



Thisarticle examines using experimental design methods to define differentprocedures for intermediate bulk container cleaning. The authors have evaluatedthis new approach, in which a highly soluble, low-dose product and a relativelyinsoluble high-dose product constituted experimental input variables.


Definingcleaning procedures is crucial to ensuring the elimination of product residuesfrom non-dedicated process equipment. This process can be expensive andchallenging, however, in facilities where 30-40 different oral solid-doseproducts may be manufactured each year.


Generally,best cleaning procedures are defined based on monitoring final drug content,pH, and the conductivity of water samples for each product until they arewithin acceptable ranges.


Thisarticle examines a new way of doing this, using experimental design methods todefine different procedures for intermediate bulk container (IBC) cleaning.


Theauthors have evaluated this new approach, in which a highly soluble, low-doseproduct and a relatively insoluble high-dose product constituted experimentalinput variables.


Giventhe number and wide variety of APIs, ingredients, cleaning and processingmaterials used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical products couldpotentially be contaminated with any number of substances. This is whyverifying cleanliness through cleaning validation is so crucial. Validationidentifies potential residues, whether from APIs, ingredients, cleaning agentsand microorganisms, and sets up a process through which potential contaminationis reduced to the lowest acceptable limits (1).


Usually,these limits are defined based on visual, chemical, and microbiological data(2). Chemical limits are expressed as the maximum concentration in the nextproduct (3), amount per surface unit (4), or concentration in the extractionsolvent (5). An acceptance limit plus an internal action limit allowspharmaceutical manufacturers to achieve more stringent process control.   


Oncepotential residues have been defined, detection methods must be established.Usually, specific methods such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)(6) and ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV) (7) are used, but non-specific methodssuch as total organic carbon (TOC) (8, 9) may also be applied, and pH andconductivity determinations should also be used to evaluate the performance ofthe cleaning procedure.


Disadvantagesof specific methods include the need to develop assays for each new API and validatethose methods, a process that can be long and expensive (10, 11). However, TOCcan potentially be applied to any product, is sensitive enough to detectquantities down to μg/L or parts per billion (ppb), and typically involves lesstime-consuming sample preparation than other methods (12).


Althoughspecific methods are usually preferred, non-specific techniques can be used ifthere is a scientific justification for doing so in continuous processmonitoring, whereas specific methods could used only for initial validation.


Samplingmethods are then selected by assaying rinse water or by surface swabbing (13).Rinse water sampling is used when dealing with very large pieces of equipmentor piping, or in situations where there is limited access to equipment surfaces(14). These samples should be correlated with direct swab sampling to be surethat residues are being detected properly and do not remain undissolved oninaccessible equipment surfaces.


Experimentaldesign to develop procedures faster
The authors launched a study to apply the principles of experimental design,and recommendations for cleaning validation, to develop a faster way to set andvalidate procedures for cleaning intermediate bulk containers (IBC) forgranulated products. They extended this methodology and applied it to setcleaning validation limits for a vertical granulator in a multiproduct oralsolid dosage form facility. The experiments were conducted during theperformance qualification step of both of these systems.



Plackett-Burmanexperimental design methods were used to identify the most important cleaningprocess parameters, with the minimum number of experimental runs, early in theexperimentation phase. To evaluate interactions between variables, a two-levelfractional factorial design was conducted after the Plackett-Burman modeling.


Althoughthe equation derived from the two-level factorial design explained the cleaningprocesses as a third-order equation, the initial Plackett-Burman fittingfirst-order model (which detected only linear effects) was more valuable inpredicting the process parameters in each step of the cleaning process. Theprocess was scaled up for a vertical granulator, and the cleaning design spacewas verified.


Resultssuggest that, although factorial design is useful for understanding processbehavior and input variables interactions, Plackett-Burman designs alloweddefinition of linear models to predict process parameters for 13 new cleaningprocedures based on product dose. Five of the cleaning procedures (or recipes),predicted from experimental design, were experimentally confirmed using ninedifferent products. Previous analytical detergent characterization helped todefine the acceptance limits equal to the United States Pharmacopeia(USP) purified water pH and conductivity values.  


Theratio between water volume and equipment surface allowed the procedure to bescaled up and used for granulator cleaning. The design space for the cleaningprocedure was also checked in four independent runs for two high-dose products.Results show that the experimentally-derived models provided a high level ofassurance that the cleaning procedures met specifications.


Materialsand methods  
Cleaning stations. Automatic cleaning wasconducted in a clean-out-of-place (COP) AISI 304 cabin (WB Model, Cosmec,Italy) for IBC and in a clean-in-place (CIP) system for a 600-L Glatt verticalgranulator. A sequential process was used, combining an initial rinse phase toremove larger amounts of adhered product, and a second phase in which detergentwas applied. In addition, there were two final rinse steps. Samples of thefinal rinse water were taken to determine external TOC, pH, and conductivity.The systems were designed to combine, in a synergistic mode, the spectrum ofcritical cleaning parameters (e.g., time, water, pressure, chemical action andtemperature), and were automatically controlled to achieve a robust process(15).




Analyticalmeasures. TOCwas automatically conducted in a GE SIEVERS 900 TOC analyzer, while pH andconductivity were measured in a Mettler-Toledo SevenMulti instrument. Eachmeasurement was repeated at least once. Purified water samples were takenduring the last 10 seconds of the final rinse step in ERA ultra-low TOC contentcertified 40-mL TOC flasks.


总有机碳(TOC)是在GESIEVERS 900系列总有机碳分析仪中自动进行检测的,而pH和电导率则是用梅特勒-托利多的综合测试仪来测量的。每一次检测至少重复一次。纯化的水样在最后10秒的最后淋洗步骤中被收集到ERA超低TOC含量认证的40ml总有机碳(TOC)烧瓶中。


Forexperimental design definition, version 6.0.1 of Stat-Ease, Inc.’sDesign-Expert software was used. A Plackett-Burman design for six factors(i.e., initial rinse volume, detergent volume, detergent concentration, finalrinse volume, purified water rinse volume, and product dose) was conducted as18 runs in a single block, including two central points.


在实验设计的定义中,使用了Stat-Ease, Inc.公司的 Design-Expert软件的6.0.1版本。Plackett-Burman设计的6个因素(即:初始的淋洗体积、清洁剂体积、清洁剂浓度、最终淋洗量、纯化水淋洗量和产品剂量)在一个单一的模块(包括两个中心点)中进行了18次运行。

Anothertwo-level fractional factorial design (for the same six factors) was conductedto estimate the effects of all interactions in 18 runs, including two centralpoints. Experiment was conducted as a single block.


Bothdesigns were conducted with two different products, used as categoricalvariables: Product 1 (20-mg dose, highly soluble in water) and Product 2(400-mg dose with low water solubility).


Aneutral detergent (Steris’ CIP 300) was used in the experimental phase andduring evaluation of the predicted procedures. Steris’ CIP 200 acid detergentand its CIP 100 basic detergent were also evaluated during process performancequalification.

在实验阶段和预测过程的评估中使用了一种中性清洁剂(Steris公司的CIP300)。在工艺性能评定过程中,还对Steris公司的CIP200酸清洁剂和CIP 100碱清洁剂进行了评价。

Resultsand discussion
Cleaning validation constitutes the documented evidence that a cleaningprocedure provides equipment ready for manufacturing process, mainly in amultiproduct facility. Activities related to validation studies could beclassified in three phases (16). Phase one, commonly called pre-validation,involves research, development, and equipment qualification. Phase two isdesigned to verify that all the critical parameter limits that have beenestablished are valid, and that the process generates products with sufficientlevels of critical quality attributes, even in worst-case situations.




Phasethree, the validation maintenance state, involves the frequent review of alldocuments related to the process performance, to ensure that no deviations,failures, or changes to the production process occurs. A careful design ofsystems and process controls assures process robustness and quality products.


Thesephases may be applied to cleaning processes, considering that their developmentand validation are based on defining cleaning procedures and controllinganalytical assays, acceptable residue limits, critical sampling points, andmethods. All of these elements must be established during phase one. In thisarticle, the authors will summarize the process used to establish cleaningprocedures for two critical equipment involved in oral solid dose manufacturingin early pre-validation phase.


Determining acceptable residue limits. 

In most cases, the first cleaning agent to evaluatein cleaning procedure development is a neutral pH detergent. If it does notprovide consistent product removal performance, other acid or basicalternatives are assayed (17). Determining the relationship between detergentdilution in purified water and pH/conductivity values is a prerequisite forusing these assays as indicators of cleaning agent removal in cleaningvalidation studies (18). That is why, in this research, the authors testedthree different detergents to evaluate its influence in equipment cleaningprocedure performance.  



Forthe CIP 300 detergent, pH values of different concentrations indicated that pHassays could only detect concentrations exceeding 1000 ppm. For lower levels,pH values corresponded to those of purified water (5.0-7.0). Conductivityvalues regarding detergent concentration showed that this type of assay coulddetect concentrations above 10 ppm (1.5 μS/cm-2.7 μS/cm), confirmingconductivity as a better assay for determining detergent residues in finalrinse water samples than pH measures as previously reported (19).

对于CIP300清洁剂,不同浓度的pH值显示pH测试仅能够检测超过1000ppm的浓度。对于更低的水平,pH值对应的是纯化水的pH5.0-7.0)。电导率值与清洁剂的浓度有关显示,这种类型的分析能够检测的浓度高于10ppm(1.5μS/cm-2.7 μS/cm),确认电导率为比pH测试更好的检测清洁剂在最终淋洗水样品中残留的分析在之前报道过。

In the case of the CIP 200 aciddetergent, 1 ppm corresponded to the lower limit of water pH (5.20-5.76) andconductivity was in the range of 3.0-3.73 μS/cm. For the CIP100 basic detergent, the 1 ppm pH range slightly exceeded the upper limit waterpH (6.92-7.31) and conductivity was between 2.29 and 3.98 μS/cm.

CIP200的酸清洁剂情况下,1ppm相当于水pH的下限(5.20-5.76),电导率在3.0-3.73μS/cm的范围内。对于CIP100的碱清洁剂,1ppmpH范围稍微超过水pH的上限(6.92-7.31),电导率在2.29- 3.98 μS/cm之间。

Takingthese results into consideration, USP purified water specification based on pH,conductivity, and TOC were adopted as acceptance criteria to evaluate cleaningprocess development results. Although these limits below 1 ppm for the threedetergents tested is lower than the universally recognized limits of 10 ppm(20), the authors initially considered the potential cumulative effect thatresidues over surfaces in multiple equipment processes could have on the finalproduct (21). The authors opted for an over dimensioned process to mitigatepatient risk, but other factors could justify establishing higher limits. 


Plackett-Burman design results. InPlackett-Burman design, the main effects of selected experimental designvariables have a complicated confounding relationship with two-factorinteractions (22). Therefore, these designs should be used only to study maineffects of process parameters when it can be assumed that two-way interactionsbetween them are negligible.



In evaluating the results obtained fromPlackett-Burman experiments, a linear model was developed between TOC valuesand operational cleaning parameters. The Analysis of Variance test showed thatthe effect dose has a probability value below 0.05, indicating its statisticalsignificance at a confidence level of 95.0% (Table I).


Table I: Variance analysis fortotal organic carbon (TOC) from sample analysis of the Plackett-Burmanexperimental design. (DF = degrees of freedom; Prob = statistical probabilityassociated with the given F value.)


R-squaredstatistics indicated that the adjusted model explained only 38.102% of the TOCvariability. The adjusted R-squared was 14.8902%, suggesting that the linearequation obtained did not completely explain the system’s behavior, so it islikely that higher order interactions take place between the operationalvariables.


TheDurbin-Watson (DW) statistic was more than 5.0%, proving that there was noserial correlation in residuals. The Plackett-Burman final equation (Equation1), in terms of decoded factors, was:


[Eq. 1] TOC—525.397—0.36299· InitialRinse — 6.15948 ·DetergentVolume + 1.52647 · DetergentConcentration — 1.36716 ·FinalRinse — 1.38799 · Purified +0.5559804 · Dose

[Eq.1] TOC—525.397—0.36299· 初始淋洗体积 —6.15948 ·清洁剂体积 +1.52647 · 清洁剂浓度— 1.36716 ·最终淋洗体积— 1.38799 · 纯化的淋洗体积 +0.5559804 · 剂量


Asexpected, this equation indicated that initial rinse, detergent, final rinse,and purified rinse volumes have a negative correlation with TOC values, andincreasing dose and detergent concentration also increased the expected TOCresults.


Fractional factorial design results. The lowPlackett-Burman adjusted R-squared (14.8902%), indicated that linear equationobtained did not completely explain the system’s behavior. To explain thepossible interactions between these variables on TOC variability, a fractionalfactorial design was completed using the results of the common experiments ofthe Plackett-Burman design. Analysis of variance results are shown in Table II.


Table II: Variance analysis fortotal organic carbon (TOC) from sample analysis of two-level factorialexperimental design. (DF = degrees of freedom; Prob = statistical probabilityassociated with the given F value.)


Valuesof probability less than 0.0500 indicated significant model terms. In thiscase, D (Industrial water final rinse), AD (interaction of initial industrialwater rinse and Industrial water final rinse), AE (interaction of initialindustrial water rinse and purified water final rinse) and ABD (interaction ofinitial industrial water rinse, detergent volume, and Industrial water finalrinse) were significant in model terms. Detergent concentration in the rangeanalyzed was not statistically significant.


Adequateprecision measures the signal-to-noise ratio.  A ratio greater than fouris desirable. The obtained ratio of 10.918 indicated an adequate signal.Residuals were also checked for normality.


Thefinal equation (Equation 2) in terms of decoded factors was as follows:

[Eq. 2] TOC—268.69—55.06● FinalRinse + 97.81 ● InitialRinse ●FinalRinse + 67.31 ● InitialRinse ● PurifiedRinse—54.09● InitialRinse FinalRinse  DetergentVolume


[Eq.2] TOC—268.69—55.06●最终淋洗体积+ 97.81●初始淋洗体积最终淋洗体积+ 67.31●初始淋洗体积● 纯化的淋洗体积—54.09● 初始淋洗体积最终淋洗体积 清洁剂体积

Thismodel explains as much of 70.56% of the process variability, and is more exactin describing the influence of process parameters than the linear modelobtained from the Plackett-Burman design.


Cleaning procedure developmentfor IBC
The Plackett-Burman-derived equation was evaluated for different products dosesusing Microsoft Excel’s Solver program, in which only process variables werechanged. This procedure allowed recipes to be defined for each group ofproducts based on product dose. Because detergent concentration was determinednot to be a significant parameter from both experimental designs, it wasrestricted as a constant to the minimal value assayed. All restrictions wereconstricted to the range of cleaning process parameters included in the experimentaldesign.  



The resulting procedures were evaluated in at leasttwo containers for seven other products. Results of this testing demonstratedthat predicting cleaning process parameters, using the statistically obtainedmodel, was adequate for meeting the acceptance criteria for different doses andfor solubility products of batches ranging from 90 to 180 Kg (Table III).  


Table III: Results of applyingcontainer-cleaning procedures, using recipes developed with Plackett-Burmanmethods.


Whenused correctly in the right circumstances, visual inspection is a powerfuldetection method (23, 24). Using the approach outlined in this article, visualinspection of equipment surfaces revealed no residues, suggesting that themethod is effective.


Cleaningprocedures developed for product dose groups allowed for reducing process timebecause the worst-case cycle approach requires 11 minutes. For lower doses, theprocess times were as follows:

Product3-10 mg: 6 minutes
Product 1-20 mg: 7 minutes
Product 5-200 mg: 8 minutes
Product 2-400 mg: 9 minutes.






ThePlackett-Burman model was more practical because it allowed the authors todefine operational parameters for 13 groups of products based only on theresults obtained with two products of different dose and solubility. Thismethod could be easily applied in situations where new automatic systems areinstalled in a facility to establish cleaning process conditions faster and atlower cost than developing cleaning process conditions for each productseparately.


Othercritical elements that should be validated are the maximum delay beforecleaning (i.e., the maximum amount of time that the equipment should be dirtybefore it is cleaned (25) and the maximum time that it could remain clean afterthe applied procedure (26). These values could be included as input and outputvariables, respectively, in the experimental design.  


Vertical granulator cleaningprocedure development
In order to speed development of a cleaning procedure for a verticalgranulator, a relationship between the granulator and the container productcontact surface area and cleaning volumes was calculated. This approachfacilitated the process of develop and evaluating cleaning recipes previous tovalidation.



For scale-up, aratio was obtained between the total volume of water required to clean 500-mgdose containers and the container area. This value was related to thecorrespondent 600-L granulator product contact area, and the relationship usedto determine the volume required for cleaning.


Thecleaning procedure was adjusted sequentially, in order to reach the totalcalculated volume. This volume was then used as a central point, and variationaround it was determined, using a fractional factorial design for threevariables with no central point.


Twocategorical variables were used (two different 500-mg products and twodifferent detergents). Robustness of the design space for the cleaningprocedure was determined in eight runs with two different 500 mg product doseand CIP 200 and CIP 100 detergents.


Results indicated (see Table IV) that inall cases, actual residue limits were below the levels calculated, and were in the parts-per-million of TOC for Product 7 and Product 8.




Table IV: Results of a designspace cleaning procedure developed for a 600-L Glatt vertical granulator, usingthe ratio of water volume to equipment surface. CIP is clean-in-place.

Visualinspection confirmed that the procedure development was robust. No residuescould be detected on any of the equipment surfaces.




Evaluationssuggest that the mathematical model obtained from a Plackett-Burman design canpredict, with a high degree of accuracy, the optimal conditions for the processof IBC cleaning. Results using the model were checked in nine products in atleast two independent replicates. In all cases, the results were obtainedwithin the acceptance limits of product and detergent removal.



Applicationof different cleaning process parameters (in terms of rinse and detergentvolumes) for each product allowed water consumption to be reduced by 320 L percontainer, resulting in better use of installed capacities forclean-out-of-place cleaning of IBCs, because each type of product had a definedprocess time. If the common approach of determining the “worst-case” procedureis used for all containers, time and water wastes are significantly increased.


Whenthe process was scaled up to clean a vertical granulator, results of thepredicted design space were higher than those obtained for IBC, but all resultswere below 10 ppm, demonstrating that experimental design can be a powerfultool for developing more robust cleaning procedures.



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