

经典文献2022 l Lancet:2型糖尿病(全文)**

2023.03.09 北京



经典文献 l Lancet 2022


Lancet 2022; 400: 1803–20



















柳叶刀杂志2017年综述:Chatterjee S, Khunti K, Davies MJ. Type 2 diabetes. Lancet 2017; 389: 2239–51


2022IDF糖尿病地图-文献之一:关于糖尿病全球、地域和国家因素;Sun H, Saeedi P, Karuranga S, et al. IDF diabetes atlas: global, regional and country-level diabetes prevalence estimates for 2021 and projections for 2045. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2022; 183: 109119


2022IDF糖尿病地图-文献之二:关于成人2型糖尿病诊断不足;Ogurtsova K, Guariguata L, Barengo NC, et al. IDF diabetes atlas: global estimates of undiagnosed diabetes in adults for 2021. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2022; 183: 109118.。


Hostalek U. Global epidemiology of prediabetes—present and future perspectives. Clin Diabetes Endocrinol 2019; 5:5


Tabák AG, Herder C, Rathmann W, Brunner EJ, Kivimäki M. Prediabetes: a high-risk state for diabetes development. Lancet2012; 379: 2279–90.


Sun H, Saeedi P, Karuranga S, et al. IDF diabetes atlas: global, regional and country-level diabetes prevalence estimates for 2021 and projections for 2045. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2022; 183: 109119


早发2型糖尿病的问题概述:Lascar N, Brown J, Pattison H, Barnett AH, Bailey CJ, Bellary S. Type 2 diabetes in adolescents and young adults. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018; 6: 69–80

战争的影响:Alessi J, Yankiv M. War in Ukraine and barriers to diabetes care. Lancet 2022; 399:1465–66
战争的影响:The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Ukraine: diabetes on the front line. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022; 10: 231

Mbanya JC, Lamptey R, Uloko AE, et al. African cuisine-centered insulin therapy: expert opinion on the management of hyperglycaemia in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Ther 2021; 12: 37–54.


  • 详细的基因分型和表型

  • 个体化目标

  • 体重管理

  • 维持良好的生活质量,包括精神健康
ADA/EASD2020共识:Chung WK, Erion K, Florez JC, et al. Precision medicine in diabetes: a consensus report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2020; 63: 1671–93

柳叶刀糖尿病工作组2021关于数据转化:Chan JCN, Lim LL, Wareham NJ, et al. The Lancet Commission on diabetes: using data to transform diabetes care and patient lives. Lancet 2021; 396: 2019–82


  • 胰岛素抵抗和初始高胰岛素血症

  • 随后是胰腺β细胞产生胰岛素的能力进行性下降。


Wysham C, Shubrook J. Beta-cell failure in type 2 diabetes: mechanisms, markers, and clinical implications. Postgrad Med 2020; 132: 676–86.;
Chen C, Cohrs CM, Stertmann J, Bozsak R, Speier S. Human beta cell mass and function in diabetes: recent advances in knowledge and technologies to understand disease pathogenesis. Mol Metab 2017; 6: 943–57
Suleiman M, Marselli L, Cnop M, et al. The role of beta cell recovery in type 2 diabetes remission. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23: 7435
Bakhti M, Lickert H. New insights into β-cell failure, regeneration and replacement. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2022; 18: 79–80


Schwartz SS, Epstein S, Corkey BE, Grant SF, Gavin JR 3rd, Aguilar RB. The time is right for a new classification system for diabetes: rationale and implications of the β-cell-centric classification schema. Diabetes Care 2016; 39:179–86


1. 传统的肌肉肝脏β-细胞三联相互作用;

2. 2009年,在上述传统机制外,DeFronzo还提出肠促胰岛素失调脂肪分解高胰高糖素血症肾脏葡萄糖吸收增加中枢性食欲调节障碍

Defronzo RA. Banting lecture. From the triumvirate to the ominous octet: a new paradigm for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes2009; 58: 773–95】

3. 这种相互作用后来被拓展到包括11条连锁通路的缺陷,其中β-细胞功能障碍是连接这些通路的共同特征(见图1):

Schwartz SS, Epstein S, Corkey BE, Grant SF, Gavin JR 3rd, Aguilar RB. The time is right for a new classification system for diabetes: rationale and implications of the β-cell-centric classification schema. Diabetes Care 2016; 39: 179–86.


Gupta D, Leahy JL. Islet amyloid and type 2 diabetes: overproduction or inadequate clearance and detoxification? J Clin Invest 2014;124: 3292–94】。




DPP-4 =二肽基肽酶4。GLP-1 =胰高血糖素样肽-1。IAPP =胰岛淀粉样多肽。MRA =盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂。SGLT2 =钠-葡萄糖共转运体2。*不是主要的作用机制。



Jonas DE, Crotty K, Yun JDY, et al. Screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: updated evidence report and systematic review for the US preventive services task force. JAMA 2021; 326: 744–60.; 
Peer N, Balakrishna Y, Durao S. Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2020; 5: CD005266


  • 超重或肥胖者、

  • 较年轻时即易患2型糖尿病的少数族裔,

  • 有强烈2型糖尿病家族史

  • 既往妊娠糖尿病的人。


HDL =高密度脂蛋白。LADA =成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病。MODY =年轻人的成熟型糖尿病。OGTT =口服葡萄糖耐量试验。*多尿、烦渴、多食或体重减轻


Draznin B, Aroda VR, Bakris G, et al. 9. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care 2022; 45 (suppl 1):S17–38



  1. 成人超重或肥胖(BMI≥25 kg/m2或部分民族≥23 kg/m2)

  2. 糖尿病家族史

  3. 高危族裔(如非洲裔美国人、拉丁美洲人、美洲原住民、亚洲人、非洲人、美国人或太平洋岛民)

  4. 心血管疾病或高血压病史(≥140/90 mm Hg或用药)

  5. 甘油三酯> 2.82 mmol/L (>250 mg/dL)或HDL-胆固醇< 0.90 mmol/L (<35 mg/dL),或两者兼有

  6. 与胰岛素抵抗相关的临床状况:多囊卵巢综合征、黑棘皮病、妊娠糖尿病史、HIV感染

  7. 所有其他年满35岁的人



HbA1c =糖化血红蛋白。*对于无症状的个体,应重复HbA1c检测。HbA1c不应单独用于诊断儿童或青年(< 18岁)、孕妇、症状持续时间短(< 2个月)的人,或某些血液学疾病(如贫血或血红蛋白病)导致红细胞快速更新的人。


American Diabetes Association. 2. Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: standards of medical care in diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care 2021; 44 (suppl 1): S15–33


  • LADA和胰腺疾病(3型)引起的糖尿病偶尔会被误诊为2型糖尿病,因为这些疾病通常在30岁后出现。
  • 糖尿病相关自身抗体(包括谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)、正常BMI和快速进展至胰岛素需求(通常在诊断6个月后)的存在有助于LADA的诊断

    Buzzetti R, 

    Tuomi T, Mauricio D, et al. Management of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults: a consensus statement from an international expert panel. Diabetes 2020; 69: 2037–47

  • 酮症倾向糖尿病与2型糖尿病有相似的病理生理学,但可表现为1型糖尿病;例如,伴有糖尿病酮症酸中毒风险增加;

    Waddankeri SS, Swaraj Waddankeri M, Gurushantappa Mangshetty B. Clinical and biochemical characteristics and treatment outcomes of ketosis-prone diabetes: the remission prone diabetes. Int J Endocrinol Metab 2021; 19: e106799. 25


    Lebovitz HE, Banerji MA. Ketosis-prone diabetes (flatbush diabetes): an emerging worldwide clinically important entity. Curr Diab Rep 2018; 18: 120.

  • 如果诊断不确定性持续存在,则在确诊前不应将该疾病标记为1型糖尿病或2型糖尿病,同时可安全地控制血糖。



在糖尿病分型领域近年有不少进展,也在不同范围内形成一些共识或指南,比如WHO2019糖尿病分类(指南共识 l WHO糖尿病分类2019(全文译文)**),或者国内关于糖尿病分类的共识(【规范与指南】糖尿病分型诊断中国专家共识)。但争议仍很大。

  • 发病年龄

  • BMI

  • HbA1c

  • GAD抗体

  • β细胞功能(β细胞功能的稳态模型评估[HOMA];HOMA2-B)胰岛素抵抗(HOMA2-IR)。

这些新亚型具有不同的临床特征、疾病进展率和临床结局(表2)。该进展总结于Groop L以下综述性文献,信息摘要于表2

Ahlqvist E, Prasad RB, Groop L. Subtypes of type 2 diabetes determined from clinical parameters. Diabetes 2020; 69: 2086–93



严重自身免疫性糖尿病(又称SAID/ Severe autoimmune diabetes)

  • 谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)抗体阳性

  • 早发

  • 低BMI

  • 胰岛素分泌不足

  • 高糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)

  • 早期胰岛素需求

  • 视网膜病患病率高

  • GAD抗体阴性,但有SAID其他特征

  • 胰岛素分泌不足

  • HbA1c高

  • 早期胰岛素需求

  • 视网膜病变和肾病的高发率

严重胰岛素抵抗性糖尿病(又称SIRD/ Severe insulin-resistant diabetes)
  • 肥胖

  • 胰岛素抵抗

  • 晚发型

  • 肾病和脂肪肝的风险增加

轻度肥胖相关糖尿病(称为MOD/ Mild obesity-related diabetes)
  • 肥胖

  • 缺乏胰岛素抵抗

  • 早发

轻度年龄相关性糖尿病(称为MARD/ Mild age-related diabetes)
  • 晚发型

  • 并发症风险低

  • 轻度肥胖相关糖尿病和轻度年龄相关糖尿病已被确定为欧洲人群中的主要群集

  • 严重胰岛素缺乏型糖尿病(SIDD)已被确定为亚洲人群中的主要群集,亚洲人群往往在比欧洲人年龄更年轻和更低的BMI发生糖尿病。

  • 某些亚型,特别是在SIDD等亚洲人群中占优势的亚型,与并发症的高风险相关。
Ahlqvist E, Prasad RB, Groop L. Subtypes of type 2 diabetes determined from clinical parameters. Diabetes 2020; 69: 2086–93;
Prasad RB, Asplund O, Shukla SR, et al. Subgroups of patients with young-onset type 2 diabetes in India reveal insulin deficiency as a major driver. Diabetologia 2022;65: 65–78;
Zou X, Zhou X, Zhu Z, Ji L. Novel subgroups of patients with adult-onset diabetes in Chinese and US populations. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019; 7: 9–11.


Li L, Cheng WY, Glicksberg BS, et al. Identification of type 2 diabetes subgroups through topological analysis of patient similarity. Sci Transl Med 2015; 7: 311ra174;
Nair ATN, Wesolowska-Andersen A, Brorsson C, et al. Heterogeneity in phenotype, disease progression and drug response in type 2 diabetes. Nat Med2022; 28: 982–88




指南共识 l WHO糖尿病分类2019(全文译文)**

指南共识 l 2023ADA标准-糖尿病的分类和诊断(全) **

临床进展 l 2021糖尿病新亚组定义和分类(高级版)**

临床难题 l 2021成人起病1型糖尿病:当前认知和挑战**

临床内分泌未来篇 l 2022改进2型糖尿病的分类**


疾病导论系列 l 2022成人起病自身免疫性糖尿病(AOA糖尿病)(全文)**




指南共识 l 2020成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病(LADA)管理的共识声明(全文)**

临床教学 l 单基因糖尿病的诊治概述(2021)**


罕见病 l 2021罕见病分类:罕见糖尿病(ORPHA:101952)**


临床诊治 l MODY-单基因糖尿病诊断途径**


指南共识 l 2021JES脂肪营养不良综合征的实践指南 l ~严重胰岛素抵抗/单基因糖尿病**


NEJM病例 l Case 06-2020 l 女性,34岁,高血糖(GCK-MODY)**




  • 微血管:视网膜病变、神经病和肾病)

  • 大血管:即缺血性心脏病、脑血管疾病和外周血管疾病

  • 糖尿病病程长

  • 血糖控制不佳

  • 血糖变异性增加

  • 男性

  • 潜在合并症

  • 已有并发症(如蛋白尿或亚临床动脉粥样硬化)。


Teliti M, Cogni G, Sacchi L, et al. Risk factors for the development of micro-vascular complications of type 2 diabetes in a single-centre cohort of patients. Diab Vasc Dis Res 2018; 15: 424–32.
Kosiborod M, Gomes MB, Nicolucci A, et al. Vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes: prevalence and associated factors in 38 countries (the DISCOVER study program).Cardiovasc Diabetol 2018; 17: 150.
Scott ES, Januszewski AS, O’Connell R, et al. Long-term glycemic variability and vascular complications in type 2 diabetes: post hoc analysis of the FIELD study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2020; 105: e3638–49.


Shao H, Yang S, Fonseca V, Stoecker C, Shi L. Estimating quality of life decrements due to diabetes complications in the United States: the Health Utility Index (HUI) diabetes complication equation. PharmacoEconomics 2019; 37: 921–29

以往的英国前瞻性糖尿病研究(UKPDS)及随后的几项研究表明,实现强化血糖控制,尤其是早期干预,在降低未来并发症的风险方面可能具有临床意义。在UKPDS的初始试验期结束后,降糖治疗的获益持续数年,尽管早期血糖组间差异消失;这种情况被称为遗留效应(legacy effect/代谢记忆- metabolic memory)。

UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). Lancet 1998; 352:837–53.
Laiteerapong N, Ham SA, Gao Y, et al. The legacy effect in type 2 diabetes: impact of early glycemic control on future complications (The Diabetes & Aging Study). Diabetes Care 2019; 42: 416–26.
Lind M, Imberg H, Coleman RL, Nerman O, Holman RR. Historical HbA(1c) values may explain the type 2 diabetes legacy effect: UKPDS 88. Diabetes Care 2021; 44: 2231–37


Duckworth W, Abraira C, Moritz T, et al. Glucose control and vascular complications in veterans with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 129–39.
Gerstein HC, Miller ME, Byington RP, et al. Effects of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 2545–59.
Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, et al. Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. NEngl J Med 2008; 358: 2560–72.

由于2型糖尿病的多因素性质,其他可改变的风险因素,如高血压和血脂异常,应采用整体方法解决,而不仅仅是血糖控制,以降低长期并发症的风险。此类多因素控制的获益在近20年前Steno -2研究已经证实,该研究表明针对已有微量白蛋白尿患者的血糖、血压和血脂控制的多因素风险降低可减少微血管和大血管并发症(图S1)。

Gaede P, Vedel P, Larsen N, Jensen GV, Parving HH, Pedersen O. Multifactorial intervention and cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2003;348: 383–93

图S1 降低糖尿病并发症风险的多因素方法*






Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002; 346:393–403.
Defronzo RA, Tripathy D, Schwenke DC, et al. Prevention of diabetes with pioglitazone in ACT NOW: physiologic correlates. Diabetes 2013; 62: 3920–26.
le Roux CW, Astrup A, Fujioka K, et al. 3 years of liraglutide versus placebo for type 2 diabetes risk reduction and weight management in individuals with prediabetes: a randomised, double-blind trial. Lancet 2017; 389: 1399–409.
Uusitupa M, Khan TA, Viguiliouk E, et al. Prevention of type 2 diabetes by lifestyle changes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients 2019; 11: E2611.


Wagner R, Heni M, Tabák AG, et al. Pathophysiology-based subphenotyping of individuals at elevated risk for type 2 diabetes. Nat Med 2021; 27: 49–57

但是,所有这些干预措施的长期有效性和依从性仍然具有挑战性,特别是在低收入和中等收入国家。而发达国家较先进的保健系统,越来越强调通过提倡更健康的生活方式和与食品制造商和零售商合作,在国家层级鼓励健康饮食来实施预防2型糖尿病的有效战略。风险评估及之后对高危人群的管理(空腹血糖5-6.9 mmol/L或HbA1c 6.0-6.4%)也是这一战略的两个关键组成部分。鼓励BMI值为25 kg/m或以上(在一些族裔群体中≥23 kg/m)的超重者通过饮食、锻炼和药物治疗来减重。

Burd C, Gruss S, Albright A, Zina A, Schumacher P, Alley D. Translating knowledge into action to prevent type 2 diabetes: medicare expansion of the national diabetes prevention program lifestyle intervention. Milbank Q 2020; 98: 172–96.
Walker EA, Gonzalez JS, Tripputi MT, et al. Long-term metformin adherence in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2020; 8:e001537.
Gyawali B, Bloch J, Vaidya A, Kallestrup P. Community-based interventions for prevention of type 2 diabetes in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Health Promot Int 2019; 34: 1218–30.
NICE. Preventing type 2 diabetes overview. 28 July 2021. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ph35 (accessed Oct 3, 2022).

图S2 ADA风险检测



Staite E, Bayley A, Al-Ozairi E, et al. A wearable technology delivering a web-based diabetes prevention program to people at high risk of type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth 2020; 8: e15448.
Kim SE, Castro Sweet CM, Cho E, Tsai J, Cousineau MR. Evaluation of a digital diabetes prevention program adapted for low-income patients, 2016–2018. Prev Chronic Dis 2019;16: E155
  • 饮食和体重跟踪

  • 活动监测

  • 在线辅导

  • 社交媒体

  • 提醒

  • 游戏化。


Van Rhoon L, Byrne M, Morrissey E, Murphy J, McSharry J. A systematic review of the behaviour change techniques and digital features in technology-driven type 2 diabetes prevention interventions. Digit Health 2020; 6: 2055207620914427



Vounzoulaki E, Khunti K, Abner SC, Tan BK, Davies MJ, Gillies CL. Progression to type 2 diabetes in women with a known history of gestational diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2020; 369: m1361


Guo X-Y, Shu J, Fu X-H, et al. Improving the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for gestational diabetes prevention: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. BJOG 2019;126: 311–20.
Li N, Yang Y, Cui D, et al. Effects of lifestyle intervention on long-term risk of diabetes in women with prior gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obes Rev 2021; 22: e13122.
Aroda VR, Christophi CA, Edelstein SL, et al. The effect of lifestyle intervention and metformin on preventing or delaying diabetes among women with and without gestational diabetes: the Diabetes Prevention Program outcomes study 10-year follow-up. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100: 1646–53.


Schaefer-Graf U, Napoli A, Nolan CJ. Diabetes in pregnancy: a new decade of challenges ahead. Diabetologia 2018; 61: 1012–21



经典文献2022 l 2型糖尿病:重要进展文献系列-管理目标**
经典文献2022 l 2型糖尿病:重要进展文献系列-生活方式管理**
经典文献2022 l 2型糖尿病:重要进展文献系列-降糖药物应用**
经典文献2022 l 2型糖尿病:重要进展文献系列-大型心/肾结局试验**





  • 减重

  • 控制心血管风险因素

  • 心肾保护

2022ADA/EASD共识:Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes Care 2022; published online Sept 28. https://doi.org/10.2337/dci22-0034./  2022ADA/EASD共识中文版本,见公众号内链接:指南共识 l 2022ADA/EASD共识报告:2型糖尿病的高血糖管理(全文)**

Lamptey R, Robben MP, Amoakoh-Coleman M, et al. Structured diabetes self-management education and glycaemic control in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Diabet Med 2022; 39: e14812

指南共识 l 2023ADA标准-肥胖和体重管理以预防和治疗2型糖尿病(全)**

临床实际 l 2022肥胖管理作为2型糖尿病伴肥胖的主要治疗目标**

指南共识 l 2022慢性肾病中的糖尿病管理:ADA和KDIGO共识报告(全文)**
指南共识 l 2022糖尿病慢性肾脏病(CKD)与风险管理(全文) l ADA糖尿病诊治标准**
指南共识 l 糖尿病患者心血管疾病及其风险管理(全文) l 2022ADA糖尿病诊治标准**



Pi-Sunyer X. The Look AHEAD Trial: a review and discussion of its outcomes. Curr Nutr Rep 2014;3: 387–91.
García-Molina L, Lewis-Mikhael AM, Riquelme-Gallego B, Cano-Ibáñez N, Oliveras-López MJ, Bueno-Cavanillas A. Improving type 2 diabetes mellitus glycaemic control through lifestyle modification implementing diet intervention: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Nutr 2020; 59: 1313–28.

Daousi C, Casson IF, Gill GV, MacFarlane IA, Wilding JPH, Pinkney JH. Prevalence of obesity in type 2 diabetes in secondary care: association with cardiovascular risk factors. Postgrad Med J 2006; 82:280–84.

Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 393–403

临床实际 l 2022肥胖管理作为2型糖尿病伴肥胖的主要治疗目标**

研究表明,减重至少5%才能对血糖控制产生有益影响, 并且15%或更多的更大的体重减轻可在大比例的2型糖尿病患者中诱导糖尿病缓解(HbA1c至< 6.5%持续至少3个月而不进行任何降糖治疗)。短期糖尿病缓解的关键组成部分是通过使用低能量饮食(每天800-1200卡路里)或极低能量饮食(<每天800卡路里)形式的限制卡路里摄入来实现足够的体重减轻。然而,长期坚持这样的饮食是困难的,并且许多人恢复了体重。

Lean ME, Leslie WS, Barnes AC, et al. Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomised trial. Lancet 2018;391: 541–51.

Lingvay I, Sumithran P, Cohen RV, le Roux CW. Obesity management as a primary treatment goal for type 2 diabetes: time to reframe the conversation. Lancet 2022; 399: 394–405(公众号内中文:临床实际 l 2022肥胖管理作为2型糖尿病伴肥胖的主要治疗目标**

Umphonsathien M, Rattanasian P, Lokattachariya S, Suansawang W, Boonyasuppayakorn K, Khovidhunkit W. Effects of intermittent very-low calorie diet on glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. J Diabetes Investig 2022; 13:156–66

Churuangsuk C, Hall J, Reynolds A, Griffin SJ, Combet E, Lean MEJ. Diets for weight management in adults with type 2 diabetes: an umbrella review of published meta-analyses and systematic review of trials of diets for diabetes remission. Diabetologia 2022;65: 14–36


Siopis G, Colagiuri S, Allman-Farinelli M. Effectiveness of dietetic intervention for people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Clin Nutr 2021; 40: 3114–22.

NICE. Type 2 diabetes in adults: management [NG28]. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: London, 2022.

Kim J, Hur MH. The effects of dietary education interventions on individuals with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18: 8439

Chiavaroli L, Lee D, Ahmed A, et al. Effect of low glycaemic index or load dietary patterns on glycaemic control and cardiometabolic risk factors in diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2021; 374:n1651.

Kalkuz S, Demircan A. Effects of the Mediterranean diet adherence on body composition, blood parameters and quality of life in adults. Postgrad Med J 2021; 97: 798–802.

Buchanan A, Villani A. Association of adherence to a Mediterranean diet with excess body mass, muscle strength and physical performance in overweight or obese adults with or without type 2 diabetes: two cross-sectional studies. Healthcare (Basel) 2021; 9:1255.

Liu D, Huang Y, Huang C, et al. Calorie restriction with or without time-restricted eating in weight loss. N Engl J Med 2022; 386: 1495–504

指南共识 l 糖尿病医学营养治疗(MNT) l 2022ADA糖尿病诊治标准**


Rafiullah M, Musambil M, David SK. Effect of a very low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet vs recommended diets in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. Nutr Rev 2021; 80:488–502.

Wang X, Li Q, Liu Y, Jiang H, Chen W. Intermittent fasting versus continuous energy restricted diet for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome for glycemiccontrol: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2021; 179: 109003.

Battista F, Ermolao A, van Baak MA, et al. Effect of exercise on cardiometabolic health of adults with overweight or obesity: focus on blood pressure, insulin resistance, and intrahepatic fat-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev 2021; 22 (suppl 4): e13269.

Mannucci E, Bonifazi A, Monami M. Comparison between different types of exercise training in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and network metanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2021; 31: 1985–92

指南共识 l 糖尿病:运动和戒烟 l 2022ADA糖尿病诊治标准**

Olsen RH, Krogh-Madsen R, Thomsen C, Booth FW, Pedersen BK. Metabolic responses to reduced daily steps in healthy nonexercising men. JAMA 2008; 299: 1261–63


Lindström J, Louheranta A, Mannelin M, et al. The Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS): lifestyle intervention and 3-year results on diet and physical activity. Diabetes Care 2003; 26: 3230–36.

Jakicic JM, Berkowitz RI, Bolin P, et al. Association between change in accelerometer-measured and self-reported physical activity and cardiovascular disease in the Look AHEAD Trial. Diabetes Care 2022;45: 742–49

Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002; 346: 393–403
经常参加运动(有氧运动和阻力运动)会引起适应,从而改善临床结果,如预防糖尿病,减少腹部和内脏脂肪,改善精神健康,显著降低心血管和总死亡率风险。对于目前每周进行不到30分钟有目的活动(包括与工作相关的或娱乐性活动)的人而言,运动的获益尤其突出。用短时间的规律缓慢步行和简单的阻力运动打破长时间的坐姿(例如, 小腿抬高和蹲下)已被证明可改善葡萄糖代谢。智能手表或带有步数计数器的身体活动跟踪器通过实现目标设置和反馈,可有效支持行为改变。

Kanaley JA, Colberg SR, Corcoran MH, et al. Exercise/physical activity in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a consensus statement from the American College of Sports Medicine. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022; 54: 353–68.

Kodama S, Tanaka S, Heianza Y, et al. Association between physical activity and risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care 2013; 36: 471–79.

Department of Health & Social Care. UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines. 2019. https://assets.publishing.service. gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/ file/832868/uk-chief-medical-officers-physical-activity-guidelines. pdf (accessed March 9, 2022).

Whelan ME, Orme MW, Kingsnorth AP, Sherar LB, Denton FL, Esliger DW. Examining the use of glucose and physical activity self-monitoring technologies in individuals at moderate to high risk of developing type 2 diabetes: randomized trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth 2019; 7: e14195
Whelan ME, Orme MW, Kingsnorth AP, Sherar LB, Denton FL, Esliger DW. Examining the use of glucose and physical activity self-monitoring technologies in individuals at moderate to high risk of developing type 2 diabetes: randomized trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth 2019; 7: e14195.
Alonso-Domínguez R, Patino-Alonso MC, Sánchez-Aguadero N, García-Ortiz L, Recio-Rodríguez JI, Gómez-Marcos MA. Effect of a multifactorial intervention on the increase in physical activity in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized clinical trial (EMID Study). Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2019; 18: 399–409.
Mosalman Haghighi M, Mavros Y, Fiatarone Singh MA. The effects of structured exercise or lifestyle behavior interventions on long-term physical activity level and health outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. J Phys Act Health 2018; 15: 697–707.
Rawal L, Sahle BW, Smith BJ, Kanda K, Owusu-Addo E, Renzaho AMN. Lifestyle interventions for type 2 diabetes management among migrants and ethnic minorities living in industrialized countries: a systematic review and meta-analyses. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2021; 9: e001924.
Franz MJ, Boucher JL, Rutten-Ramos S, VanWormer JJ. Lifestyle weight-loss intervention outcomes in overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Acad Nutr Diet 2015; 115:1447–63

Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2022;published online Sept 24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-022-05787-2.

Draznin B, Aroda VR, Bakris G, et al. 9. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care 2022; 45 (suppl 1): S125–43
  • 广泛的可获得性

  • 低成本

  • 易于给药

  • 良好的耐受性

  • 低血糖风险低

  • 体重中性

  • 有复方制剂,

  • 以及重要的是数十年的临床有效性经验。
Ahmad E, Sargeant JA, Zaccardi F, Khunti K, Webb DR, Davies MJ. Where does metformin stand in modern day management of type 2 diabetes? Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2020; 13: E427
温故知新 l 二甲双胍2019**

然而,钠-葡萄糖共转运体2 (SGLT2)抑制剂和胰高血糖素样肽-1 (GLP-1)受体激动剂,联合或不联合二甲双胍,在以下情况可能是合适的初始治疗药物:

  • 已确诊ASCVD或具有ASCVD高风险

  • 或心衰

  • 或慢性肾脏病。
Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2022; published online Sept 24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-022-05787-2.
Draznin B, Aroda VR, Bakris G, et al. 9. Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care 2022; 45 (suppl 1): S125–43

Wang MT, Huang YL, Lai JH, et al. Association between specificity of sulfonylureas to cardiac mitochondrial KATP channels and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2022; 45: 1276–87


Dormandy JA, Charbonnel B, Eckland DJ, et al. Secondary prevention of macrovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes in the PROactive Study (PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial In macroVascular Events): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2005; 366: 1279–89

内分泌循证医学史 l 内分泌医生应牢记的循证证据-T2DM降糖药物的CVOTs(背景)

自21世纪中叶以来,二肽基肽酶4 (DPP-4)抑制剂因其安全性(包括低血糖风险低、耐受性好、可获得性广和给药方便)而得到了广泛应用。然而,它们的降糖功效很有限,对体重没有影响。

Cosentino F, Grant PJ, Aboyans V, et al. 2019 ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. Eur Heart J 2020; 41: 255–323.

de Boer IH, Caramori ML, Chan JCN, et al. KDIGO 2020 clinical practice guideline for diabetes management in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2020; 98: S1–115.

WHO. WHO model list of essential medicines 22nd list. 2021. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-MHP-HPS-EML-2021.02 (accessed Oct 3, 2022).


  • 心力衰竭

  • 慢性肾病

  • 体重问题

  • 低血糖风险

Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2022;published online Sept 24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-022-05787-2

  • GRADE试验评估了二甲双胍之后四种常见二线降糖治疗的相对有效性,即格列美脲、西格列汀、利拉鲁肽和基础甘精胰岛素。结果显示,平均随访5年后,所有四种药物在与二甲双胍联合后均可降低HbA1c。然而,甘精胰岛素和利拉鲁肽在达到和维持目标HbA1c浓度< 7%方面明显更有效。

    GRADE Study Research Group, Nathan DM, Lachin JM, et al. Glycemia reduction in type 2 diabetes—glycemic outcomes. N Engl J Med2022; 387: 1063–74

  • 联合使用SGLT2抑制剂和GLP-1受体激动剂,早期结局并没有明确的证据显示血糖和代谢获益相加。

    Wright AK, Carr MJ, Kontopantelis E, et al. Primary prevention of cardiovascular and heart failure events with SGLT2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, and their combination in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2022; 45: 909–18.
    Li C, Luo J, Jiang M, Wang K. The efficacy and safety of the combination therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT-2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Pharmacol 2022; 13: 838277.

    Lau KTK, Wong CKH, Au ICH, et al. Switching to versus addition of incretin-based drugs among patients with type 2 diabetes taking sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. J Am Heart Assoc 2022;11: e023489

  • 由于这些药物以前述十余种不同途径为靶点(见病理生理部分),因此可能应优先考虑这些药物的联合使用,以产生相加或协同效应,最终降低微血管和大血管并发症的风险,改善心脏代谢和肾脏结果。

    DeFronzo RA. Combination therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonist and SGLT2 inhibitor. Diabetes Obes Metab 2017; 19: 1353–62

  • 然而,需要专门的RCT来证实这些有益作用。在VERIFY试验中,二甲双胍和维格列汀的初始联合治疗比二甲双胍单一治疗在新诊断2型糖尿病患者中提供了更大和更持久的长期获益。

    Matthews DR, Paldánius PM, Proot P, Chiang Y, Stumvoll M, Del Prato S. Glycaemic durability of an early combination therapy with vildagliptin and metformin versus sequential metformin monotherapy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (VERIFY): a 5-year, multicentre, randomised, double-blind trial. Lancet 2019;394: 1519–29

  • 使用固定剂量组合(复方制剂)也有助于改善服药依从性。

    Böhm AK, Schneider U, Aberle J, Stargardt T. Regimen simplification and medication adherence: fixed-dose versus loose-dose combination therapy for type 2 diabetes. PLoS One 2021; 16: e0250993

替西帕肽(Tirzepatide/替泽帕肽)是一种新型的双重-胰高血糖素样肽-1 (GLP-1)/葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽(GIP)(dual GLP-1/GIP)类似物,已获美国FDA和欧洲EMA(欧洲药品管理局)批准用于2型糖尿病的管理。在整个SUBSPHERE 3期项目中,与安慰剂和包括司美格鲁肽在内的活性对照药物相比,替西帕肽剂量依赖性的在HbA1c(2–2.5%)和体重(11–13%)方面表现出优异的作用,预计这将进一步改变2型糖尿病管理格局。

Rosenstock J, Wysham C, Frías JP, et al. Efficacy and safety of a novel dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist tirzepatide in patients with type 2 diabetes (SURPASS-1): a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2021;398: 143–55.

Frías JP, Davies MJ, Rosenstock J, et al. Tirzepatide versus semaglutide once weekly in patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2021;385: 503–15.

Ludvik B, Giorgino F, Jódar E, et al. Once-weekly tirzepatide versus once-daily insulin degludec as add-on to metformin with or without SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes (SURPASS-3): a randomised, open-label, parallel-group, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2021; 398: 583–98.

Del Prato S, Kahn SE, Pavo I, et al. Tirzepatide versus insulin glargine in type 2 diabetes and increased cardiovascular risk (SURPASS-4): a randomised, open-label, parallel-group, multicentre, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2021; 398: 1811–24.

Dahl D, Onishi Y, Norwood P, et al. Effect of subcutaneous tirzepatide vs placebo added to titrated insulin glargine on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: the SURPASS-5 randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2022; 327: 534–45


Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2022; published online Sept 24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-022-05787-2

指南共识 l 2022ADA/EASD共识报告:2型糖尿病的高血糖管理(全文)**


CKD =慢性肾脏疾病。DPP-4 =二肽基肽酶-4。eGFR =肾小球滤过率估计值。GIP =葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽。GLP-1 =胰高血糖素样肽-1。KATP,ATP敏感性钾通道。PPAR-γ=过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体-γ。SGLT2 =钠-葡萄糖共转运体-2。

图1 降糖药物在2型糖尿病管理中的应用


胰岛素通过增加靶器官(主要是骨骼肌)对葡萄糖的摄取而起作用。胰岛素的剂量可以根据血糖目标进行调整,所有胰岛素都有低血糖和体重增加的风险。U =以单位表示的胰岛素制剂浓度(例如,U100表示每mL胰岛素溶液100个单位)。

图2 胰岛素的地位



表S1A 在FDA 2008指南发布后完成的可用降糖药物的心血管和心肾结局试验:DPP-4抑制剂

—,未评估/报告;ACS,急性冠状动脉综合征;CHF,充血性心力衰竭;CV,心血管;CVD,心血管疾病;DPP-4,二肽基肽酶4;eGFR,肾小球滤过率估计值;ESRD,终末期肾病;GLP-1,胰高血糖素样肽1;HF,心力衰竭;MACE,重大心血管不良事件;MI,心肌梗塞;UL,上限。本表数据改编自Cefalu等的数据(225),发表在2018年1月的 Diabetes Care。
† 在所有试验中均以年龄平均值进行报告,但EXAMINE除外,该试验报告了年龄中位值;在所有试验中,糖尿病持续时间均作为平均值进行了报告,但报告中位值的save-TIMI 53和except除外。
‡ 组间A1C差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
§ 以危险比(95% CI)形式报告的结局。
ǁ 肾病恶化的定义是:在chase-TIMI 53中,肌酐倍增,开始透析,肾移植,或肌酐> 6.0 mg/dL (530 mmol/L)。肾病恶化在chase-TIMI53中是一个预先确定的探索性判断的结局。

表S1B 在FDA 2008指南发布后完成的可用抗高血糖药物的心血管和心肾结局试验:GLP-1受体激动剂

* 效能可排除1.8的危险比;未预先确定的优势假设。
† 所有试验中均年龄描述Wie平均值;除了报告中位值的EXSCEL外,所有试验中均报告糖尿病持续时间为平均值。
‡ 组间A1C差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
∧ 剂量为0.5 mg时A1C变化为0.66%,剂量为1 mg时为1.05%。
§ 以危险比(95% CI)形式报告的结果。
ǁ 肾病恶化的定义是: LEADER和SUSTAIN-6中为新出现尿白蛋白与肌酐之比> 300 mg/g肌酐或血清肌酐水平翻倍且估计肾小球滤过率< 45mL/min/1.73 m2、需要持续肾脏替代治疗、因肾脏疾病死亡;REWIND中为新出现大量白蛋白尿、估计肾小球滤过率自基线持续下降30%或以上,或慢性肾脏替代治疗。肾病恶化是LEADER、SUSTAIN-6和REWIND中预先确定的探索性判定结局。
表S1C 在FDA 2008指南发布后完成的可用抗高血糖药物的心血管和心肾结局试验:SGLT2抑制剂

—,未评估/报告; CHF,充血性心力衰竭;CV,心血管;CVD,心血管疾病;eGFR,肾小球滤过率估计值;ESRD,终末期肾病;HF,心力衰竭;MACE,重大心血管不良事件;MI,心肌梗塞;SGLT2,钠-葡萄糖共转运体2;NYHA,纽约州心脏协会。本表数据改编自Cefalu等的数据(225),发表在2018年1月的Diabetes Care。
* EMPEROR-Reduced的基线特征显示为empagliflozin和安慰剂。
† 所有试验中年龄均以平均值表示;在所有试验中均将糖尿病持续时间报告为平均值,但EMPA-REGOUTCOME(报告为糖尿病持续时间> 10年的人群百分比)和DECLARE-TIMI58 (报告中位值)除外。
‡ 组间A1C差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
∧ EMPA-REG OUTCOME中0.30的A1C变化是基于两种剂量的汇总结果(即10 mg为0.24%,25 mg为0.36%)。
§ 以危险比(95% CI)形式报告的结果。

ǁ 在不同试验中,肾病恶化的定义不同。


在GLP-1受体激动剂的九项心血管结局试验中,利拉鲁肽(诺和)的六项试验(可注射和口服的司美格鲁肽(或者)、阿必鲁肽/ albiglutide (GlaxoSmithKline,Brentford,UK)、度拉糖肽(礼来)以及efpeglenatide (Hanmi Pharmaceutical, 韩国)在MACE上有优势。
Sachinidis A, Nikolic D, Stoian AP, et al. Cardiovascular outcomes trials with incretin-based medications: a critical review of data available on GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors. Metabolism 2020; 111: 154343.
Lee MMY, Kristensen SL, Gerstein HC, McMurray JJV, Sattar N. Cardiovascular and mortality outcomes with GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis with the FREEDOM cardiovascular outcomes trial. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2022; 16:102382
使用SGLT2抑制剂进行的心血管结局试验中,恩格列净、卡格列净、达格列净和索他列净/ sotagliflozin在MACE中表现出优效性,但埃格列净/ ertugliflozin没有。以下文献显示GLP-1受体激动剂和SGLT2抑制剂的复合MACE结局的森林图和关于这些新型药物单独试验的进一步详情。

Giugliano D, Longo M, Scappaticcio L, Bellastella G, Maiorino MI, Esposito K. SGLT-2 inhibitors and cardiorenal outcomes in patients with or without type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of 11 CVOTs. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2021; 20: 236


Lim S, Oh TJ, Dawson J, Sattar N. Diabetes drugs and stroke risk: Intensive versus conventional glucose-lowering strategies, and implications of recent cardiovascular outcome trials. Diabetes Obes Metab 2020; 22: 6–15.

Sato K, Kameda M, Yasuhara T, et al. Neuroprotective effects of liraglutide for stroke model of rats. Int J Mol Sci 2013; 14: 21513–24.

Kim S, Jeong J, Jung HS, et al. Anti-inflammatory effect of glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonist, exendin-4, through modulation of IB1/JIP1 expression and jnk signaling in stroke. Exp Neurobiol 2017; 26: 227–39

替西帕肽的心血管结局试验也正在进行中(SURPASS-CVOT; NCT04255433)。

van der Aart-van der Beek AB, de Boer RA, Heerspink HJL. Kidney and heart failure outcomes associated with SGLT2 inhibitor use. Nat Rev Nephrol 2022; 18: 294–306


Brown E, Rajeev SP, Cuthbertson DJ, Wilding JPH. A review of the mechanism of action, metabolic profile and haemodynamic effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors. Diabetes Obes Metab 2019;21 (suppl 2): 9–18


Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes Care 2022; published online Sept 28. https://doi.org/10.2337/dci22-0034

Palmer SC, Tendal B, Mustafa RA, et al. Sodium-glucose cotransporter protein-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists for type 2 diabetes: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2021; 372:m4573.

Kloecker DE, Davies MJ, Khunti K, Zaccardi F. Cardiovascular effects of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists: the p value and beyond. Diabetes Obes Metab 2021; 23: 1685–91.

Seferović PM, Fragasso G, Petrie M, et al. Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology update on sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2020; 22: 1984–86





Fazeli Farsani S, van der Aa MP, van der Vorst MM, Knibbe CA, de Boer A. Global trends in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evaluation of methodological approaches. Diabetologia 2013;56: 1471–88

在2018年参加的一次讨论中,涉及的糖尿病特殊人群管理项目的滚动课题,已经详细讨论了这个人群(见以往公众号内相关内容每周动态 l 第23周-药费比、百达杨、糖尿病分型的挑战(二病区));早发糖尿病存在几个重要问题,比如为什么早发?与其他2型糖尿病的区别,尤其是血糖控制、胰岛功能和并发症?预期带病时间很长,如何应对?而国内近期也已经能看到相关的共识:


Nanayakkara N, Curtis AJ, Heritier S, et al. Impact of age at type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis on mortality and vascular complications: systematic review and meta-analyses. Diabetologia 2021; 64: 275–87.
Pyle L, Kelsey MM. Youth-onset type 2 diabetes: translating epidemiology into clinical trials. Diabetologia 2021; 64: 1709–16.
Zou X, Zhou X, Ji L, et al. The characteristics of newly diagnosed adult early-onset diabetes: a population-based cross-sectional study. Sci Rep 2017; 7: 46534

Bjornstad P, Drews KL, Caprio S, et al. Long-term complications in youth-onset type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2021; 385: 416–26

此外, 少数族裔群体和低收入个体的并发症发生率较高。

Dabelea D, Stafford JM, Mayer-Davis EJ, et al. Association of type 1 diabetes vs type 2 diabetes diagnosed during childhood and adolescence with complications during teenage years and young adulthood. JAMA 2017; 317: 825–35

由于长期安全性数据有限,很少探索针对2型糖尿病年轻人的治疗方案,目前只有少数试验评估40岁以下人群的降糖治疗的安全性和疗效。需要新的治疗方法和创新的研究设计来解决这些问题。ADA和EASD现在都建议对2型糖尿病年轻人(年龄< 40岁)进行早期联合治疗。这是现在和未来一段时间很有价值的热点领域。

Pyle L, Kelsey MM. Youth-onset type 2 diabetes: translating epidemiology into clinical trials. Diabetologia2021; 64: 1709–16

Kelly AS, Auerbach P, Barrientos-Perez M, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of liraglutide for adolescents with obesity. N Engl J Med 2020; 382: 2117–28.

Sargeant JA, Brady EM, Zaccardi F, et al. Adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes (aged 18–39 years) are severely underrepresented in diabetes clinical research trials. Diabetologia2020; 63: 1516–20

Davies MJ, Aroda VR, Collins BS, et al. Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes Care 2022

Seghieri G, De Bellis A, Seghieri M, et al. Gender difference in the risk of adverse outcomes after diabetic foot disease: a mini-review. Curr Diabetes Rev 2021; 17: 207–13.
Wright AK, Kontopantelis E, Emsley R, et al. Cardiovascular risk and risk factor management in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Circulation 2019; 139: 2742–53.
Hippisley-Cox J, O’Hanlon S, Coupland C. Association of deprivation, ethnicity, and sex with quality indicators for diabetes: population based survey of 53,000 patients in primary care. BMJ 2004; 329: 1267–69.
Guthrie B, Emslie-Smith A, Morris AD. Which people with type 2 diabetes achieve good control of intermediate outcomes? Population database study in a UK region. Diabet Med 2009; 26: 1269–76.
Campesi I, Seghieri G, Franconi F. Type 2 diabetic women are not small type 2 diabetic men: sex-and-gender differences in antidiabetic drugs. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2021;60: 40–45
同样, 健康研究通常不了解,也未能解决少数民族群体的需要,但这些群体即使在较低BMI也存在较高的代谢风险,具有2型糖尿病的早发和糖尿病相关并发症的快速进展。因此,不仅需要对来自少数民族群体的人采用积极的早期诊断和管理方法,而且同样重要的是通过规范稳健的设计确保将他们纳入临床研究。
Ekezie W, Routen A, Denegri S, Khunti K. Patient and public involvement for ethnic minority research: an urgent need for improvement. J R Soc Med 2021; 114: 347–50.
Hills AP, Arena R, Khunti K, et al. Epidemiology and determinants of type 2 diabetes in south Asia. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018; 6: 966–78.
Goff LM. Ethnicity and type 2 diabetes in the UK. Diabetes Med 2019; 36: 927–38.
  • 禁食期间低血糖的风险增加

  • 禁食过后的高血糖

  • 体力活动改变

  • 睡眠模式改变,

  • 社会经济和文化差异。

Rashid F, Abdelgadir E. A systematic review on efficacy and safety of the current hypoglycemic agents in patients with diabetes during Ramadan fasting. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2019;13: 1413–29


Ibrahim M, Davies MJ, Ahmad E, et al. Recommendations for management of diabetes during Ramadan: update 2020, applying the principles of the ADA/EASD consensus. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2020; 8: e001248


Ferraro CF, Findlater L, Morbey R, et al. Describing the indirect impact of COVID-19 on healthcare utilisation using syndromic surveillance systems. BMC Public Health 2021;21: 2019.

Lim S, Lim H, Després JP. Collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic on nutritional quality and physical activity: perspective from South Korea. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2020; 28: 1788–90.
Sohn M, Koo BK, Yoon HI, et al. Impact of COVID-19 and associated preventive measures on cardiometabolic risk factors in South Korea. J Obes Metab Syndr 2021; 30:248–60

Holman N, Knighton P, Kar P, et al. Risk factors for COVID-19- related mortality in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England: a population-based cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2020; 8: 823–33.

  • 葡萄糖调节障碍、

  • 炎症

  • 肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统激活。
Lim S, Bae JH, Kwon HS, Nauck MA. COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus: from pathophysiology to clinical management. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2021; 17: 11–30.
Zhou F, Yu T, Du R, et al. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet 2020; 395:1054–62
Mehta P, McAuley DF, Brown M, Sanchez E, Tattersall RS, Manson JJ. COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression. Lancet 2020; 395: 1033–34.
Sardu C, D’Onofrio N, Balestrieri ML, et al. Outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia affected by COVID-19: can we do more on glycemic control? Diabetes Care 2020; 43:1408–15

Khunti K, Knighton P, Zaccardi F, et al. Prescription of glucose-lowering therapies and risk of COVID-19 mortality in people with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide observational study in England. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2021; 9: 293–303


Kosiborod MN, Esterline R, Furtado RHM, et al. Dapagliflozin in patients with cardiometabolic risk factors hospitalised with COVID-19 (DARE-19): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2021; 9: 586–94

代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝病(MAFLD/ Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease)

非酒精性脂肪性肝炎英文为"Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis",缩写为NASH;非酒精性脂肪性肝病英文为"non-alcoholic fatty liver disease",缩写为NAFLD。MAFLD(metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease),代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪性肝病。



Eslam M, Newsome PN, Sarin SK, et al. A new definition for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: an international expert consensus statement. J Hepatol 2020;73: 202–09.

NEJM综述2019 l 非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的病因、发病机制和治疗*
指南共识 l 2021为非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)流行病做好准备:行动呼吁(全,M)**


Lim S, Taskinen MR, Borén J. Crosstalk between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiometabolic syndrome. Obes Rev 2019; 20: 599–611.
Eslam M, Newsome PN, Sarin SK, et al. A new definition for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: an international expert consensus statement. J Hepatol 2020;73: 202–09.
Lim S, Kim JW, Targher G. Links between metabolic syndrome and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2021; 32: 500–14
Ferguson D, Finck BN. Emerging therapeutic approaches for the treatment of NAFLD and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2021; 17: 484–95.
Wei Q, Xu X, Guo L, Li J, Li L. Effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on type 2 diabetes mellitus with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2021; 12: 635556.
Lv X, Dong Y, Hu L, Lu F, Zhou C, Qin S. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) for the management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): a systematic review. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab 2020; 3: e00163.
  1. 体重减轻和相关的胰岛素敏感性改善的作用;

  2. 脂肪因子介导的和细胞因子介导的抗炎、抗纤维化和抗氧化作用;

  3. 肝底物供应(葡萄糖和游离脂肪酸)和酮体代谢的改变;

  4. 微生物群的变化(主要是GLP-1受体激动剂)。
Ferrannini E. Sodium-glucose co-transporters and their inhibition: clinical physiology. Cell Metab 2017;26: 27–38.
Armstrong MJ, Gaunt P, Aithal GP, et al. Liraglutide safety and efficacy in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (LEAN): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 2 study. Lancet 2016; 387: 679–90.

Ludvik B, Giorgino F, Jódar E, et al. Once-weekly tirzepatide versus once-daily insulin degludec as add-on to metformin with or without SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes (SURPASS-3): a randomised, open-label, parallel-group, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2021; 398: 583–98.

在一项涉及经活检证实的非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH或MAFLD)患者的RCT研究中,吡格列酮(每日45 mg,持续6个月)显著改善了胰岛素敏感性、肝脂肪变性、气球样坏死和炎症。
Belfort R, Harrison SA, Brown K, et al. A placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone in subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 2297–307.
Cusi K, Orsak B, Bril F, et al. Long-term pioglitazone treatment for patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and prediabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2016; 165: 305–15.
Powell EE, Wong VW, Rinella M. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Lancet 2021; 397: 2212–24.






  • 异位脂肪沉积

  • 胰岛素抵抗

  • 炎症

  • β细胞功能障碍


Lingvay I, Sumithran P, Cohen RV, le Roux CW. Obesity management as a primary treatment goal for type 2 diabetes: time to reframe the conversation. Lancet 2022; 399: 394–405./公众号内中文译文:临床实际 l 2022肥胖管理作为2型糖尿病伴肥胖的主要治疗目标**

指南共识 l 2021肥胖与心血管疾病:美国心脏协会的科学声明(全)**

WE14笔记 l 2020肥胖(全)**

临床综述 l 肥胖-机制、病理生理和治疗(NEJM-2017)**(中文全文)


  • 营养过剩和慢性脂肪组织积聚如何导致胰岛素抵抗、
  • 营养过剩和慢性脂肪组织积聚如何导致β细胞功能障碍

  • 营养过剩和慢性脂肪组织积聚最终导致2型糖尿病的基本病理生理机制。

Public Health England. Adult obesity and type 2 diabetes. 2014.
Pi-Sunyer X. The Look AHEAD Trial: a review and discussion of its outcomes. Curr Nutr Rep 2014; 3: 387–91.
Wing RR. Does lifestyle intervention improve health of adults withoverweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes? Findings from the Look AHEAD Randomized Trial. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2021; 29:1246–58.

Elks CE, den Hoed M, Zhao JH, et al. Variability in the heritability of body mass index: a systematic review and meta-regression. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2012; 3: 29
Willemsen G, Ward KJ, Bell CG, et al. The concordance and heritability of type 2 diabetes in 34,166 twin pairs from international twin registers: the Discordant Twin (DISCOTWIN) Consortium. Twin Res Hum Genet 2015; 18: 762–71


Pillon NJ, Loos RJF, Marshall SM, Zierath JR. Metabolic consequences of obesity and type 2 diabetes: balancing genes and environment for personalized care. Cell 2021; 184:1530–44
随着对生物学机制的更好理解,靶向肥胖伴2型糖尿病常见途径的药物治疗的疗效正在提高。利拉鲁肽3.0 mg每日一次和司美格鲁肽2.4 mg每周一次在美国已获FDA和国家健康与医疗卓越研究所(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)批准用于肥胖人群的慢性体重管理。
Pi-Sunyer X, Astrup A, Fujioka K, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of 3·0 mg of liraglutide in weight management. N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 11–22.
Davies M, Færch L, Jeppesen OK, et al. Semaglutide 2·4 mg once a week in adults with overweight or obesity, and type 2 diabetes (STEP 2): a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2021; 397: 971–84
替西帕肽已在有肥胖症但无2型糖尿病的人群中显示出72周时所有剂量的显著减重疗效(每周5 mg剂量时为15.0%,10 mg剂量时为19.5%,15 mg剂量时为20.9%,而安慰剂为3.1%)。
Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, et al. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity. N Engl J Med 2022; 387: 205–16.
Billeter AT, Eichel S, Scheurlen KM, Probst P, Kopf S, Müller-Stich BP. Meta-analysis of metabolic surgery versus medical treatment for macrovascular complications and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2019; 15: 1197–210.
Ahmad E, Sargeant JA, Yates T, Webb DR, Davies MJ. Type 2 diabetes and impaired physical function: a growing problem. Diabetology 2022; 3: 30–45.
来自the Chronotype of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Effect on Glycaemic Control(2型糖尿病患者的时间类型和对血糖控制的影响)横断面研究的数据显示,近三分之一的2型糖尿病患者有一些身体功能受损。虚弱和身体功能下降的风险与肥胖、血糖控制不佳、糖尿病持续时间延长以及高血压等合并症有很大关系。
Mickute M, Henson J, Rowlands AV, et al. Device-measured physical activity and its association with physical function in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabet Med 2021;38: e14393.
Simpson FR, Pajewski NM, Nicklas B, et al. Impact of multidomain lifestyle intervention on frailty through the lens of deficit accumulation in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2020; 75: 1921–27.
在临床实践中很少对2型糖尿病管理中的虚弱和身体功能进行评估,因此需要开发可靠的快速工具(point-of-care tools)来评估这些变量。
肌少性肥胖(Sarcopenic obesity),其特征为尽管维持较大的肌肉量,但存在肥胖症时肌肉功能能力较低,这是2型糖尿病的一个特征,也是身体功能下降的主要原因之一。





Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Bahat G, Bauer J, et al. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Age Ageing 2019; 48: 16–31.
Cadore EL, Rodríguez-Mañas L, Sinclair A, Izquierdo M. Effects of different exercise interventions on risk of falls, gait ability, and balance in physically frail older adults: a systematic review. Rejuvenation Res 2013; 16: 105–14.
Brinkworth GD, Luscombe-Marsh ND, Thompson CH, et al. Long-term effects of very low-carbohydrate and high-carbohydrate weight-loss diets on psychological health in obese adults with type 2 diabetes: randomized controlled trial. J Intern Med 2016; 280: 388–97.
Sargeant JA, Henson J, King JA, Yates T, Khunti K, Davies MJ. A review of the effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on lean body mass in humans. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) 2019; 34: 247–62.
Strain WD, Down S, Brown P, Puttanna A, Sinclair A. Diabetes and frailty: an expert consensus statement on the management of older adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Ther 2021; 12: 1227–47.
Johnson KA, Gordon CJ, Chapman JL, et al. The association of insomnia disorder characterised by objective short sleep duration with hypertension, diabetes and body mass index: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev 2021; 59: 101456
Wang J, Kwok MK, Au Yeung SL, et al. Sleep duration and risk of diabetes: observational and Mendelian randomization studies. Prev Med 2019; 119: 24–30
Gao X, Sun H, Zhang Y, Liu L, Wang J, Wang T. Investigating causal relations between sleep-related traits and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a Mendelian randomization study. Front Genet 2020; 11: 607865.
Shih DP, Lin PY, Liang WM, Tseng PC, Kuo HW, Wang JY. Sleep duration and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) associated with obesity and type ii diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among Taiwanese middle-aged public servants. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17:E6577
睡眠持续时间和时段(作息类型)都可能对2型糖尿病的风险产生重大影响;晚上时间类型(即上床晚了,起床晚了)的2型糖尿病风险高于早上时间类型(即, 早睡早起)。这种效应主要是由一系列不健康行为驱动的——可能是久坐不动的生活方式、高BMI和高血压。
Makino S, Hirose S, Kakutani M, et al. Association between nighttime sleep duration, midday naps, and glycemic levels in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Sleep Med 2018;44: 4–11
Henson J, Rowlands AV, Baldry E, et al. Physical behaviors and chronotype in people with type 2 diabetes. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2020; 8: e001375
Dong D, Lou P, Wang J, et al. Interaction of sleep quality and anxiety on quality of life in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2020; 18: 150.
Zuo X, Dong Z, Zhang P, et al. Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on sleep disturbances and quality of life among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2020; 30: 1980–88


Zuo X, Dong Z, Zhang P, et al. Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on sleep disturbances and quality of life among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2020; 30: 1980–88
Alshehri MM, Alenazi AM, Alothman SA, et al. Using cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in people with type 2 diabetes, pilot rct part I: sleep and concomitant symptom. Behav Sleep Med 2021; 19: 652–71
Viswanathan V, Sivakumar S, Sai Prathiba A, Devarajan A, George L, Kumpatla S. Effect of yoga intervention on biochemical, oxidative stress markers, inflammatory markers and sleep quality among subjects with type 2 diabetes in south India: results from the SATYAM project. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2021; 172: 108644
Li M, Li D, Tang Y, et al. Effect of diabetes sleep education for T2DM who sleep after midnight: a pilot study from China. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2018; 16: 13–19
Li PWC, Yu DSF, Chong SOK, Lin RSY. A systematic review on the effects of nonpharmacological sleep interventions on cardiometabolic risk or disease outcomes. J Cardiovasc Nurs2020; 35: 184–98
Imes CC, Bizhanova Z, Sereika SM, et al. Metabolic outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes and sleep disorders. Sleep Breath 2022; 26: 339–46
Yu Z, Cheng JX, Zhang D, Yi F, Ji Q. Association between obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a dose-response meta-analysis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021;2021: 1337118.
Mokhlesi B, Tjaden AH, Temple KA, et al. Obstructive sleep apnea, glucose tolerance, and β-cell function in adults with prediabetes or untreated type 2 diabetes in the Restoring Insulin Secretion (RISE) Study. Diabetes Care 2021;44: 993–1001.
Fallahi A, Jamil DI, Karimi EB, Baghi V, Gheshlagh RG. Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2019; 13: 2463–68
因此, 可以使用经过验证的问卷对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停进行筛查,这一点非常重要。
Chung F, Abdullah HR, Liao P. STOP-Bang questionnaire: a practical approach to screen for obstructive sleep apnea. Chest 2016; 149: 631–38
Yang D, Liu Z, Yang H, Luo Q. Effects of continuous positive airway pressure on glycemic control and insulin resistance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a meta-analysis. Sleep Breath 2013; 17: 33–38
Neeland IJ, Eliasson B, Kasai T, et al. The impact of empagliflozin on obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular and renal outcomes: an exploratory analysis of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME Trial. Diabetes Care 2020; 43: 3007–15.
Wojeck BS, Inzucchi SE, Neeland IJ, et al. Ertugliflozin and incident obstructive sleep apnea: an analysis from the VERTIS CV trial. Sleep Breath 2022; published online May 20. https://doi. org/10.1007/s11325-022-02594-2.
Onoviran OF, Li D, Toombs Smith S, Raji MA. Effects of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists on comorbidities in older patients with diabetes mellitus. Ther Adv Chronic Dis 2019; 10: 2040622319862691
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Mansori K, Shiravand N, Shadmani FK, et al. Association between depression with glycemic control and its complications in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2019; 13: 1555–60.
Khassawneh AH, Alzoubi A, Khasawneh AG, et al. The relationship between depression and metabolic control parameters in type 2 diabetic patients: a cross-sectional and feasibility interventional study. Int J Clin Pract 2021; 75: e13777.
Soleimani L, Ravona-Springer R, Lin HM, et al. Specific dimensions of depression have different associations with cognitive decline in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2021; 44: 655–62.
Ravona-Springer R, Heymann A, Lin HM, et al. Increase in number of depression symptoms over time is related to worse cognitive outcomes in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021; 29: 1–11.
Shrestha M, Ng A, Paudel R, Gray R. Association between subthreshold depression and self-care behaviours in adults with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs2021; 30: 2462–68
Farooqi A, Khunti K, Abner S, Gillies C, Morriss R, Seidu S. Comorbid depression and risk of cardiac events and cardiac mortality in people with diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2019; 156: 107816
MacDonald CS, Nielsen SM, Bjørner J, et al. One-year intensive lifestyle intervention and improvements in health-related quality of life and mental health in persons with type 2 diabetes: a secondary analysis of the U-TURN randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2021; 9: e001840
及时识别和治疗,无论是采用心理治疗的形式, 团体治疗、生活方式干预或药物治疗对于减轻2型糖尿病患者日益加重的抑郁负担至关重要。
van der Feltz-Cornelis C, Allen SF, Holt RIG, Roberts R, Nouwen A, Sartorius N. Treatment for comorbid depressive disorder or subthreshold depression in diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Behav 2021; 11: e01981
Cukierman-Yaffe T, Gerstein HC, Colhoun HM, et al. Effect of dulaglutide on cognitive impairment in type 2 diabetes: an exploratory analysis of the REWIND trial. Lancet Neurol 2020; 19: 582–90.
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使用连续血糖监测系统,包括扫描式血糖监测(FGM/ flash glucose monitoring)和自动胰岛素输送设备,主要限于1型糖尿病。然而,由于新出现的证据和价格的下降,这项技术可能会拓展到2型糖尿病。在使用胰岛素的2型糖尿病患者中进行的一项研究表明,使用FGM与显著降低HbA1c以及治疗满意度和症状性低血糖频率的改善相关,需要注意,这提示单纯的动态血糖监测干预即能发挥潜在治疗效果。对于血糖监测本身极可能带来血糖获益的这一观点,数年前曾在领导的授意下组织团队花费诸多精力参与设计类似的FGM全国多中心方案,目的是获得纵向证据支持该观点,但反复协调下仅能获取横断面数据而无随访数据,让研究价值大打折扣,十分遗憾。

Yaron M, Roitman E, Aharon-Hananel G, et al. Effect of flash glucose monitoring technology on glycemic control and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2019; 42: 1178–84.

另外,REPLACE研究评估了在2型糖尿病患者中使用FGM作为血糖自我监测的替代方法的情况,结果显示相对年纪小的受试者(< 65岁)的HbA1c显著降低,治疗满意度提高。

Haak T, Hanaire H, Ajjan R, Hermanns N, Riveline JP, Rayman G. Flash glucose-sensing technology as a replacement for blood glucose monitoring for the management of insulin-treated type 2 diabetes: a multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Ther 2017; 8: 55–73


Ontario Health (Quality). Flash glucose monitoring system for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: a health technology assessment. Ont Health Technol Assess Ser 2019; 19: 1–108


Vigersky RA, Huang S, Cordero TL, et al. Improved HBA1C, total daily insulin dose, and treatment satisfaction with insulin pump therapy compared to multiple daily insulin injections in patients with type 2 diabetes irrespective of baseline C-peptide levels. Endocr Pract 2018; 24: 446–52.

Chlup R, Runzis S, Castaneda J, Lee SW, Nguyen X, Cohen O. Complex assessment of metabolic effectiveness of insulin pump therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes beyond HbA1c reduction. Diabetes Technol Ther 2018; 20: 153–59.


Schliess F, Heise T, Benesch C, et al. Artificial pancreas systems for people with type 2 diabetes: conception and design of the European CLOSE project. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2019;13: 261–67




Khairnar R, Kamal KM, Giannetti V, Dwibedi N, McConaha J. Barriers and facilitators to diabetes self-management in a primary care setting—patient perspectives. Res Social Adm Pharm 2019; 15: 279–86


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Khunti K, Millar-Jones D. Clinical inertia to insulin initiation and intensification in the UK: a focused literature review. Prim Care Diabetes 2017; 11: 3–12


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Mahajan A, Taliun D, Thurner M, et al. Fine-mapping type 2 diabetes loci to single-variant resolution using high-density imputation and islet-specific epigenome maps. Nat Genet 2018; 50: 1505–13.

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Xie F, Chan JC, Ma RC. Precision medicine in diabetes prevention, classification and management. J Diabetes Investig 2018; 9:998–1015


Chung WK, Erion K, Florez JC, et al. Precision medicine in diabetes: a consensus report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetologia 2020;63: 1671–93/公众号内译文:指南共识|2020糖尿病精准医学:ADA/EASD共识报告**

临床进展 l 2022糖尿病精准医学的国际视野和未来愿景 l ADA/EASD糖尿病精准医学倡议**



Mohanty S, Rashid MHA, Mohanty C, Swayamsiddha S. Modern computational intelligence based drug repurposing for diabetes epidemic. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2021; 15: 102180


AUC,曲线下面积;GIP,葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽;GLP1,胰高血糖素样肽1;GPCR119,G蛋白偶联受体119;MTT,餐后耐受试验;PD,药效学;PK,药代动力学;QD,每日;Q week,每周给药一次;T2DM,2型糖尿病。
临床内分泌未来篇 l 2021糖尿病新机制药物临床研究进展(全文,M)**

Bossart M, Wagner M, Elvert R, et al. Effects on weight loss and glycemic control with SAR441255, a potent unimolecular peptide GLP-1/GIP/GCG receptor triagonist. Cell Metab 2022;34: 59–74


Lau DCW, Erichsen L, Francisco AM, et al. Once-weekly cagrilintide for weight management in people with overweight and obesity: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled and active-controlled, dose-finding phase 2 trial. Lancet2021; 398: 2160–72


GLP-1-GIP(NCT 04153929)、
GLP-1-GIP-胰高血糖素受体激动剂(NCT 0374188419)
内分泌医学史 l 胰岛素优化之路**

内分泌医学史 l 胰岛素100年:胰岛素治疗的过去、现在和未来(最终专业版)**



口服胰岛素和智能胰岛素(smart insulin/novel insulin),在试验中显示出有希望的结果,预计也将在不久的将来上市。

Heise T. The future of insulin therapy. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2021; 175: 108820


Rosenstock J, Bajaj HS, Janež A, et al. Once-weekly insulin for type 2 diabetes without previous insulin treatment. N Engl J Med 2020; 383: 2107–16


Rosenstock J, Del Prato S. Basal weekly insulins: the way of the future! Metabolism 2022; 126:154924.

Frias JP, Chien J, Zhang Q, et al. Once weekly basal insulin Fc (BIF) is safe and efficacious in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) previously treated with basal insulin. J Endocr Soc 2021; 5 (suppl 1): A448–49


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