

PDA TR60中关于工艺性能确认(PPQ)的描述

4.2 Process Performance Qualification


Process performance qualification marks the transition from development and clinical manufacturing to routine commercial production. Process Performance Qualification (PPQ) demonstrates the validity of the process design and the suitability of the process control strategy at the commercial manufacturing scale. PPQ provides confidence that the systems of monitoring, control, and procedures in routine manufacturing are capable of detecting and compensating for potential sources of process variability over the product



The number of “successful” batches executed during the PPQ study should not be viewed as the primary objective of a PPQ campaign. While successful runs of commercial-scale batches can indicate overall operational proficiency and sound process design, these batches should also be viewed as a means to obtain information and data needed to demonstrate that the process control strategy is effective. The type and amount of information should be based on understanding of the process, the impact of process variables on product quality, and the process control strategy developed during Stage 1 Process Design. As appropriate, other prior knowledge should be used as well. The number of batches needed to acquire this information and data, may be based in part on a statistically sound sampling plan that supports the desired confidence level. It may also be influenced by the approach selected to demonstrate that the batch-to-batch variability of CQAs is acceptable.


This section will discuss design strategy for the PPQ, recommended content for the protocol and report, and the transition to Stage 3 of the process validation lifecycle.


4.2.1 PPQ Readiness


The transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the process validation lifecycle is not strictly sequential. Completion of some Stage 1 activities may overlap with those from Stage 2. Likewise, some preparative Stage 2 activities will be initiated in parallel with those from later Stage 1 activities. Components of Stage 1 PPQ activities (as discussed in Section 3.1) include, among others: drafting of the Process Validation Master Plan; initiation of the qualification of facilities, utilities, and equipment; drafting of protocols for the PPQ studies; training of personnel; or drafting an initial CPV plan. Although initiation of PPQ activities does not is not depend on completion of all Stage 1 activities, a readiness assessment should be conducted to determine the timing of sufficient information and completion of activities to support moving forward

with PPQ batch manufacture. The readiness assessment should include deliverables from Stage 1 (as outlined previously in Section 3.1) and other elements:


Quality Target Product Profile —Initiated in at the start of Stage 1, but updated to reflect knowledge obtained from Stage 1 prior to initiating PPQ.


Critical Quality Attributes with Criticality Assessment —CQAs are identified early in Stage 1. They are confirmed to account for additional analytical characterization, clinical and/or non-clinical data and information gathered during Stage 1. CPPs that impact CQAs are reviewed and updated based on

detectability and occurrence (11,36).


Commercial Manufacturing Process Description —This is started in Stage 1 and updated to reflect the finalized commercial process supported by Stage 1 studies/data. These include elements outlined in Section 3.4, and any changes resulting from the qualification of the facilities, utilities, and equipment as outlined in Section 4.1.


Analytical Methods —Appropriately validated or suitably qualified methods should be identified and their status documented. Methods for product release and stability should be fully validated according to ICH requirements prior to initiating PPQ batch testing. Additional tests beyond normal release testing used to support PPQ should be identified and suitably qualified/validated prior to being used to test PPQ batches. The justification of the status for use in the PPQ studies (qualified and/or validated) should be fully documented for each analytical method.


Approved commercial batch records —Changes may be made to batch records during Stage 1 should enhance, clarify, or optimize manufacturing instructions and/or to reflect knowledge gained during process characterization. Batch records reflecting the final commercial process to be studied in PPQ should be approved prior to PPQ batch execution.


Process Design Report —This report (as described in Section 3.11) is the repository for the process design justification, and includes parameter risk ranking, and ranges for the process that will undergo PPQ study. The data summarized in this report will support the selection of the elements of the PPQ studies and proposed PPQ acceptance criteria. The process development summary should provide the link between the detailed process description, risk assessments, control strategy description, characterization reports, rationale for parameter designations, and clinical manufacturing history. It is a best practice for this information to be finalized prior to PPQ study design since it provides the scientific support to justify the PPQ acceptance criteria.


Process Validation Master Plan (PVMP) —Drafting of the process validation master should begin in Stage 1 and be finalized prior to PPQ study initiation. Elements of the Process Validation Master Plan are outlined in Section 3.12.


Quality System and Training —Qualified and trained personnel will be integral to the PPQ studies. Detailed, documented training specific to the PPQ is recommended for functional groups directly involved in the execution of the study. To minimize the risk of human error, personnel should understand their role in protocol execution to minimize the risk of human error. Quality Unit approval of PPQ activities should be completed prior to PPQ study initiation, and all PPQ studies should be conducted within the quality system.


Approved protocols for PPQ Studies —Protocols for each study should be approved and qualification protocols is discussed in Section 4.4.


PDA:最新工艺验证技术报告TR 60-3
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