



1. Iwon’t call you, ______ something unexpected happens.

  A. unless     B. whether      C. because        D. while

2.We all know that, ______, the situation will get worse.

A.not if dealt carefully with   B. if notcarefully dealt with

C.if dealt not carefully with   D. not ifcarefully dealt with

3.____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. 

A.If             B. Since      C. Though       D. When

4.Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influencedour language.

  A. as         B.that         C. which      D.where

5.Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ______ they are not managedcarefully.

  A. though      B. before      C. until       D. if

6._____ I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive.

AAs             BSince            CIf          DWhile

7.The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a longtime _____ we meet them again.

  A. after      B. before           C. since         D. when

8.Leave your key with a neighbor ______you lock yourself out one day.

A.ever since      B. even if        C. soon after           D. in case

9.Tim is in good shape physically ______ he doesn’t get much exercise.

  A. if   B. even though    C. unless    D. as long as

10.You will be successful in the interview ______ you have confidence.

A.before   B. once     C. until    D. though

11.______ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

  A. However a serious problem             B. What a serious problem

  C. However serious a problem             D. What serious a problem

12.He was told that it would be at least three more months ______ he could recoverand return to work.

  A. when       B. before              C.since                D. that

13. ______thereis a snowstorm or some other bad weather, the mail always comes on time.

ABecause   BIf      CWhen         DUnless

14._______tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.

AHowever theweather is like        BHowever is the weather like

CWhatever is theweather like       DWhatever the weather is like

15.______ our manager objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept him as amember.                       

 A. Until            B. Unless          C If            D. After

16.Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, ____ they knew it to be valuable.

  A. as if    B. now that      C. eventhough     D. so that

17.My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _____there is a power out.

A.if        B. unless       C. in case        D. so that

18.We had to wait half an hour _____ we had already booked a table.

A.since       B. although          C. until            D. before

19.--- Where’s that report? 

   --- I brought it to you ______ you were inMr. Black’s office yesterday.

A.if         B. when          C. because           D. before

20.--- Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?

   --- I don’t mind where we go ______ there’ssun, sea and beach.   

  A. as if      B. as long as      C. nowthat      D. in order that

21---Do you have a minute?   I’ve gotsomething to tell you.  

  --- Ok, ______ you make it short.

A.now that          B. if only          C. so long as         D. every time

22.Nancy enjoyed herself so much _____ she visited her friends in Sydney lastyear.

  A. that             B. which           C. when               D. where

23.John thinks it won’t be long ______he is ready for his new job.                

  A. when      B. after       C. before      D. since

24.He found it increasingly difficult to read, ______ his eyesight was beginningto fail.

A.though      B. for      C.but        D. so

25.You’d better not leave the medicine ______ kids can get it.

A.even if     B. which      C. where      D. so that

26.______ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.

A.Whatever    B. Whenever     C. Wherever      D. However

27.I used to love that film ______ I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way anymore.

A.once    B. when     C. since   D. although

28.A small car is big enough for a family of three _____ you need more space forbaggage.

A.once    B. because     C. if     D. unless

29.There were some chairs left over _____ everyone had sat down.

  A. when       B. until         C. that       D. where

30.Don’t promise anything ______ you are one hundred percent sure.

A.whether      B. after     C. how    D. unless

31.— Did you return Fred’s call? 

   — I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see himtomorrow.

  A. though             B.unless         C.when         D.because

32.I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ____ Brianget back.

A.before       B.since        C.till       D.after

33.We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ it rains or it’s very cold.

  A. since     B. if         C. unless       D. until

34.--- Are you ready for Spain 

   --- Yes, I want the girls to experience that______ they are young.

A.while     B. until      C. if       D. before

35.______ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountainclimbing.

A.However      B. Whatever     C. No matter      D. Although

36.She had just finished her homework _____her mother asked her to practiceplaying the piano yesterday.

A.when           B. while            C. after            D.since

37.My parents don’t mind what job I do ______ I am happy.

A.even though       B. as soon as        C. as long as     D. as though

38.You can’ t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your studentcard.

A.before      B. if        C. while       D. as

39.Peter was so excited _______ he received an invitation from his friend to visitChongqing.

A.where       B. that     C. why           D. when

40.All the dishes in this menu, _____ otherwise stated, will serve two to threepeople.

A.as         B. if        C. though       D. unless

41.Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break _____ she gotto her office.

A.since            B. that              C. when           D. until

42.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _____ he wanted to sit next tohis wife.

A.although        B. unless            C. because          D. if

43.You may use room as you like ____ you clean it up afterwards

A.so far as    B. so long as   C. in case  D. even if

44.Mary made coffee _____ her guests were finishing their meal.

A.so that           B although       C. while           D. as if

45.The little boy won’t go to sleep _____ his mother tells him a story.  

A.or   B. unless    C. but    D. whether

46.Tom was about to close the windows_____ his attention was caught by a bird.

A.when           B. if              C. and           D. till

47.The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoors sportsactivities, ____ they have the interest.

A.wherever         B. whenever        C. even if             D. as if

48.--- Our holiday cost a lot of money.

   ---Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter _____ you enjoyed yourselves.

A.as long as   B. unless    C. assoon as      D. though

49._______they decide which college to go to, students should research theadmission procedures.

  A. As              B. While          C. Until            D. Once

50. Thegirl had hardly rung the bell _____the door was opened suddenly, and her friendrushed out to greet her.

  A. before             B. until             C. as              D. since


  1--5   ABABD      6--10  DBDBB   

11--15 CBDDB    16--20  CCBBB    

21--25 CCCBC    26--30  DBDAD  

31--35 DACAA    36--40  ACADD  

41--45 CCBCB    46--50  ACADA


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