

狗年说狗——边境牧羊犬。Sally’s Quote of the Day


The Border Collie's ancestors have been around since humans in what is now Britain first began using dogs to help guard and herd sheep. In the border country between Scotland and England, the herding dog became one of the most valuable assets a shepherd could have, and the best working dogs were bred with each other. The type varied, depending on the terrain or the work required in each region. These herding dogs became associated with their particular regions and were eventually known as Welsh Sheepdogs, Northern Sheepdogs, Highland Collies, and Scotch Collies. The Border Collie's name reflects his partially Scottish heritage: the word collie, which refers to sheepdogs, is derived from Scottish dialect. In 1860, Scotch Sheep Dogs were shown at the second dog show ever held in England. On a trip to Balmoral a short time later, Queen Victoria saw one of the dogs and became an enthusiast of the breed. One R.J. Lloyd Price is given credit for beginning sheepdog trials. In 1876, he brought 100 wild Welsh sheep to the Alexandra Palace in London for a demonstration. An account in the Livestock Journal described the astonishment of the spectators at the keenness of the dogs, whose only assistance from their handlers was in the form of hand signals and whistles. Today the Border Collie is recognized as the premier sheepherding dog. The breed's superior herding ability leads many fanciers to advocate breeding Border Collies only to working, not conformation, standards. The Border Collie was recognized by the American Kennel Club on October 1, 1995.

边境牧羊犬的祖先可以追溯到英国人最早用狗来帮助他们保护和放牧羊群。在苏格兰和英格兰边境的乡村,牧羊犬成为了放牧人最有价值的财产,而最好的牧羊犬又相互繁殖。他们各自的类型取决于他们的地区和所做的工作。这些牧羊犬最终以他们所在的特定地点加以命名,如威尔士牧羊犬,北方牧羊犬,高地牧羊犬和苏格兰牧羊犬。边境牧羊犬反映了他苏格兰部分的属性:柯利这个词,来自苏格兰方言,就是牧羊犬的意思。1860年,来自苏格兰的牧羊犬出现在英国第二次狗展中。在之后的一次去Balmoral的短暂旅行后,维多利亚女王看上了其中一只狗并成为了一位热心的繁育者。一位名叫R.J.Lloyd Price的人开始了牧羊犬的培育试验。1876年,他带了100只野生的威尔士绵羊来到伦敦的亚历山大宫殿进行展示。当时畜牧杂志的一篇文章描述了围观者惊奇于牧羊犬们的工作热情,他们只依靠管理者的手势和口哨声就完成工作。如今边境牧羊犬被认为是最棒的牧羊犬。这种狗超凡的牧羊能力致使许多喜爱他们的人提倡繁殖边境牧羊犬只看工作能力,而不要其他标准。边境牧羊犬于1995年10月1日获得了美国养犬俱乐部承认。

The Border Collie dog breed was developed to gather and control sheep in the hilly border country between Scotland and England. He is known for his intense stare, or “eye,” with which he controls his flock. He’s a dog with unlimited energy, stamina, and working drive, all of which make him a premier herding dog; he’s still used today to herd sheep on farms and ranches around the world. The highly trainable and intelligent Border Collie also excels in various canine sports, including obedience, flyball, agility, tracking, and flying disc competitions.


Highlights  特点

·The Border Collie is highly sensitive, often responsive to the subtlest command and seemingly able to predict his owner's desires in advance.

·A workaholic who thrives on mental and physical stimulation, the Border Collie must have a positive way to direct his energy. Otherwise he'll invent his own games — and he can become a problem to live with.

·The Border Collie will herd anything that moves, including children, cars, people on bikes, cats, and squirrels. He can become a real problem if he's allowed to roam in a neighborhood; a securely fenced yard is essential.

·The noisy play of young children can stimulate the Border Collie's herding instinct and cause him to nip, nudge, and bark.

·To prevent shyness, the Border Collie must be well socialized.

·The Border Collie doesn't usually roam, but his curiosity and intelligence can lead him to become an escape artist.

  • 边境牧羊犬非常敏感,常常会对最微妙的命令作出反应,好像能够预知主人的要求一样。

  • 他们是喜欢身心双重刺激的工作狂。边境牧羊犬要有释放能量的正确方式,不然的话他会发明属于自己的游戏,这样

  • 他就会成为生活中的一大麻烦。

  • 边境牧羊犬会把所有移动的物体当作放牧对象,包括小孩子,汽车,骑自行车的人,猫以及松鼠。如果任由他在住家

  • 附近溜达就有可能成为一大问题,因此要有牢固的篱笆围住他。

  • 如果有小孩大声的喧闹,会刺激边境牧羊犬放牧的本能,并出现拿嘴叼人,推人和吠叫的现象。

  •  为防止狗狗害羞,要加强边境牧羊犬的社会化训练。

  • 边境牧羊犬很少出走,但他的好奇心和聪明能力能够让他成为一名出色的跳跑艺术家。



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