an actor. 不,我没有。我是一个演员。

Why are you wearing a lab coat? 你为什么穿着白大褂?

I'm a doctor on a TV show, and I'm wearing my costume. 我是电视剧里的医生,我穿着戏服。

Wait, I've seen you on the TV show you're on! My son and I watch it! 等等,我在你演的那个电视节目上见过你!我儿子和我一起看!

I know how you can help me feel better… 我知道你能让我感觉好点…

How? 如何?

You can take a picture with me for my son! 你可以为我儿子和我拍张照片!


The Worst Season 最糟糕的季节

Oscar and Vikram are waiting for a bus. 奥斯卡和维克拉姆在等公共汽车。

Oscar sneezes. 奥斯卡打喷嚏。

Ugh. I have very bad allergies right now. 啊。我现在有严重的过敏症。

Yeah, your eyes look really red! 是啊,你的眼睛看起来好红!

I always feel terrible during spring. 春天的时候我总是感觉很糟糕。

Well, summer will be here soon. 嗯,夏天很快就要来了。

Why is that a good thing? 为什么这是一件好事?

Because then you won't have allergies anymore. 因为这样你就不会再过敏了。

But summer is so hot. 但是夏天太热了。

I hate seeing everyone wear shorts. 我讨厌看到每个人都穿短裤。

OK. Then you probably like fall! 好的。那么你可能喜欢秋天!

Definitely not. 绝对不会。

Why? 为什么?

Fall is the worst season. 秋天是最坏的季节。

I'm a teacher! I have to go back to work again in fall. 我是一个老师!我秋天还得回去工作。

Well, do you like winter? 那么,你喜欢冬天吗?

Winter is the worst season. 冬天是最糟糕的季节。

You just said fall is the worst season. 你刚说秋天是最糟糕的季节。

Winter is freezing. 冬天的寒冷。

And the weather makes my skin so dry! 这天气让我的皮肤很干!

Oscar, do you like any part of the year? 奥斯卡,你喜欢一年中的任何一段时间吗?

New Year's Eve is OK. 除夕夜也可以。

Great! Why do you like New Year's Eve? 太棒了!你为什么喜欢除夕夜?

Because on New Year's Eve another terrible year is finally over. 因为除夕夜又一个可怕的一年终于结束了。


Is Your Wifi Working? 你的Wifi能用吗?

It's late at night. Eddy's neighbor, Bea, knocks on his door. 现在是深夜。艾迪的邻居Bea敲了他的门。

Oh, hi, Bea! Why are you here so late? 哦,嗨,Bea !你怎么这么晚才来?

Hi, Eddy. I was wondering… is your wifi working? 你好,艾迪。我在想,你的无线网能用吗?

It isn't! How did you know? 它不是!你怎么知道的?

My wifi stopped working, too. I just wanted to make sure you were OK. 我的wifi也坏了。我只是想确认一下你没事。

Oh, you're such a good friend! 哦,你真是个好朋友!

Would you like me to come inside and fix it for you? 要我进去帮你修吗?

You mean right now? Um… sure! 你是说现在吗?嗯……当然!

Bea walks into Eddy's apartment and looks around. Bea走进埃迪的公寓,环顾四周。

OK, did you try turning it off and on? 好吧,你试过开关吗?

Turning what off and on? 打开和关闭什么?

Your router. 你的路由器。

My what? 我的什么?

Never mind. 不要紧。

Bea looks for Eddy's router. Bea在寻找艾迪的路由器。

You know, my walls are very thick here. Maybe that's the problem! 你知道,我这里的墙很厚。也许这就是问题所在!

No, that's not the problem. Your wifi is very strong in my apartment. 不,这不是问题所在。你在我公寓的无线网很强大。

It is? 它是什么?

I mean, I think it is. 我的意思是,我认为是。

Wait, why are you really here? 等等,你到底来这干什么?

Because your wifi isn't working. 因为你的wifi坏了。

And… my wifi isn't working because your wifi isn't working. 我的wifi坏了,因为你的wifi坏了。

Huh? 嗯?

Eddy, I use your wifi. 艾迪,我用了你的wifi。

What? 什么?

And I was just watching a really good movie. There were only five minutes left! 我在看一部很棒的电影。只剩下五分钟了!

You use my wifi? 你用我的wifi?

Yes. Now, can I please try to fix your wifi so I can finish my movie? 是的。我能修好你的无线网好让我看完电影吗?

OK. 好的。

There is another knock on Eddy's door. Eddy answers it. Lin is standing outside. 艾迪的门上又敲了一下。艾迪的答案。林站在外面。

Oh, hi, Lin! Why are you here so late? 哦,嗨,林!你怎么这么晚才来?

Hi, Eddy. Uh… I was wondering. Is your wifi working? 你好,艾迪。我在想。你的wifi能用吗?


I'm the Manager 我是经理

Lily arrives at the clothing store where she works. Her boss immediately comes to talk to her. 莉莉来到她工作的服装店。她的老板马上过来和她说话。

Lily, you're late again. 莉莉,你又迟到了。

I know. 我知道。

We need to have a serious conversation. 我们得好好谈谈。

Alright. 好吧。

There's always a mess in the store when you're working. 你工作的时候,店里总是乱七八糟的。

If I clean the store, the customers make it messy again, so I just wait until the end of the day to clean. 如果我打扫商店,顾客又会把它弄得一团糟,所以我就等到下班后再打扫。

But you never clean the store at the end of the day. 但你从来不会在一天结束的时候打扫商店。

That's true. 这是真的。

And the music you play is too loud. 而且你放的音乐太吵了。

I play loud music so the customers can't talk to me. 我把音乐放得很大声,这样顾客就没法跟我说话了。

That's another thing. You are so mean to the customers! 这是另一件事。你对顾客太刻薄了!

A customer walks over to Lily. 一个顾客走向莉莉。

Excuse me, do you have this shirt in a different color? 对不起,这件衬衫有其他颜色的吗?

No, go away. 不,走开。

Haha, you're so funny. Bye! 哈哈,你真有趣。再见!

That's exactly what I'm talking about. 这正是我想说的。

So… am I going to lose my job? 那么,我会失去工作吗?

No. Unfortunately, you're the best employee that I have. I'm giving you a promotion. 不。不幸的是,你是我最好的员工。我要给你升职。

Really? 真的吗?

I don't know why, but all our customers love you. 我不知道为什么,但我们所有的顾客都喜欢你。

They think you're cool, and they love loud music. And then they spend a lot of money here. 他们觉得你很酷,他们喜欢吵闹的音乐。然后他们在这里花了很多钱。

That's really funny. 这可真有趣。

So, starting today, you're going to be a manager. 所以,从今天开始,你要成为一名经理。

You'll have to make the work schedule for all the employees. 你得为所有员工制定工作时间表。

Ew. 电子战。

But you will make more money. 但是你会赚更多的钱。

That's cool. 那很酷。

And you need to be the first person here every morning. 你得每天早上第一个到这里。

I'm not going to do that. 我不打算这么做。

I know. 我知道。

Thanks for the promotion. Bye. 谢谢你的提升。再见。

Wait, you just got here! Where are you going? 等等,你才刚到!你要去哪里?

I decided I'm not working today. I'm the manager now. 我决定今天不工作。我现在是经理了。

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Something New 一些新的东西

Lin and Bea are standing together in the park. 林和碧一起站在公园里。

They're both holding skateboards and wearing helmets. Kids are skating around them. 他们都拿着滑板,戴着头盔。孩子们在他们周围滑冰。

Why are we doing this again? 我们为什么又要这么做?

Because I've always wanted to try skateboarding. 因为我一直想玩滑板。

I try to do one new thing every day! 我试着每天做一件新事情!

OK, that's why you are trying skateboarding. 好吧,这就是你玩滑板的原因。

But why am I doing it? 但我为什么要这么做?

Because you're my friend and you support me! 因为你是我的朋友,你支持我!

Don't worry, it'll be fun! 别担心,会很有趣的!

But don't you think we're too old for skateboarding? 但你不觉得我们玩滑板太老了吗?

Excuse me. We are not old! 原谅我。我们不老!

We're at least ten years older than everyone here. 我们至少比这里的每个人都大十岁。

Oh, Lin, watch out! 哦,琳,小心!

An 8-year-old girl skates past Lin. 一个8岁的女孩滑过林。

Excuse me, ma'am! 对不起,女士!

Did that little girl just call me "ma'am"? 那个小女孩刚才叫我"女士"吗?

Bea laughs at Lin. Bea嘲笑Lin。

Just get on your skateboard and try it. 爬上你的滑板试一试。

If you fall, I promise I'll catch you! 如果你掉下去,我保证会接住你!

Fine. I'll try it. 很好。我将试一试。

Lin gets on the skateboard and immediately falls off. 林一踏上滑板,马上就摔了下来。

You promised to catch me! 你说过要抓住我的!

I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to fall right away. 我很抱歉。我没想到你会马上摔下去。

Bea helps Lin stand up. 碧帮助林站起来。

Come on. Let's go catch that girl who called you "ma'am." 来吧。我们去抓住那个叫你"女士"的女孩吧

Later that day, Lin and Bea are at the hospital. 当天晚些时候,林和碧在医院。

Bea's arm is broken. Bea的胳膊断了。

Maybe skateboarding was a bad idea. 也许滑板是个坏主意。

I just really like to do one new thing every day. 我真的很喜欢每天做一件新事情。

Well, have you ever broken your arm before? 你以前摔断过胳膊吗?

No… 不…

Then you did two new things today! 那你今天做了两件新事情!


The Refund 退款

Lily is working at the clothing store. 莉莉在服装店工作。

Excuse me, how much is this suit? 请问这套西装多少钱?

Two hundred dollars. Do you want to try the suit on? 二百美元。你想试试那套衣服吗?

No, I don't have time. Just take my money! 不,我没时间。把我的钱拿去!

The man buys the suit. 这个人买了这套衣服。

The next day, he returns to the store. 第二天,他回到了商店。

Excuse me! I want a refund for this suit. 打扰一下!这件衣服我要退钱。

Why? Is there a problem? 为什么?有什么问题吗?

This is not a black suit! 这不是黑西装!

You're right. That's a blue suit. 你是对的。那是一套蓝色的西装。

I came here to buy a black suit. 我是来买黑色西装的。

OK, so why did you buy a blue suit? 好吧,那你为什么要买一套蓝色的西装呢?

Look at my family photo! 看我的全家福!

The man shows Lily his family photo. 这个男人给莉莉看他的全家福照片。

My wife is wearing a black dress in this photo. 我的妻子在这张照片中穿着一件黑色的裙子。

She told me to wear a black suit to match her dress! 她让我穿一套黑色的衣服来搭配她的裙子!

I'm sorry, dude. You can't return the suit if you wore it. 对不起,伙计。如果你穿了,就不能退了。

I only wore the suit for an hour! 我只穿了一小时的西装!

Read the bottom of the receipt. 阅读收据的底部。

He reads the receipt. 他看了看收据。

"No refunds if you wear the clothing." “如果你穿了这件衣服,就不会退款。”

But the suit didn't even fit me! It was so uncomfortable! 但那套衣服根本不适合我!太不舒服了!

Listen, I'm sorry. I can't give you a refund unless there was a problem. Like, if the suit was damaged— 听着,我很抱歉。除非有问题,否则我不能给您退款。比如,如果宇航服损坏了

I can get a refund if the suit is damaged? Well, fine! Look! 如果这套衣服有损坏,可以退钱。嗯,好啊!看!

He tears the sleeve off of the suit. 他扯掉了西装的袖子。

Dude! That's not cool. 老兄!这不是很酷。

I want my two hundred dollars back! 我想要回我的两百美元!

The store manager runs over to the cash register. 商店经理跑到收银机前。

What is the problem? 问题是什么?

Oh! Sir, your suit looks damaged. Would you like a refund? 哦!先生,你的西装好像损坏了。您想要退款吗?

Yes, please! Thank you so much, ma'am. 是的,请!非常感谢,女士。

Lily, we will talk about this later. 莉莉,我们以后再谈这个。

I hate this job. 我讨厌这份工作。


The Great Baking Show 伟大的烘焙秀

Vikram and his friend, Lin, are at a TV studio. They are having an audition for a new baking show. 维克拉姆和他的朋友,林,在电视演播室。他们在为一个新的烘焙节目试镜。

Thanks for being my assistant today, Lin. 谢谢你今天做我的助理,林。

No problem. I know how important this is to you. And I brought some extra ingredients to help us win. 没有问题。我知道这对你有多重要。我还带了一些额外的材料来帮助我们获胜。

What? If we want to succeed, we need to follow my recipe exactly. 什么?如果我们想成功,就得完全按照我的方法做。

Trust me, I watch a lot of baking shows. If you want to win, you have to do something special! 相信我,我看了很多烘焙节目。如果你想赢,你必须做一些特别的事情!

The producer makes an announcement. 制片人宣布了一个消息。

You have one hour to bake your cakes. Go! 你有一小时的时间烤蛋糕。走吧!

Please follow my recipe, Lin! Just add the flour and sugar… 请按照我的食谱,林!只要加面粉和糖就行了。

Lin adds the flour and sugar—and some small pieces of cheese. 林加了面粉、糖和一些小块奶酪。

No! 不!

Cheese will make this cake much more interesting. 奶酪会让蛋糕更有趣。

I don't want an interesting cake! 我不想要一个有趣的蛋糕!

And I added beet juice. It's bright red! 我加了甜菜汁。明亮的红色!

Lin! 林!

Bakers! It's time to put your cakes in the oven. 面包师!该把蛋糕放进烤箱了。

Maybe it will be OK… 也许会好的……

While the cake bakes, Lin puts a scarf around Vikram's neck. 在烤蛋糕的时候,林把一条围巾围在维克拉姆的脖子上。

If you want to be on TV, then you need to look cool. 如果你想上电视,那你就得看起来很酷。

We need to pay attention to the cake. I don't want it to burn… Oh no! 我们要注意蛋糕。我不想让它烧起来……哦,不!

Vikram takes the cake out of the oven. It's on fire. 维克拉姆把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来。它着火了。

Use the scarf! 用围巾!

Vikram uses the scarf to stop the fire. The scarf catches on fire as the producers laugh. 维克拉姆用围巾来灭火。在制作人的笑声中,围巾着火了。

Oh no, they're laughing at us. We should just go. 哦,不,他们在嘲笑我们。我们该走了。

Vikram gets ready to leave, but the producer stops him. 维克拉姆准备离开,但制片人阻止了他。

Don't go! We want you to be on our show! 不要去!我们想让你上我们的节目!

Really? 真的吗?

But we burned our cake… 但是我们把蛋糕烤焦了……

Yes, but you and Lin are so fun to watch! 是的,但是你和Lin看起来太有趣了!


Lin's Resume 林的简历

Lin is meeting a woman at a cafe for a job interview. She sits down and gives the woman her resume. 林在一家咖啡馆和一位女士见面,准备参加一个工作面试。她坐下来,递给那位女士她的简历。

Thank you for meeting me, Lin. You have a very interesting resume. 谢谢你来见我,林。你的简历很有趣。

It says that your first job was studying whales in Antarctica. 上面说你的第一份工作是在南极洲研究鲸鱼。

Yes, I wrote that on my resume. 是的,我写在简历上了。

What kind of whales did you study? 你研究的是哪种鲸鱼?

There's more than one kind of whale? Uh… I studied… the biggest whales. 鲸鱼不止一种?我研究过最大的鲸鱼。

OK… And then your next job was… working in a morgue in Paris? 那你的下一份工作是在巴黎的停尸房工作?

Doesn't that sound like a cool job? I've wanted to do that since I was a little girl. 这工作听起来是不是很酷?我还是个小女孩的时候就想这么做了。

Really? 真的吗?

You seem… very young. Do you need years of training to work in a morgue? 你看起来……很年轻。你需要多年的培训才能在停尸房工作吗?

I forgot. I've had a lot of interesting jobs. 我忘记了。我做过很多有趣的工作。

Next, you wrote on your resume that you were a firefighter in San Diego… 接下来,你在简历中写道你曾是圣地亚哥的一名消防员……

Yes, I did! 是的,我做的!

I have a brother who is a firefighter there. Sam Watkins. Do you know him? 我有个哥哥是那里的消防员。山姆·沃特金斯。你认识他吗?

Of course, I know Sam! He's great! 我当然认识萨姆!他太好了!

Lin, I lied. I don't have a brother. 林,我说谎了。我没有兄弟。

Oops. 哦。

So… are any of the jobs on your resume real? 那么,你简历上的工作都是真的吗?

No. All of my real jobs were pretty boring. 不。我所有的工作都很无聊。

Well, I'm sorry. I can't give you this job. 好吧,我很抱歉。我不能给你这份工作。

Yeah, I understand… 是的,我懂…

But I do have a suggestion. 但我有个建议。

Have you ever thought about a career in creative writing? 你有没有想过从事创意写作的职业?

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Yoga Class 瑜伽课

Lucy invited Eddy to a yoga class. 露西邀请艾迪去上瑜伽课。

They're in the studio getting ready. 他们在演播室里做准备。

So, you've never been to a yoga class? 你从来没上过瑜伽课吗?

No, but I'm excited to try! 没有,但我很想试试!

Maybe you should take the class for beginners instead… 也许你应该去上初学者的课程。

No way! I'm not a beginner. I exercise all the time! 没门!我不是初学者。我一直在锻炼!

OK, but remember to go slow. 好的,但是记住要慢一点。

Yoga is difficult. 瑜伽是很困难的。

You need to control your breathing. 你需要控制你的呼吸。

Well, I already know how to breathe… 我已经知道怎么呼吸了…

The yoga instructor enters the studio. 瑜伽教练走进瑜伽室。

Good morning, everyone! 大家早上好!

Let's start by sitting down. 让我们先坐下来。

This is easy… 这是很容易的…

Also, that instructor is cute! 还有,那个教练很可爱!

Eddy, remember to be careful. 艾迪,记得要小心。

Don't worry! I run every day. I'll be fine. 别担心!我每天都跑步。我会没事的。

Now, lift your left leg. 现在抬起你的左腿。

Eddy starts to sweat. 艾迪开始出汗。

Sir, are you OK? 先生,你还好吗?

Yes, yes. I'm fine! 是的,是的。我很好!

Good. OK, now when you're ready, lift your right leg. 好。好的,现在你准备好了,抬起右腿。

What? Lucy? How are you doing that? 什么?露西?你是怎么做到的?

Just remember to breathe… 只要记住呼吸……

Now, put your right leg in front of your left leg and lift your arms. Perfect… 现在,把你的右腿放在你的左腿前面,抬起你的手臂。完美……

Lucy, this hurts… 露西,这伤害了…

Breathe, Eddy! 呼吸,艾迪!

Several minutes later, Eddy wakes up. Lucy and the instructor are looking down at him. 几分钟后,艾迪醒了。露西和教练正低头看着他。

Eddy, are you OK? 艾迪,你还好吗?

Uh, yeah, but… what happened? 是的,但是,发生什么事了?

You fainted. 你晕倒了。

And you were sweating… a lot. 你在流汗,出汗很多。

Sorry. 对不起。

Sir, was this your first time doing yoga? 先生,这是你第一次做瑜伽吗?

Uhh… yeah. 啊,是的。

I think you should come back tomorrow. We have a class for beginners… like you. 我想你应该明天再来。我们有一门针对初学者的课程,就像你一样。


Don't Feed The Seals 不要给海豹喂食

Lucy and her granddaughter, Lin, are visiting a beach. It is covered with hundreds of seals. 露西和她的孙女,林,正在参观一个海滩。它被数百只海豹覆盖着。

They see a sign that says, "Danger! Do not feed the seals! $100 fine." 他们看到一个标志,上面写着:“危险!”不要喂海豹!100美元的罚款。”

Wow! I've never seen this many seals in my life. 哇!我这辈子从没见过这么多海豹。

Why are those seals just lying there? 为什么那些海豹就躺在那里?

They're at the beach. That's what we do at the beach. 他们在海滩上。这就是我们在海滩上做的事。

I still wish they would do something. 我还是希望他们能做点什么。

You're not the only one. Look! 你不是唯一的一个。看!

Lucy points at a teenage boy throwing popcorn to the seals. 露西指着一个向海豹们扔爆米花的十几岁男孩。

Lucy shouts at the boy. 露西对着男孩大喊。

Hey! You can't feed the seals! 嘿!你不能喂海豹!

The boy shouts back at Lucy. 那男孩对露西大声回敬。

Go away! 走开!

The boy continues feeding the seals. 男孩继续喂海豹。

He shouldn't have done that. 他不应该那样做。

A crowd of seals start to surround the boy. 一群海豹开始包围小男孩。

Oh no! The seals are chasing him! 噢,不!海豹们在追他!

Help me! Please! 帮帮我!拜托!

We have to get their attention! 我们必须引起他们的注意!

Do you have anything you can throw? 你有什么可以扔的吗?

Lin looks in her bag. 林在她的包里看。

Just this sandwich. 就在这个三明治。

Lucy takes the sandwich from Lin and throws it toward the seals. 露西从林手里接过三明治,朝海豹们扔去。

Hey, seals! Look over here! 嘿,海豹!看这里!

It's working! 这是工作!

It's working… too well. 它运行得太好了。

The seals begin moving toward Lin and Lucy. 海豹们开始向林和露西移动。

The seals are coming toward us! 海豹朝我们来了!

Run! 快跑!

Lin and Lucy turn and run into a park ranger. 林和露西转过身,撞上了一个公园管理员。

Excuse me. 原谅我。

Help! Those seals are chasing us! 的帮助!那些海豹在追我们!

Because you fed them! 因为你喂了他们!

We weren't feeding them! 我们没有喂它们!

I saw you throw that sandwich. 我看见你扔三明治了。

We were trying to rescue the boy! 我们是想救那个男孩!

What boy? 什么男孩?

Lin and Lucy turn and see the boy running away. 林和露西转过身,看到男孩跑开了。

It says on the sign, "Don't feed the seals." You need to pay a $100 fine. 牌子上写着"不要喂海豹"你需要支付100美元的罚款。

We should have let the seals eat the boy. 我们应该让海豹吃掉那孩子。


The Cat Rule 猫的规则

Eddy and Junior are taking care of a neighbor's cat. The cat is sleeping on Junior's lap. 艾迪和朱尼尔在照顾邻居的猫。猫在朱尼尔的腿上睡觉。

Junior, you need to wash the dishes. 小詹姆斯,你得洗碗了。

I can't do that now, Dad. It's the Cat Rule! 我现在不能这么做,爸爸。这就是猫法则!

What's the Cat Rule? 猫的法则是什么?

If a cat is sleeping on your lap, you can't stand up to do anything. 如果一只猫睡在你的腿上,你就不能站起来做任何事情。

Hmm. I've never heard of the Cat Rule… 嗯。我从来没听说过猫法则……

So, Dad, can you bring me a drink? 爸爸,能给我拿杯喝的吗?

Can't you get it yourself? 你不能自己去拿吗?

No! Cat Rule! 不!猫的规则!

Ugh, OK. 呃,好吧。

Eddy puts a glass of juice on the table. 艾迪把一杯果汁放在桌子上。

Can you move the glass closer to me? I can't reach it because the cat is on my lap. Cat Rule! 你能把杯子靠近我一点吗?我够不着,因为猫在我腿上。猫的规则!

Eddy move the glass closer to Junior. 艾迪把玻璃移近Junior。

And can you also also give me the remote control? I want to watch something on TV, but— 你能把遥控器也给我吗?我想看些电视节目,但是

The Cat Rule. Yeah, yeah, I know. 猫统治。是的,是的,我知道。

Eddy leaves the room for a while, then he returns. 艾迪离开房间一会儿,然后他回来了。

Junior, when are you going to wash the dishes? Junior,你打算什么时候洗碗?

I can't do anything until the cat wakes up! 在猫醒来之前我什么都做不了!

Eddy tries to move the cat. 艾迪试图移动这只猫。

Hey, cat— 嘿,猫,

Don't wake the cat up on purpose, Dad! That's mean! 爸爸,不要故意把猫弄醒!的意思!

That cat has been sleeping for quite a while… 那只猫已经睡了好一会儿了。

He had a busy day. 他有一个忙碌的一天。

Someone knocks on the door. 有人敲门。

Do you want to answer the door? Oh right, you can't. Cat Rule, right? 你想去开门吗?哦,对了,你不能。猫的规则,对吧?

Eddy answers the door and comes back with a pizza. 艾迪开了门,拿着一个披萨回来了。

You ordered my favorite pizza! 你点了我最喜欢的披萨!

And now I'm going to eat the whole pizza by myself in the kitchen! I'd share with you, but you can't stand up. Cat Rule! 现在我要一个人在厨房里吃掉整个披萨!我想和你分享,但你不能站起来。猫的规则!


The Lost Costume 失去的服装

Lily is helping Zari get ready for the school play. 莉莉在帮扎里准备学校演出。

Where's my costume?! I need to be on the stage in five minutes, and I can't find it! 我的衣服在哪里? !我得在五分钟内上台,可我找不到它!

You always lose things. Do you need help looking? 你总是丢东西。你需要帮忙找吗?

Yes, please! 是的,请!

Lily looks in the closet. 莉莉在衣柜里看。

I don't know what I'm looking for. 我不知道我在找什么。

My costume is a red dress. Please, we have to hurry! 我的服装是一件红色的连衣裙。求你了,我们得快点!

I don't see any dresses in here. 我没看到这里有裙子。

I'm the main actor in the play! I can't go on the stage without my costume! 我是这出戏的主角!我不穿戏服就上不了台!

Lily looks at the stage. The other actors have started their scene. 莉莉看着舞台。其他演员开始了他们的戏。

Uh-oh… Zari, come here and look at Jenny's dress. Do you recognize it? 扎里,过来看看珍妮的裙子。你能认出来吗?

Jenny is wearing my costume?! I don't understand. Did she take it on purpose? 珍妮穿着我的服装?!我不明白你的意思。她是故意拿的吗?

Maybe she was jealous because you got a bigger part in the play. 也许她嫉妒你,因为你在剧中扮演了更重要的角色。

Jenny smiles at Zari from the stage. 珍妮在台上对扎里微笑。

What am I going to do? 我该怎么办?

Well, I saw one costume you can use. 我看到了一套你能用的服装。

Really? Where? 真的吗?在哪里?

Lily gets a new costume from the closet for Zari. 莉莉从衣柜里给扎里买了套新衣服。

No! 不!

It's the only other costume I could find. 这是我唯一能找到的另一套服装。

Fine. I'll go put it on. 很好。我去把它穿上。

Zari returns. She is dressed like a bear. 扎日回报。她穿得像只熊。

Wow, you're actually going to wear that? 你真的要穿成这样吗?

I'm going to be in this play, and Jenny is not going to stop me! 我要去演这部戏,珍妮不会阻止我的!

Zari walks on the stage in the bear costume and starts to say her lines. 扎里穿着熊装走上舞台,开始念台词。

The audience starts clapping and laughing. 观众开始鼓掌和大笑。

Lily sees Jenny walk off the stage. Jenny looks furious. 莉莉看到珍妮走下舞台。珍妮看起来愤怒。

I don't understand! The audience loves her! 我不明白!观众喜欢她!

Yeah, you're right. Thanks for your help, Jenny. 是的,你是对的。谢谢你的帮助,珍妮。


57The Flu Shot 57岁的流感疫苗

Eddy and his son Junior are waiting in a small room at the doctor's office. 艾迪和他的小儿子在医生办公室的一个小房间里等着。

I wish I didn't have to get a flu shot… 我希望我不用打流感疫苗…

I know! You must be scared, son. 我知道!你一定很害怕,孩子。

But this shot will keep you healthy! 但这一针会让你保持健康!

Will the shot hurt? 打针会痛吗?

It might hurt for a second, so you have to be very brave! 可能会疼一秒钟,所以你必须非常勇敢!

But I don't know how to be brave! 但我不知道如何勇敢!

Just think about the warrior in your video game. He's not afraid of anything, right? 想想你的电子游戏中的战士。他什么都不怕,对吧?

That's right. He fights dragons! 这是正确的。他打架龙!

Exactly! 完全正确!

OK. I'm going to be brave. I'm not going to scream or cry. 好的。我要勇敢起来。我不会尖叫或哭泣。

There is a knock on the door. It's the doctor. 有人敲门。这是医生。

Hello, Junior! Are you ready for your shot? 你好,少年!你准备好击球了吗?

Uh… I think so. 我想是的。

The doctor opens the drawer and takes out a needle. 医生打开抽屉,取出一根针。

Oh no, Dad, the needle is so big! 哦,不,爸爸,针好大啊!

Oh. Wow, you're right. That needle is very big. 哦。哇,你是对的。那根针很大。

Doctor, I don't think I can do this! 医生,我觉得我做不到!

OK, Junior… I'll give your dad a flu shot first, so you can see it's very safe. 好了,小詹姆斯,我先给你爸爸打一针流感疫苗,这样你就可以放心了。

What? I'm getting a flu shot? 什么?我要去打流感疫苗?

Why not? 为什么不呢?

Because this appointment is for Junior, not for me. 因为这个预约是给小詹姆斯的,不是我。

You should get a flu shot too. 你也应该打流感疫苗。

What's wrong, Dad? You don't look very good. 怎么了,爸爸?你看起来不太好。

That needle is very big! 那根针非常大!

Dad, this shot will help you stay healthy. We have to be very brave, remember? 爸爸,这一针能帮你保持健康。我们必须非常勇敢,记得吗?

Yes… Yes, I remember… 是的,是的,我记得……

The doctor gives Eddy his flu shot. 医生给艾迪打了流感疫苗。

Ow! 噢!

The doctor puts the needle away. 医生把针收起来。

I'm finished! That was a good plan, Junior. 我完成了!这是个好计划,小詹姆斯。

What plan? Junior, I don't understand. 什么计划吗?小詹姆斯,我不明白。

Well, Dad, the Doctor and I just convinced you to get your flu shot! 爸爸,医生和我刚说服你去打流感疫苗!


Where's My Jacket? 我的夹克在哪里?

Oscar knocks on Eddy's door. Eddy opens it. 奥斯卡敲了埃迪的门。艾迪打开它。

Eddy, do you have the jacket I gave you last week? 艾迪,我上周给你的夹克你带了吗?

Your blue jacket? Don't you hate that jacket? 你的蓝色夹克吗?你不讨厌那件夹克吗?

I changed my mind. I really need it back now. 我改变主意了。我现在真的需要它。

Sorry, but I gave the jacket to Lin! 对不起,我把夹克给林了!

What? Why? 什么?为什么?

It didn't fit me. 它不适合我。

Oh no. Well, maybe Lin will give it back to me… 哦,不。好吧,也许林会把它还给我…

Good luck! 好运!

Oscar runs to Lin's apartment. 奥斯卡跑到林的公寓。

Lin, Eddy told me he gave you my jacket… 林,艾迪告诉我他把我的夹克给了你…

Yes! I loved it! 是的!我爱它!

Oh, good. Then you must still have it! 哦,很好。那你一定还留着它!

No. I'm allergic to the material of the jacket. I gave it to Bea. 不。我对夹克的材质过敏。我把它给了比娅。

Ugh! I need it back. 啊!我要拿回来。

I think Bea is home now. 我想比伊现在回家了。

Oscar goes to Bea's apartment. 奥斯卡去了比娅的公寓。

Oscar! It's nice to see you! 奥斯卡!见到你真高兴!

Hello, Bea. I need my blue jacket back. Lin said she gave it to you. 你好,Bea。我要拿回我的蓝夹克。琳说她给你了。

Oh! I'm sorry, it was such a warm jacket… I thought someone who needs it should have it. 哦!对不起,这件夹克太暖和了,我以为需要的人应该得到它。

I donated it to a store this morning. 我今早把它捐给了一家商店。

Oh no! 噢,不!

They close in an hour, so you need to hurry! 还有一个小时就要关门了,你得快点!

Oscar runs to the store. He gets there a few minutes before it closes. He talks to the clerk. 奥斯卡跑到商店。他在关门前几分钟赶到那里。他和店员说话。

Hi! I am wondering if you have any blue jackets. 这就跟你问声好!我想知道你们有没有蓝色的夹克。

Oh! Actually, someone just donated one… here it is! It's only fifty dollars. 哦!事实上,有人刚捐了一个,给你!只要50美元。

Only fifty dollars?! 只有50美元吗? !

Yes! It's a good deal. But we don't give refunds. 是的!这是个好买卖。但是我们不退款。

That's fine. I'll buy it. 这很好。我将买它。

Oscar gives her money and she puts the jacket into a bag. 奥斯卡给了她钱,她把夹克放进袋子里。

Also, that jacket has a cool secret pocket! 而且,那件夹克还有一个很酷的秘密口袋!

You… found the secret pocket? 你发现了秘密口袋?

Yes! And you won't believe this: I found $500 in it! I donated it to our charity. 是的!你不会相信的:我在里面发现了500美元!我把它捐给慈善机构了。

It's going to help a lot of people. 这将帮助很多人。

That's… very kind. 这是……很好。

Well, enjoy your new jacket! 好吧,好好享受你的新夹克吧!

Oscar gives the bag back to her. 奥斯卡把包还给了她。

Actually, I don't need this jacket anymore. 事实上,我不再需要这件夹克了。

I think I'll donate it again. 我想我会再捐一次。


Bad Monkey 坏的猴子

Eddy and Junior are looking at the monkeys at the zoo. Suddenly, Eddy hears Junior shout. 艾迪和朱尼尔在动物园里看猴子。突然,艾迪听到Junior的喊声。

Stop! Thief! 停!小偷!

Junior, what's wrong? 小怎么了?

That monkey stole the candy that I had in my pocket! 那只猴子偷了我口袋里的糖果!

Ha, ha, you have a great imagination! But a monkey didn't take your candy. 哈哈,你的想象力真丰富!但是猴子没有拿走你的糖果。

He did take my candy. Look at him! 他确实拿走了我的糖果。看他!

The monkey smiles at Eddy. 猴子对埃迪微笑。

He looks like a happy monkey. 他看起来像一只快乐的猴子。

Yeah, he's happy because he ate my candy. 他很高兴,因为他吃了我的糖果。

Eddy looks at his phone for a minute. 艾迪看了他的手机一分钟。

The monkey throws a candy wrapper at Junior. Junior picks it up. 猴子把糖果包装纸扔给Junior。Junior拿起了它。

Ha! If the monkey took your candy, then why do you have the wrapper? 哈!如果猴子拿走了你的糖果,那你为什么还有包装纸?

The monkey threw it at me! He wants me to get in trouble. 猴子把它扔向我!他想让我惹上麻烦。

The zookeeper walks over. 动物园管理员走了过来。

Did this monkey do something to you? 这只猴子对你做了什么吗?

Yes! He stole my candy! 是的!他偷了我的糖果!

Oh yes. He does that a lot. 噢,是的。他经常这么做。

He does? 他做吗?

Yes, he looks cute, but—ouch! 是的,他看起来很可爱,但是——哎哟!

The monkey is throwing rocks at the zookeeper's head. The monkey starts to laugh. 这只猴子正向动物园管理员的头扔石头。猴子开始笑。

He's the worst monkey that we've ever had at this zoo. 他是我们动物园里养过的最坏的猴子。

I knew it! 我就知道!

I hate this monkey. 我讨厌这只猴子。

He did a terrible thing to my favorite hat. 他把我最喜欢的帽子弄坏了。

The zookeeper and the monkey look at each other. 动物园管理员和猴子互相看了看。

The monkey steals the zookeeper's hat and runs away. 猴子偷了动物园管理员的帽子跑掉了。

My hat! Not again! 我的帽子!又不是!

The zookeeper chases the monkey. 动物园管理员追赶那只猴子。

Do you see, Dad? I wasn't lying. 你看到了吗,爸爸?我没有撒谎。

Wow, I'm sorry that I didn't believe you, 我很抱歉之前不相信你,

Junior. I'll buy you some more candy. 初级。我再给你买些糖果。

Eddy looks for his wallet. 艾迪在找他的钱包。

That's strange… I can't find my wallet. 真奇怪,我找不到钱包了。

I think I know who took it… 我想我知道是谁拿的了……


The List 列表

Bea and Lin are taking a trip in Bea's car. Bea is driving. Bea和Lin坐Bea的车去旅行。Bea是开车。

Hey! Can we stop at that amusement park? 嘿!我们能在那个游乐园停一下吗?

Sorry, we can't go there. It's not on the list. 对不起,我们不能去那里。这不在名单上。

What list? 什么名单?

Bea hands Lin a piece of paper. Bea递给林一张纸。

I made a list of all the things we're going to do on the trip! 我把旅行中要做的事情列了一张清单!

"Stop at the lake, take photos of the mountain, eat lunch at the vegetarian restaurant…" “在湖边停下来,在山上拍照,在素食餐厅吃午餐……”

What if we want to stop somewhere that's not on the list? 如果我们想在不在名单上的地方停下来呢?

We won't need to stop anywhere else. All of the best places are on my list! 我们不需要在别的地方停下来。所有最好的地方都在我的清单上!

Lin turns on the radio. 林打开收音机。

Oh! We don't need the radio! I brought the perfect music for driving. 哦!我们不需要收音机!我带来了最适合开车的音乐。

Bea connects her phone to the car. 碧把她的手机和车连在一起。

I picked out the best three hundred and two songs for driving in the countryside. 我挑选了三百二首最好的乡村驾车歌曲。

They drive past a sign for fresh berries. 他们开车经过一个买新鲜浆果的牌子。

Let's buy some berries! 让我们买一些浆果吧!

That's not on the list. 那不在名单上。

Lin points out the window. 林指着窗外。

Oh, look! An ice cream shop! Let's stop! 噢,瞧!冰淇淋店!让我们停止吧!

Maybe on the way home… 也许在回家的路上…

Right now, we only have time to stop at the places on the list. 现在,我们只有时间停留在名单上的地方。

Lin takes Bea's list and throws it out the window. 林拿起Bea的名单,把它扔出窗外。

My list! 我的列表!

Now we can stop anywhere. 现在我们可以在任何地方停下来。

Bea stops the car and then turns it around. 比亚停下车,然后掉头。

I can't believe you did that! We need to go back and get the list. 我真不敢相信你会这么做!我们得回去拿名单。

Suddenly, the vehicle stops in the middle of the road. 突然,车停在路中间。

What's happening? 发生什么事情了?

We ran out of gas! 我们没油了!

Maybe next time we should add "gas station" to the list. 也许下次我们应该在清单上加上“加油站”。

58-------------------- 58 --------------------

Monster under the Bed 床下的怪物

It's late at night. Junior is in his bed, but he can't sleep. 现在是深夜。小詹姆斯在他的床上,但他睡不着。

Dad! There's a monster under my bed! I need you! 爸爸!我床下有个怪物!我需要你!

Eddy runs to Junior's bedroom. 艾迪跑到朱尼尔的卧室。

It's OK, Junior. Let me look. If I see a monster, then I'll make him leave. 没关系,小。让我看看。如果我看到怪物,我会让他离开的。

Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。

Eddy looks under the bed. 艾迪看了看床底下。

I don't see any monsters, so it's safe to go to sleep. 我没有看到任何怪物,所以可以安心睡觉了。

I can't sleep! Maybe the monster is hiding! 我不能睡觉!也许怪物藏起来了!

Eddy starts to crawl under the bed. 艾迪开始爬到床底下。

There isn't a lot of space down here. I don't know if I'll fit, Junior. 这下面没多少地方。我不知道我是否适合,小詹姆斯。

Please! I'm scared! 拜托!我很害怕!

Eddy crawls further under the bed. 艾迪往床底下爬。

Hello? Monster? Are you hiding? 喂?怪兽吗?你隐藏吗?

No, Junior, the monster is gone! 不,朱尼尔,怪物已经走了!

Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。

Eddy tries to crawl out from under the bed. 艾迪试图从床底下爬出来。

Um… Junior? I think I'm stuck. 嗯……小吗?我想我卡住了。

Uh-oh. Let me help you! 哦。让我来帮你!

Junior tries to lift the bed. Junior试图把床抬起来。

Ugh… the bed is too heavy! Let me try to pull you out. 床太重了!让我把你拉出来。

Junior pulls Eddy's legs. Junior拉着Eddy的腿。

Oh no, Dad… you're really stuck! 哦,不,爸爸,你真的被卡住了!

Can you pull harder? 你能再用力一点吗?

This is hard work. I'm tired. 这是一项艰苦的工作。我累了。

I'm going to lie down, OK? 我要躺下,好吗?

Maybe if I move my head, then I can get out… 也许如果我移动我的头,我就可以出去了…

Or maybe if I turn my shoulders… 或者如果我转一下肩膀…

I think it's working! Junior, can you reach my legs and pull? 我觉得它起作用了!小詹姆斯,你能够到我的腿拉吗?

Junior? Junior? 初级吗?初级吗?

Junior has fallen asleep. He begins to snore. Junior睡着了。他开始打鼾。

Ah. OK. 啊。好的。

I'll just sleep here… 我就睡在这里……

Eddy closes his eyes. 艾迪闭上眼睛。

Goodnight, Junior. 晚安,小。


Cousins 表亲

Lily and her mom are standing outside Lily's aunt's house. 莉莉和她妈妈站在莉莉阿姨家外面。

Lily, please be nice to your cousin Jessica tonight. She's really excited to see you! 莉莉,今晚对你表妹杰西卡好点。她见到你很兴奋!

I'm not excited to see Jessica. 见到杰西卡我一点都不兴奋。

Why?! She's so smart, talented, and polite… 为什么? !她那么聪明、有才华、有礼貌……

I know. She's so annoying. 我知道。她很烦人。

Lily. We're going inside. 莉莉。我们会在里面。

They walk into the house. 他们走进房子。

Hi, Aunt Mindy. Hello, Jessica. 嗨,阿姨明迪。你好,杰西卡。

Hi, Lily! 嗨,莉莉!

How's school going, Lily? Jessica is taking an advanced science class. She's studying climate change. 莉莉,学校怎么样了?杰西卡在上高级科学课。她正在研究气候变化。

Great. 太好了。

Well, Lily is a drummer in a band. 莉莉是乐队的鼓手。

Oh? Jessica is in the orchestra at her school. They're playing for the Queen of Spain next month. 哦?杰西卡是学校管弦乐队的一员。他们下个月要为西班牙女王演出。

The Queen? 王后吗?

She also won several trophies. Jessica, why don't you show Lily your trophies? 她还赢得了几个奖杯。杰西卡,给莉莉看看你的奖杯吧?

Sure! 当然!

Ugh. Fine. 啊。很好。

Lily follows Jessica to her bedroom, and Jessica closes the door. 莉莉跟着杰西卡来到她的卧室,杰西卡关上了门。

Come on, let's go. 来吧,我们走。

We can climb down the balcony. 我们可以从阳台上爬下来。

What?! 什么? !

We've got an hour before dinner! They won't know that we left. My neighbor is having a party, and his hip-hop group is performing. 离晚饭还有一小时!他们不会知道我们离开了。我的邻居正在举办一个派对,他的嘻哈乐队正在表演。

OK… 好吧……

Later, at the party… 后来,在派对上……

Wow, Jessica. I did not expect you to be so cool. 哇,杰西卡。我没想到你会这么酷。

I know. 我知道。

Lily's phone rings. It's her mom. 莉莉的电话响了。是她的妈妈。

Lily, where are you? What did you do to Jessica? 莉莉,你在哪?你对杰西卡做了什么

What did I do? 我做了什么?

Jessica takes the phone. 杰西卡接过电话。

Hello! It's Jessica. Lily and I are at a… classical music concert. 你好!这是杰西卡。莉莉和我在听古典音乐会。

Oh! 哦!

I'm teaching Lily about my favorite composer. 我在教莉莉我最喜欢的作曲家。

You're such a good cousin, Jessica. 你真是个好表妹,杰西卡。

Aw, thanks! 啊,谢谢!

Jessica gives the phone back to Lily. 杰西卡把手机还给了莉莉。

Hi, Mom. So I'm not in trouble? 嗨,妈妈。所以我没惹上麻烦?

Of course not! 当然不是!

Lily, you could learn a lot from your cousin. 莉莉,你可以从你表姐那里学到很多。

Actually, I think you're right. 事实上,我认为你是对的。


Inhale, Exhale 吸气,呼气

Oscar is lying on the sofa at his therapist's office. 奥斯卡躺在他心理医生办公室的沙发上。

The therapist is taking notes. 治疗师正在做笔记。

So, how are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

I am feeling stressed! 我感到压力很大!

The therapist nods her head. 治疗师点了点头。

And what is making you feel stressed? 是什么让你感到有压力?

Everything! Don't you watch the news?! 一切!你不看新闻吗?!

OK. Try to stay calm. Inhale slowly and then exhale. 好的。试着保持冷静。慢慢吸气,然后呼气。

Oscar inhales and then exhales. He shakes his head. 奥斯卡吸气,然后呼气。他摇摇头。

No. This isn't helping! I don't like hearing myself breathe. 不。这不是帮助!我不喜欢听自己呼吸。

I see. Then, what is something that helps you feel calm? 我明白了。那么,什么东西能让你感到平静呢?

I don't ever feel calm. 我从来都感觉不到平静。

The therapist smiles patiently. 治疗师耐心地微笑着。

You could try to meditate. 你可以试着冥想。

No. I don't have time to sit and do nothing! 不。我可没时间坐着无所事事!

Maybe you need something more active. Have you tried yoga? 也许你需要一些更积极的东西。你试过瑜伽吗?

Yes. But I hate the music yoga teachers play. And anyway, I can't touch my toes! 是的。但我讨厌瑜伽老师演奏的音乐。不管怎样,我不能碰我的脚趾!

The therapist takes a deep breath. 治疗师深吸了一口气。

You could take a long, hot bath to relax… 你可以洗个热水澡放松一下。

By the time I relax, the water is always cold! 当我放松的时候,水总是冷的!

OK. Try to stay calm. Inhale, exhale. 好的。试着保持冷静。吸气,呼气。

Oscar's therapist tries one more suggestion. 奥斯卡的治疗师尝试了另一个建议。

You could go to the beach. 你可以去海滩。

Everyone likes a little bit of sun. 每个人都喜欢一点阳光。

Not me! The last time I went to the beach 不是我!我上次去海滩的时候

I got a sunburn and all of my students called me "Mr. Tomato!" 我被晒伤了,我所有的学生都叫我“番茄先生!”

I hate being called Mr. Tomato! 我讨厌别人叫我番茄先生!

Oscar! You're shouting again! 奥斯卡!你又喊了!

She puts her notebook down. 她放下笔记本。

I think I know something that will help you feel more relaxed. 我想我知道一个能让你放松的方法。

Oscar and his therapist walk outside. They count to three, and then they both scream loudly. 奥斯卡和他的治疗师走到外面。他们数到三,然后大声尖叫。

AH! 啊!

AH! 啊!

You're right! I do feel more relaxed now. 你是对的!我现在确实觉得轻松多了。

I do, too. 我也做。


Front Row 前排

Eddy is on a date with Rose. 艾迪在和罗斯约会。

They go to see a comedy show. 他们去看喜剧表演。

Let's sit in the front row! 我们坐前排吧!

Sure! 当然!

Marie Baker is the funniest comedian. 玛丽·贝克是最有趣的喜剧演员。

She always makes jokes about the audience! 她总是拿观众开玩笑!

Marie Baker? Uh-oh. 玛丽贝克?哦。

Um, can we sit in the back row instead? Those seats look better. 我们能改坐后排吗?那些座位看起来好多了。

These are great seats! 这些座位太棒了!

Marie comes to the stage and looks into the audience. 玛丽走到舞台上,看着观众。

How's everyone tonight? 大家今晚怎么样?

I see a beautiful elderly couple… 我看到一对美丽的老夫妇……

Thanks for coming out past your bedtime! 谢谢你在睡觉时间出来!

The couple laughs. 这对夫妇笑着说。

And I see a man in running shorts. Did you get lost on your way to the gym? 我看到一个穿着运动短裤的男人。你在去健身房的路上迷路了吗?

She's talking about you! 她在说你!

Tell me, miss, does your husband lift weights while he's sleeping? 告诉我,小姐,你丈夫睡觉的时候举重吗?

Haha, this is only our second date! 哈哈,这只是我们第二次约会!

Eddy looks uncomfortable. 艾迪看起来不舒服。

He's wearing those old sneakers on your second date?! Please don't tell me there's going to be a third date. 你第二次约会时他还穿着那双旧运动鞋?!别告诉我还会有第三次约会。

Rose laughs. Eddy doesn't. 玫瑰笑着说。艾迪不。

Later, Eddy and Rose see Marie at the bar. 后来,艾迪和罗斯在酒吧见到了玛丽。

Eddy tries to hide his face with Rose's scarf. 艾迪试图用罗斯的围巾遮住他的脸。

What are you doing? 你在干什么?

My face is cold. 我的脸很冷。

Oh, look! It's Eddy, the gym teacher. 噢,瞧!我是艾迪,体育老师。

Wait, do you know each other? 等等,你们认识吗?

We met at a bar a long time ago. 我们很久以前在酒吧认识的。

Eddy asked for my number, but he never called me. 艾迪要我的电话号码,但他从来没有给我打电话。

I wrote your number on my hand. But then my hand got sweaty… and I lost the number. 我把你的号码写在手上了。但后来我的手出汗了,我把号码弄丢了。

Why didn't you save her number in your phone? 你为什么不把她的号码存手机里?

Because… I wrote it on my hand. 因为我写在手上了。

Oh, that's hilarious. I'm going to use that in my next show. 哦,那很有趣。我将在我的下一个节目中用到它。

Marie walks away laughing. 玛丽笑着走开了。

Wow! You inspired Marie Baker's next joke! You're going to be famous! 哇!你激发了玛丽·贝克的下一个笑话!你要出名了!

59-------------------- 59 --------------------

Eddy's Night Out 艾迪的晚上出去

Eddy puts on a tie. His son Junior watches. 艾迪打上一条领带。他的儿子Junior看着。

I'm so excited to stay at my friend's house tonight! But won't you be bored without me? 今晚能住在朋友家,我太兴奋了!但没有我你不会无聊吗?

No, I'm going on a date! 不,我要去约会!

It'll be nice to eat something besides pizza for dinner… and to watch a serious movie instead of cartoons. 晚餐吃点披萨以外的东西,看部严肃的电影而不是卡通片,感觉会很好。

That sounds boring. 那听起来无聊。

Junior leaves. Eddy gets a text. 小叶子。艾迪收到一条短信。

Oh no, my date is cancelled! 哦不,我的约会取消了!

Hmm, I still want to do something tonight. 我今晚还是想做点什么。

A few minutes later, Eddy is at Oscar's house. 几分钟后,艾迪到了奥斯卡的家。

Thanks for inviting me to your house! 谢谢你邀请我去你家!

I didn't invite you here. You just came over. 我没邀请你来。你刚过来。

But since you're already here, you can stay for a snack. I'm having cheese and caviar. 但既然你已经来了,你可以留下来吃点东西。我要吃奶酪和鱼子酱。

Ooh, that sounds fancy! 哦,听起来很奇妙!

Eddy tries some cheese. 艾迪尝了一些奶酪。

Um, why does it… smell so bad? 为什么闻起来这么难闻?

You don't like it? Try the caviar. 你不喜欢吗?鱼子酱。

Eddy eats some caviar. He coughs and drinks some water. 艾迪吃了一些鱼子酱。他咳嗽并喝了一些水。

Cough, cough! Wow, that… tastes like the ocean. 咳嗽,咳嗽!哇,尝起来像大海。

You hate it, don't you? 你讨厌它,是吗?

I hate it… so much. 我讨厌它,非常讨厌。

Well, I'm going to paint now, so please leave. 我要去画画了,请离开吧。

OK, goodnight! 好的,晚安!

Eddy goes to Bea's apartment. 艾迪去了比的公寓。

Hi, Bea! Do you want to do something? 嗨,Bea !你想做点什么吗?

I'm going to a film festival. You should come! 我要去参加电影节。你应该来!

They go to the movie theater. 他们去电影院。

What kind of movie are we watching? 我们在看什么电影?

I hope it's a romantic comedy! 我希望这是一部浪漫喜剧!

It's an international art film. 这是一部国际艺术片。

That sounds interesting! 那听起来很有趣!

It's about death, and it's four hours long! 是关于死亡的,长达四个小时!

Oh… 哦……

They sit and watch the film. 他们坐下来看电影。

Eddy, are you enjoying the movie? 艾迪,你喜欢这部电影吗?

Eddy? 艾迪吗?

Eddy has fallen asleep. 艾迪睡着了。

The next morning, Junior comes home. 第二天早上,Junior回家了。

Junior! You're home! 初级!你的家!

Let's watch cartoons and order pizza! Doesn't that sound fun? 让我们看卡通片和订披萨吧!听起来是不是很有趣?

You were bored without me, weren't you? 没有我你很无聊,是吧?


Checking In 检查在

Bea runs through the airport. 比娅跑过机场。

She is carrying a heavy suitcase and trying to get through the crowd. 她提着一个沉重的手提箱,试图穿过人群。

Excuse me! Sorry, I'm late! 打扰一下!对不起,我迟到了!

Bea arrives at the check-in desk. Bea来到登记柜台。

Hello! Can I still check in for my flight? 你好!我还可以办理登机手续吗?

Maybe. Where are you going? 也许吧。你要去哪里?

Hawaii! I'm so excited! My friends are getting married! 夏威夷!我太兴奋了!我的朋友们要结婚了!

That's wonderful. 这是美妙的。

You have fifteen minutes. You can still get on the flight. 你有十五分钟。你还是可以上飞机的。

Great! Whew, I'm not usually late! 太棒了!哎呀,我通常不迟到的!

I just have to check this bag. 我得检查一下这个包。

I'm sorry. It's too late to check your bag. 我很抱歉。现在检查你的包太晚了。

What? 什么?

You just said I can still get on my flight! 你刚说我还能上飞机!

You can. But not your bag. 你可以。但不是你的包。

But I need to be on this flight! 但我必须上这趟航班!

Sorry. Those are the rules. 对不起。这就是规则。

Ugh! I can't miss this wedding! 啊!我不能错过这场婚礼!

Maybe your friends will take some good pictures. 也许你的朋友会拍一些好照片。

Bea takes a deep breath. Then she gets an idea. 碧深吸了一口气。然后她有了一个主意。

If I can't check a bag, then I won't check a bag. 如果我不能托运行李,那我就不托运行李。

Finally, you understand. 最后,您理解。

Bea opens up her suitcase. 碧打开了她的手提箱。

Excuse me, ma'am? 对不起,女士吗?

Bea puts on a swimsuit over her outfit. Then she puts on another one. 碧在她的套装外面穿上了一件泳装。然后她穿上另一件。

Ugh, why did I pack so many swimsuits?! 我为什么带了这么多泳衣!

What are you doing? 你在干什么?

I'm going to wear all of my clothes on the plane. 我要在飞机上穿我所有的衣服。

There are no rules about that, right? 这是没有规定的,对吧?

Next, Bea puts on two shirts, a pair of jeans, a formal dress, and an enormous hat. 接着,Bea穿上两件衬衫,一条牛仔裤,一件正装和一顶巨大的帽子。

Her suitcase is now empty. 她的手提箱现在空了。

You still can't take that suitcase on the plane. 你还是不能把那个箱子带上飞机。

It's OK. You can keep it. 没关系。你可以留着它。

Is there anything else I can help you with? 还有什么需要我帮忙的吗?

Can you get me a ride to the gate? I can't move. 你能送我去登机口吗?我不能移动。


Bad at Soccer 不擅长足球

Junior is in his room playing a video game. 朱尼尔在房间里玩电子游戏。

Eddy comes in with a shopping bag. 艾迪拿着一个购物袋走了进来。

Junior! Look! I bought something for you! 初级!看!我给你买了东西!

A new soccer ball! 一个新的足球!

Dad, you know I'm bad at soccer. 爸爸,你知道我足球踢得不好。

That's not true! You're good at everything. 这不是真的!你什么都擅长。

We played soccer in gym class, and I was not good. 我们在体育课上踢足球,我踢得不好。

I don't believe you're not good. Come on, I'll show you how to kick the ball. 我不相信你不好。来吧,我来教你怎么踢球。

Eddy and Junior go outside to the patio. 艾迪和朱尼尔走到外面的院子里。

It's a perfect day for soccer! 今天是踢足球的好日子!

It's also a perfect day for the air conditioner. It's really hot out here! 今天也是开空调的好日子。这里真的很热!

Eddy kicks the ball to Junior. Junior tries to kick it back, but he misses. 艾迪把球踢给Junior。小詹姆斯想把球踢回去,但没打中。

See? I told you I'm not good at soccer. 看到了吗?我告诉过你我不擅长足球。

Try one more time! And kick the ball as hard as you can! 再试一次!尽你所能用力踢球!

Eddy kicks the ball to Junior again. This time, Junior kicks it as hard as he can. 艾迪又把球踢给朱尼尔。这一次,Junior尽他所能地踢了它一脚。

I kicked the ball! 我踢了球!

The ball flies high through the air. 球高高地从空中飞过。

I knew you were good at soccer! 我就知道你足球踢得好!

Suddenly, they hear a loud crash. 突然,他们听到一声巨响。

Oh no. The ball broke Lucy's window! 哦,不。球打碎了露西的窗户!

Lucy comes outside holding the soccer ball. 露西拿着足球出来了。

Lucy? Hi! Uh… You look upset. 露西?这就跟你问声好!你看起来很沮丧。

Of course I'm upset. You guys broke my window! 我当然生气了。你们打破了我的窗户!

Junior, tell Lucy you're sorry. 朱尼尔,告诉露西你很抱歉。

Me?! But this was your idea! 我? !但这是你的主意!

Junior… 初级…

Fine. 很好。

Lucy, I'm sorry that my dad made me play soccer. 露西,我很抱歉我爸逼我踢足球。


What's the Recipe? 秘诀是什么?

Vikram walks into a bakery. 维克拉姆走进一家面包店。

Hi. My wife loves your apple pastries. 嗨。我妻子很喜欢你做的苹果酥。

Cool. 酷。

I bake, too, but she says your pastries are better than anything I make. 我也会烘焙,但她说你做的糕点比我做的好吃。

Could you give me the recipe? 你能给我食谱吗?

Absolutely not! My recipes are secret. 绝对不是!我的食谱是秘密的。

Ah, I'm sorry that I asked. 抱歉我问了

There's a line. Are you going to buy anything? 有一条线。你要买什么吗?

Yes. One box of apple pastries. 是的。一盒苹果酥。

A whole box? You're trying to guess my recipe! 一整盒吗?你在猜我的食谱!

I'm sorry, I just have to know how to make them! 抱歉,我只是想知道怎么做!

Please leave my store. And don't come back. 请离开我的店。不要再回来了。

Vikram looks shocked. Vikram看起来震惊。

The next day, Bea nervously walks into the bakery. 第二天,碧紧张地走进面包店。

Uh, I would like… 呃,我想…

Yes? 是吗?

One box of apple pastries. 一盒苹果酥。

Bea looks out the window, where Vikram is waiting. 碧向窗外望去,维克拉姆正等在那里。

The baker sees Vikram. 面包师看见了维克拉姆。

It's that guy! You're helping him steal my recipe. Get out! 这是那个家伙!你在帮他偷我的食谱。滚出去!

Bea runs out of the store. 碧跑出了商店。

I'm sorry, Vikram. I'm bad at lying. 对不起,维克拉姆。我不擅长说谎。

It's fine. 它很好。

But how will you get the recipe? 但你要怎么弄到配方呢?

I have a new plan. 我有一个新计划。

One week later, Vikram walks into the bakery. He's holding a plate with an apple pastry on it. 一个星期后,维克拉姆走进面包店。他手里拿着一个盘子,上面放着苹果酥皮。

It's you again! I told you not to come back! 又是你!我告诉过你不要再回来!

I spent the whole week baking. 我花了整整一周时间烘焙。

Were you trying to make my recipe? 你是想做我的食谱吗?

Not exactly. Try one bite, and then I'll leave. 不完全是。尝一口,我就走。

Fine. 很好。

The baker takes a bite of Vikram's pastry. 面包师咬了一口维克拉姆做的糕点。

This doesn't taste like my apple pastry. 这可不像我做的苹果派。

No. 不。

It tastes better. 它的味道更好。

Thank you. My wife thinks so, too. And I'd like to give you the recipe. 谢谢你!我妻子也这么认为。我想给你食谱。

Really? Why? 真的吗?为什么?

Because I believe good recipes should always be shared. 因为我相信好的食谱应该被分享。

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