

10 myths about psychology, debunked

You've probably heard it said that when it comes to their psychology, it's almost as if men are from Mars and women are from Venus. But how different are men and women really? To find out, let's start by looking at something on which men and women really do differ and plotting some psychological gender differences on the same scale. One thing men and women do really differ on is how far they can throw a ball. So if we look at the data for men here, we see what is called a normal distribution curve. A few men can throw a ball really far, and a few men not far at all, but most a kind of average distance. And women share the same distribution as well, but actually there's quite a big difference. In fact, the average man can throw a ball further than about 98 percent of all women. So now let's look at what some psychological gender differences look like on the same standardized scale. Any psychologist will tell you that men are better at spatial awareness than women -- so things like map-reading, for example -- and it's true, but let's have a look at the size of this difference. It's tiny; the lines are so close together they almost overlap. In fact, the average woman is better than 33 percent of all men, and of course, if that was 50 percent, then the two genders would be exactly equal. It's worth bearing in mind that this difference and the next one I'll show you are pretty much the biggest psychological gender differences ever discovered in psychology. So here's the next one. Any psychologist will tell you that women are better with language and grammar than men. So here's performance on the standardized grammar test. There go the women. There go the men. Again, yes, women are better on average, but the lines are so close that 33 percent of men are better than the average woman, and again, if it was 50 percent, that would represent complete gender equality. So it's not really a case of Mars and Venus. It's more a case of, if anything, Mars and Snickers: basically the same, but one's maybe slightly nuttier than the other. I won't say which.

One thing that you shouldn't blame is being a left-brained or right-brained learner, because again, this is a myth. So the myth here is that the left brain is logical, it's good with equations like this, and the right brain is more creative, so the right brain is better at music. But again, this is a myth because nearly everything that you do involves nearly all parts of your brain talking together, even just the most mundane thing like having a normal conversation. However, perhaps one reason why this myth has survived is that there is a slight grain of truth to it. So a related version of the myth is that left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people, which kind of makes sense because your brain controls the opposite hands, so left-handed people, the right side of the brain is slightly more active than the left-hand side of the brain, and the idea is the right-hand side is more creative. Now, it isn't true per se that left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people. What is true that ambidextrous people, or people who use both hands for different tasks, are more creative thinkers than one-handed people, because being ambidextrous involves having both sides of the brain talk to each other a lot, which seems to be involved in creating flexible thinking. The myth of the creative left-hander arises from the fact that being ambidextrous is more common amongst left-handers than right-handers, so a grain of truth in the idea of the creative left-hander, but not much.


你可能听过这本书, 描述心理学时 男人仿佛来自火星, 女人来自金星。 但男人和女人间 究竟有多大的差异? 为了找到答案, 让我们看看男女在 哪些方面存在明显的差别, 然后再把这些心理学上的性别差异 在同一张图上表现出来。 那么男女差异的其中一项是 扔球距离的远近。 当我们看男性的数据。 我们看到一条所谓的 标准分布曲线。 有些男性可以把球扔很远, 有些男性却稍逊一点, 但大多数都在平均距离附近。 女性的表现也呈现了 相同的分布曲线, 但实际上却存在相当大的差异。 事实上,男性平均来说 可以把球扔得更远, 超过了98%的女性。 那么现在我们来看看 男女在心理上的一些差别, 还是以同样的标准来比较。 任何心理学家都会告诉你 男人比女人的空间感更好—— 例如, 像阅读地图这样的事 ——这的确是事实, 不过让我们看看这种差异到底有多大。 差异非常小, 线条如此接近, 近乎重叠。 事实上,女性平均来说比 33%的男性的表现要好, 当然,如果这百分比是50%, 那么,男性和女性将是完全相同。 请记住这种差异, 我马上要说的下一个例子 几乎是心理学迄今为止发现的 男女心理上的最大差异。 那么就是这个。 任何心理学家都会告诉你 女性在语言和语法方面比男性更好。 这表现在标准化语法测试上。 这是女性曲线(紫色), 这是男性曲线(青色)。 没错,女性在平均水平上更好, 但线条很接近, 33%的男性表现超过了女性平均值, 同样,如果这百分比是50% 这将代表完全的性别无差异。 因此,这不是火星和金星的对比, 它更像巧克力棒Mars和Snickers的差别, 基本相同,但一种可能比另一种稍甜。 我不会说到底哪种更甜。

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