

Metro English - 275 - 最受欢迎的演讲 李开复TED演讲 - 人工智能将拯救人类​ - 2

How AI can save our humanity




And the Chinese market embraces this change and accelerated change and paradigm shifts. As an example, if any of you go to China, you will see it's almost cashless and credit card-less, because that thing that we all talk about, mobile payment, has become the reality in China. In the last year, 18.8 trillion US dollars were transacted on mobile internet, and that's because of very robust technologies built behind it. It's even bigger than the China GDP. And this technology, you can say, how can it be bigger than the GDP? Because it includes all transactions: wholesale, channels, retail, online, offline, going into a shopping mall or going into a farmers market like this. The technology is used by 700 million people to pay each other, not just merchants, so it's peer to peer, and it's almost transaction-fee-free. And it's instantaneous, and it's used everywhere. And finally, the China market is enormous. This market is large, which helps give entrepreneurs more users, more revenue, more investment, but most importantly, it gives the entrepreneurs a chance to collect a huge amount of data which becomes rocket fuel for the AI engine. So as a result, the Chinese AI companies have leaped ahead so that today, the most valuable companies in computer vision, speech recognition, speech synthesis, machine translation and drones are all Chinese companies. 


So with the US leading the era of discovery and China leading the era of implementation, we are now in an amazing age where the dual engine of the two superpowers are working together to drive the fastest revolution in technology that we have ever seen as humans. And this will bring tremendous wealth, unprecedented wealth: 16 trillion dollars, according to PwC, in terms of added GDP to the worldwide GDP by 2030. It will also bring immense challenges in terms of potential job replacements. Whereas in the Industrial Age it created more jobs because craftsman jobs were being decomposed into jobs in the assembly line, so more jobs were created. But AI completely replaces the individual jobs in the assembly line with robots. And it's not just in factories, but truckers, drivers and even jobs like telesales, customer service and hematologists as well as radiologists over the next 15 years are going to be gradually replaced by artificial intelligence. And only the creative jobs -- 

所以,随着美国引领发现时代和中国引领实践时代,我们正处于一个伟大时代两个超级大国的双联引擎正合作共进驱动我们人类从未见过的最迅速的科技革命。这将会带来极大的财富、前所未有的财富:据普华永道估计,到2030年,人工智能将带来16万亿美元的全球GDP增长,它也将带来巨大挑战在可能出现的失业再就业问题上。在工业革命时代,它创造了更多工作,因为手工工匠的工作被分解成 生产线上的各种工作,所以创造了更多工作。但是人工智能让流水线上的个体工作完全被机器人取代。这不仅发生在工厂里,而且货车司机、驾驶员甚至于像是电话销售、客服、血液科和放射科医生的工作,在未来的15年内都将慢慢被人工智能取代。而只有创造性工作-- 



I have to make myself safe, right? Really, the creative jobs are the ones that are protected, because AI can optimize but not create. 


But what's more serious than the loss of jobs is the loss of meaning, because the work ethic in the Industrial Age has brainwashed us into thinking that work is the reason we exist, that work defined the meaning of our lives. And I was a prime and willing victim to that type of workaholic thinking. I worked incredibly hard. That's why I almost left my wife in the delivery room, that's why I worked 996 alongside my entrepreneurs. And that obsession that I had with work ended abruptly a few years ago when I was diagnosed with fourth stage lymphoma. The PET scan here shows over 20 malignant tumors jumping out like fireballs, melting away my ambition. But more importantly, it helped me reexamine my life. Knowing that I may only have a few months to live caused me to see how foolish it was for me to base my entire self-worth on how hard I worked and the accomplishments from hard work. My priorities were completely out of order. I neglected my family. My father had passed away, and I never had a chance to tell him I loved him. My mother had dementia and no longer recognized me, and my children had grown up. 

但比失去工作更严重的是失去意义,因为工业革命时代的工作伦理已让我们洗脑相信工作赋予我们存在的理由,工作赋予我们生活的意义。而我就是个典型并自愿接受 那种工作狂思想的受害者。我工作异常努力。那就是为什么我几乎将我的妻子独自留在产房内,那就是为什么我996地与企业家们工作。我对工作的痴迷在几年前戛然而止因为我被确诊患上第四期淋巴瘤。这个PET扫描显示二十多个恶性肿瘤如火球般喷涌而出,把我的壮志雄心付之一炬。但更重要的是,它让我重新审视我的人生。知道我可能只剩下几个月的生命,令我看清把自我价值完全建立在工作强度和工作成就上是多么愚蠢。我生活中的优先级完全本末倒置。我疏于关心家庭;我的父亲过世了,我从没机会告诉他我爱他;我的母亲失智了,再也认不出我;而我的孩子们也都已长大成人。 

During my chemotherapy, I read a book by Bronnie Ware who talked about dying wishes and regrets of the people in the deathbed. She found that facing death, nobody regretted that they didn't work hard enough in this life. They only regretted that they didn't spend enough time with their loved ones and that they didn't spread their love. 

在我化疗期间, 我读了邦妮·韦尔的一本书写的是人们濒死时的心愿和懊悔。她发现面对死亡时,没人遗憾自己工作得不够努力。他们只后悔自己没花更多时间与所爱之人相伴相守,后悔没有传递自己的爱。 

lymphoma 淋巴瘤

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