

Where tomorrow's technology is born
MIT graduate student Arnav Kapur on CBS’ “60 Minutes.” (CBS News via Twitter)
麻省理工学院硕士生Arnav Kapur 被CBS “60 Minutes”电视杂志节目采访
Arnav Kapur can order a pizza just by thinking it. Want pepperoni on top? No problem -- the 23 year old can make that happen without saying a word or lifting a finger.
Arnav Kapur 可以通过他的意念就能叫比萨。比萨上要香肠?没问题 --这个年仅23 岁的人可以一言不发,一指不动就能做到。
It probably sounds like something out of science fiction, but it's as real as the Domino's pizza that showed up and fed a 60 Minutes crew recently.
Kapur is a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab that advances technology through creative -- even outlandish -- ideas. Started in the 1980s as an attempt to merge computers and the arts, the Media Lab has now expanded to more than 200 graduate students who are given free rein to dream, design, and engineer their ideas, no matter how far-fetched.
Kapur 是麻省理工学院媒体实验室的研究生,这是一个跨学科的研究实验室,通过创造性的—甚至是古怪的—意念来推进技术。开始于二十世纪八十年代,作为一个合并计算机和艺术的尝试,这个媒体实验室现在已经扩展到200多名研究生。这些研究生被赋予梦想、设计和实施他们主意的自由,无论这些想法是多么不着边际。
Outlandish: 不着边际的
60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley and producer Katie Kerbstat met Kapur when they visited the Media Lab for a story on the broadcast this week. Kapur's project, called AlterEgo, is a wearable device that intercepts electrical signals, which the brain normally sends to vocal cords, and it sends that information to a computer. The device doesn't capture a user's private thoughts; users must deliberately activate the device by "internally vocalizing," which happens when you read in your head or silently talk to yourself.
60分钟栏目的记者Scott Pelley 和制片人Katie Kerbstat 为了一个本周播出的节目访问媒体实验室。 Kapur 的项目,被称为 AlterEgo,是一个可穿戴的设备,这个设备拦截大脑通常发送到声带电信号,并将该信息发送到计算机。该设备不捕获用户的私人想法;用户必须通过  "内部发声" 来故意激活该设备,当您在头脑中默读或无声地自言自语时你就会用“内部发声”激活这个设备。
The computer's feedback -- say, a numeric computation or an online search for the largest city in Bulgaria -- gets communicated in the user's ear.
计算机的反馈—比方说,一个数字计算或对保加利亚最大城市的在线搜索— 被传到用户的耳朵。
Kapur used his AlterEgo device to order pizza for the 60 Minutes crew.
Kapur 用他的AlterEgo设备给“60 Minutes” 工作人员叫比萨 CBS News
But when Kapur told the 60 Minutes crew he could use his device to order pizza, they were skeptical.
但是当 Kapur 告诉60分钟的工作人员,他可以用他的设备来叫比萨时,他们有些不相信。
"We didn't really believe him," Kerbstat tells 60 Minutes Overtime. "So we start packing up our gear, and lo and behold, he says, 'Katie, your pizza's here.’"
“我们不是特别相信他," Kerbstat 告诉“加班60分钟栏目。”所以我们开始收拾我们的器材,哎,你看,他说 ”Katie, 你的披萨到了。”
What's more remarkable is that Kapur has only been working on AlterEgo for one year, says Kerbstat: "I can't imagine what this project will look like in another year.”
更了不起的是,Kapur 研究AlterEgo只是一年,Kerbstat 说: “我无法想象再过一年这个项目将会是什么样子。“
On the 60 Minutes broadcast, Pelley refers to the MIT Media Lab as a "future factory," and for good reason: Major advances in touchscreen technology, wearable tech, and electronic ink all grew out of Media Lab projects. A 1989 project created a turn-by-turn navigation system called "backseat driver," predating the GPS found in smartphones today. In 1997, the lab created a digital assistant that responded to verbal commands, a predecessor of Siri and Alexa.
在”60 分钟“的节目播出中,Pelley 将麻省理工学院的媒体实验室称为 “未来工厂”,他这么叫是有充分理由的:在触摸屏技术、可穿戴技术和电子墨水方面的主要进步都是从媒体实验室项目发展的。1989的一个项目研创了一个有详细步骤的导航系统,称为 “后座司机," 这比今天的智能手机上的 GPS早很多。在 1997年,实验室研发了一个能过对口头指令做出反应的数字助手,这就是 Siri 和 Alexa 的前身。
Today in the future factory, professor Hugh Herr is advancing prosthetics technology. Herr's passion for prosthetics flows from a deeply personal experience; he lost his legs to frostbite at age 17 when a winter storm stranded him during a mountain climbing expedition. After his legs were amputated, he designed prosthetics that enabled him to continue climbing mountains.
在今天的未来工厂里,Hugh Herr教授正在推进假肢技术。他对假肢的热情来自于深刻的个人体验;17岁时,在一次爬山远征中,他被暴风雪困住了,他的双腿被冻伤。在他的腿被截肢后,他设计出了能够让他继续登山的假肢。
MIT Media Lab professor Hugh Herr (right) has developed prosthetics technology that electronically connects computers in a robotic foot with the muscles and nerves in the wearer's leg. CBS NEWS
MIT Media Lab 教授 Hugh Herr (右)研发了把机器脚和用户腿上的肌肉和神经通过电子信号连接起来的假肢
Correspondent Scott Pelley tests out an exoskeleton that helps propel walking and running by adding "muscle" to the leg externally. CBS NEWS
记者Scott Pelley 尝试用于通过外部添加的”肌肉“以帮助推进用者走路跑步的体外骨骼
"I realized the power of technology to heal, to rehabilitate, and even extend human capability beyond natural, physiological levels," he tells Pelley on the broadcast.
“我意识到技术的力量能够痊愈,康复,甚至可以超越自然所赋予人类的能力的生理水平,” 他在播出的采访中告诉 Pelley。
Herr showed Pelley one of his projects intended to boost the capability of able-bodied people. It's a foot and ankle exoskeleton that essentially adds "muscles" to the leg. Herr envisions a future in which people wear the device to help power walking, running, and jumping. In the video above, Pelley takes it for a test walk on a treadmill.
Herr让Pelley看了他的一个旨在提高健全的人的能力的项目之一。这是一个脚和脚踝外骨骼, 基本上就是给腿增加了”肌肉”。在Herr想象的未来里,人们会戴上这个装置来帮助他们行走、奔跑和跳跃。在上面的视频中,Pelley 带上了这个设备在跑步机上进行测试。
"The feeling of the exoskeleton that I was wearing is a little bit hard to describe," he says. "It's almost like something is kicking me in the heels… It's just propelling my feet forward: left, right, left, right. They're going faster, if you will, than I am mentally.”
“我穿上这个外骨骼时的感觉有点难以形容," 他说。”好像有什么东西在踢我的脚跟....它就是一直推着我的脚向前: 左、右、左、右。它们走的速度,可以说,比我心里的节奏要快。“
The exoskeleton is currently hooked up to a computer, but Herr hopes to make it self-contained and commercially viable in the coming years. Given the Media Lab's track record for advancing technology, it's possible Herr's device will show up on running tracks in years to come.
"We get to think about the future," Herr tells Pelley on the broadcast. 'What does the world look like, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years? What should it look like? You know, the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
“我们得为未来考虑," Herr在节目中告诉 Pelley。"再过10 年、20 年、30 年,世界是什么样子?它看起来应该是什么样的?你知道,预测未来的最好方法就是发明未来。”
Exoskeleton: (体)外骨骼
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