


Sadhguru talks about the difference between love andlust, explaining how as we become more physically inactive, our energy is notexpended and manifests as neurosis.


Sadhguru: The whole world is goingthrough a unique kind of neurosis, which was not there in the past. This issimply because modern man has stopped using his body to a large extent. In thepast, when you intensely involved yourself in physical activity, a lot of yourneurosis was worked out. Your nervous energy got spent. I know many people, especiallyyoung people, who had psychological problems. They just started swimming orplaying some sport daily and then everything became okay. Because of enoughactivity, the energy was expended.


Today, man has become physically inactivelike never before. He could not afford to be so physically inactive before, hehad to do so many things physically, just to survive. He has become moreneurotic than in the past. As a general phenomenon, there were neurotic peoplethen also but not in these numbers. Today, it has become a common phenomenon insociety that everybody is in some level of neurosis. This is simply becauseyour energy is not worked out. It is trapped. You have not transcended yourmadness and at the same time, you are not working it out. The therapy also isnot there. If you went out and chopped wood for the whole day – if you choppeda hundred logs a day – a lot of your energy would be spent, and life would bepeaceful. But today it is not like that. You are not using your body the way itused to be used, so you go on generating all kinds of diseases, like neverbefore.


This builds up into your system over aperiod of time. Then your physical and emotional energy needs some outlet. Thatis how bars, clubs and discotheques have come into place. People have to workout their neurosis somewhere, somehow. These discos look like madness, youcannot even breathe inside. They are full of smoke and sweat, but people arejust going wild. You cannot even dance, everybody is bumping into everybodyelse, but it does not matter, you have to work it out. Otherwise you will gocrazy. So on Saturday, you go to work out your neurosis for the week. Then thepiling up starts once more and once again the Saturday night fever comes.


Moving From Lust to Love 


When you love, you settle down, nothingmore is needed. You can just sit here for a lifetime. With lust you cannot sitanywhere. You either get into some mad action, or you are bound to go crazy.


There is another way to dropthis madness and go ahead – completely leaving it behind and goingahead where you are no more a part of it. This is what meditation is all about.Now, if you dance, you simply dance for the joy of it, and not because there issomething to work out. If you are dancing to work out something, maybe it istherapeutic. It is good therapy alright, but there is a certain ugliness aboutit. It is lusty. You cannot dance out of love. You can only dance out of lust.


Do you know the difference between loveand lust? Lust is a strong need. Loveis not a need. When you love, you settle down, nothing more is needed.You can just sit here for a lifetime. With lust you cannot sit anywhere. Youeither get into some mad action, or you are bound to go crazy. When there is acertain neurosis, a certain madness within yourself, you can only be in lust.Your lust can be for sex, for food or for some particular activity or somehobby; it does not matter what it is, but you develop lust for something.Without that lust you cannot live. Even your work is an effective way ofthrowing out your lust. It is just that it is the most popular and accepted wayin the world. Today people just go on working, working and working. Not becausethey are creating something fantastic, but simply because they have to work.Otherwise they don’t know what to do with themselves.


You have to guard that madness cautiously.Nobody ever knows that you have this within yourself and you yourself wouldlike to forget it. You do everything possible to forget it. All theentertainment in the world has come just to hide your madness. If you wereperfectly sane, you would not need entertainment. You need entertainment justto cover your madness. If we take away your entertainment, you will go crazy.Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane,he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch the bamboo grow.He would not really need entertainment.




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