



By Pat Cortland / October 23 , 2019 


The pressure to remember passwords is everywhere, lurking within every website you visit, pestering you with the daunting question:  what is your password?  记住密码的压力无处不在,它暗藏在你访问的每个网站中,不停地用令人气馁的问题纠缠着你:你的密码是什么?

And who can possibly remember all the passwords to all the websites and accounts and clubs and emails and portals and dashboards that have accumulated in your life?  有谁能记得住生活中积累的所有网站、帐户、俱乐部、电子邮件、门户网站和指示板的所有密码吗?

There’s nary a movement you make online that in some way doesn’t rely on or connect to a password: some 10-character combination of letters, numbers and symbols that you probably made up three years ago and wrote on a scrap of paper and put in a drawer somewhere with all the other similarly themed password scraps. 你在网上做的任何一个举动在某种程度上都依赖或关系到一个密码:这是个大约10个字符的字母、数字和符号的组合,你可能在三年前编好,写在一张纸片上,和所有其他一样内容的密码碎纸片一起放在抽屉里。
According to security software giant McAfee, which conducted a World Password Survey in 2017, the average consumer had 23 online accounts, a number that has surely grown in ensuing years. 根据安全软件巨头McAfee在2017年进行的一项世界密码调查,平均每个消费者有23个在线账户,而这一数字在接下来的几年里肯定还会增长。
So what are some options for people looking to organize and manage their passwords, in a way that makes sense, isn’t too confusing, and provides some additional security? The options are out there, no matter your lifestyle, technological skill, and aversion to memorization. 那么,对于那些希望把自己的密码好好管理起来的人来说,有哪些选择是合理的,不会太混乱的,还可以提供一些有效的安全措施呢?无论你的生活方式、技术技能和对记忆的厌恶程度如何,你都有了如下的几种选择。

Option #1:  Cast aside modern life, break free from all digital shackles and live password free

cast aside:摒弃,抛弃
This is a dramatic step, and one worthy of great respect, but not what most people have in mind when they are weighing options for how to manage their passwords. 这可是很太过夸张的选择,值得充分尊重,但并不会是大多数人的选择。
Not having to remember or keep track of any passwords sounds nice, but the tradeoff is that you are probably keeping all your money under your mattress and none of your family or friends knows how to contact you. 不必记住或查找任何密码听起来不错,但作为交换,你要把所有的钱都藏在床垫下,你的家人或朋友都不知道如何联系你。

Option #2: Become a master of memory, and keep all passwords securely locked in your brain


Amazingly, this is way more common than you might think.  A Pew Research Center study from 2017 found that 86% of internet users employed memory to remember online passwords, with 65% responding that memorization was either their only tactic or the one they used most often. 让人惊讶的是,这比你想象的要普遍得多。皮尤研究中心2017年的一项研究发现,86%的互联网用户使用记忆来记住在线密码,65%的人回答说,记忆要么是他们唯一的手段,要么是他们最常使用的招数。
Simply remembering all your passwords is great, if you can do it.  But not everyone can keep all those letters, numbers, and symbols organized mentally over time, especially as more and more passwords get added to the mental Rolodex. 如果你能做到的话,只要记住你所有的密码就好了。但并不是每个人都能将这些字母、数字和符号随着时间的推移在头脑中组织起来,特别是随着越来越多的密码被添加到大脑系统中。

Option #3: Keep your passwords written down in a secure place


A timeless classic that blends a whiff of organization with a dash of informality, maintaining a master list of passwords is a go-to for many folks, either via a paper list (49% according to the Pew research) or on a document saved on a computer (24%, says Pew).  一个永恒的经典方法,有那么一点整理的感觉,也有点儿不那么正式,这是许多人保管主要密码的必用方法。或通过在纸上列一个单子(根据皮尤的研究,占49%)或保存在计算机上的一个文档中(皮尤:占24%)。
go-to: 必去,必经 
Nathan Buuck, lead security engineer at Fort Wayne, Indiana, software developer Aptera Inc., said keeping a list makes sense for a lot of people. 印第安纳州韦恩堡的首席安全工程师、软件开发商Aptera公司的内森·布克说,保留一个单子对很多人来说都是有意义的。
“It’s certainly still a feasible option,” Buuck said.  布克说:“这当然仍然是一个可行的选择。
“Just like using a mobile note-taking app, it’s a valid decision for those with minimal needs who have consciously considered what their needs and risks are. Such a person needs to consider how private that location is; if it will be resistant to tampering; and if it will always be available (e.g., in the event of a disaster).”“就像使用移动笔记应用程序一样,对于那些有意识地考虑过自己的需求和风险的最低需求者来说,这是一个有效的决定。这样的人需要考虑的是该地方有多私密;它是否能够防止有人去篡改;它是否能够一直可利用(例如,在发生灾难的情况下)。
Convenience is a big plus here, but as Buuck mentioned, security can pose a possible risk.  Having all your passwords in one physical place, and if that space is say, taped to your desk next to your computer, can backfire if it gets in the wrong hands. 在这里,方便是一个很大的优势,但正如布克提到的,安全可能会带来风险。把你所有的密码都放在一个物理位置,如果把这个位置就是贴在你电脑旁边的桌子上,如果它落入坏人手中,后果就不好了。

To be extra secure, try keeping your physical master list in a safe; that way, it’s protected from wandering eyes and you always know where to find it when needed. 为了更加安全,试着把你的主要实物列表放在一个安全的地方;这样,它就不会被游荡的眼睛看到,而且你总是知道在需要的时候在哪里找到它。

Option #4: Use a password manager


Now we’re going to the next level!  现在我们说真格的了!
Password managers are a type of software that helps store, protect and generate numerous passwords in an encrypted database.  密码管理器是一种帮助在加密数据库中存储、保护和生成大量密码的软件。
They offer users a centralized storage option that organizes and protects any type of password for any platform or device and are available in free or subscription-based packages.  它们为用户提供了一个集中存储选项,用于组织和保护任何平台或设备的任何类型的密码,并可免费下载或在注册的软件套餐中使用。
There are numerous password manager options out there, here are a few popular ones:  有许多密码管理器可选,下面是一些流行的软件:
  • Dashlane

  • LastPass

  • 1Password

  • Keeper

Nathan Buuck has this advice: “Someone considering a password manager should use a combination of reviews from qualified, trusted, and reputable tech writers and users of the password manager, the feature list of a given password manager, and trial or free use opportunities from the developer to evaluate whether a given app meets their personal security needs.”  内森·布克给出了这样的建议:“考虑使用密码管理器的人应该综合使用合格的、可信的、有信誉的技术作者和密码管理器用户的评论、给定密码管理器的功能列表以及开发人员提供的试用或免费使用机会,来评估给定的应用程序是否符合他们的个人要求安全需要。
When it comes to password managers, remember: You’ll still be relying on a password to get access to your other passwords, so it’s paramount that you make that password strong and keep it safe.  当涉及到密码管理器时,请记住:你仍将依靠密码进入来查看其他密码,因此,至关重要的是你要使该密码强大并保证其安全。

Option #5:  Mix and match


There’s no rule saying you have to choose one approach to remembering your passwords. 没有规则说你必须选择一种方法来记住你的密码。
In fact, most people are already using a combination of the various options listed above: You keep a few passwords in your head, write some down, put a few in a word-processing document, and maybe have a password manager for specific accounts or information.  事实上,大多数人已经在混合使用上面列出的各种方法:你在头脑中记住一些密码,写下一些密码,在文档中放一些密码,也许还有一个密码管理器来管理特定的帐户或信息。
The point is, find the right match for you.  But just know there are alternatives out there, whether you feel swamped with trying to remember your passwords, are anxious about how secure they are, or simply hope to organize them better.  





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