




1. When he was a boy, he used to go thereand watch _____.

A. to repairbicycles                  B. bicycles to berepaired

C. bicycles being repaired            D. repairing bicycles

2. --- Have you considered _____your job as a teacher?

--- Yes. I like the jobbecause a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.

A. to change; tobe          B. to change; being       C. changing; being     D. changing; to be

3. The dog, _____, will be made a goodwatchdog.

A. to train properly      B. being trainedproperly    C. properly totrain      D. trained properly

4. _____ the diamond, he had to look fora place to hide it.

 A. Havingstolen         B. Having beenstolen       C.Stolen                 D. Stealing

5. _____ the front door _____, he had toenter the room through the back door.

A. Seen;painted                      B. Seeing; painted

C. Being seen; being painted         D. Seeing; being painted

6. And there, almost _____ in the bigchair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

A. having lost       B.losing              C. to be lost        D. lost

7. He looked around and caught a man_____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put              B. to beputting         C. to put           D. putting

8. To answer correctly is more importantthan _____.

A. that you finish quickly      B. finishing quickly   

C. to finishquickly          D. finish quickly

9. The old farmer, _____ the badlyinjured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, callingcontinuously for help.

 A.supporting                 B. havingsupported    

C. being supportedby          D. being supported

10. In January , 2004, the United Statessuccessfully launched “Spirit”, a Mars Exploration Rover, _____ a new milestonein the history of mankind.

A. it marked        B.marking      C. marked       D. to mark

11. It was getting dark; I found a car_____ in a pool by the side of the road.

A. to bestuck         B. stuck        C.sticking          D. stick

12. You can’t imagine what great troublethey have _____ the problem _____.

A. to solve; being talkedabout             B. solving; discussing

C. to solve; to talkabout                D. solving; being discussed

13. The monument was built in honor ofthe explorer who was believed _____ the river.

A. to havediscovered                   B. to have been discovered 

C. todiscover                           D. having been discovered

14. The thief fell to the ground, hisleft foot _____ and blood _____ down from his mouth.

A. breaking; running          B. broken; running     C. breaking; run              D.broken; run

15. The program was so exciting that thechildren kept their eyes _____ on the screen.

A. to fix           B. to befixed           C. fixed           D. fixing

16. As I will be away for at least ayear, I’d appreciate _____ from you now and then so that I can know howeveryone is getting along.

A. having heard              B. tohear           C.hearing                  D. being heard

17. _____, the subject was always in mymind.

A. Walking or sleeping       B. Walking or slept      

C. Having walked orslept    D. To walk and sleep

18. --- Did you get adictionary?    

    --- No, I _____, butthere were not any _____.

A. tried; to beleft         B. had tried to;leaving    C. tried to; left           D. had tried; have left

19. When he came to, he found himself_____ on a chair, with his hands _____ back.

A. to sit; tying            B. sitting;tying          C. seating; tied            D. seated; tied

20. The joke told by Tom made us _____,so the teacher couldn’t make himself _____.

A. to laugh;hearing       B. laughing; heard   C. laughing;hear      D. laughed; heard

21. All of the flowers now _____ herehave developed from those once _____ in the forest.

A. raised;grown            B. rising; growing   C. raised;growing           D. rising;grown

22. Henry can’t attend the party _____ atTom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _____ atMarie’s house tomorrow.

A. held; beingheld                        B. to be held; to beheld

C. to be held;held                         D. being held; to be held

23. Seeing the soldiers well _____ forthe flood-fight, the general nodded with satisfaction.

A.prepare        B.preparing    C.prepared       D. having prepared

24. Don’t worry. I’ll have it _____ andget someone _____ it to you tomorrow.

A. typed; send             B. to type;to send    C. type; send              D.typed; to send

25. The sun was shining brightly, _____everything there _____ more beautiful.

A. making;look              B. to make; looked    

C. and made; looking     D. and making; be looked

26. How could he get the plan _____without any one to support him?

A. to carryout             B. carry out    C. carryingout              D.carried out

27. New ideas sometimes have to wait foryears before _____.

A. being fullyaccepting      B. fully accepting    

C. having fullyaccepted      D. fully accepted

28. Having passed all the tests, she felta great weight _____ off her mind.

A.taking          B.taken        C.take        D. to be taken

29. I’m examining the article he has justfinished _____ the possible mistakes in it.

A. being corrected         B. tocorrect         C.corrected               D. havingcorrected

30. _____ full preparations, we decidedto put off the meeting till next week.

A. We did notmake         B. Having notmade      C. We had notmade     D. Not having made

31. We should prevent such a sillymistake _____ again.

A.occurring                B.to occur           C. to beoccurred         D. from being occurred

32. I regret _____ hard at school, or Iwould have succeeded in passing the exam.

A. not to work             B. having not worked      C.to have not worked     D. not having worked

33. They looked forward with hope _____ achance to receive further education.

A. for getting              B. ofgetting           C. toget                   D. to getting

34. “Well, I’ll tell you a secret ...”said the boy, with his mouth almost _____ my ear.

A.touched        B. touching       C.touch         D. to touch

35. Towards evening, the patient openedhis mouth as if _____ something to his son.

A.said          B.say          C. to say      D. to have said

36. --- Would you be _____ lend me yourbicycle?

     --- Sure.

A. so kind as to          B. kind enough as to        C. very kind to           D. so kind to

37. The beach is so beautiful that it isworthwhile, I think, _____ for a short holiday.

A. ofgoing                  B. to be going        C. your going             D. you to go

38. The teacher asked more _____ toprevent the students’ eyes from being injured.

A. todo                 B. done     C. to be done       D. being done

39. Some of the schools in Shanghai havemoved one step closer to _____ with the global education community.

A. beingconnected            B.connect     C. havingconnected           D. beconnected

40. The performance of the host, _____ toplease the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence,however.

A. had intended              B. intended       C. being intended            D. to intend

41. _____ and out of breath, we reachedthe top of the mountain and stopped _____ the beautiful scenery.

A. Tiring; toadmire          B. Being tired;admiring 

C. Tired; toadmire           D. Tired;admiring

42. The 18-storeyed building, when _____,will shut out the sun _____ up the rooms in my house.

A. completed;lighted      B. completing; lighting 

C. completing; lighted     D. completed; lighting

43. --- I hear Warren _____ in a middleschool.

    --- What? I can’timagine him _____ as a teacher.

A. teaches;working           B. teaches;work  C. teach; towork             D.teach; working

44. _____ he’s only been learning Englishfor a year, he speaks it very well.

A. Considered                B.Considering  C. Havingconsidered          D. Toconsider

45. It was _____ computer games that costthe boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A. to haveplayed            B.playing         C.played                   D.having played

46. At no time does the salesgirl get uplate in the morning, for she is always too busy _____ a good rest.

A. to take       B. taking        C. took      D. taken

47. _____ as the most excellent studentin her university, as most classmates had expected, made her parents veryhappy.

A. Mary waschosen     B. Mary chosen    C. Mary beingchosen     D. Mary’s being chosen

48. _____ the big snake, the little girlstood under the tree _____ to death.

A. Seeing; frightened         B. Seeing; frightening

C. Seen; frighten             D. To see;frightening

49. You will see this product made in thisfactory _____ wherever you go.

A. to beadvertised            B.advertised  C. advertise                 D. advertising

50. Mr. Green is said _____ an experimentto prove the new method of solvingthe problem when young.

A. to do                    B. to have done        C. to be doing              D. to have been doing


1-5 CDDAD       6-10DDCAB      11-15 BDABC     16-20CACDB   21-25 CDCDA    

26-30 DDBBD    31-35ADDBC     36-40 ACCAB     41-45CDABB   46-50 ADABB


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