

Metro English - 276 - 最受欢迎的演讲 李开复TED - 人工智能将拯救人类​ -3

How AI can save our humanity




So I am fortunately today in remission. 




So I can be back at TED again to share with you that I have changed my ways. I now only work 965 -- occasionally 996, but usually 965. I moved closer to my mother, my wife usually travels with me, and when my kids have vacation, if they don't come home, I go to them. So it's a new form of life that helped me recognize how important it is that love is for me, and facing death helped me change my life, but it also helped me see a new way of how AI should impact mankind and work and coexist with mankind, that really, AI is taking away a lot of routine jobs, but routine jobs are not what we're about. 

所以我可以重回TED舞台 和你们分享我的改变。我如今只工作965 -- 偶尔996,但通常965。我搬到离母亲更近的住所,我妻子通常与我相伴旅行,当我的孩子们休假时,若他们不回家,我会去看他们。这种新生活方式帮我认清爱对我来说是多么重要,濒死经历改变了我的生活,而且让我重新审视人工智能应如何影响人类影响工作,与人共存。确实,人工智能正带走很多重复性工作,但我们并非因为擅长重复性工作而为人。 

Why we exist is love. When we hold our newborn baby, love at first sight, or when we help someone in need, humans are uniquely able to give and receive love, and that's what differentiates us from AI. 


Despite what science fiction may portray, I can responsibly tell you that AI has no love. When AlphaGo defeated the world champion Ke Jie, while Ke Jie was crying and loving the game of go, AlphaGo felt no happiness from winning and certainly no desire to hug a loved one. 


So how do we differentiate ourselves as humans in the age of AI? We talked about the axis of creativity, and certainly that is one possibility, and now we introduce a new axis that we can call compassion, love, or empathy. Those are things that AI cannot do. So as AI takes away the routine jobs, I like to think we can, we should and we must create jobs of compassion. You might ask how many of those there are, but I would ask you: Do you not think that we are going to need a lot of social workers to help us make this transition? Do you not think we need a lot of compassionate caregivers to give more medical care to more people? Do you not think we're going to need 10 times more teachers to help our children find their way to survive and thrive in this brave new world? And with all the newfound wealth, should we not also make labors of love into careers and let elderly accompaniment or homeschooling become careers also? 

那我们如何在人工智能时代中将自己作为人类区分出来?我们谈到过创造性维度,那当然是一个可能性,现在我们要介绍一个新维度,称之为同情心、爱或同理心。 那些都是人工智能做不到的事。当人工智能带走重复性工作时,我想我们可以、应该而且必须创造关爱型工作。你或许会问那种工作到底有多少?但我想问问你:你不认为我们将需要许多社工来帮助我们平稳过渡吗?你不认为我们需要许多富有同情心的看护来为更多人提供更多医疗护理吗?你不认为我们将需要多10倍的老师来帮助孩子们寻找在这个勇敢新世界里的生存和成长之道吗?有了新获得的财富,我们不应该创造以人性关爱为本的工作 把老人护工或在家教育变成工作种类吗? 



This graph is surely not perfect, but it points at four ways that we can work with AI. AI will come and take away the routine jobs and in due time, we will be thankful. AI will become great tools for the creatives so that scientists, artists, musicians and writers can be even more creative. AI will work with humans as analytical tools that humans can wrap their warmth around for the high-compassion jobs. And we can always differentiate ourselves with the uniquely capable jobs that are both compassionate and creative, using and leveraging our irreplaceable brains and hearts. So there you have it: a blueprint of coexistence for humans and AI. 


AI is serendipity. It is here to liberate us from routine jobs, and it is here to remind us what it is that makes us human. So let us choose to embrace AI and to love one another. 

人工智能的发展是机缘巧合。 它的到来将把我们从常规工作中解放出来, 它的到来也提醒我们人因何为人。 所以让我们选择拥抱人工智能并互相关爱。 

Thank you. 




remission 缓解

axis 轴

compassion 同情

empathy 移情

serendipity 偶然,机缘巧合

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