

views on campus security
  1. 1.My views on campus security    Our university have a bad campus security problem I think.There is so much thieve in our campus,one of my schoolmate had already been stolen three bicycle,for more convenience in campus,he cannot help but bought anyother second hand bicycle.they go to the emplacement bridge for second hand bicycle,and the crabman there find more bikes for selling,and then people who lost the bicycle go there for another,then they stolen more, then come into being avicious circle that will never be end. And the dormitory security isn’t enough for more and more student found that they have been stolen valuables when they come back dormitory after class. For does the campus sexurity well,I think it should give more guards around student’s dormitories when students are studying.And I think it also should make another more firmly door for dormitory guard.    2.My Views On Campus Security    Campus Crimean seriously affect students school lives. Because of the campus crime, the quiet environment of study are broken. And students couldn’t have class freely.It would make students live in fear and worry about their own safety. They couldn’t study by heart. They would even lose confidence of the people and the society day by day when campus crime is serious.    In my opinion, there are several ways to improve the campus security in schools.First,we must pull together to fight against the crime. Second, students should take their responsibility to find out the suspicious people or unusual events on the campus. Security guards to should patrol the campus day and night more carefully. Last , the government should pay more attention to campus security and do something to reduce the crime.    3.My Views On Campus Security    The campus security exerts tremendous influence on the students. Students can live comfortable lives and attend their class without any anxiety, in which case, they can be brought up mentally and physically healthy , on condition that students believe in the campus security. On contrast, under the poor security, students have to live and study in fear, losing freedom in a way.    What we can do to guarantee students comfortable environment is to take some effective measures to maintain the campus security. First of all , we should strengthen everyone’s security awareness. For example, if one encounters a suspicious man on the campus, he is supposed to tell the campus guard immediately. Secondly, some equipments such as monitors should be installed on the campus to prevent potential crime. Last but not the least, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus. 
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Campus Security
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现代 简约 大气 美观的中学宿舍楼
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