


A student wonders, how can I follow my passion if it has nothing to do with my studies? Instead of trying to enhance one’s passion, Sadhguru responds, one must develop aptitude?


Question: Namaskaram Sadhguru. For someone like me who is in a place where his schedule consists of studies, but his passion is nowhere related to studies, how do I go about it?


Sadhguru: One should have a certain aptitude, talent, and an appropriate amount of passion. If you have too much passion, but not enough aptitude and talents, this passion will burn you down. Your aptitude and your talent is what you have to enhance, not your passion. If you are passionate about music, for example, if you sing or play an instrument in such a way that it will make everybody sit up and be enthralled by it, then your teachers will be attending your concert every day rather than teaching you something else. So instead of just burning with passion, work upon your aptitude and your talent. “Oh, they’re not giving me time. They’re asking me to learn physics, chemistry.” You know, if somebody asks a boring question in the satsang, immediately I am playing some music to myself.


Music comes not because of playing or singing. Music comes because of your ability to listen. How keen your ears are, that is how good you are with music. It is not necessary that you must have a great voice or a great something else to become a musician. You must have a great ear so that when you listen to something, you can decipher between the many layers of sound that are happening at any given place. No teacher in this school is capable of listening to the ka, ka (Referring to sound of crows) and make a composition. Ka, ka, ka, ka not sa, ri, ga, ma.

音乐并非诞生于演奏或歌唱。音乐诞生于你聆听的能力。你的耳朵有多么敏锐,你就能多大程度地体会到音乐。想成为一位音乐家并不需要拥有一把好嗓子或其他伟大的东西。但是你一定要拥有一对伟大的耳朵,这样当你开始去聆听,你能解析各个音节发出的层次丰富的声音。在这学校没有一个老师能够去倾听这ka、ka(指乌鸦叫)并写下一首歌。是Ka、ka、ka、ka,不是 sa、ri、ga、ma(泰米尔语中的do、re、mi、so)。

Because the kaka (Referring to crow in Tamil) does not do ka, ka all the time in the same way. It does it in different pitches and it has a whole range. If you pay attention to it, just about everything has a certain geometry. All sounds have a certain geometry. If you listen carefully, there is music. This way, you are going on increasing aptitude. If your aptitude becomes such that no one can ignore you, do not worry about the passion people will carry you up. You do not have to show passion. You only have to show aptitude.


So do not work on your passion. Let the passion sleep. Let the aptitude burn. If aptitude burns, it will enhance you. If passion burns, it will burn you down one day. There is a place for you in this school, there are lots of noises. You can make music out of them. If an engine is roaring, can you not make music out of it? Everything has a pitch. Everything has a rhythm. If you just catch it right, it is there. It is constant application which makes it happen. Not, “Oh, I should have been in a music school. I am in a chemistry class right now, “Tch. That is not going to help. You will neither get this nor that. Do not waste your time enhancing your passion. “I have passion for music, but I have no aptitude.” Other people should show passion wanting to listen to your music.

因此不要去提升你的热情。让热情沉睡。让能力燃烧。如果能力燃烧了,它会提升你。如果热情燃烧着,它总有一天会把你烧焦。在这个学校,有个地方适合你,那里有很多嘈杂的声音。你能从中提取音乐。如果一个引擎正在咆哮,你能从中提取音乐吗?所有东西都有一个音高,所有东西都有一个节奏。如果你能够准确地抓住它,它就在那里。能做到这样是因为持续的练习。而不是“哎,我本该在一所音乐学校。但我现在正在一堂化学课上呆着,”啧,这种想法毫无帮助。到最后你将什么都得不到。不要浪费时间在提升你的热情上。“我热衷于音乐,但是我没有能力。” (你应该做的是)让其他人充满热情地想要来听你的音乐。







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