

Organic wine, the next big trend for Australian imports.





From gutter oil to Sanlu milk powder, from dichlorvos ham topoppy-shell hot pot, gutter oil, Sudan red and clenbuterol, food safety issues have emerged one after another in China in recent years.

China's food safety problem has been criticized by the broad masses of the people, and even some people called it "this is an era of poisoning each other". Those who grow vegetables do not eat their own food, and those who make steamed bread do not eat their own steamed bread. As a result, Chinese consumers have a strong demand for safe and hygienic food.

The concept of "organic" has become increasingly popular in China in recent years, as incomes have risen and the pursuit of quality of life has escalated. In the general trend, more consumers will prefer organic wine.

The definition of organic wine is to pass the official "organic certification". No pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers are used in grape planting, and sulfur dioxide and other chemical additives are also used as a minimum in wine making.

The state of global organic wine

In recent years, the popularity of organic wine has been increasing worldwide. Over the past decade, global organic wine sales have grown by acombined 261%.

Organic wine's share of the European market has grown by 15% in adecade, and the area of organic vineyards in Spain has even tripled in the past eight years.

In addition, Argentina has become a major producer of organic wines inrecent years, exporting 3.5 billion liters this year.

China's organic wine market

According to the current market data, China's organic wine market has not yet started, with organic wine consumption accounting for 0.5% and organic wine consumption accounting for 0.9%.

Although organic wine sales in China have been poor, according to market research, there are two main reasons for the phenomenon.

First, dealers are not very active in promoting organic wine. Nowadays, with the fierce competition in the wine channel field, distributor stend to adopt a relatively conservative business strategy. In fact, they tend to prefer products with relatively low cost and products with high popularity.

Most dealers are only willing to deal in well-known wine regions, such asbordeaux cabernet sauvignon and Australia's syrah, but they are not willing to try new products. That, plus the fact that organic wine producers tend to demand more from their distributors, also makes it harder to work with.

Second, because there are fewer organic wines on the market, the scar city of rare and expensive materials leads to the high price of organic wines. Compared with non-organic wines with the same taste quality, many organic wines are more than twice as expensive, deviating from the due cost performance, which makes many interested consumers turn away. 

In addition, fewer categories cannot provide consumers with a wide range of choices. Even ifthe concept of "organic" is good, consumers are still concerned about the quality, taste and packaging of organic wines.

Because the cost of producing organic wine is higher, it is reason able for the market retail price of organic wine to be 10-20% higher than that of traditional wine. Many Chinese consumers, including those in the first, second and third-tier cities, generally say that they are willing to buy organic wine even if it is 15% more expensive. Thus, the demand for organic wine among Chinese consumers is great.

Australia's organic wine industry

Australia also attaches great importance to the production of organic wine in the world. Even regions such as the McLaren valley have taken sustainability to the appellation level, and there are a number of large and medium-sized wineries in Australia that produce thousands of tons of organic wine a year.

Australia's own organic wine market has also grown rapidly in recent years. Local organic wine sales rose 40 per cent to a $24m this year. Onaverage, six out of ten Australian households have consumed organic wine. 

However, 40% of Australian organic wine consumers also say that the channels of organic wine are still under developed, and they often cannot buy organic wine when they want to drink it.

In terms of Australian organic wine export, the export volume increased by nearly 400 percent in the past four years, with an average annual growth rate of 40 percent. Britain and Sweden are now Australia's biggest exporters of organic wine.

Source: Wine Australia


Organic wine in China has huge potential in the future because there is already a real market demand for it, but the organic wine market has not been developed, mainly because of restrictions on commercial channels.

If the demand for organic wine in the Chinese market is developed, the import of organic wine from Australia will have a huge advantage. Compared with American organic wine, Australian wine has tariff price advantage; Compared with the production mode of small workshops and small fruit farmers in France, Australian organic wine has the advantages of large scale and low cost.

Australian wines have an edge on organic wines from Spain. Compared with organic wines from Chile and Argentina, Australian wines have the advantages of brand name and popularity.

There is already a demand for organic wine in China, and it is only amatter of time before the market is developed. Therefore, the import of Australian organic wine is likely to be the next big trend in the Chinese winemarket.

- The End - 


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