



·Data Integrity Risk assessments should be available for each computerized system identifying any gaps and associated actions taken for their remediation.


·If interim short- term remediation actions are implemented, they should be described and justified and long-term remediation plans should be identified with a target timeline.


·Gauge staff knowledge of Data Integrity when possible.


·Determine if all solutionsused in an analytical procedure(e.g. samples, standards) have traceable preparation records


·Cross-check stability testing dates with dates when samples were pulled from chambers. Any late testingshould have proper justification and impact evaluation.

·Cross-check that individuals sign/approve results contemporaneously with the activity. For example are the time intervals duringand between activities realistic?

·Check trash cans and recycle bins in computers. Are records being discarded or deleted?




·Check training records on Good Documentation and Data Integrity Practices.


o For example, arworks eheets and notebooks locatedin the immediate area to ensure contemporaneous documentation?


·It is useful to request a list of all notebooks or worksheets issued in the past two years and their status. Ensure that worksheet and laboratory notebook numbers are sequential and controlled, reconciled andarchived.


·Any controlled laboratory forms (such as laboratory notebooks and worksheets) must be version controlled including issuance, should be numbered, reconciled, and archived.


·Documentation procedures should be developed to address, at a minimum:


oGood Documentation Practices (ALCOA+ principles apply).


oNaming conventions for data.


oControl of folders whereelectronic data are saved. Identifywho has access to name these folders.


oSystem access controls - see “Security” section 4.3.


o Data generation including 'test’ injections and their requirements / management and justification (all data should be retained, secured and accounted for).


oData processing including but not limited to manual integration or other manual processing.


o Data review including a defined periodic review of defined audit trails, particularly for “modified” and “deleted” data.Data are to be reviewedin the format in which it is originally collected, thus most laboratory data review will be a review of electronic data unless otherwise justified. Consider that a single description of 'electronic data review” will generally not have sufficient detail so that it can be applied to all systems. Identify critical records and their review frequency.


oData approval should be described and documented either electronically (electronic signature) or using a manual paper based system (e.g., one person performs the review and another person approves the data).


·Have data flows diagrams been established for all laboratory equipment and supportive laboratory systems? If not, how have points of risk been identified? Consider the manual or automated transfer of data from an electronic system into a spreadsheet used for calculations and then a transfer back to LIMS or a lab execution system (e.g. NuGenesis (ELN)).Multiple points of risk exist for this type of process.

·是否建立了所有实验室设备和支持性实验室系统的数据流图?如果不是,如何确定风险点?考虑将数据从电子系统手动或自动地转移到用于计算的电子表格中,然后将其转移回LIMS或实验室执行系统(例如NuGenesis (ELN))。这种类型的过程存在多个风险点。

·Data verification and second person review of critical calculations or documenting of raw data for instruments which do not have printoutsor data acquisition systems should ensure verification is occurring contemporaneously.


· Good Documentation Practices should be evaluated during the laboratory tour.

·Verify the laboratory notebooks follow Good Documentation Practices.

· 良好的文件规范应在实验室参观期间进行评估。

· 验证实验记录本,遵循良好的文档规范。

·Interview QC staff about job functions, investigation processes, data integrity and overall tasks associated with job function and or data generation processing, second person verification, review, and approval.


·Determine if there are systems with shared log-on’s accounts. The use of post-it notes on the back of instruments, or under the keyboard can be suggestive of poor practices. Check the cabinet drawers under the instruments.


·Are activities documented at the time they are performed?


·Are there loose papersin drawers, pocketsor waste containers that contain notes, calculations, or reminders? Are forms or other controlled documents, with or without raw data, found in the general lab area (including trash cans, work stations, or drawers)?


·Are analysts located close to their documentation as they work? Are procedures or test methods readily available for the analyst to use and are they used during testing?


· Does the sample management and data lifecycle reflect the concepts of data integrity? Is there appropriate traceability (e.g., Chain of Custody) of the samples from manufacture, receipt in the laboratory, analytical testing, data processing, review and approval, to the issuance of the CoA captured? Is a program implemented to ensure associated retain samples are taken as appropriate? Is there accountability for destruction of samples?


·Documentation is completed per ALCOA+ principles in accordance with local QMS procedures in lab notebooks/ documentation with required secondary verification, review, or in an electronic systemsuch as LIMS, that has been validatedensuring the principles of data integrity have been evaluated, with appropriate data authorization by a qualified laboratory person in charge. Procedures describing the review life cycle, roles and responsibilities should be implemented and trained

on by the appropriate laboratory personnel.


·The list of GMP computerized systems should include all GMP laboratory computer systems as noted in Section 4.


·Are there any systems in the laboratory where data is manually or automatically transferred between systems? What controls are in place to mitigate any data integrity issues? This includes the situations where data may be manually transferred from an electronic systemto a spreadsheet for purposesof calculations and then hand entered into LIMS. Verification or validation of the data transfer process should be tested and completed.


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