



1.创建一个新Excel工作簿,按ALT+F11,打开VBA窗口,选择工具->引用->勾选“Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3”和“Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library”。




Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

Dim Score As Integer, NextTetronimo As Integer

Dim Tetronimos(1 To 7) As Variant

Dim Board(1 To 20, 1 To 10) As Integer

Dim TimerInterval As Integer

Dim TetronimoX As Integer, TetronimoY As Integer

Dim CurrentTetronimo As Variant

Dim TetronimoRotation As Integer, GameOver As Boolean


Sub InitGame()

    Score = 0

    NextTetronimo = Int((7 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)

    TimerInterval = 250


    Tetronimos(1) = Array(Array(1, 1, 1, 1), Array(), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(2) = Array(Array(0, 1, 1, 1), Array(1, 0, 0, 0), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(3) = Array(Array(0, 1, 1, 0), Array(0, 1, 1, 0), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(4) = Array(Array(1, 1, 0, 0), Array(0, 1, 1, 0), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(5) = Array(Array(0, 1, 0, 0), Array(1, 1, 1, 0), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(6) = Array(Array(1, 1, 0, 0), Array(1, 1, 0, 0), Array(), Array())

    Tetronimos(7) = Array(Array(1), Array(1), Array(1), Array(1))


    For Row = 1 To 20

        For Col = 1 To 10

            Board(Row, Col) = 0

        Next Col

    Next Row




End Sub


Sub DrawTetronimo(X As Integer, Y As Integer, Rotation As Integer, Tetronimo As Variant, ByVal Value As Integer, Optional Clear As Boolean = False)

    Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

    Dim Odd As Boolean

    Odd = (Rotation Mod 2 = 1) '判断是否是奇数

    For Row = 0 To 3

        For Col = 0 To 3

            If Tetronimo(Row, Col) = 1 Then

                If Not Clear Then

                    If Odd Then

                        UserForm1.DrawCell X + (3 - Col), Y + Row, Value


                        UserForm1.DrawCell X + Col, Y + Row, Value

                    End If


                    If Odd Then

                        UserForm1.DrawCell X + (3 - Col), Y + Row, 0


                        UserForm1.DrawCell X + Col, Y + Row, 0

                    End If

                End If

            End If

        Next Col

    Next Row

End Sub 


Function CanRotate() As Boolean

    Dim TestX As Integer, TestY As Integer, TestRot As Integer

    TestRot = TetronimoRotation + 1

    If TestRot > 4 Then TestRot = 1

    For TestY = -1 To 2

        For TestX = -1 To 2

            If Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo)(TestRot Mod 4, If(TetronimoRotation Mod 2 = 0, TestX + 1, 3 - TestX)) = 1 Then

                If TetronimoY + TestY > 20 Or TetronimoX + TestX < 1 Or TetronimoX + TestX > 10 Then

                    CanRotate = False

                    Exit Function

                ElseIf Board(TetronimoY + TestY, TetronimoX + TestX) <> 0 Then

                    CanRotate = False

                    Exit Function

                End If

            End If

        Next TestX

    Next TestY

    CanRotate = True

End Function


Sub DrawNewTetronimo()

    CurrentTetronimo = NextTetronimo

    TetronimoX = 5

    TetronimoY = 1

    TetronimoRotation = 1

    If Not CanRotate() Then GameOver = True

    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(NextTetronimo), NextTetronimo

    NextTetronimo = Int((7 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)


End Sub


Sub ClearRows()

    Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

    Dim CompleteRows As Integer

    CompleteRows = 0

    For Row = 20 To 1 Step -1

        Dim RowComplete As Boolean

        RowComplete = True

        For Col = 1 To 10

            If Board(Row, Col) = 0 Then

                RowComplete = False

                Exit For

            End If

        Next Col

        If RowComplete Then

            CompleteRows = CompleteRows + 1

            For Col = 1 To 10

                Board(Row, Col) = 0

                DrawTetronimo Col, Row, 0, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

            Next Col

            For Col = 1 To 10

                For Row2 = Row - 1 To 1 Step -1

                    If Board(Row2, Col) <> 0 Then

                        Board(Row2 + 1, Col) = Board(Row2, Col)

                        Board(Row2, Col) = 0

                        DrawTetronimo Col, Row2, 0, Tetronimos(Board(Row2 + 1, Col)), Board(Row2 + 1, Col), True

                        DrawTetronimo Col, Row2 + 1, 0, Tetronimos(Board(Row2 + 1, Col)), Board(Row2 + 1, Col))

                    End If

                Next Row2

            Next Col

        End If

    Next Row

    If CompleteRows > 0 Then

        Score = Score + 10 ^ CompleteRows


    End If

End Sub


Private Sub Lst_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

    If Not GameOver Then

        Select Case KeyCode

            Case 37 '左

                If TetronimoX > 1 Then

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

                    TetronimoX = TetronimoX - 1

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), CurrentTetronimo

                End If

            Case 38 '上

                If CanRotate() Then

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

                    TetronimoRotation = TetronimoRotation + 1

                    If TetronimoRotation > 4 Then TetronimoRotation = 1

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), CurrentTetronimo

                End If

            Case 39 '右

                If TetronimoX < 10 Then

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

                    TetronimoX = TetronimoX + 1

                    DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), CurrentTetronimo

                End If

            Case 40 '下

                If TetronimoY < 20 Then

                    Dim Row As Integer

                    For Row = TetronimoY To 20

                        If Not CanMoveDown() Then Exit For

                        DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

                        TetronimoY = TetronimoY + 1

                        DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), CurrentTetronimo

                    Next Row

                End If

        End Select

    End If

End Sub


Function CanMoveDown() As Boolean

    Dim TestX As Integer, TestY As Integer

    For TestY = 3 To 0 Step -1

        For TestX = 0 To 3

            If Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo)(TestY, TestX) = 1 Then

                If TetronimoY + TestY + 1 > 20 Then

                    CanMoveDown = False

                    Exit Function

                ElseIf Board(TetronimoY + TestY + 1, TetronimoX + TestX) <> 0 Then

                    CanMoveDown = False

                    Exit Function

                End If

            End If

        Next TestX

    Next TestY

    CanMoveDown = True

End Function


Sub PlayGame()


    Do While Not GameOver

        If CanMoveDown() Then

            DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), 0, True

            TetronimoY = TetronimoY + 1

            DrawTetronimo TetronimoX, TetronimoY, TetronimoRotation, Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo), CurrentTetronimo


            Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

            For Row = 0 To 3

                For Col = 0 To 3

                    If Tetronimos(CurrentTetronimo)(Row, Col) = 1 Then Board(TetronimoY + Row, TetronimoX + Col) = CurrentTetronimo

                Next Col

            Next Row




        End If

        DoEvents '刷新游戏画面

        Sleep TimerInterval '等待一定时间


    MsgBox "Game Over"

End Sub


3. 创建一个用户窗体UserForm1。

4. 将窗体大小设置为合适的大小,然后右键单击窗体,在下拉菜单中选择“属性”。

5. 在属性窗口中,将“ShowModal”属性设置为“False”,然后将“KeyPreview”属性设置为“True”。

6.选择工具箱中的“画布”控件(如果没有,请打开开发工具箱),并将其添加到窗体上。调整画布大小为10* 20的矩形。重复此步骤以添加5乘5的随机方块和分数。

7. 在窗体代码窗口中添加以下代码:



Sub DrawCell(Row As Integer, Col As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer)

    Dim c As MSForms.Control

    For Each c In UserForm1.Controls

        If TypeName(c) = "Canvas" Then

            If c.Left / 20 = Col And c.Top / 20 = Row Then

                c.BackColor = Choose(Value + 1, RGB(255, 255, 255), RGB(0, 0, 255), RGB(255, 127, 0), RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(0, 255, 0), RGB(0, 255, 255), RGB(255, 0, 0))


            End If

        End If

    Next c

End Sub


Sub DrawNextTetronimo()

    Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

    For Row = 1 To 5

        For Col = 1 To 5

            UserForm1.DrawCell Row, Col, 0

        Next Col

    Next Row

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

    For i = 0 To 3

        For j = 0 To 3

            If Tetronimos(NextTetronimo)(i, j) = 1 Then

                UserForm1.DrawCell i + 1, j + 1, NextTetronimo

            End If

        Next j

    Next i

End Sub


Sub DrawScore()

    UserForm1.lblScore.Caption = "分数: " & Score

End Sub


Sub DrawBoard()

    Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

    For Row = 1 To 20

        For Col = 1 To 10

            UserForm1.DrawCell Row, Col, Board(Row, Col)

        Next Col

    Next Row

End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Me.Width = 230

    Me.Height = 420

    Me.KeyPreview = True

    Dim Row As Integer, Col As Integer

    For Row = 1 To 20

        For Col = 1 To 10

            Dim c As MSForms.Canvas

            Set c = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Canvas.1", "Cell" & Col & "," & Row, True)

            c.Left = (Col - 1) * 20

            c.Top = (Row - 1) * 20

            c.Height = 20

            c.Width = 20

        Next Col

    Next Row

    For Row = 1 To 5

        For Col = 1 To 5

            Dim c As MSForms.Canvas

            Set c = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Canvas.1", "NextCell" & Col & "," & Row, True)

            c.Left = 140 + (Col - 1) * 20

            c.Top = 40 + (Row - 1) * 20

            c.Height = 20

            c.Width = 20

        Next Col

    Next Row

    Set lblScore = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblScore", True)

    lblScore.Caption = "分数: 0"

    lblScore.Left = 140

    lblScore.Top = 10    

End Sub


8. 您可以按F5运行“PlayGame”程序进行游戏。


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