

Metro English - 177 - ​Interesting Home Furnitures - Kitchen

House/Home/Family -  

Interesting Home Furnitures - Kitchen 有趣的家具- 厨房

Happiness is homemade,这句话出自谁的嘴里,无法考查了,但是它却说出了最真实的道理,也讲出来了家对一个人的意义。


Pantry  食品贮藏室
A pantry is a room where beverages, food, and sometimes dishes, household cleaning chemicals, linens, or provisions are stored. Food and beverage pantries serve in an ancillary capacity to the kitchen. The word "pantry" derives from the same source as the Old French term paneterie, means "bread".

Late Middle Ages  中世纪晚期
In a late medieval hall, there were separate rooms for the various service functions and food storage. A pantry was where bread was kept and food preparation associated with it was done. The head of the office responsible for this room was referred to as a pantler. 

Colonial era  殖民时代
In the United States, pantries evolved from early Colonial American "butteries", built in a cold north corner of a Colonial home (more commonly referred to and spelled as "butt'ry"), into a variety of pantries in self-sufficient farmsteads. Butler's pantries, or china pantries, were built between the dining room and kitchen of a middle class English or American home, especially in the latter part of the 19th into the early 20th centuries. Great estates, such as the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina or Stan Hywet Hall in Akron, Ohio, had large warrens of pantries and other domestic "offices", echoing their British "Great House" counterparts.

Victorian era  维多利亚时代
By the Victorian era, large houses and estates in Britain maintained the use of separate rooms, each one dedicated to a distinct stage of food preparation and cleanup. The kitchen was for cooking, while food storage was done in a storeroom. Food preparation before cooking was done in a larder, and dishwashing was done in a scullery or pantry, "depending on the type of dish and level of dirt". Since the scullery was the room with running water, it had a sink, and it was where the messiest food preparation took place, such as cleaning fish and cutting raw meat. The pantry was where tableware was stored, such as china, glassware, and silverware. If the pantry had a sink for washing tableware, it was a wooden sink lined with lead, to prevent chipping the china and glassware while they were washed. In some middle-class houses, the larder, pantry, and storeroom might simply be large wooden cupboards, each with its exclusive purpose.

The pantry is making a comeback in American and British homes, as part of a resurgence of nesting and homekeeping since the late 1990s. It is one of the most requested features in American homes today, despite modern homes having larger kitchen sizes than ever before. The demand is due both to the charm and nostalgia associated with the pantry, as well as to the pantry's practical, utilitarian purpose.
Today, the term may also be used for any small storeroom used for non-perishable foods such as canned goods; it need not be located near the kitchen, and is often found in a basement.

ancillary 辅助的;补充的

resurgence  复苏;复兴

homekeeping 家政

nostalgia 怀旧;念旧

pantler 司膳总管

larder 储藏室

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