


【Weather May 17】
郑州 晴 17℃/32℃
Zhengzhou Clear 17℃/32℃
洛阳 晴 17℃/34℃
Luoyang Clear 17℃/34℃
【Stock Market】
Shanghai: 2849.07; -21.96; -0.77%
Shenzhen: 12051.24; -105.36; -0.87%
>Israel-Palestinian violence erupts
>Gaddafi uses children as human shields
>Zurich votes to keep assisted suicide
>Jolie's directing debut to open in Dec.
>3-year-old boy doesn't feel pain
【Top News】
>Yangtze Delta businesses in crisis
Increases in cost and financing have dragged small- and medium-sized businesses in the Yangtze Delta region into a deep crisis, Wen Wei Po reports. A survey conducted by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce found that small private businesses in the region are cutting or suspending production. A total of 35 export-oriented companies in Wenzhou have seen sales decrease by 7 percent and profits decline by 30 percent over last year. More than a quarter of surveyed firms are currently running in the red, while one-third are making a profit. Businesses say the main problems are increasing raw material prices, which have increased from high inflation, and central bank's tightening policies, such as raising the reserve requirement ratio, have forced them to turn to private capital for high-interest loans.
【In the News】
>Zurich votes to keep assisted suicide
Voters in Zurich, Switzerland, have rejected proposed bans on assisted suicide and 'suicide tourism,' BBC reports. About 200 people commit assisted suicide each year in Zurich, including many foreign visitors. It has been legal in Switzerland since 1941 if performed by a non-physician with no vested interest in the death.

>European board: Ban wireless in schools
A European body has ruled that mobile phones and computers with wireless Internet connections pose a risk to human health and should be banned from schools, the Daily Telegraph reports. A Council of Europe committee examined evidence that electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless devices can cause cancers and affect the developing brain, and concluded that immediate action was required to protect children. The report also highlighted the potential health risks of cordless telephones and baby monitors.
>Blackwater founder sets up secret force
The crown prince of Abu Dhabi has hired the founder of private security firm Blackwater Worldwide to set up an 800-member battalion of foreign troops for the United Arab Emirates, the New York Times reports. The force is intended to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, defend oil pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist attacks and put down internal revolts, the documents show.
>Taliban recruiting children bombers

Taliban mullahs in Pakistan are recruiting child suicide bombers as young as nine to blow up NATO targets, according to Afghan intelligence officials who have intercepted would-be attackers, the Daily Telegraph reports. More than 25 failed suicide bombers under 18 are currently in Afghan juvenile custody, the spokesman said. The boys had been given amulets containing verses from the Koran, which they were told would protect them from the explosion. Ghulam Farooq, who is 9, said: 'Our mullah told us that when we carried out our suicide attacks, all the people around us would die, but we would stay alive.' The Taliban have denied using child fighters or bombers and last week issued a statement saying the accusations came from 'propaganda outfits of the enemy.' Afghan officials said the most recent child suicide attack killed four civilians and wounded 12 others when a 12-year-old blew himself up in a bazaar in the Barmal district of Paktika.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,阿富汗情报机构官员称,巴基斯坦塔利班毛拉招募儿童作人体炸弹,对北约目标进行自杀式袭击。在被抓获的袭击未遂者中,年龄最小的只有九岁。据称,目前阿富汗少管所中已经关押了25名18岁以下的自杀式袭击未遂者。这些被招募的男童会得到一个护身符,内含《可兰经》经文,他们被告知这个护身符可以帮助他们躲过爆炸。只有九岁的古拉姆·法鲁克称:'毛拉告诉我们,我们引爆身上的炸弹时,周围的人都会死,但我们不会。' 塔利班方面否认招募儿童参战或用作人弹,并于上周发表声明称这些控诉都是'敌人的舆论攻击'。阿富汗官员则称,发生在帕克提卡省巴尔玛尔区某集市的最新一起儿童自杀式袭击中,一名12岁的儿童引爆身上的炸弹,造成4名平民死亡,12人受伤。
>27 headless bodies found in Guatemala

The decapitated bodies of 25 men and two women have been found near Guatemala's border with Mexico, BBC reports. The bodies were discovered at a ranch in Peten province, 500 kilometers north of the capital. The chief of police said the killings were probably linked to a battle between rival drug gangs fighting for control of the area. Northern Guatemala is an important transit point for drugs smuggled from South America to the U.S. 'This is the worst massacre we have seen in modern times,' police spokesman Donald Gonzalez said. Army spokesman Colonel Ron Urizar said dozens of soldiers had been sent to the Mexican border to prevent any suspects from fleeing the country. Officials said the victims appeared to have been ambushed by gunmen.
【In Brief】
>Israel-Palestinian violence erupts
Isaeli troops shot Palestinian protesters who surged toward its frontiers with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza on Sunday, killing at least 13 people on Sunday, Reuters reports. It was the deadliest such confrontation in years. Israel condemned the incidents as provocations inspired by Iran. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that those killed were martyrs to the Palestinian cause.
>Gaddafi uses children as human shields
General Sir David Richards, the head of the Armed Forces, said Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was using children as human shields by building a playground on top of a command bunker in his capital, Tripoli, the Daily Mail reports.
>Drugs hit market ahead of crucial data

Data that could save money and help doctors make smarter treatment decisions is often unavailable at the time new medicines hit the market, Reuters reports. A study released Tuesday found that nearly a third of new drug approvals from the Food and Drug Administration included no data on how well the medications compare with existing alternatives. That leaves insurers and healthcare providers at a loss when trying to find the best and cheapest drugs for their patients.
>Jolie's directing debut to open in Dec.
Angelina Jolie's directorial debut 'In the Land of Blood and Honey' will be released Dec. 23 by FilmDistrict, a subsidiary of GK Films, AP reports. Announcing the acquisition Sunday at the Cannes Film Festival, GK Films founder Graham King said Jolie's debut 'signals the arrival of a visceral and compelling storyteller.' The film features a completely local Bosnian cast. 据美联社报道,安吉丽娜·朱莉的导演处女作《血与蜜之地》将由FilmDistrict公司于12月23日发行。FilmDistrict公司是GK影业的一个子公司。周日,GK影业的创办人格雷厄姆·金在戛纳电影节宣布该购买决定时表示,朱莉的处女作'标志着一个有深度而且颇具说服力的讲故事高手的到来'。该片所有的演员均为波斯尼亚当地人。

【Fancy That】
>'Planking' claims life in Australia
A new craze sweeping the Internet known as 'planking' claimed a life in Australia on Sunday, AFP reports. Planking involves someone lying flat on their stomach with their arms against their bodies in unusual and sometimes dangerous situations, with photographs of their exploits shared through social media sites. It has gone viral in recent weeks with Facebook page Planking Australia boasting over 55,000 fans and hundreds of photos of people lying on train tracks, escalators, fire hydrants, motorbikes and other objects. Police last week warned 'plankers' of the dangers and their fears have been realized with the death of a man in Brisbane who plummeted from a seventh-story balcony and died at the scene.

>3-year-old boy doesn't feel pain
Three-year-old Oliver Jebson doesn't notice when he has hurt himself, the Daily Mail reports. His parents have to watch him extra carefully because he is not able to feel physical pain. He has even split his lip open before without shouting out to his parents. Oliver was diagnosed with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, which affects just one in 50,000 children, at birth. The condition causes sufferers to have stunted growth and occasionally can mean that pain sensors are blocked out. Doctors warned Oliver's parents that he was unlikely to survive beyond his second birthday, but Oliver has beaten the odds and is now making incredible progress. After six operations and dozens of hospital appointments, Oliver has recently taken his first steps and has uttered his first words – years ahead of schedule.
【Daily Wit】
The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools-Doug Larson, American newspaper columnist.
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