

Keep Certain Distance from Animals

Keep Certain Distance from Animals

Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the social environment called us to get close to the nature and take animals as our human’s friends, you may feel surprised to hear my topic today ---“Keep Certain Distance from Animals”.

Raising pets at home is no longer a new trend all over the world. What really caught our eyes is the kind of animals people raised. From the information I got from the media, I found out that there are more and more people tend to raise dangerous animals, particularly the snakes. The snakes people raised are not the kind of images that appeared in our minds, instead, they have colorful and smooth cover, and their teeth are often taken out. That’s why young people accepted them without fear and started to be interested in them.

But is it really a good phenomenon to get young people so close to such kind of dangerous animals, even without distance?

Let me give you another example. It is well-known that there are some macaque parks in China, which are very famous. The macaques in the parks aren’t afraid of tourists; in fact, they show great passion for tourists’ coming because of the delicious food and drink. Macaques get used to the comfort environment so that they gradually lost their instinct to hunt for food and protect themselves from human who wants to hurt them.

I think all of you remembered the disaster SARS happened a few years ago. It caused great damage in many fields like economy, medical, education and consuming. And the animal was one of the origins of this disease that was under suspicion. Take monkey for example, monkey has 99% genes that is the same as human, so it will be much easier to infect diseases between human and monkey. If there are kind of viruses in the feeding food from human, the monkeys might probably die unknown.

Above all, what I would like to point out is that we human beings should keep a certain distance from animals. We could show our love and care for them by the means of medical caring or restoring their homes naturally. But one thing we have to bear in mind is that animal is animal, it always has differences from human. For the security of both human and animal, we should let them live the kind of lives that they used to; we should not deprive their instinct and try to convert them to something that is used to entertain human. If we really want to keep the balance of economy and society, it’s essential to treat the animals equally instead of making fun of them, which in the other way means: keep certain distance from animals.

Thank you!

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