

The role of human emotions in science and research

How did that happen? After the announcement, pretty quickly, colleagues started leaving the team, and soon, we were left in a small group, all pretty much sharing the same attitude of, "I'm going to be the last person leaving the ship." What I mean is, while the number of scientists working on the project was decreasing, the dedication of people remaining grew dramatically. And also, a new and more intense team spirit formed. We all shared the same passion for our work, we all were sad that it was about to end, and we all wanted to show that we could turn our ideas into reality. We felt that we belonged to something bigger. And furthermore, our project was less and less in the focus of the management, because they started to think about new projects, restructuring and so on. This resulted in additional freedom and the possibility to take a few things into our own hands. Of course, more freedom also means more responsibility, which we were happy to take, because we believed in our work. We felt empowered. And these three pillars -- dedication, belonging and empowerment -- worked together in a kind of self-reinforcing cycle, and the closer we got to shutdown, the better our output became. So we were working with such personal engagement on a project already sentenced to death because we felt connected to something meaningful. Of course, it was also a hard and sometimes frustrating time, but we were sitting together in the lab, or occasionally in the café, sharing our sadness about the end of our project as well as the joy in our work. So overall, we had a very intense and mesmerizingly exciting time. And the lifetime we finally obtained for our materials was on one level with already commercialized materials for green OLEDs at the time, and we achieved this within just one year. And those results helped our employer to sell the patents for real value.


Translated by Alvin Lee
Reviewed by Yolanda Zhang

这是怎么回事呢? 在消息宣布后, 同事们开始陆续离开团队, 很快就只剩下几个人, 大家都抱着同样的想法, “我将是最后一个弃船的人。” 我想说的是, 尽管参与项目的科学家人数在减少, 但是留下来的人的奉献精神 却在大幅增长。 同时还形成了新的、 更加积极的团队精神。 我们对工作都抱有同样的热情, 我们对项目行将结束感到难过, 我们都想证明, 我们的想法是可以实现的。 我们觉得自己能成就更大的事业。 除此之外, 管理层对我们项目的 关注越来越少, 因为他们开始转向了新的项目, 思考重组等事项。 这让我们有更大的自由 有更大的自主权。 当然,更多自由 也意味着更大的责任, 我们也很愿意承担, 因为我们相信自己从事的工作。 我们感到更加自主。 这三个因素: 奉献精神、归属感和自主权, 相辅相成,相互促进, 越是临近项目停止, 我们的成果越显著。 我们不断自我激励,把心血 倾注在这个即将终结的项目上, 因为我们觉得这件事意义重大。 当然,也会有许多艰难 甚至熬不下去的时刻, 但我们围坐在实验室, 或者有时候在餐厅, 分享项目即将被终结的悲伤, 或者工作中的乐趣。 总而言之,我们度过了一段 紧张而又兴奋的时间。 最后,我们材料的寿命 与已经商业化生产的 绿光OLED的寿命 达到了同一水平, 而做到这一点, 我们仅用了一年时间。 这一成果让我们的老板 卖了个好价钱。

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