



作者:刘铁侠(Dennis),美籍华人。长期从事美国政治、军事、经济的研究,曾经在旧金山成立金融投资公司(源丰泰投资),并荣获1989年全美比賽第一名;后担任美國运通(American Express)资深投资顾问,华尔街大鳄摩根史丹利(Morgan Stanley)资深副总裁,美联投資集团(Vachovia)资深副总裁。

邮箱: dennisliu818@yahoo.com




Betty Ong1:   Number 3 in the back. The cockpit’s not answering. Somebody’s stabbed in business class and…I think there’s mace…that we can’t breath. I don’t know, I think we are being hijacked.            

 男子声音:    你在哪班飞机上?

Male voice:  Which flight are you on?


Betty Ong:  Flight 12.


 Operator:      And what seat are you in? … Ma’am, are you there? …        


Betty Ong:      yes.

男子声音:    你坐在哪个位子?还在线上吗?

Male voice:     What seat are you in?


 Betty Ong:      We’re…just left Boston, we’re up in the air.

 女子声音:    我知道,那……….

Female Voice:   I know, What…


Betty Ong 5:  We’re supposed to go to L.A.and the cockpit’s not     answering their phone.

女子声音:    好的,但你在哪个位子上?你的坐位号码是多少号?

 Okay, but seat are you sitting in ? What’s the number of your seat?


Betty Ong 6:   OkayI’m in my jump seat.

女子声音:    好的

Female Voice:  Okay

贝蒂7: 我坐在3R

Betty Ong 7;    At 3R

男子声音:    OK,你是空姐?对不起,刚才你说你是空姐?

Male Voice:     Okay, you are the flight attendant? I’m sorry, did you say you’re the flight attendant?  


Betty Ong 8;    hello

女子声音:    喂,我在…….

Female Voice:    hello

男子声音:    你叫什么名字?

Male Voice;    What is your name?


Betty Ong 9 :   Hi, you’re going to have to speak up, I can’t hear you.

男子声音:    好的,你叫什么名字?

Male Voice:    Sure.What’s your name?

贝蒂10是,我贝蒂翁,是 11次航飞机上的3号服务员

Betty Ong 10:  Okay, my name is Betty Ong. I’m number 3 on flight 11.

男子声音:    明白。

Male Voice:      Okay

贝蒂11驾驶舱里没人接电话,在商务舱里有旅客被刺了,还 ….. 我们喘不过气来,有人喷了辣椒剂那样的东西。

Betty Ong 11:  And the cockpit is not answering their phone. And there’s somebody stabbed in business. And there’s…we can’t breath in the business class. Somedoby had mace or something.

男子声音:    你能不能再讲一遍那个人,那个商务舱的旅客怎么啦??

Male voice:    Can you describe the person that you said—someone is what in business class?  


Betty Ong 12:  I’m sitting in the back. Somebody’s coming back from business. If you you can hold on for one second, they are coming back. 


Betty Ong 13:  Okay, Our number one is stabbed. Our purser is stabbed. Nobody knows who is stabbed who, and we can’t even get up to the  business class right now cause nobody can breath . Our number one is stabbed right now. And who else is…  

男子声音:    明白了,那我们

Male voice:    Okay, and do we…

贝蒂14还有我们的5….头等舱的旅客……厨房的服务员和机长被刺,我们进不去驾驶舱, 那儿的门打不开,喂?

Betty Ong 14:  and our number 5—our first class passengers are—galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can’t get into the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello?  

男子声音:    是,我们在纪录,所有的情况,我们还有,你这也知道,当然,会录下全部,到目前

Male voice:    Yeah, I’m taking it down. All the information. We’re also, you know, of course, recording this. At this point…

女子声音:    这里是调度,我们在谈论的是哪一班飞机?

Female Voice:  This is operation. What flight are we talking about?

男子声音:    航班12

Male voice:     Flight 12

女子声音:    航班12,好, 我们正在得到

Female Voice:   Fligth 12? Okay.I’m getting…


Betty Ong 15:   No.We’re on flight 11 right now. This is Flight 11.

男子声音:    是航班11,对不起娜迪娅

Male voice:     It’s Flight 11, I’m sorry Nydia. 

贝蒂16:      波士顿飞往洛杉矶

Betty Ong 16:   Boston to Los Angeles


Male voice:     Yes

贝蒂17: 我们的1号被刺, 5号也被刺,能有人进到驾驶舱里?能不能有人进入驾驶舱?好,我们进不了驾驶舱,我们不知道究竟谁在里面。

Betty Ong 17:  Our number one has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Okey. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Okey.We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there.

男子声音:    这样的,如果那些人聪明的话,当然会把舱门锁上

Male voice:    Well, if they are shrewed they would keep the door closed and…


Betty Ong 18:   I’m sorry?

男子声音:    难道他们不想独霸驾驶舱吗?

Male voice:    Would they not maintain a sterile cockpit?


Betty Ong 19 I think the guys are up there. They might have gone there-jam the way up there, or something. Nobody can call the cockpit. We can’t even get inside. Is anybody still there?

男子声音:    是的,我们在听。

Yes, we are listening.

女子声音:    是的

Female voice:   Okay


Betty Ong 20:   I’m still on the line as well.


Male voice:     Okay


这时,美国航空公司的调度经理娜蒂娅·根绍列丝(Nydia Gonzolas)在电话上开始讲话。

Male voice:     Okay

娜迪娅:      喂,谁在打定位中心的电话?是不是那位空姐?还是谁?你是什么人? 

Nydia:        Who’s calling reservation? Is this one of the flight attendants, or who? Whon are you, hun?

男子声音:  她说她叫贝蒂·奥妮格

Male Voice: She gave her name as Betty Ong

贝蒂21:是的, 我是3, 是这班飞机上的3, 我们是第一个

Betty Ong 21       Yeah, I’m munber 3 on this flight and we are the first…

娜迪娅:     你是这班飞机上的3号?

Nydia:       You are number 3 on this flight?


Betty Ong 22:  Yes and I have…

娜迪娅:      这是航班11? 从哪飞往哪里?

Nydia:        And this is flight 11, from where to where?


Betty Ong 23:   Flight 11

娜迪娅:      你还打电话给了其他人吗?

Nydia:         Have you guys called anyone else?

贝蒂24:没有, 但有人打电话叫医疗急救,但叫不到医生……

Betty Ong 24: No.Somebody’s calling medical and we can’t get a doc—( beep


男子声:      这是美国航空公司紧急情况专线,请说明是何种紧急状况?

Male Voice:   American Airlines emergencyline, please state your emergency.

娜迪娅:      喂,这儿是美国航空公司的娜迪娅,我关注处理11 次航班的一个电话,有个飞机上的空姐正告诉我们的接线员说飞机上的驾驶员和每个人都被刺伤。

Nydia:        This is Nydia at American Airlines calling. I’m monitoring a call in which Flight 11—the flight attendant is advising our reps that the pilot, everyone’s been stabbed.

男子声:      航班11

Male Voice;    Flight 11?

娜迪娅:      是的。他们进不去驾驶舱,这是他们刚告诉我的情况

Nydia:        Yep.They can’t get into the cockpit is what I’m hearing.

男子声:      明白了。你是哪位?

Male Voice:    Okay. Who is this I’m talking to?       

娜迪娅:      不好意思,我叫娜迪娅,是美国航空公司的在拉雷的订位中心。我是值班的调度专家人。

Nydia:        Excuse me. This is Nydia, American Airlines at the Raleigh Reservation Center.I’m the operation specialist on duty. 

男子声:      对不起,再说一遍你的名字?

Male Voice:   And I’m sorry, what was your name again?

娜迪娅:      娜迪娅

Nydia:        Nydia

男子声:      娜迪娅. 你姓什么?

Nydia:        Nydia. And what’s your last name?

娜迪娅:      根塞勒丝

Nydia:        Gonzales

男子声:      是拉雷订票中心,好,那你

Male Voice:    Raleigh Redervations. Okay, now when you-- 

娜迪娅:      我这儿正有飞机上的空姐和我们的业务员在线上。

Nydia:         I’ve got the flight attendant on the line with one of our agents

男子声:      好,她在电话上?

Male Voice:    Okay. And she’s calling now?

娜迪娅:      通过订位中心的电话,我可以过去听电话,然后问这个空姐一些问题。

Nydia:        Through  reservations.I can going in on the line and ask the flight attendant some questions.

男子声:      我想他们已经宣布了紧急状况,让我通知航管中心,不要挂线.

Male Voice:   Okay…I’m assuming they’ve decleared an emergency. Let me get ATC on here. Stand by.  

娜迪娅:      你们还有没有跟其他人联络?好在专线不要挂。OK,贝蒂,你干得好,不要慌,冷静,我们正通知航管中心

Nydia:        Have you guys  gotten any contact with anybody? Okay, I’m still on with security, okay, Betty? You’re doing a great job, just stay calm. Okay? We are absolutely.

男子声:      我们正设法跟飞机上的机师联络,正在通知航管中心

Male Voice:    Okay, we’re contacting the flight crew and we’re …we’re also contacting the ATC.  

娜迪娅:      好,但经济舱的旅客们还不知道前面发生了什么事

Nydia:        Okay. It seems like the passengers in coach might not be aware of what’s going on right now. 

男子声:      那两个乘客(劫机恐怖分子 )是头等舱的?

Male Voice;   These two passengers were from first class?

娜迪娅:      好,稍等,喂,贝蒂, 那两位先生(劫机恐怖分子)你没有没消息?就是那两位和驾驶员一起在驾驶舱的?什么?他们是头等舱的?坐位是2A2B.

Nydia:        Okay. Hold on. Hey, Betty, do you know any information as far as the gents…the men that are in the cockpit with pilots. Were they from the first class? They were sitting in 2A and 2B. 

男子声:      明白

Male Voice:    Okay.

娜迪娅:      他们日前在驾驶舱与驾驶员在一起.

Nydia:        They are in the cockpit with the pilots.  

男子声:      有人帮他们吗?飞机上有医生吗?

Male Voice:    Who’s helping them, is there’re a doctor on board? 

娜迪娅:      有没有医生,贝蒂?飞机上有医生吗?你已把头等舱的旅客全部都撤出?

Nydia:        Is there a doctor on board, Betty, that’s assisting you guys? You don’t have any doctors on board. Okay. So you’ve gotten all the first class passengers out of first class?

男子声:      头等舱所有旅客已经出来?

Male Voice:    Have they taken anyone out of first class? 

娜迪娅:      是的,她说他们已经出来了,全在经济舱。怎么啦? 贝蒂,亲爱的,飞机又在摇摆不定?飞机在摇晃。她确实有说头等舱的旅客全部换到了经济舱,头等舱已全空,你那边怎么样?

Nydia:        Yeah, she’s just saying that they have. They’re in coach. What’s going on honey ? Okay, the aircraft is erratic again. Flying very erratically. She did say that all the first class passengers have been moved back to coach, so the first class cabin is empty. What’s going on your end? 

男子声:      我们已经通知航管中心,他们已确定把这作为劫机事件来处理,把其他所有的飞机从那班飞机的航线上移开.

Male Voice:   We contacted the Air Traffic Control, they are going to handle this as a confirmed hijacking. So they are moving all the traffic out of this aricraft’s way. 

娜迪娅:      明白

Nydia:        Okay.

男子声:      飞机上的飞行识别仪被关闭,所以不知道飞机的确切高度,他们(航管中心)在传统的雷达上注视着飞机,他们发觉飞机正在下降

Male voice:    He turned his transponder off, so we don’t have a definitive altitude for him. We are just going by—they seem to think that they have him on the primary radar. They seem to think that he is descending.

娜迪娅:      明白

Nydia:         Okay.

男子声:      娜迪娅,听见吗?

Nydia:        Okay, Nydia?

娜迪娅:      我在,全明白

Nydia:        Yes dear, I’m here.

男子声:      这儿有个调度,正在计算飞机上的油料。

Male Voice:   I have a dispatcher currently taking the current fuel on board.  

娜迪娅:      是、

Nydia:         Uh, huh.

男子声:      我们要查一些档案资料。

Male Voice:   And we are going to run some profiles.

娜迪娅:      明白

Nydia:        Okay.

男子声:      来看看飞机能忍耐多少(油料能维持飞机多久)

Male Voice:   To see exactly that his endurance is.

娜迪娅:      明白

Nydia:        Okay.

男子声:      那她(指贝蒂)

Male Voice:   Did she…

娜迪娅:      她(指贝蒂)不知道是否还有其他同伙一起进到头等舱。很明显的,他们喷了一些东西,所以他们(指空姐和乘客)无法呼吸,也进不了那个舱区。

怎么啦 ?贝蒂?贝蒂?请讲话,贝蒂,还在线上吗?贝蒂??(一片寂静)好, 就先这样吧,电话不要挂断,我想她可能断线了

Nydia:      She does not have any idea who the other passenger might be in the first. Apparently they might have spread something so it’s—they are having a hard time breathing or getting in that area. Okay, so we’ll like… we’ll stay open. We, I think we might have lost her.


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