


【Weather Aug.11】
济南 多云转雷阵雨 32℃/25℃
青岛 多云 30℃/24℃
【Stock Market】
Shanghai: 2607.50; +12.22; +0.47%
Shenzhen: 10806.63; +91.23; +0.85%
>Pregnant women exempted from working in heat
>Urban residents unhappy
>Putin helps put out wildfires
>90% of women sexually harassed
>Jordan to present Pippen into HOF
【Top News】
>WHO: H1N1 pandemic over
The World Health Organization declared the swine flu pandemic officially over Tuesday, Xinhua reported. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the world is no longer in phase six - the highest influenza alert level – and is now moving into the post-pandemic period. The immediate post-pandemic period is 'unpredictable,' she warned, and continued vigilance is extremely important. The H1N1 influenza was first identified in North America last April, and because of its fast spread, the WHO raised its alert level to the top phase of six, meaning a pandemic was under way, two months later. So far more than 214 countries and territories or communities have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of the pandemic influenza, including at least 18,449 deaths, according to WHO data. 新华社报道,世界卫生组织周二宣布甲型H1N1流感大流行结束。世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍称,世界目前已不再处于流感大流行6级,即警戒级别的最高级状态,我们正在进入大流行后时期。她提出警告,后流感大流行阶段仍具有不可预测性, 各国卫生当局仍需继续保持警惕。甲型流感去年4月首先在北美暴发,随后迅速蔓延。世卫组织去年6月把流感大流行警戒级别提升至最高级6级。据世卫组织最新数据,全球有214个国家和地区报告了甲型流感确诊病例,出现至少18449个死亡病例。
【Shandong News】
>Pregnant women exempted from working in heat
Pregnant women in Shandong Province are exempted from outdoor work when temperatures exceed 35 degrees Celsius or indoors when inside temperatures are higher than 33 degrees, according to the provincial human resources and social security department. The authorities also strictly forbid working overtime, especially under extremely hot conditions and urge all employers in the province to issue heat compensation to workers on time.

【In the News】
>Urban residents unhappy
A Fashion Health magazine survey found that more than 90% of the 69,000 people polled nationwide feel lonely living in big cities, China Daily reported. Most of the respondents live in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. Nearly half of them said they were unhappy with their living conditions, while another 20% are 'extremely discontent' with their living conditions. Nearly half said they are not satisfied with the money they make or save, while 20% said they were extremely unsatisfied with their incomes. More than 35% said the pressures of city life were keeping them from sleeping well at nights, while 75% claimed they don't know of a proper channel to vent their frustrations.
>Dalí's hometown to be recreated
China Merchants Zhangzhou will build a replica of the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí's hometown, Cadaqués, in Xiamen Bay, the Guardian reported. Sources at the company said they had found a spot that was geographically similar to Cadaqués. More than 100 acres of land will be used to build a near replica with a capacity to house some 15,000 Chinese holidaymakers. One Chinese architect told the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia that they would recreate the essence of the fishing town and will reproduce the most characteristic elements. The company also wanted to make art a central part of the new town, with space for galleries. A spokesman said that the construction will start in September or October.

>Putin helps put out wildfires
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin climbed into a Be-200 firefighting plane Tuesday and dumped water on two of the hundreds of wildfires sweeping through western Russia and cloaking Moscow in suffocating smog, the AP reported. After his firefighting flight, Putin visited another village destroyed by fire and again promised residents that they would be fully compensated. The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday, but the concentration of pollutants remained high. Damage from the fires is expected to hit $15 billion, or about 1% of Russia's gross domestic product.

【In Brief】
>Buildings collapse after landslide
河岸滑坡 7居民楼倒入江中(图)
A landslide yesterday afternoon hit the riverbank along several residential buildings in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Daily reported. Seven buildings collapsed into the Hejiang River. People discovered before the landslide around 9 a.m. cracks and tilting in the buildings and moved out. No one was injured or killed in the landslide. Investigators are looking for the cause for the buildings' collapse.

>LHC capable of time travel
Russian scientists said time travel is possible through the Large Hadron Collider but noted it will only happen when the collider is working at full capacity, according to the Macedonia International News Agency. The LHC is capable of distorting space and time in its 27-kilometer ring circuit, the largest in the world, and generate a wormhole, a space-time tunnel that leads to another time or space. If some of the collision energy in the collider disappears, then this can be explained by the creation of particles that pierce time through wormholes, scientists explain.
>Trade surplus widens further
China's trade surplus jumped in July to its highest level in 18 months, the Financial Times reported. The trade surplus for July increased to $28.7 billion, well ahead of the $20 billion recorded in June and significantly above analyst forecasts, according to data released Tuesday.
>Jordan to present Pippen into HOF
Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan, the textbook-style Chicago Bulls teammates who won six NBA championships in the 1990s, will soon reunite in the Hall of Fame, the Chicago Tribune reported. Pippen announced that Jordan would serve as his presenter when he is inducted. 'I can't think of a better person to do it,' Pippen said on the Bulls' website. Pippen was a seven-time All-Star and 10-time All Defensive Team player during his career and also a member of the 1992 Dream Team, but was always said to be playing under Jordan's shadow.
斯科蒂·皮蓬和迈克尔·乔丹 - 这对教科书式的芝加哥公牛队的亲密伙伴,在90年代并肩浴血奋战,勇夺6次NBA总冠军,将很快在名人堂再次相遇。《芝加哥论坛报》报道称皮蓬宣布乔丹将成为他入选名人堂的引荐人: '我想不出更合适的人了',皮蓬在公牛队官网上如是说道。皮蓬7入选全明星,10次入选最佳防守阵容,也被征召梦之队,参加了92年奥运会,但他一直被认为生活在乔丹的阴影之下。

>Is the shark a lonely hunter?
Sharks have a reputation of hunting alone but a group of researchers in Bahamas have found that lemon sharks spend more time in close proximity of each other than previously thought, Discovery News reported. One juvenile lemon shark in field trial showed sociable signs as it made contact with nine other juveniles on multiple occasions and for up to seven minutes at a time. This study's finding is valuable not only to a deeper understanding of shark behavior – which is still largely unexplained – but also for protection of this species, the researchers say.

【Fancy That】
>90% of women sexually harassed 90%
A study has found that nine in 10 women have suffered some form of sexual discrimination in the workplace, the Daily Mail reported. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that 10% of the women surveyed had experienced the most severe form of harassment, in which they were promised promotion or better treatment if they were 'sexually cooperative.' The study questioned women in two male-dominated environments – the U.S. military and the legal profession. It found that although few were subjected to actual advances, such as being groped, 90% had been subjected to gender harassment. This included offensive remarks about their appearance, body or sexual activities. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,研究发现,90%的职场女性遭遇过不同形式的性别歧视。密歇根大学的研究者发现,10%的受访女性遭遇过最为严重的性骚扰,并得到允诺说如果在这种性关系上持配合态度的话,就会得到晋升或更好的待遇。在美国,以男性为主导的军方和法律界,尽管女性很少受到抚摸等实质性侵犯,但多达90%的人的确受到过骚扰,听到过关于她们的长相﹑身材﹑或是性行为等极具攻击性的言论。

>Competing for mates shorten men's lives
Although the link between gender ratio and longevity has been shown in animals, a new study published in the journal Demography is thought to be the first to show the impact in humans, Reuters reported. It shows that men who face plenty of competition to find a mate have slightly shorter lives and that gender imbalance – when men outnumber women – affects male longevity by an average of about three months. 'If you're having a hard time finding a mate, it winds up affecting your body and how long you live,' said Professor Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School. Three months may not seem like much, he added, but it is comparable to the effects of taking a daily aspirin or engaging in moderate exercise.
【Language Tips】
'A bad hair day'意思是'不顺利的一天:
Do you ever have days when nothing seems to be going right? Well, I'm sure you do - in English you can call this a bad hair day. 基本上是和头发没有关的,倒霉的事情致使你情绪低迷,倒霉的事情接踵而至。
What's the matter Sam? You look upset.
Oh, it's nothing, I'm just having a bad hair day – everything's going wrong.
除此之外,如果为了表达诙谐的语气,a bad hair day还可以指物。 My computer is having a bad hair day. 我的电脑今天罢工了。
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