

(Metro English - 125 -TV Series - Friends

TV Series - Friends 

- I thought we were on a break!

The phrase has its roots in the fifteenth episode of the third season of Friends, titled "The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break" when a rift between Ross Geller and Rachel Green (a couple at the time) came to a head. At the time, Ross mistakenly suspected that Rachel was having an affair with a co-worker of hers, Mark Robinson, and had subsequently frequently complained about how much time she had been spending away from him and with Mark. Eventually Rachel (who in reality only ever considered her relationship with Mark to be platonic and was unaware that he did indeed have a crush on her until he admitted as much to her in a later episode) became so frustrated with the amount of arguments she and Ross had been having over something that seemed so trivial to her that a fateful row with him ended with the following dialog:  这句话来源于《朋友》第三季的第十五集,标题是“罗斯和瑞秋休息的地方”,当时罗斯·盖勒和瑞秋·格林(当时的一对情侣)之间的裂痕达到了顶点。当时,罗斯错误地怀疑瑞秋和她的同事马克·罗宾逊有染,随后还经常抱怨她花了多少时间离开他和马克。最后,瑞秋(事实上,她只认为她和马克的关系是柏拉图式的,不知道他确实喜欢她,直到在后来的一集里,他向她承认了更多心迹)对她和罗斯为一些似乎对她来说微不足道的事情所进行的争论感到非常沮丧,以致于她和罗斯之间发生了一场决定性的争吵,以下对话结束他们的一段感情:

Rachel: ...Maybe we should just take a break!

Ross: Okay, fine. Fine. Let's take a break. Let's cool off. Let's get some frozen yogurt or something.

Rachel: No! ...a break from us.

Things you may not know about "FRIENDS"

It wasn't always called Friends. 它并不是一直都叫“Friends”

The show’s working titles were Insomnia Café, Friends Like Us, and Six of One, before everyone settled on Friends.  在这个剧最终确定叫做“Friends”之前,它的工作名称叫做“失眠咖啡馆”,“像我们这样的朋友”,“六位一体”。


Courteney Cox was just like Monica IRL.

In 1995, show co-creator Marta Kauffman told The Los Angeles Times that Cox had "the neatest" dressing room. In the same interview, Cox said, "OK, I am a neat freak. Not about myself. I don't use a lint brush or anything, and I don't iron, but I could easily pick lint off of someone else." 1995年,剧目的共同主创玛塔·考夫曼告诉《洛杉矶时报》,考克斯有“最整洁”的更衣室。在同一次采访中,考克斯说:“好吧,我有洁癖。不是针对我自己,我不会用毛刷刷衣服,也不会去熨衣服,但我可以很不由自主地从别人的衣服上摘毛。

Jennifer Aniston was almost replaced.  詹妮弗·安妮斯顿几乎被别人取代。

Aniston had actually already been cast in another sitcom, and NBC was still auditioning people for her role. Luckily, they couldn’t find anyone else, and the other sitcom ultimately got canceled.  安妮斯顿实际上已经被另一部情景喜剧选中了,NBC还在为她的这个角色找演员。幸运的是,他们找不到其他人,而另一个情景喜剧最终被取消了。

Friends was supposed to have just four friends. “六人行”原本只有四个朋友。

Phoebe and Chandler were originally written as supporting roles. Can you even imagine?  菲比和钱德勒最初是作为配角写的。你能想象吗?

David Schwimmer didn't have to audition for Ross.  大卫·施维默不必为罗斯试镜。

As Kauffman explained in 2012, "Schwimmer had auditioned the year before for a pilot we were making, and he just stuck in our heads. That was an offer. No audition."  正如考夫曼在2012年解释的那样,“施维默在开始的前一年为我们试播版,然后他就被我们留在头脑中,那时就定档了。没有试镜。”

Courteney Cox is the only Friend to not receive an Emmy nod for her work on the show.  柯特妮·考克斯是唯一没有得到艾美奖肯定的“朋友”。

Even Christina Pickles, who played Monica's mom Judy, got a nomination for her guest role one year. Guess the Emmys had no love for Monica's tidiness, wit, and that incredible "7" scene.  甚至扮演莫妮卡妈妈朱迪的克里斯蒂娜·皮克斯在某一年还获得了嘉宾提名。我猜艾美不喜欢莫妮卡的整洁,机智,以及那个不可思议的“7”的片段。

The finale caused Matt LeBlanc so much anxiety, he started smoking again.  最后的结局让马特·勒布朗非常焦虑,他又开始抽烟了。

"I had quit smoking for four years, and in that final two weeks, I started smoking again because we were so aware that our time together was coming to an end," he told Vanity Fair in 2012.  他在2012年接受《名利场》采访时说:“我已经戒烟四年了,在最后的两周里,我又开始复吸了,因为我们很清楚,我们在一起的时间即将结束。”

Long before Hollywood started tackling the pay gap between male and female actresses, everyone on 'Friends' earned the same per episode.  早在好莱坞开始着手对应男女演员同工同酬之前,“老友记”中的这六位老朋友,每个人每集的收入都是一样的。

By the end of the show’s run, each Friend was earning $1 million per episode. 到节目结束时,每个朋友都是100万美元一集的片酬。

 neat freak  洁癖

sitcom  情景喜剧

audition 试镜

pilot  (电视的)试播节目

finale 大结局

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

七月份,Metro English的主题是Lines from TV Series - 英美电视剧中的经典台词。人人都是戏精,你也可以说出一口漂亮的英文!美剧经典台词模仿,进群就可以开始飚英语。不怕不着魔,只怕你胆子小!七月里的23句英剧、美剧经典台词,还有一些关于这23个剧目你不得不知道的内幕消息。


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