

Metro English - 171 - Types of Houses -2

House/Home/Family -  Types of Houses 各种各样的房屋-2

Types of Houses 房屋的种类
18. Manor 庄园
A big country house with a lot of land. They are an old style house, normally owned by wealthy families. Manors have very large and beautiful gardens.

19. Mansion 公馆,府邸
A large and impressive house. Similar to a manor. However, manors are generally old and in the country.
In contrast, mansions can be anywhere. Mansions can be old, or new. Most famous actors and singers live in mansions.

20. Motel 汽车旅馆
Motel comes from the words motor and hotel. On average motels are not as nice as most hotels and offer only basic services.
21. Palace 宫殿
A palace is the home of a country’s king or queen. Buckingham Palace is the very famous home of the Queen of England.
Palaces are generally very large and have many people working there to take care of the royal family.

22. Semi-detached House  半独立房
Semi means half or partly. Detached means that it is not touching anything else.

23. Shack  棚屋;小窝棚;棚子
A shack is a small building often put together loosely with left-over or cheap materials. A shack is similar to a hut or cabin.
What makes a shack different is that it is often made with modern materials like wood and metal and generally not well built.

24. Single family home (Detached) 家庭独立房
A single-family home, often called a detached house, is an alone standing medium-size house. There aren’t any other buildings touching a single-family house.
Single-family homes are most common outside of the city in areas called “suburbs”.
25. Skyscraper 摩天大楼
A skyscraper is a very tall new style building. You will see many skyscrapers in nearly every city around the world.
They are made of glass and metal. Skyscrapers are used as office buildings or apartments.
The tallest building in the world is a skyscraper called the Burj Khalifa.
Skyscrapers are made to be flexible and move in the wind.

26. Teepee 圆锥形帐篷;帐篷;印地安帐篷;梯皮;土著帐篷
Teepees are the old style of house in which Native American Indians used to live. They were made with animal skins and sticks.
Whole towns of Indians would live in a small group of Teepees which could be taken apart and moved to new locations when the seasons changed.
A whole family of Indians would live in one teepee together for safety and warmth.
The chief and the soldier sat in the teepee, sharing a peace pipe.

27. Tent 帐篷
A temporary shelter made from fabric. Most people use tents when they go camping and need to quickly set up a place to sleep that will protect them from the rain, wind and small animals overnight.
A tent is a great way to stop bugs and spiders but it won’t stop a bear.
The old tents used to be so hard to put up. Now all you have to do it push a button.

28. Terraced House 联排公寓
A terraced house is a tall but narrow house which is attached on both sides to another house. They are common in many European countries like England, Holland and Germany.
In those countries, whole streets of houses can all be connected to each other in a row.

29. Townhouse  联排别墅;联体别墅;连排别墅
A townhouse is similar to a terraced house. Townhouses are houses built for inner-city living.
There are tall and narrow buildings. They don’t have a lot of land around them and often only have very small gardens at the back.
Over 100 townhouses fell into the river when London Bridge collapsed in 1703.
You can’t find a townhouse for under a million dollars in Sydney.

30. Trailer 拖车式活动房
(See Caravan) A trailer is a small cabin with wheels. They can be pulled by trucks or other vehicles and often made from metal or fiberglass.
Trailers are commonly used by people who need to move from one place to another for short periods of time. For example, circus performers and actors who live on set.
Amanda Lawson sat in her trailer practicing her lines for the next scene.
In America people believe that people living in trailers are low class.

31. Treehouse  树屋
A treehouse is a structure built between the branches of a large tree. They are often seen as places for children to play.
But there are hotels around the world where you can sleep in a treehouse hotel room above the ground. Some old tribes also live in treehouses.
Daddy built a treehouse for me when I was 6 years old. It’s still there today.

detached  单独的;独立的;不连接的;

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九月份,Metro English的主题是House - Home - Family 家-家-家。我们来看看,这些对我们那么重要的地方都涵盖了什么?究竟是什么,让我们这么孜孜不倦地努力,无论再苦再累,每天都会愿意回到那里的被称为家的地方?

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