

Metro English - 174 - ​My favorite place in my house 家里你最喜欢的地方

House/Home/Family -  

My favorite place in my house 家里最喜欢的地方

What is Your Favorite Place in Your House? 在家里,你最喜欢的地方是哪里?
For will.i.am of the Black Peas, it’s his recording studio.
In this weekend’s Key Magazine, The Times asks various well-known people about their favorite spaces in their houses. Here’s what will.i.am says about his:
“This is my brain, my factory, my laboratory, my sanctuary where I can go to be creative,” says will.i.am of the recording studio in the Spanish-style 1920s house he has owned since 2005.
“The place is a haunted house,” he adds. “Not a bad spirit, but there is an energy in the house. All the emotions that happen in a place are stored in the wood and the stone. They are sponges. New buildings don’t feel like anything because they are made of dust, of plywood and things like that, which have no absorption. The emotions get sucked in and disappear. But older buildings absorb energy.”

JUDY CHICAGO, 71, ARTIST, BELEN, N.M. 朱迪·芝加哥,71岁,艺术家,住在新墨西哥州的贝伦
"I didn't have a home until I was 60," says Chicago, who lives in a
7,000-square-foot 1907 former boarding house. "I still feel owning a home
as a double-edged sword. I always wanted freedom from the domestic pressures that had prevented women from realizing their talent."  
Chicago, whose work is currently being shown as part of an exhibit on feminism and painting at New York's Jewish Museum, lives in the house with her husband, the photographer Donald Woodman. "The hotel had a central staircase, and on the ground floor it was divided left and right," Chicago says. "So it was obvious they were for our studios, side by side. Upstairs we have offices." The rest of the house, she says, consists of a deck, garden, gym and about 1,000 square feet of living space.
芝加哥的作品目前正在纽约犹太博物馆作为女权主义和绘画展览的一部分展出,她与丈夫、摄影师唐纳德·伍德曼(Donald Woodman)住在这所房子里。”“这家酒店有一个中央楼梯,在一层,空间就左右分开,”芝加哥说。所以我们很轻松就可以把它作为我们的工作室,一边一个。楼上,有我们的办公室。“她说,房子的其余部分包括露台、花园、健身房、以及大约1000平方英尺的生活空间。

refuge 避难所
sanctuary  避难所;庇护所
recording studio 录音室
haunted 闹鬼的,有鬼魂出没的
double-edged sword 双刃剑

studio 工作室

staircase 楼梯

ground floor 一层

deck  露台

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九月份,Metro English的主题是House - Home - Family 家-家-家。我们来看看,这些对我们那么重要的地方都涵盖了什么?究竟是什么,让我们这么孜孜不倦地努力,无论再苦再累,每天都会愿意回到那里的被称为家的地方?

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