

(Metro English - 128 -TV Series - Homeland

TV Series - Homeland 国土安全

Peter Quinn: What strategy? Tell me what the strategy is and I'll tell you if it's working. [Silence] See, that right there is the problem because they - they have a strategy. They're gathering right now in Raqqa by the tens of thousands, hidden in the civilian population, cleaning their weapons and they know exactly why they're there.

CIA official: Why is that?

Peter Quinn: They call it the end times. What do you think the beheadings are about? The crucifixions in Deir Hafer, the revival of slavery? Do you think they make this s*** up? It's all in the book. Their f****** book. The only book they ever read - they read it all the time. They never stop. They're there for one reason and one reason only: to die for the Caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That's their strategy and it's been that way since the seventh century. So do you really think that a few special forces teams are going to put a dent in that?


Brody was never supposed to be in more than one season  布罗迪本应该在一个播出季就会不在了

Damien Lewis' character Nicholas Brody was all set to be killed off at the end of the show's first season, but feedback from viewers found that Brody was one of the show's best-loved characters, which prompted the writers to have a rethink.


However, by the end of the second season it was obvious that the storyline for Brody's character wasn't sustainable for much longer. And, whilst the writers knew they wanted Brody to leave at the end of the third season, they took a long time to decide exactly how his exit should take place.


Halle Berry was originally cast as Carrie  最初哈莉·贝瑞是扮演嘉莉的。

Well, at that point, the character was actually called Claire Mathison. It was only when Berry turned the role down and Claire Danes was cast that the name of the character was changed to Caroline Anne Mathison to avoid any confusion.


Danes’ acting was a little bit too convincing for some of the show's fans   戴恩斯的表演对该剧的一些粉丝来说有点过于令人信服了。

The actress did a lot of preparation for the role, including consulting with author Julie Fast, one of the world's leading experts on bipolar, as well as watching hours of videos made by people suffering from the disorder. Her performance was so convincing that several fans wrote in to the show concerned for her wellbeing, suggesting that the actress be given time off.

这位女演员为这个角色做了很多准备,包括咨询作家朱莉·法斯特(Julie Fast),她是世界上最著名的双相情感障碍专家之一,还观看了数小时由患有这种疾病的人制作的视频。她的表演如此令人信服,以至于有几位影迷在写给剧组的信中担心她的健康状况,建议给这位女演员放假。

Yes, we do care Carrie!  是啊,我们真的关心凯莉!

The show has won over 50 awards  该剧获奖超过50个

Wow indeed, Carrie!


Brody’s onscreen wife and mistress go way back  布罗迪在银幕上的妻子和情妇居然还是多年的老朋友

Morena Baccarin wasn't the original Mrs. Brody - she replaced Laura Fraser who played Jessica in the pilot, but Claire Danes was probably pretty happy she did, as Baccarin and the leading lady herself went to junior high school together. Their onscreen feud is certainly convincing, considering Danes describes her as “one of my very dearest friends.” 


Damian Lewis was the third choice for the role  戴米恩·刘易斯是角色的第三选择

When casting began, Lewis wasn’t Showtime’s first choice for the role, as the network had both Ryan Phillippe and Patrick Wilson in mind. However, it was showrunner Alex Gansa’s determination that saw this famous redhead step into Brody’s shoes. It was only when Gansa learnt about Lewis’ performance in one of his earlier movies - Keane (2004) - that he managed to convince bosses to give Lewis the role.


Not only is he a talented actor, but he can also sing too, and he’s pretty good at it. 他不仅是一个出色的演员,还会唱歌,而且还唱得非常好。

Barack Obama is a fan of the show  奥巴马总统是这个剧的影迷

His high-profile fans don’t just live on this side of the pond. Damian’s performance not only earned him worldwide acclaim but also led to him being invited to have dinner with President Barack Obama at the White House in March 2012, after the President expressed (on more than one occasion) his love for the show and the character…


There are hidden messages in some of the graffiti in the scenes  在场景中的一些涂鸦中有隐藏的信息 

During the show's fifth season, the producers wanted to add some authentic Arabic graffiti to a set and hired a visual artist to spray-paint slogans on the walls of the set. However, the artist wasn't a fan of the show, describing it as “shallow and misguided.” So, instead of refusing to take the gig, he drafted in some other graffiti artists to write subversive messages, such as “Homeland is a joke”, “Homeland is racist” and “it didn't make us laugh.” Apparently unable to read the slogans on the walls, the producers didn't notice and the second episode of the fifth season was broadcast with the messages intact.


The 90-second opening shows us what it’s like to be in Carrie’s shoes  90秒的片头告诉了我们置身凯莉的位置的感受

The opening sequence shown before each episode introduces us to Danes and the things she’s experienced through childhood which lead her to where she is today. As she dreams we see things like the lion’s head, the maze, and the shadows, which have all been featured to symbolize her problem-solving nature in both her job as an FBI agent and her personal life, as she works through her health issues. Not really taken any notice of the opening? Give it another watch…


You can find out what happened to Brody between season two and three  你能发现在第二季和第三季之间布罗迪发生了什么事

Ever wondered what happened to Brody between the end of season two and the beginning of season three? Well, you don’t have to wonder any longer. The show teamed up with Audible.com to release Homeland: Phantom Pain - a 30-minute audio episode, narrated by Brody, which explains what he got up to between season two and three, in the form of a letter penned to Carrie. It’s well worth a listen.


beheading  斩首

graffiti  涂鸦

civilian population 平民

turn something down 拒绝

go way back  交情很深

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

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