



1.---_________I take the hook out?

  ---I'm afraid not.

   A Will               B. May               C. Must               D. Need

2.If you_______ go, at least wait until the storm is over.

   A can               B. may                C. must               D. will

3.---Hi, Tom! Any idea where Jane is?

 --- She ________ in the classroom. I saw herthere just now.

   A shall be       B should have been        C. must be        D. might have been

4.---What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

   ---You ________ do anything except to bewith them and be yourself.

   A. don't have to       B. oughtn't to      C. mustn't        D. can’t

5.One of the few things you ________ say about English people withcertainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.

    A need              B must         C. should         D. can

6.It __________be the postman at the door. It’s only six o'clock

    A mustn’t           B can't           C. won’t        D. needn't

7.You _________ park here.  It's anemergency exit.

   A wouldn't          B needn't         C. couldn’t         D. mustn't

8.If we ________ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for themeeting.

   A take            B had taken         C. took           D. have taken

9.---It’s in the office! So you ________ know eating is not allowed here.  

  ---Oh. sorry.

   A must            B. will          C. may            D. need

10.Although this ________ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.

   A. must           B may             C. shall              D. should

11.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I'd rather he_______ more on its culture.

   A. focus        B. focused        C. would focus      D. had focused

12.---May I take this book out of the reading room?

   ---No. you _______. You read it here.

   A. mightn’t        B. won’t       C. needn’t       D. mustn't

13.I _______ through that bitter period without your generous help.

    A. couldn’t have gone       B didn’t go      C. wouldn’t go      D. hadn't gone

14.John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, and he has never smoked eversince.

   A. might         B should         C. could       D.would

15.I have told you the truth ________ I kept repeating it?

   A. Must             B Can                 C. May                 D. Will

16.In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _______take care ofyour luggage.

   A .can       B. may          C. must         D. will

17.Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he ________.

   A was busy         B. is busy     C. had been busy     D. will be busy

18.---How's your new babysitter?

    ---We ________ask for a better one. All ourkids love her so much

   A should          B might            C. mustn't           D. couldn’t

19.Jack described his father, who ________a brave boy many years ago, as astrong-willed man

   A would be       B would have been      C. must be     D. must have been

20.---l haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subjectnext month.

    ---Don't worry. You _______ have it byFriday.

   A could           B shall           C. must           D. may

21.---I don't care what people think.  

   ---well, you _______.

   A. could         B would           C. should       D. might

22.---I can't find my purse anywhere.

   ---You _______have lost it while shopping.

   A. may           B. can         C. should        D. would

23.You don't have to know the name of the author to find a book. You ______ findthe book by the title.

   A must         B need         C. can          D. would

24.My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where_______ I have put it?

   A can          B. must        C. should       D.would

25.He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _______ it differently.

    A could express                       B would express

    C. could have expressed                D. must have expressed

26.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _______better.

    A need have done                     B must have done

    C. can have done                     D. might have done

27.---I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railwayofficial.

   --- How unbelievable to get it back! I meansomeone ________ it.

    A will have stolen                       B might have stolen

    C. should have stolen                     D. must have stolen

28.---Turn off the TV, Jack . ________ your homework now?

   ---Mum, just ten more minutes, please.

    A Should you be doing                  B. Shouldn't you be doing

    C. Couldn't you be doing                D. Will you be doing

29.The teacher ______ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't havewasted time on him. I suppose.

  A should            B can            C. would           D. must

30.The party was a great success. Jack _______ have attended it. What a pity.

  A could               R would              C. must                D. should

31.The well-dressed lady was caught stealing in the fashion shop. Strangelyenough, she ________ have done such a thing.

A.would              B. must            C. should            D. might

32.For the engine to work, the green button _______ be in the “on” position.

Acan                 B. would          C. must             D. might

33.---Yesterdayyou were so late, the boss _______ you.

  --- Of course such behavior should be blamed,but he couldn't.

  A. must have blamed    B. should blame     C. could have blamed   D. may blame

34.---George had to give a speech in front of 5 000 people

   ---Whew! That's a big audience. He ________ nervous.

   ---He was, but nobody could tell.

  A should have been    B might be      C. must have been     D. could be

35.If you had been more careful, you _______ the traffic accident.

  A could have avoided    B. must have avoided   C. could avoid   D. would avoid

36.---Has Tim started? He said he would join in the party.

   ---He ________ . He is a man of his word.

  A could have left       B must have left        C. can't come      D. won't be coming

37.---l want someone to write the composition for me

   ---No! As a student, you _______ depend onyourself.

  A shall            B. will            C. can            D. may

38.They live on a busy road. There ________ be a lot of noise from the traffic.

  A must            B. may            C. would         D. could

39.You don't have to go to the bookstore to get the book. You ______ call me and Iwill send it to you.

  A must            B. need            C. can            D. would

40.---Mum, would you please buy me a MP5 player?

   ---If you can help do the dishes the wholevacation, you _______ have one as a reward.

  A must            B. need            C. would          D. shall

41.---Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I _______ late yesterday.

---Don't mention it.

  A should be       B. would be     C. will have been      D. would have been

42.If people eat natural poisons by mistake, they ________ go to hospital withoutdelay.

Awould             B can              C. may              D. must

43.I tried more than once to persuade the taxi driver to slow down, but he just _______listen.

  A. shouldn't          B mustn't            C. couldn't          D. wouldn't

44.It is usually warm in spring in Anhui, but it _______be rather cold sometimes.

  A should            R would             C. must            D. can

45.---I wonder if I _______ smoke here.

   ---No, you _______.You see, there is a"NO SMOKING sign here.

  A may; needn't   B must; can't      C shall; won't        D. can. mustn't

46.The current economic situation requires that we _______ strengthen ourconfidence and make every effort to promote growth and balanceddevelopment.                    .

  A need              B would           C. could            D. should

47.She gave me a list in case I ______ forget what to buy.

  A must              B should         C. might          D. would

48.It is required that the students ________ mobile phones in their school, soseldom _______ them using one.

  A. should not use, you will see

  B. not use; will you see

  C. mustn't use I; will you see

  D. not use; you will see

49.---Steve _______come back because the window is open.

   ---Yes, but he _______left it open lastnight.

     A must have; might have

     B might have; can't have

     C. can have; should have

     D. might; must have

50.---Can I know your plans for this summer holiday?

    ---Mm. of course! But I'm just thinkingabout this. I ______ be a volunteer social worker.

A might             B should          C. must         D. need

51.Look at the trouble we're in. If only we ________our teacher’s advice!

A. took        B.would take        C. would have taken      D. had taken

52---IsBlake still absent from class?

---I think he _______be punished ifhe goes on with it.

A. will    B. must   C. can    D. shall



11—20  BDADA CADDB  


31—40  CCACA  BAACD    

41—50   DDDDD  DBBAA    

51—52  DD


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