


【Weather May 27】
郑州 晴 18℃/31℃
Zhengzhou Clear 18℃/31℃
洛阳 晴 16℃/31℃
Luoyang Clear 16℃/31℃
【Stock Market】
Shanghai: 2736.53; -5.21; -0.19%
Shenzhen: 11530.70; -84.72; -0.73%
>More efforts taken to help graduates find jobs
>Civil war looms in Yemen
>Entrepreneurs 'most supported' in Indonesia
>Lost pyramids found in infrared images
>CEOs can learn from Lady Gaga Lady Gaga
【Top News】
>China establishes cyber PLA
China's Defense Ministry has now revealed that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has established a 'cyber blue team' to better safeguard the Internet security of the armed forces, CRI reported. Ministry spokesperson Geng Yansheng said yesterday that China is relatively weak in its Internet security protection. “Internet security has become a global issue. China has also been the victim of internet attacks.” Geng said.
【In the News】
>More efforts taken to help graduates find jobs
A State Council meeting on Wednesday, presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, agreed that supportive policies must be adopted to encourage graduates to work in less-developed areas, and to become self-employed, Xinhua reported. According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, about 6.6 million Chinese college students will graduate in 2011.

※China's plan to develop more knowledge-based and technology-intensive enterprises should help create more job opportunities. Small and medium-sized enterprises that employ university graduates could enjoy preferential policies in obtaining loans and social security benefits. According to the plan, graduates should also be encouraged to start their own businesses and relevant training and services should be strengthened. Graduates who start their own enterprises can obtain loans worth up to 100,000 yuan and get relevant training subsidies.
>Yangtze River dolphins under threat
The survival of a highly-endangered freshwater dolphin in Yangtze River is under threat from lingering drought as the river's water level keeps dropping, Xinhua reported. The drought in central China, which has lasted for about 200 days, has lowered the water level to 27.38 meters in the Swan Island National Nature Reserve in Hubei Province, according to Wang Ding, a dolphin expert at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 'The level is three meters lower than last year, the lowest level over the past decade,' Wang said. The dolphins’ river habitat has been reduced to an area 10 km long from its 21 km size, Wang said. 'If the activity area is reduced, they might be stranded on the bank and will die if they can not swim back,' he said. The low water level has also endangered aquatic plants, which might decrease the number of fish and ultimately cause a food shortage for the dolphins, he added.
>Civil war looms in Yemen

Heavy explosions rocked the Yemeni capital Sanaa again in the wee hours of the morning Thursday as protests to overthrow president Ali Abdullah Saleh, threatened to descend into civil war, Reuters reports. More than 40 people have been killed since Monday in northern Sanaa where fighters loyal to powerful tribal leader Sadiq al-Ahmar, head of the Hashed tribal federation, have been attacking and trying to take over government buildings including the Interior Ministry. Many of the Hashed fighters had supported Saleh prior to March of this year. Several ministry buildings including the trade and tourism ministries and the offices of the state news agency have fallen under the Hashed tribe's control. Despite Saleh's three-time failure to sign a peace deal, he said: 'I am ready to sign within a national dialogue and a clear mechanism. If the mechanism is sound, we will sign the transition of power deal and we will give up power.'
>Pilots found drunk hours before raid
Two RAF pilots have been sent home in disgrace amid claims they were found drunk just hours before they were due to fly on bombing mission in Libya, the Daily Mail reports. It is believed the pair, who fly £75 million Typhoon Eurofighters, were found almost paralytic at 6 am on the main square in the town of Gioia del Colle, near their base. One was 'spread-eagled' on the floor while the other was barely able to stand, according to The Sun. They have been reprimanded for flouting the RAF's strict rules which state that pilots can drink no more than two pints of beer within 12 hours of flying. The Ministry of Defense said their removal would have no effect on the RAF's mission.

>Entrepreneurs 'most supported' in Indonesia
Indonesia is the best place for entrepreneurs to start a business, a BBC survey has suggested. The US, Canada, India and Australia are seen as among the next best countries at supporting startups. On the other end, Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are among the least entrepreneur-friendly. The results come from a survey of more than 24,000 people across 24 countries. They were asked whether innovation was highly valued in their country; whether it was hard for people like them to start a business; whether people who start businesses were highly valued; and whether people with good ideas could usually put them into practice. All developed economies earned above-average scores except Italy. But there were also plenty of pro-entrepreneur developing economies - India, China and Nigeria were perceived as relatively favorable places for new businesses by their own people.
【In Brief】
>Smokers to face harsh fines
Smokers who light up in public places in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province will be fined 2,000 yuan, the highest fines for a smoking offense in China, Xinhua reports. Off-limits public areas include movie theaters, hospitals, offices, hotels and restaurants.
>Lost pyramids found in infrared images

Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infrared images which located the underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected pyramids in Saqqara, BBC reports.
>'Pirates 4:' $400M in less than one week
Disney's 'Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' jumped the US$400 million mark at the worldwide box office on Tuesday, less than a week following its release, Reuters reported. The film broke US$400 million faster than any other film this year. From director Rob Marshall, 'On Stranger Tides' has grossed a massive US$310.8 million overseas, three times the US$104.4 million it has earned in North America. The 3-D film has done especially well in countries like China and Russia.
据路透社报道,周二,迪斯尼出品的《加勒比海盗: 惊涛怪浪》全球票房冲破4亿美金,这距其公映还不到一周。这部电影打破4亿美元票房的速度比今年的其它影片都要快。《惊涛怪浪》由罗伯·马歇尔执导,海外票房高达3.108亿美元,为北美票房—1.044亿美元的3倍。这部3D电影的票房在包括中国、俄罗斯在内的国家表现尤为良好。

>CEOs can learn from Lady Gaga Lady Gaga
A German business researcher said on Wednesday that pop singer Lady Gaga can school corporations in strategic innovation, Reuters reported. Prof. Martin Kupp at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin said the singer's great success is largely due to her ability to vary how consumers relate to her brand. 'Lady Gaga blurs the industry boundaries and it's not really clear if she's a musician, artist or fashion designer,' said Kupp. 'I think there may be people out there who associate her much more with fashion or with other sorts of entertainment than music'. He credited the singer's social media strategy as a way for businesses to learn new methods to shake up an established industry. 'Social media is not a one-way communication and I think Lady Gaga understands that,' Kupp said. 'It's more about emotions, engagement and interactivity, so she's very advanced.'
据路透社报道,德国一位商业研究人士周三表示,企业可以从流行歌手Lady Gaga那里学习战略创新之道。来自柏林欧洲管理和技术学院的马丁·克虏勃教授说,Lady Gaga的巨大成功主要在于她能让不同的消费者以不同的方式和她的品牌联系起来。克虏勃说: 'Lady Gaga模糊了行业界限。让人搞不清她到底是音乐人,是艺术家,还是时尚设计师。我想一些人更容易把她和时尚或其它娱乐形式联系起来,而非音乐。'他还赞扬了这名歌手的社交媒体战略,认为企业可以从Lady Gaga身上学习影响一个业已成型行业的新方法。克虏勃说: '社交媒体不是单向交流,Lady Gaga深谙其道。社交媒体强调的是感情、参与和互动,所以她很超前。'

【Fancy That】
>Compressed air turns NZ trucker into human balloon
A New Zealand truck driver Steven McCormack said he was standing on his truck's foot plate when he slipped and fell, breaking a compressed air hose off an air reservoir that powered the truck's brakes. He fell hard onto the brass fitting, which pierced his left buttock and started pumping air into his body at 100 pounds a square inch, AP reports. McCormack's workmates heard his screams and ran to him, quickly releasing a safety valve to stop the air flow. He was rushed to the hospital with terrible swelling and fluid in one lung. Doctors said the air had separated fat from muscle in McCormack's body, but had not entered his bloodstream.

【Daily Wit】
I have never met an author who admitted that people did not buy his book because it was dull. ---William Somerset Maugham, English playwright and novelist.
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