


Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem young again


Older adults who take a novel antioxidant that specifically targets cellular powerhouses, or mitochondria, see age-related vascular changes reverse by the equivalent of 15 to 20 years within six weeks, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research.


The study, published this week in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements, or nutraceuticals, could play an important role in preventing heart disease-the nation's No. 1 killer. It also resurrects the notion that oral antioxidants, which have been broadly dismissed as ineffective in recent years, could reap measurable health benefits if properly targeted, the authors say.

本周发表在美国心脏协会《Hypertension》(高血压)杂志上的这项研究提供了日益增加的证据,表明药物级营养补充剂或保健品可以在预防心脏病 - 美国的头号杀手 - 方面发挥重要作用。 作者说,它还还原了一种观点,就是近年来被广泛认为是无效的口服抗氧化剂, 如果有针对性,就能获得可量化的健康益处。

hypertension:美[ˌhaɪpərˈtenʃn] n. 高血压; 过度紧张;

"This is the first clinical trial to assess the impact of a mitochondrial-specific antioxidant on vascular function in humans," said lead author Matthew Rossman, a postdoctoral researcher in the department of integrative physiology. "It suggests that therapies like this may hold real promise for reducing the risk of age-related cardiovascular disease.”

“这是第一次临床试验,以评估针对线粒体的抗氧化剂对人体血管功能的影响,” 首席作者马修罗兹曼、综合生理学系的博士后研究员说。”这表明,这种针对因年龄原因而造成的心血管疾病的降低风险的治疗方法是确实有希望的。”

For the study, Rossman and senior author Doug Seals, director of the Integrative Physiology of Aging Laboratory, recruited 20 healthy men and women age 60 to 79 from the Boulder area.


Half took 20 milligrams per day of a supplement called MitoQ, made by chemically altering the naturally-occurring antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 to make it cling to mitochondria inside cells

一半的人每天服用20毫克的MitoQ补充品,MitoQ是通过对自然产生的抗氧化剂辅酶 Q10进行了化学改变,使其附着在细胞内的线粒体上。

The other half took a placebo.


After six weeks, researchers assessed how well the lining of blood vessels, or the endothelium, functioned, by measuring how much subjects' arteries dilated with increased blood flow.

六周后,研究人员评估了血管内壁,即内皮细胞功能。 这是通过测量受试者在血流增加的情况下动脉扩张的程度。

Then, after a two-week "wash out" period of taking nothing, the two groups switched, with the placebo group taking the supplement, and vice versa. The tests were repeated.

然后,经过两个星期  "清洗 " 期,两组交换。 原来吃无药效空白剂的那组开始吃补充品,反之亦然。这样测试开始重复。

The researchers found that when taking the supplement, dilation of subjects' arteries improved by 42 percent, making their blood vessels, at least by that measure, look like those of someone 15 to 20 years younger. An improvement of that magnitude, if sustained, is associated with about a 13 percent reduction in heart disease, Rossman said. The study also showed that the improvement in dilation was due to a reduction in oxidative stress.

研究人员发现,在服用补充剂时,受试者动的动脉扩张提高了 42%,至少通过这一测量,他们的血管看起来像是一个年轻了15-20岁的人。罗兹曼说,如果持续的话,这种程度的提高,或许有机会减少13%的心脏疾病。研究还表明,改善的血管扩张与氧化应激的减少有关系。

In participants who, under placebo conditions, had stiffer arteries, supplementation was associated with reduced stiffness.

在服了无药效空剂的有动脉硬化受试者里, 补充剂与硬度降低有关。

The researchers found that when taking the supplement, dilation of subjects' arteries improved by 42 percent, making their blood vessels, at least by that measure, look like those of someone 15 to 20 years younger. An improvement of that magnitude, if sustained, is associated with about a 13 percent reduction in heart disease, Rossman said. The study also showed that the improvement in dilation was due to a reduction in oxidative stress.

研究人员发现,在服用补充剂时,受试者动的动脉扩张提高了 42%,至少通过这一测量,他们的血管看起来像是一个年轻了15-20岁的人。罗兹曼说,如果持续的话,这种程度的提高,或许有机会减少13%的心脏疾病。研究还表明,改善的血管扩张与氧化应激的减少有关系。

In participants who, under placebo conditions, had stiffer arteries, supplementation was associated with reduced stiffness.

在服了无药效空剂的有动脉硬化受试者里, 补充剂与硬度降低有关。


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研究:每天3杯茶 预防心脏病
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