

(Metro English - 100 - Education -Adolescence Issues & Solutions

Education - Adolescence Issues & Solutions(青春期-2)

尤金 阿诺德曾经著有一本名为”Childhood Stress“(童年压力)的书籍,这是从这本书里摘录的一句话。他是俄亥俄州立大学的精神病学和行为健康的教授。


3. Behavioral changes 行为上的变化

Overwhelming emotions can lead to impulsive behavior, which can be harmful to your child as well as others.   排山倒海般的情绪,有时会导致冲动行为,这对你的孩子和其他人都是有害的。

  • Adolescence is the time when kids develop and exercise their independence. This can give rise to questioning the parents’ rules (seen as argumentative) and standing up for what they believe is right (seen as stubbornness).  青春期是孩子们发展和锻炼独立性的时期。这可能会导致孩子对父母制定的规则发生怀疑(有可辩论性),并维护他们认为正确的东西(被视为顽固)。

  • Significant developmental change in the brain makes teens moody, tired and difficult to deal with.  大脑的明显发育,使得此时的青少年情绪化、疲乏,难以应对。

  • The raging hormones in teenage boys can even push them to get into physical confrontations. They would also want to listen to loud music.  十几岁男孩体内荷尔蒙的急剧分泌,甚至会让他们陷入肢体冲突中。他们还很想听大声的音乐。

  • As a part of their new-found independence, adolescents may also want to try new things and take risks, resulting in careless behavior.  作为新的独立性的探索的一部分,青少年很可能想尝试一些新鲜事物、或冒险行为,导致一些无意识的行为。

  • Sometimes, peer pressure and the need to ‘fit in’ can make them behave in a certain way or develop certain habits that are hard to break.  有时,同伴压力和为了“融入”的需要,会使他们做出某种表现,或者养成一些很难改正的习惯。

  • Your teen’s dressing, hairstyle, and sense of fashion also change, mostly to something that you may not approve of. 你孩子的着装、发型和追风的感觉也会发生变化,或许有一些是你完全不能接受的事情。

  • The most troubling behavior is perhaps your teen hanging out with problem kids and adapting to a dangerous lifestyle.  最令人不安的行为,或许是你的孩子和问题少年混在一起,开始养成一些不良的的生活方式。

  • Lying is one of the common teen behavioral issues. Teens may lie to avoid confrontation with parents or out of fear.  说谎是青少年常见的行为问题之一。青少年会由于害怕,采用撒谎的方法,来避免与父母发生冲突。


  • Behavioral problems in adolescence can make life difficult for parents. But remember that it is a passing phase, and is entirely normal.  青春期的行为问题可能会使父母的日子很难过。但请记住,这只不过是个过渡阶段,也都是非常正常的。

  • Gaining your child’s trust is important if you want to help him with behavioral issues. Talk to them and listen to what they have to say. Do not judge or criticize them, as it could worsen their behavior.  如果你想帮助孩子解决行为问题,获得孩子的信任是很重要的。和他们交谈,倾听他们想要说的话。不评判、不批评,因为这会使他们的行为加剧恶化。

  • Let them know that you love them just as they are. Encourage them to be true to themselves and not take on a personality just to please others.  让他们知道,你是始终如一地爱着Ta。鼓励Ta做自己,不要为取悦他人,而挑战自己的个性

  • Remember that your adolescent child is not completely independent in dealing with his emotions and needs your support.  Help him by telling him what you do when you are feeling sad, angry, jealous, etc. He can try those solutions to come out of his own emotional issues.  记住,处于青春期孩子在处理自己情绪时并不能完全独立,Ta需要你的支持。用自己作为先例,告诉Ta,在你感到悲伤、愤怒、嫉妒等时,你会做些什么。他也可以试着用这些方法,来解决自己遇到的情绪问题。

  • You will have to intervene if you see them falling into bad company. Remember that adolescents are sensitive and may not take criticism well.  如果你看到他们与糟糕的人为伍,你必须进行干预。记住,青少年非常敏感,对于批评,不一定能够很好地接受。

troubling 令人不安的

impulsive 易冲动的

argumentative 好争论的;爱辩论的

stubbornness  固执

physical confrontation 肢体冲突

peer pressure 同伴压力

hanging out with  和…在一起

lying 撒谎

intervene 干预

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